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The Story of Annabelle & Alison

Page 12

by Lydia Rose

  Annabelle shook his hand. “You’re welcome here anytime, Stan.”

  Stan nodded. “Just call me when Stanley wants to come home.”

  “I’ll drive him home, Stan.” Bill offered.

  “Where is Stan?” He asked.

  “Taking a walk with Annie,” Alison said.

  As Stan went out the front door Annabelle and Stan were in the front yard.

  “Stan.” Stanley waived him over. “You be a good. I expect you to be a perfect gentleman.”

  “Yes, sir. I will.” Young Stan went back to stand next to Annabelle.

  Stan waived before he got into this car. The three went back into the house.

  “So how did it go, Bill?” Alison asked.

  “He was shocked and fearful at first.” Bill grinned. “He was worried about you knowing.”

  “I hope you told him there is no prejudice in this house,” Annabelle said firmly.

  “I told him and that’s when he finally calmed down. He said he thought about me over the years.” Bill smiled. “I told him I thought about him too.”

  “All we ask if you two decide to get together to be careful. This town will hang you both and probably hang us too for the fun of it,” Annabelle said seriously.

  “Don’t worry, Belle. I would never put this family in harm’s way.”

  The three of them turned when Annabelle and Stan took a seat on the porch.

  “Let’s give them some privacy,” Alison said and stood up.

  They followed Alison into the kitchen.

  “I think I’ll go check the fields,” Bill said and went to the door.

  “Dinner will be ready in an hour, Bill,” Alison said.

  He nodded before leaving.

  When dinner was on the table, Alison called everyone to come inside the house.

  Bill couldn’t help but look at Stan and see the man he had fallen in love with so many years earlier.

  “So, Stan.” Annabelle began. “What do you do for a living?”

  The boy nearly choked on his food. “I don’t work, Mr. Adams. I’m still in school.”

  “Dad, leave him alone.” Annabelle turned to Stan. “He’s only teasing you. Ignore him,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

  “So how do you like North Carolina?” Alison asked.

  “It’s a lot greener than Texas was. It’s hard going to a new school, but Annie has made it easier,” Stan said looking at young Annabelle.

  Annabelle mumbled under her breath looking at this boy trying to seduce his daughter. “What does your dad do?” Annabelle asked.

  “He’s president of the bank,” Stan said proudly.

  “How does your mother like North Carolina?” Bill asked not looking at the boy.

  Stan lowered his head and then met Bill’s eyes. “My mother died two years ago.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Alison said touching the boy’s hand. “I lost my mother too when I was young. It’s a hard thing to go through.”

  Young Annabelle raised her eyebrows at her mother wanting to change the subject, but Bill had one more question.

  “So it’s just you and your dad?”

  “Yes. We have a housekeeper that comes in to cook and clean, but she lives in town.”

  After dinner, Bill drove Stan home. He pulled up to his house and waited.

  “Thanks for the ride, Mr. Hart.”

  “You’re welcome, son.” Bill watched as the young man got out of the car and went into the house. He was about to pull away when the front door on the house opened and Stan walked toward him.

  “Thank you for driving Stanley home,” Stan said resting his hands on the car door.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your wife,” Bill said and watched Stan’s eyes open wide. “Your son told us at dinner.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It was good to see you again, Stan.”

  Stan lifted his hands off the door. “You too, Bill.”


  Young Annabelle came into the house from school the following day going straight to her mother.

  “Mom, you’ve got to do something about Billy,” Her daughter said.

  “Why? What’s he doing?” Alison asked pouring her a glass of milk.

  “Every time Stan comes near me, Billy is there to interrupt us.”

  Alison sighed deeply.

  “What does he think we’re going to do at school?” Annabelle asked.

  “I’ll talk to him, honey.” Alison smiled. “Go upstairs and get out of your school clothes.”

  “Okay, mom. Thanks,” she said before she walked away.

  Alison watched her daughter go up the stairs knowing she was growing up. Too fast as far as Alison was concerned. She now watched Billy and Annabelle out in the front yard. Annabelle had her arm on Billy’s shoulder and they were whispering to each other. As they walked in the front door, they looked at her and stopped talking.

  “Hi, Mom,” Billy said. “Can I get a glass of milk?”

  “Sure, honey.” Alison watched as Annabelle looked everywhere but at Alison. She turned and followed her son out to the kitchen. Billy was just finishing the glass of milk when Alison walked into the kitchen. “Billy, I need to speak with you.”

  “Sure, mom.”

  “Your sister tells me that you’ve been bothering her and Stan.”

  Billy glanced at Annabelle’s face before he turned around and washed out his glass. When he turned around he was blushing. “I’m sorry, mom.”

  “Go upstairs and take off your school clothes. We’ll talk about this later.”

  “Okay,” he said leaving the kitchen, but not before his face showed an apology to Annabelle.

  “What are you doing?” Alison asked Annabelle.

  “Nothing,” she said softly.

  “What do you think your daughter is going to do at school?” Annabelle didn’t answer. “Then you get Billy involved in your little plan.”

  Annabelle walked up to her and put her arm around Alison. “I’m sorry, Al. I just want to make her safe.”

  “Annie is the most responsible person I know. She’s not going to do anything foolish and Stan looks very responsible too.”

  “I know, Al.” Annabelle looked away. “Annie’s a beautiful girl and it’s going to be hard for Stan to resist her.”

  “No that was only you with me.” Alison turned into Annabelle’s embrace and kissed her mouth. “Trust our daughter to do the right thing.” Alison lifted Annabelle’s chin. “Okay?”

  “Okay, Al.”

  Annabelle took Billy aside after dinner. “Billy, I was wrong to ask you to follow Annie. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay, dad. I’ll keep an eye on her from a distance,” Billy said with a grin. “Mom, bawled you out, huh?”

  Annabelle shuffled her feet. “Yeah,” she said chuckling as she walked away.

  Alison invited Stan and Stanley for Sunday dinner the following weekend.

  “Are you playing cupid, Alison?” Annabelle asked Sunday morning. “Don’t interfere.”

  “I am not playing cupid or interfering. Your daughter likes Stan and I’m being a gracious parent.”

  “Right. You came down on me for interfering and now you’re doing the same. Leave Bill and Stan alone.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with them spending some time together. I’d want someone to do that for me.” Alison insisted.

  “You are such a romantic,” Annabelle said pulling Alison in for a hug. “I love you.”

  Alison kissed Annabelle’s mouth. “I love you too,” she said punching Annabelle’s arm.

  “What was that for?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll think of something later.”

  “Evil, Al. I’ve always said you were evil.” Annabelle rubbed her arm.

  After dinner, Annabelle and Stan were walking hand and hand down the driveway. Bill and Stan followed about ten feet behind them. Billy and Annabelle were tossing a baseball back and forth in the front yard. Alison came out
of the house and leaned on the porch post watching the scene in front of her. Her smile carried across the yard and Annabelle stopped throwing the ball.

  “Be right back, Bud,” Annabelle said walking to her wife. “Is everything okay, Al?”

  Alison looked down at Annabelle. “It couldn’t be better, Belle.”

  Annabelle went back to Billy and threw the ball back to him.

  Later that evening as Annabelle and Alison got into bed, Alison said. “I think our daughter has met her soul mate.”

  Annabelle looked at Alison and smirked. “If she has, she’s going to college first.” She opened her arms to Alison.

  Alison snuggled in close to Annabelle. “I like him. I think he will treat her with love and respect.”

  “That’s all we can ask from a spouse.” Annabelle answered and kissed Alison’s forehead. “Good night, honey.”

  “Good night, Belle.”


  Eight Years Later

  The back yard was decorated for the Annabelle’s wedding day. Tables were being placed and the caterer was rushing in and out of the kitchen. Billy and Annabelle had built the arbor where the ceremony would take place. Little pink roses were draped from top to bottom.

  Alison came out of the house and stood next to Annabelle. She wrapped her arm around her waist. “It looks beautiful.”

  “I’m sorry, Al that you never had a wedding of your own.” Annabelle whispered in her ear.

  “I never wanted the ceremony, Belle. All I ever wanted was you.” Alison sighed. “I can’t believe our daughter is all grown up.”

  Both Annabelle and Billy had graduated college this past spring. Annabelle would be teaching in the fall and Billy having majored in business was taking over the operations of the farm. He never wanted to do anything else with his life. While the kids were in college, a house for each of their kids was built on the property. It was Bill’s idea. He said this way the kids would always be close.

  Alison watched as Billy spun his girlfriend on the dance floor even though there was no music playing. “I think your son will be the next to get married. They look so much in love.”

  “He does look happy,” Annabelle said.

  “I wish dad could have lived to see this day. He would be so proud.”

  “I think he’s looking down on all of us and I know he’s proud of his grandchildren.”

  The minister turned and asked. “Who gives this woman in marriage?”

  “We do.” Annabelle and Alison answered.

  They took their seats as tears fell down onto each of their faces. Annabelle looked at her daughter and remembered the first time she held that tiny bundle in her arms. She felt the love flow through her body and now looking at Billy she remembered the first time their eyes met when she held him. How he took her finger and her heart swelled with love.

  “I love you,” Alison leaned over and said.

  “I love you too, Al.”

  After their guests had left and the house was quiet, the two women sat on the front porch. “It’s going to be quiet around here.” Alison commented.

  Annabelle nodded.

  Bill and Stan had driven the couple to the airport. The couple would be spending the week in New York City for their honeymoon.

  “Did you have a talk with Annie?” Annabelle asked.

  “Yes. She was embarrassed, but I told her making love with someone you love is the most wonderful thing to share with someone.” Alison squeezed Annabelle’s hand.

  “Where’s Billy?”

  “He’s in town with June. He said he was going to sleep in his house tonight. Billy wanted to give us a night alone.”

  “Where’s Bill?”

  “He’s spending the night with Stan.”

  Annabelle smiled. “I bet I can still make you scream, Al.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She stood up and pulled Annabelle out of the chair. “Let’s see you try.”


  Alison was waiting for Stan to get back from the airport. He had gone to pick up the happy couple. Annabelle came in the front door calling.

  “Mom, mom are you here?” Annabelle called.

  “I’m here, honey,” Alison said coming into the living room. She ran to her daughter and wrapped her arms tightly around her. “I missed you so much, Annie.”

  “I missed you too, mom.”

  “Sit down, honey and tell me about your trip.” Alison led Annabelle over to the couch. “So was New York as wonderful as I’ve read?”

  “More, mom. The tall buildings. The shows and restaurants. We had a wonderful time.” Annabelle leaned closer. “You were right, mom,” she said with a blush.

  “So you enjoyed yourself?” Alison asked with a grin.

  “Yes, mom. Stan was oh so,” Annabelle threw up her hands. “I don’t know how to put it into words.” She leaned in again. “I screamed and scared Stan.”

  Alison laughed. “Oh, honey. I guess it’s hereditary.”

  “You, mom?” Annabelle asked.

  Alison nodded. “Where’s your husband?”

  “He went to say hello to dad, Billy and Bill.” She looked at her mother. “Tell me, mom. I know there’s a story behind that laugh.”

  “You know that your father broke his leg badly when Belle and your Grandpa were putting in the bathroom.” Annabelle nodded. “Well, it was my fault actually.”

  “Did you push, dad?” Annabelle asked with raised eyebrows.

  “No. We were putting in the water pipes to the house and when your dad and I made love morning we didn’t realize that your granddad was asleep on the couch in the living room.” Alison chuckled. “Needless to say he heard me scream.”

  “Oh, mom.”

  “When I came out of the house to use the outhouse, your dad was watching me. My father said didn’t you get enough this morning?”

  “But how did that get the leg broken?”

  “Well, your Grandpa wasn’t too happy with Belle at that point. He started yelling at him when they were outside. Grandpa said can’t you keep it in your pants. He kept going on and on.” Alison whispered the last part of her words. “Your grandfather kept pressing and Belle backed up not realizing how close he was to the hole. He fell in and broke the leg in two places.”

  “Mom,” Annabelle said laughing.

  “Your grandfather felt so bad, but I was happy.”

  “Happy?” Annabelle asked narrowing her eyes.

  “It kept your father out of the war and safe.” Alison was embarrassed and got up and went into the kitchen. “How about a glass of cold lemonade?” She asked before walking away.

  Annabelle followed her. “Mom, you and dad have been married for twenty five years, but yet you only got pregnant once. How did you manage that in your era?”

  Alison looked at her daughter. “It just never happened.”

  “You know they have a new thing on the market called the pill?”

  “I’ve read about it.”

  “Stan and I want children, but I don’t know if I want them right away.” Annabelle offered.

  “Well, did you use anything while you were on your honeymoon?”

  Annabelle shook her head. “No.”

  “Well, it may be too late for the pill.” Alison sat next to her daughter. “You can have Stan use a condom for the time being to see if you got pregnant. If you didn’t, then you can start taking the pill.”

  Annabelle squeezed her mother. “I don’t know what I would do without you, mom. So many of my friends can’t have this type of conversation with their mothers.”

  Alison smiled. “Just don’t try and have this conversation with your father. I don’t think Belle could afford to break anything else at this age.”

  They both sat there laughing as Stan came in through the back door. “What’s so funny?”

  They both burst out laughing again.


  Annabelle did not get pregnant on her honeymoon, but did have a baby b
oy two years later.

  Alison and Annabelle were beside themselves with their first grandchild. As the grandparents fought over who was going to hold the baby they looked at the bright blue eyes that was staring up at them. Alison began to cry which allowed Annabelle the opportunity to hold the baby.

  “You look like your momma, James.” Annabelle was kissing the baby’s face as she spoke.

  James was named after Stan’s mother’s father. He didn’t want to make his son be a Stan the fourth.

  Alison took the baby out of Annabelle’s arm. “You have to share until we have a second baby.” She looked at Billy who had married his longtime girlfriend.

  “Don’t look at me like that, mom. June and I just got married. Give us a break,” Billy said smiling.

  June giggled as she held Billy’s hand.

  Two years later, Annabelle had a second baby. A little girl name Allie and Billy had a son named Henry.

  Alison and Annabelle sat looking at their family and thought they couldn’t be happier to have such a wonderful and loving family. Bill had been right about building the houses on the farm. The family was close and they could see the grandchildren any time they wanted.

  Annabelle picked up the phone and called her mother. “Mom, can you watch the kids while I go to the grocery store?

  “Sure, honey. I’ll be right over.” Alison walked toward Annabelle’s house as Belle pulled up in the truck.

  “Where are you going, honey?” Annabelle asked.

  “Baby-sit the kids while Annie shops.”

  “I’ll go take a shower and help you,” Annabelle said with a smile.

  Alison didn’t need her help, but she knew Annabelle wanted to spend as much time with the grandchildren as she could. It was just like her dad used to do. He would sit and just watch them play for hours and never tire.

  The grandchildren were getting bigger every day. Billy had another son two years later.

  Annabelle said to Alison that at least he would have plenty of help to run the farm.

  So Allie being the only girl was doted on. Annabelle would walk around with her on her shoulders and show her all the farm had to offer. This little girl became Annabelle’s best friend. As Allie got older, she wanted to be with all the boys. If they were in the fields working, she wanted to be there too. By the time she was ten, there was no mistaking the tomboy in her.


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