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The Story of Annabelle & Alison

Page 18

by Lydia Rose

  “Hey,” Jenny said when Allie opened the door to their room. “How was your meeting?”

  “I met someone at the meeting.”


  “Not great. We went over to the coffee shop and I tried to introduce her to Ellen. She completely ignored her.” Allie sighed. “I walked out on the date.”

  Jenny laughed. “You did not.”

  “I did too. She was obnoxious. I must be so desperate to accept going to have coffee with someone like her.”

  “I’m sure you had no idea until you spent some time with her. You must have liked something about her?” Jenny asked.

  Allie blushed. “Yeah, her body,” she said just above a whisper.

  “Oh, we need to get you laid.” Jenny held her stomach as she laughed.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  The following afternoon while Allie was studying in the library Ellen walked over to her.

  “Hi,” Ellen said taking the seat next to Allie.


  “I’m sorry, Allie.”

  “For what?” Allie asked furrowing her brow.


  “You have nothing to be sorry about. She was a bitch. I have no idea why I agreed to have coffee with her.” Allie paused. “I’m through with women for now. I’m going to get my education. That’s the reason I’m here.”

  “You can’t do that. If the right woman comes along, you might never know it.”

  “I’ll just have to take that chance.” Allie looked at Ellen. “I’d much rather hang out with you and Jenny anyway.”

  Ellen smiled. “I’d like that too.”


  Allie, Jenny and Ellen made it to their senior year of college as the three musketeers. Allie did have a few dates, but nothing developed beyond a roll in the hay. Jenny began to see a man named Jeff and it looked as though they were falling in love. Ellen continued studying and working to put herself through school, but she never showed interest in any of the men at school.

  “Ellen, I’m going home this weekend before graduation. Would you like to come with me?” Allie asked one morning as she was getting ready in the bathroom.

  “I would. Tonight is my last day working at the coffee shop.” Ellen answered.

  “Have you heard back on the job interview?” Allie asked glancing in the mirror.

  “Not yet, but I’m hopeful. What about you?” Ellen asked.

  “I’m going to take the summer to write. I can help on the farm and write in the evenings.”

  “I can’t believe Jenny is leaving as soon as finals are done.” Ellen added.

  “Jeff is leaving for law school in New York and they’re driving up together. She said they can mail her diploma.” Allie laughed. “Jenny wants to start her life with Jeff.”

  Ellen nodded understanding the love Jenny had for Jeff. “I’m going to miss her.”

  “Me too, but we’ll keep in touch.”

  Back on the farm, the family was excited about having another grandchild graduating from college.

  Billy and Annabelle were working in the fields. Annabelle leaned out of the tractor to see what the noise was coming from the side when her pant leg got caught and she fell to the ground. Billy watching from a distance ran to his father.

  “Dad, are you okay?” Billy said as he approached.

  “I’m okay.” Annabelle laid on her stomach away from his stare. The pants she had been wearing had shredded down to the underwear. “Go get me something to put on,” she said not turning over.

  “Dad, I can’t leave you like this,” Billy said and turned Annabelle over. His eyes grew wide as he stared down at his father. “What the fuck?”

  “Billy, go get me something to put on,” Annabelle said, but Billy didn’t move. “I’ll explain when we get back to the house.”

  Billy took off his shirt and handed it to Annabelle. “Let me help you up.”

  Annabelle tied the shirt around her waist and took Billy’s hand. “Don’t look at me like that.”

  Billy went to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth.

  Alison watched as Annabelle approached the house with Billy trailing behind. “What happened?” She asked as Annabelle walked past her.

  “I’m fine,” she said going into the house.

  Billy approached and Alison saw the stunned look on his face. “What’s going on, Billy?”

  He shook his head. “Damned if I know.”

  Alison and Billy went into the house. Billy sat down at the kitchen table and held his head.

  As Annabelle came into the kitchen in a new pair of pants, she said. “Ask Annie to come over here, please?” Annabelle asked Alison.


  “Please, honey. Just ask her to come over.”

  Alison went to make the phone call and Annabelle sat down at the table with Billy.

  Annabelle came in the front door a few minutes later. “What’s wrong, mom? You sounded so strange on the phone.”

  “Have a seat, Annie,” Annabelle said. “It’s time you both know the truth and I only want to say it once,” she said as she looked at Alison.

  “You’re scaring me, dad.” Annabelle looked at Billy as he chuckled. “What’s wrong with you, Bill?”

  “Ask them?” Billy pointed to Alison and Annabelle. This was the first thing he said since coming into the house.

  “Mom, dad?” Annabelle asked as Billy chuckled again.

  “You both know I came to this farm looking for work. You know I fell in love with your mother, but you don’t know that I almost left because she and I could never be together,” Annabelle said.

  Alison now knew the time had come to come clean and she sat heavily in a seat at the table.

  Annabelle went on to tell her children their dark secret. She watched the shock on young Annabelle’s face, but she allowed her father to continue. Annabelle told them the lie they told Hank in order to be together and how years later he leaned their secret.

  “But Billy and me?” Annabelle asked looking at Alison.

  “I never slept with anyone other than Belle. So you can take that look off your face,” Alison said firmly.

  “Who is our father?” Billy asked.

  Annabelle and Alison looked at each other. “Bill,” Alison said softly.

  “How did you manage to get pregnant if you didn’t sleep with him?”

  Alison smiled shyly and covered her face with her hands. “Turkey baster.”

  “That actually worked?”

  “You and Billy are here aren’t you?” Annabelle said.

  Annabelle and Billy just sat there silent with their heads hung low.

  “I know this is a lot for you two to hear, but I want you to know that I loved Belle so much.” Alison swallowed. “I would have done anything to be with her.”

  “I’ve heard you slip and call dad her or she over the years, but I never really thought much of it,” Annabelle said.

  “Will you wear women’s clothes now?” Billy finally asked.

  “No, Billy. Times have changed, but not that much. We don’t want to cause any shame to the family.”

  Alison got up and went into the living room. She came back and handed the book she had been writing in for years. “You both should read this. I’ve been writing our story for years now.”

  Bill walked in the back door and looked at the serious faces at the table. “What’s wrong?”

  Billy looked at Bill got up and walked away.

  Annabelle started to get up, but Alison reached for her hand. “Belle, give him some time to process this information.”

  Bill looked at Annabelle who looked up staring at his face. “I need some time too. I’ll see you later.” She picked up the book and left the house.

  Bill looked at Annabelle and Alison. “They know?”

  Alison nodded. “Yes.”

  It was going on the third day of not speaking to their children. Alison made Annabelle stay out of the fields in order to give Billy ti
me alone.

  Billy was in the barn when he heard the door open. He turned and saw Bill walk in. Billy’s immediate reaction was to turn his back on him. “I have nothing to say to you,” he said raising his voice.

  “I just want to tell you that your parents are very hurt.”

  Billy snickered. “They’re hurt. What do you think I am? How could they have done this to us?”

  “Done this to you?” Bill moved closer to Billy. “If it wasn’t for Belle and Alison’s strength, where would you be?” Bill began to pace. “You have a wonderful family. Annabelle has a wonderful family. There would be no family if it wasn’t because of the love of two women. This family is here because of them. I probably would be dead by now if it hadn’t been for those two women.” Bill walked toward the door. “I thought you were a better man than this.”

  Annabelle paced her living room clutching her mother’s diary to her chest. As she read passage after passage she cried. Annabelle opened the diary again and began reading where she left off.

  Belle and I knew that having a family might expose our secret. That it might cause us to lose the family we so desperately wanted, but it was a chance we were both willing to take to share the love that we felt for each other. As I look at my children and now their children, Belle and I pray that we raised you all to have an open mind. To believe that love between consenting adults is never wrong.

  Annabelle closed the diary again. Her tears became more frequent and she was mentally and physically exhausted.

  Alison sat in the living room crying against Annabelle. It had been three days since their children found out the truth. Three days of no contact and three days of a broken heart.

  “I am so sorry, Alison,” Annabelle said as the tears fell onto her cheeks.

  “Belle, it’s not your fault and I’m trying to have faith.”

  “Then why have you been crying for three days?”

  “I didn’t think they would take this long for them to forgive us.” Alison looked at Annabelle. “Suppose they never forgive us?”

  Annabelle laughed trying to ease the tension. “I love you, Alison and our children love us. Just remember that while we wait for our children to forgive us.”

  Bill walked into the living room seeing the poor condition of the two women. “You haven’t talked to them yet?” He asked concerned.

  Alison shook her head and blew her nose. “I don’t know if they’ll ever forgive us.”

  Bill walked over to Alison and pulled her up. His arms went around her and squeezed tightly. “They will, Al. Give them some time.” Bill looked at Annabelle. “Come help me in the barn. You’ve been cooped up for too many days.”

  Annabelle followed Bill to the barn. While they fed the livestock, Bill began. “You two have to trust your children. You raised two wonderful children. They’ll come around, Belle. I just know it.”

  “I’m glad you’re so confident because Alison and I aren’t.”

  “Are you sorry now that you had them?” Bill asked leaning on a shovel.

  “Of course not. Alison and I wanted a family. Maybe I was hesitant in the beginning because I was afraid of something happening to Alison.” Annabelle sighed. “But once I held them the day they were born, I became their father.”

  “I know I’m Billy biological father, but he is so much like you, Belle. His eyes look more like yours then mine and his mannerisms are yours. I look at him and only see you Belle.” Bill shook his head. “Annabelle is so much like Alison. Not only her looks, but her heart. She has a big heart and I know she won’t turn away her parents.”

  While Bill and Annabelle worked in the barn, another person was up in the loft listening. The tears fell onto his cheek quietly. Billy buried his face in his hands.


  “So are you ready to leave?” Allie asked Ellen.

  Ellen grabbed her bag and walked toward the door. “I’m set. Thanks for inviting me. It will be nice to see your family again.”

  Annabelle was waiting for the train to pull into the station. Her dark sunglasses hid the redness of her eyes and she hoped she could keep it together.

  Allie and Ellen walked toward the car.

  “Hi, mom,” Allie said getting into the front seat.

  “Allie, I’m so happy you’re here.” Her voice choked as she reached across the seat to pull Allie to her. She looked over the back seat. “It’s good to see you again, Ellen.”

  “Are you okay, mom?” Allie asked seeing how emotional her mother was.

  “I’m fine, honey. It’s just so good to have you both here.”

  Allie knew there was more, but she let it go for now. They got to the house and Allie and Ellen went to put their things in the room.

  “Are you sure your mother is okay?” Ellen asked.

  Allie shook her head. “I don’t know. I guess we’ll soon find out.” They went back down the stairs and Allie found her mother in the kitchen. “Mom, we’re going to see grandma and grandpa.”

  “Okay. I’m making lunch so don’t be too long,” Annabelle said without turning around.

  Once they were outside, Allie said. “Maybe my grandmother can tell me what’s going on.”

  As they stepped onto the porch, Alison opened the door. “Oh, Allie. I’m so glad you’re home,” she said crying.

  Ellen and Allie looked at each other seeing her grandmother was in the same condition as her mother.

  Allie took a deep breath. “What’s going on here, gran? Everyone is crying.”

  “It’s nothing, honey. We’re just happy to see you. How about something to drink?” Alison asked trying to hide.

  “No thanks. Why won’t you tell me why you and mom are upset?” Allie asked.

  The back door opened and Annabelle walked in. Allie could tell from her grandfather’s face that he looked upset too. Allie stood and went into his arms. “Hi, grandpa. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, honey.” He looked over Allie’s shoulder. “Hello, Ellen. It’s good to see you again.”

  “Why won’t anyone tell me what’s going on? Where’s Uncle Billy?” Allie asked.

  “I don’t know, honey. He might be in the fields.” Annabelle answered.

  Allie took Ellen’s hand. “We’ll see you later.” They went out the back door.

  Annabelle and Alison looked at one another and sat down on the couch.

  “Maybe I should leave, Allie. Obviously, something is going on and this is a family matter,” Ellen said squeezing Allie’s hand.

  “If something bad is going on, I’m going to need your support.”

  “Of course, you know you’ll have that.”

  They found Billy standing by the corn field. “Hey, Uncle Billy,” Allie said to her Uncle’s back.

  Billy jumped and turned around. “Allie,” he forced a smile. “It’s good to have you home. Ellen, welcome.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Ellen walked away from them.

  “Bill, why is everyone so upset?” Allie asked touching her uncle’s arm.

  Billy looked at his niece’s face seeing so much like his sister’s face. Knowing that as much as he was upset with his parents, if it wasn’t for them he wouldn’t have his children or his niece and nephew. “We just got some news that we didn’t expect.”

  “Is someone sick?” Allie’s voice was shaking with fear.

  Billy smiled. “No, honey. No one is sick.”

  “Then what news did you get that has upset everyone. Did someone die?” Allie asked unable to keep the fear out of her voice.

  Billy shook his head again. “No, honey.”

  Allie sat down in the grass because her leg were shaking so much, they couldn’t support her weight. “Then what’s wrong, Uncle Billy?”

  “Let’s go back to the house,” Billy took Allie’s arm and led her to the house.

  Ellen followed behind them to give them privacy. When they got to the house, Ellen went upstairs.

  Annabelle was sitting at the kitchen table when they walked into t
he house. She looked up seeing Billy and Allie. They both took a seat.

  “Okay, now someone tell me what is going on around here? Don’t say nothing.” Allie insisted.

  Annabelle looked at her daughter and tried to find the words. “Your uncle and I found out some news and we are trying to come to terms with it.”

  Allie looked at Billy. “I thought if anyone would tell me what was going on it would be you Uncle Billy. You’ve always been truthful with me.”

  Billy and Annabelle shared a look. Annabelle reached across the table and took Allie’s hand. “You’ve grown up so quickly.”

  “Yes, I’m almost twenty two. You can tell me, mom,” Allie said putting her other hand onto of her mother’s hand.

  “We learned your grandparent’s secret,” she said looking at Billy.

  Allie laughed. “Secret? What secret could they have that would have everyone upset?”

  Billy looked down. “Your grandfather is,” He couldn’t say the words.

  “He’s what?” Allie asked.

  “A woman,” Annabelle whispered.

  “What?” Allie asked not believing she heard correctly.

  “Your grandfather is a woman,” Billy said softly.

  Allie laughed. “Funny. You guys had me going there a second.” Then she looked at their faces and knew. “I don’t know what to say.” Allie admitted.

  “We don’t either.” Annabelle added.

  “So everyone is upset because you found out that your parents are gay and have been living a lie all these years.”

  Annabelle shook her head.

  “What did you expect them to do in that era? They couldn’t live together as a couple.” Allie stood and paced. “What they must have gone through to be together.” She looked at her mother and uncle. “They found a way to be together and to have a family.” Allie rested her hands on the table. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the bravery of two women. You two wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them.”

  “But they lied all these years,” Billy said critically.

  Allie released a large sigh. “Do you two realize what could have happened if someone found out. They could have been sent to a mental institution or grandpa could have been sent to jail. Who knows what would have happened to you two.”


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