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The Story of Annabelle & Alison

Page 8

by Lydia Rose

  “What’s this?” Annabelle asked.

  “This is my Christmas present to you and Alison.” Hank answered smiling.

  “You bought us a truck?” Alison asked.

  “We need more than one vehicle now. Suppose I’m out when the baby comes? We can’t have Bill riding in the back of the truck bed when it’s this cold either. Merry Christmas.”

  “Oh, daddy,” Alison said hugging her father.

  “I don’t know what to say, Hank except thank you.” Annabelle shook his hand and pulled him in for a short hug.

  Hank was overwhelmed by the emotions that he was feeling. With a breaking voice, he said. “Take it for a ride.”

  Annabelle and Alison looked at each other and giggled. Annabelle opened the passenger door for Alison and went over to the driver’s side. They pulled down the driveway wearing wide smiles.

  “Well, Hank. I think your gift was a big hit.” Bill clasped his hand on Hank’s shoulder.

  Hank just nodded because his emotions were still close to the surface.

  After dinner they exchanged gifts. Annabelle handed the small box to Alison.

  Alison looked down at the box with tears in her eyes.

  “Open it, honey. It won’t bite,” Annabelle said with a laugh.

  Alison took off the wrapping paper and bow and lifted the cover on the box. Her eyes opened wide when she saw the locket inside. She looked at Annabelle and kissed her mouth. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Open it,” Annabelle said.

  Alison reached into the box and lifted the locket in her hand. She gently opened the heart. Inside were two baby pictures. One of Alison and one of herself. It was one of the few family photos she still had.

  Annabelle leaned over to Alison. “One day you can replace our pictures with our children’s pictures.”

  “Children?” Alison whispered. “I love it, Belle. I love you.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” Annabelle said smiling.

  “Open mine next,” Bill said handing Alison the flat package.

  Alison opened the box and moved the tissue paper aside. Her mouth dropped when she saw the photograph. Alison looked to Annabelle and then to Bill. “This is wonderful, Bill. I love it. It will always have a place on my nightstand.”

  “Let me see?” Hank asked.

  Alison handed him the picture frame.

  “Amazing how you two could be long lost brothers,” Hank said with a shake of his head.

  Annabelle and Bill shared a glance. They were as close as brothers, but in their case it was brother and sister.

  Christmas Day with Maggie and her family was warm and inviting. Maggie’s two sisters were warm and gregarious. They were so happy that Alison had Annabelle in her life and a new life was started. The sister’s husbands took to Bill and Annabelle immediately. They sat in the living room sharing stories while the women finished preparing the meal. When it was time to say good bye they got into the trucks. Annabelle and Alison in the new one and Bill and Hank in the other truck.

  Alison and Annabelle went up to bed when they returned. Hank and Bill sat in the kitchen having coffee.

  Annabelle walked over to Alison as she undressed. She kissed the back of her neck. “This has been the best Christmas I’ve ever had, Al. It’s all because of you. I couldn’t be happier than I am today.”

  Alison turned into her lover’s body and kissed her deeply. “I love you, Belle. No one could have made me happier.”

  Annabelle nibbled on Alison’s neck. “Are you feeling okay?” She asked with a grin.

  “Yes, honey. I feel fine.”

  They took off their clothes in record speed and climbed under the covers. Annabelle moved her legs over the sheets trying to warm them. “Maybe I should have started a bigger fire?”

  Alison climbed on top of Annabelle. “I’ll have you feeling warm in a second.” She kissed Annabelle deeply.


  Spring was just around the corner and Hank, Annabelle and Bill were getting the fields ready for planting. Alison’s belly was growing larger every day and she tired easily as she went about her daily work. Annabelle and Bill shared the cooking in the evening in order to get Alison off her feet. Lunches were leftovers or sandwiches. Alison hated that they were pampering her, but just making the bed caused her to sit afterwards.

  Annabelle made a doctor’s appointment without telling Alison. “Where are we going?”

  “To town,” Annabelle said. “You need to get out of the house.”

  When they pulled up to the doctor’s office, Alison looked at her. “I don’t have an appointment for another month.”

  “I know, but I wanted the doctor to take a look at you.”

  “This isn’t necessary.” Alison insisted.

  “Humor me, please,” Annabelle asked taking Alison’s hand.

  This time, Annabelle insisted on being in the examine room with Alison. The doctor looked over his glasses when he entered the room.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Adams,” he said with a sigh. “How are you feeling Alison?”

  Alison shrugged so Annabelle stepped in. “She very tired all the time. She has no energy. I’m afraid something is wrong.”

  The doctor looked at Annabelle and grinned. He had seen a lot of worried parents with their first born. “Let’s take a look.” He examined Alison and measured her belly. “Why don’t you get dressed and we’ll talk in my office afterwards.”

  Annabelle and Alison looked at each other. “My God, Belle. Do you think something is wrong?”

  “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll see what the doctor has to say first.” Annabelle said those words, but her stomach was doing flip flops.

  “Have a seat,” The doctor said when they entered the room.

  “Is everyone okay, doctor?” Alison asked before she sat.

  He smiled. “Everything looks fine. Now I can’t be sure, but I think you might be having twins.”

  “Twins?” Annabelle said choking on the words.

  “As I said, I can’t be sure, but the growth of your stomach since your last visit is larger than in a single birth pregnancy.”

  Annabelle took Alison’s hand. “Are the dangers worse?” She asked.

  “Not necessarily. Alison, you’ll have to rest more and as you get closer, I’ll want you to stay off your feet.”

  They were both in shock when they left the doctor’s office. Annabelle helped Alison into the truck and climbed in on the other side. They both sat quietly for a moment before Annabelle said. “Twins.”

  “Twins,” Alison said and chuckled. “Twins. We’re going to have twins.” Her excitement was contagious.

  Annabelle moved close and wrapped her arms around Alison. “I’m so happy, honey.”

  “Let’s go home and tell dad and Bill.”

  The two men were waiting when they returned. “So is everything okay?” Hank asked.

  “I think you two should sit down,” Alison said to the men.

  “I think you should sit too, honey.” Annabelle led her to a chair.

  “What’s going on, Alison?” Bill asked. “Is the baby okay?”

  “Babies.” Alison said softly.

  “Babies?” Bill repeated.

  Alison nodded. “The doctor thinks I may be having twins.”

  “He doesn’t know for sure?” Hank asked.

  “There’s no way for him to know.” Annabelle shrugged.

  “Then why does he think you’re having twins?” Hank asked not understanding.

  “Look at me, dad.” Alison pointed to her stomach. “I look like I’m nine months pregnant instead of six.” She put her hands on her belly. “That’s why he thinks there is more than one baby in here.”

  “We never had any twins in our family. What about yours, Belle?”

  Annabelle looked at Hank and then glanced at Bill.

  “Didn’t you tell me that your grandfather was a twin?” Bill answered for Annabelle.

  “Ah yes. My grandfather was a twin on my
,” Annabelle said and looked at Bill again. He pointed to his beard. “On my dad’s side.”

  “Twins,” Hank said and then stood up. “I think this deserves a toast.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that twins ran in your family? This could put Alison in more risk.” Annabelle leaned over to Bill fearful.

  “You didn’t ask.” Bill answered. “Besides, how many other offers did you have to make this miracle?”

  Annabelle sat down next to him. “I’m sorry. I hope you’re happy.”

  “Of course I’m happy.”

  Hank walked in with the glasses of whiskey.

  “None, for me dad,” Alison said holding up her hand.

  Hank began. “I’m so happy with the news. I love you both.”

  “Cheers,” Bill said and they drank the shots.


  The two men and Belle became very protective of Alison over the next three months. They would no longer allow Alison to do the cooking, cleaning or work in the vegetable garden.

  The three would start out in the fields, but after lunch one of them would stay in the house doing what needed to be done. Today was Bill’s day to hover.

  “Bill, I’m not going to break if I’m left alone,” Alison said standing with her hands on her hips watching Bill do the laundry.

  “We know that, Al. We’re just protecting you and the babies.” Bill answered without looking at her.

  “Yeah, this is all Belle’s idea. She’s afraid I’m going to make dinner and die in the process.”

  Bill dropped the clothes he was washing and faced Alison. “We’re all concerned with your well-being, Alison. We don’t want something to happen to you.”

  “Bill, I’m not as fragile as everyone thinks.” Alison sat down in a chair. “I can’t even get Belle to touch me anymore.”

  Bill took a seat next to her and held her hands. “Belle is afraid to touch you. We talked about it.”

  “You two talked about our sex lives? Why can’t she talk about it with me?”

  “Belle knows you’re uncomfortable and she didn’t want to add to that.” Bill grinned. “How about giving her a break. She’s very nervous about you and the babies.” Bill chuckled. “Belle, almost kicked my ass when she heard I had twins in the family and didn’t tell her.”

  “If you had, would she have changed her mind about having kids?” Alison asked.

  “I asked her the same question,” Bill said. “She admitted that she never would have disappointed you and refused you a chance to have a baby.”

  Tears formed in Alison’s eyes. “Okay, I’ll go easier on her.”

  “She loves you so much, Al. We would sit fishing and she would tell me that going through what she did before coming here was worth it to find you. Belle knew she didn’t want a man in her life, but she never knew she wanted a woman until you.” Bill squeezed Alison’s hand. “Belle’s a good woman. She will do whatever is necessary to protect you. Hank and I will do the same.” He chuckled. “So let us do this for you?”

  Alison nodded. “I don’t want you three to think I’m ungrateful for what you’re doing. I guess with the heat I’m just getting more uncomfortable every day.”

  By the time Hank and Belle came back from the fields, they could hear the laughter coming from the house. Belle ran inside. “What’s going on?” She asked looking at them both.

  “Your wife has been teaching me to cook,” Bill said with a smirk.

  “You’ve had Alison sitting in a kitchen chair all day?” Belle asked angrily.

  “Honey, come here.” Alison motioned Belle over. “I haven’t been sitting in a chair all day. I took a nap on the couch.” Alison pulled Belle down for a kiss. “I’m fine, honey.”

  Belle wasn’t satisfied and looked at Bill again. “What happened to your hand?” She asked seeing the bandages.

  Alison laughed. “Bill only cut himself twice cutting up the vegetables. He’s doing very well.”

  Hank came out of the bedroom with clean clothes. “Is everything okay in here?”

  “Yes, dad. Everything is fine,” Alison said.

  “Okay, then.” Hank took his clothes and went to the outside shower.

  “So you want to be a cook now?” Annabelle asked.

  “Hey, when they draft me maybe I can be a cook instead of them sticking a gun in my hand,” Bill said with a laugh.

  “Honey, why don’t you get cleaned up for dinner?” Alison patted Annabelle’s hand. “There’s clean clothes in the bathroom for you.”

  When Annabelle shut the bathroom door, Alison looked at Bill and they both burst out laughing.

  “That woman is going to have a heart attack worrying about me,” Alison said still laughing.

  “Why don’t you go upstairs with Belle when she gets cleaned up? Dinner won’t be ready for another hour yet. You both can take a nap,” Bill said with a wink.

  Annabelle helped Alison up the stairs. “Are you tired?” Annabelle asked.

  “Lie down with me, Belle.”

  Annabelle got Alison situated on the bed and went to the other side. She took off her shoes and laid on the bed with her.

  “I’ve missed you, Belle. I’ve missed you touching me.”

  Annabelle remained quiet, but put her hand on Alison’s stomach.

  “You know I won’t break if you touch me?”

  Annabelle nodded.

  “Don’t you want me anymore?”

  Annabelle finally found the courage to speak. “I want you more and more each day Alison, but I couldn’t bear it if something happen to you.”

  “Come here,” Alison said opening her arms.

  Annabelle moved into Alison’s arms and kissed her deeply. Alison rolled onto her side so she could feel Annabelle’s body against her. Annabelle moved her hands under her dress and fondled her.

  Alison was breathing hard. “Belle, I need your mouth on me.” She looked at Annabelle. “Please.” She begged.

  Annabelle knew she couldn’t refuse this woman anything. If she wanted the moon, she would try and get it for her.

  The primal scream that came out of Alison’s mouth was stopped by the pillow she put over her face.

  Hank and Bill looked at each other as they set the table in the kitchen. Hank mumbled something unintelligible.

  Bill patted Hank’s shoulder. “They love each other, Hank.”

  “She’s eight months pregnant,” Hank said moving out from under Bill’s arm.

  “Belle would never do anything to harm Alison or the babies. Have faith in that, Hank.”

  Hank pursed his lips. “Why can’t he just keep it in his pants?”

  Bill knew if he told Hank that it was Alison who wanted Annabelle, it wouldn’t help. So instead he said. “They’re being safe, Hank.”

  After dinner, the four of them sat on the front porch trying to catch a breeze. Annabelle brought out a basin of cold water and put Alison’s feet into the basin. “That should help cool you down.” Annabelle glanced at Hank who was still giving her dirty looks. He had done it through dinner. “Why don’t we take a walk, Hank?” Annabelle asked. He nodded and the walked off the porch. “Is there something on your mind, Hank?”

  He stopped walking and looked at Annabelle. “Can’t you keep your dick in your pants?”

  Annabelle wanted to laugh, but she knew this would only infuriate Hank further. “Hank, you have my word there was no dick,” Annabelle cringed saying the word. “In pleasing Alison.”

  “You made my daughter scream and you want me to believe that?”

  “Yes, sir. It’s the truth.” Annabelle admitted without going into detail.

  Hank stood there staring out toward the fields. “My wife never screamed. Never.”

  “Trust me that I would never put Alison or the babies in harm’s way.”

  “I don’t know what you two are doing, but if Alison is happy that’s all I care about,” Hank said softly.

  Annabelle put her arm on Hank’s shoulder. “Let’s go back t
o the house before Alison begins to worry that you’re kicking my ass.”

  Hank finally chuckled.


  As the weather became hotter and hotter, Alison became unbearably uncomfortable. One evening after Hank had gone to visit Chet, Bill suggested. “I ran cool water in the tub. Let’s bring Alison down and get her in the water.”

  “I’m not sure she could get down the stairs,” Annabelle said softly.

  “We will carry her down.” Bill looked at Annabelle. “Let’s try.”

  “Okay. Let me talk to her first.” Annabelle went up the stairs and looked at Alison in bed. Her face was flushed and all she had on was a thin nightgown. “Bill and I want to bring you down to the tub for a soak in some cool water.”

  “Oh, honey. I don’t think I can make it down and back up again,” Alison said cupping Annabelle’s chin.

  “Bill and I are going to carry you down,” Annabelle said with a smile.

  Alison laughed. “You’ll never be able to do it and I don’t feel like taking a tumble down the stairs.”

  “Let us try, please.”

  Alison nodded because the sound of a cool bath was just what she needed.

  “Bill.” Annabelle called to him. “Let’s give it a try.”

  Bill walked in and he looked at Alison’s face. “We won’t hurt you, darlin.”

  At the top of the stairs, they put their hands out for Alison to sit on. Slowly they made their way down the stairs. At the bottom, Alison walked the rest of the way. Annabelle and Bill helped her into the tub and once she was sitting, Bill left. Annabelle took off her nightgown and put a towel behind Alison’s head.

  “Sit back and relax. I’ll be right back.” Annabelle went into the living room and picked up the book of poetry she had been reading. She came back into the bathroom and sat on the floor next to Alison. Annabelle began to read out loud. Alison’s eyes closed as she listened to Annabelle read her words of love as the heat left her body.

  “Thank you, Belle.” Alison whispered in the dim light.

  “I can’t take the credit. It was Bill’s idea.”

  “Yes, but you sitting here reading me poetry is your idea,” Alison choked on her words. “I love you so much, Belle. I thank God every day for him bringing you to me.”


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