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Nabbed in New Zealand

Page 13

by Christine Edwards

  His voice trails off as his palm runs up my bare leg, stopping tantalizingly close to my panties. Shivers of lust shoot to my core as my nipples harden into little pebbles.

  “I’ll just grab us something to put on, although the view would be far more fucking brilliant with you bare-ass naked, petal. Hmm?”

  “Keep dreamin’, big guy.” I playfully smack his ripped left bicep. “You know, I’m starting to think that you have a filthy, dirty mind, always in the gutter.” I tilt my head before adding, “Am I wrong?”

  “Shit no, woman. You’re spot on. But … careful where you step. I expect courtesy from you, always.”

  He’s fighting a losing battle as a stifled laugh threatens to erupt from his pressed lips.

  “Mmhmm. I see how it is, ‘Sir.’ ”

  “That’s right, petal. I love it when you’re oh-so respectful to me.” His arms entwine across his chest. “And you know what happens when you misbehave.”

  I hop down off the stool and pivot on a bare heel, not wanting to reward him with the smile spreading across my face. “But sometimes being naughty is more fun. See ya downstairs.”

  “Yep, wouldn’t miss it for the world, darlin’ ”


  His tee is so huge that I had to hike it up and knot it at the back. The shorts had to be rolled four times and safety-pinned at the waistband, but somehow I’ve made it work. I glide along on the elliptical machine, enjoying the smooth movements and the snowy mountain view. My feet are bare but the twin platforms are thankfully fairly smooth. It feels good to cruise along. Relaxing, actually.

  “Yep, just like that, petal. What a bloody brilliant view! So fuckin’ glad you decided to have a go on that machine. Great angle, darlin’.”

  I look to my left and say, “Yeah, that was my exact goal, big guy, to turn you on while working out. Ugh, men!” I shake my head in mock disgust.

  But I also can’t help but admire him as he pulls a hefty set of black weights down from a long bar. His arms are spread out wide and the steel cable comes down toward the back of his neck, working those delicious muscles over and over. He makes it look almost effortless. He isn’t even out of breath as he converses with me. Amazing.

  “Hey, let you in on a little secret, my sweet.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, please do, I’m waiting with bated breath here.” I let the smooth momentum of the machine take over, swinging my arms to and fro.

  “There’s not a straight bloke on the planet who wouldn’t enjoy eyeing his lady while she works out. Gives us an incentive as well as devious ideas.”

  “I have to admit, Judge, you’ll be a difficult one to forget.”

  I jerk back as the heavy weights are suddenly let go, slamming down with a loud clank that echoes through the space. My movements slow involuntarily as he gets up and stalks toward me. With his muscled arms exposed and his body covered in sweat he looks wild, dangerous. I know he would never hurt me, though. I stop the machine just as he reaches me.

  “Why would you say that?” he asks.

  “What, that you will be difficult to forget?”

  He nods once, looking unhappy.

  “Well, because I realize it would be difficult to make this work between us, even without the kidnapping bringing it to an entirely new level. Right now, it’s bottoming out at quite close to impossible. The police are going to want answers. We’re just delaying the inevitable.”

  “I disagree. I’m going to show you how it can work. You told me that you wanted to be with me, to live here. That’s within reach. Don’t ever doubt that fact. Stay with me for two more days, Valla. That’s all I ask. Say you will. I want that time with you, willingly.”

  I look away because his blazing, earnest stare threatens to unnerve me. His hands are planted on both hips as he stands right next to my elevated position. We are at eye level as I whisper, “Judge, I— I have to go back. This isn’t right. My group—”

  He cuts me off, “I know, baby. But I’m a selfish bastard. I can’t let you go just yet. Please, I’ve never fucking begged for anything, but I am begging now. Don’t leave me just yet. I refuse to take no for an answer.”

  I slowly step down off the machine to stand before him. Taking his hand in mine, I stare up into his face. “Shh, let’s not talk about all this right now.” I tug on his arm, pulling him down to my level as I whisper into his ear. “Take me. I want you to fuck me right now, here in this room. I’ve thought about it and I want it now. Rough.” Blushing at the last word, I stare down at my bare feet, wondering what he thinks of my unsubmissive behavior.

  Inside of a second he yanks the T-shirt off my body and tugs my shorts harshly down my legs. Before I can blink, he grips my upper arm and marches me over to a red leather weight bench. Wordlessly, I’m pushed down onto my back. I watch, wide-eyed, as he makes quick work of his few items of clothing.

  “Spread those legs wide, baby, wanna see that sweet pussy.” His voice is a scary growl that sends a thrill through me. The dangerous strength of his body is apparent in the well-lit room. Heat blazes through my core at the thought of his skill, his domination.

  I open my thighs wide, and Judge’s grunt of approval lets me know that this is exactly what he wants. He straddles the width of the twelve-inch flat bench as he descends on me.

  “Throw your arms around my neck.”

  Immediately I obey, latching my forearms around his slick neck.

  His eyes are hard as he says, “Your response should be?”

  In a breathy whisper I reply, “Y-yes, Sir.”

  “Brace yourself, girl.”

  Without warning he pummels his entire length deep into my dripping pussy.

  “Ugh, oh, oh, Judge … Sir!” The fullness is overwhelming. The feeling of pressure is so intense, it teeters on pain. And then he moves ….

  I see his ripped stomach tighten as his hips swing back, only to slam forward into me. I gasp at the impact but only have a second to adjust before the pounding rhythm increases in tempo. I’m astounded by his strength and ferocity. His hands are planted behind my head on the bench and he’s holding his body just off mine in a lifted plank. His body is an animated work of art.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Take my cock, baby, take it deep for me! Reach down and finger that clit, girl.”

  His guttural voice and arrogant words urging me on, I snake my arm down between our wet bodies. My hand starts to shake as I find that perfect spot and rub intently, desperate to relieve the torturous ache.

  He grits through his teeth, as if he is trying to keep some semblance of control, “Yeah, that’s right. Good girl. Wanna feel that cunt clamp down nice and tight. Give it up to me, petal.”

  I detonate, and the violent spasms surge through me like a live wire. I’m barely aware that I’m screaming out in primal pleasure.

  He lowers his frame down, giving me his delicious weight. The heaving thrusts are hard and violent now as he continues to lay into me, the force just shy of brutal. With my channel still fluttering, I throw my arm back around his neck to keep us both from toppling over onto the hard ground.

  The swing of his hips increases, jerking us both back with each deep connection. I’m gasping for air when he thrusts to the hilt, stilling completely before yelling out, “Valla, oh fuck!”

  I clutch his shoulders as pleasure washes through me. For this moment, I can let go. I can stop the questions that are swirling about our complex situation. For this moment, we belong to each other and that’s all that really matters.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Hidden Secrets

  I step out of the cavernous shower and search for a clean, cozy shirt to pull on. We’re going to have to go shopping at some point. My one outfit is going to wear out quickly. I’ve washed it twice but I definitely long to put on something else.

  Judge told me minutes earlier that he had several work related emails to attend to on his laptop and that he would be in the library if I needed anything. Rather than interrupt him, I
decide to look for something to wear on my own. The top drawer of the tall carved dresser contains only his socks and underwear. I decide to pull on a pair of soft black cashmere socks that feel like heaven. I hit the jackpot on the second drawer and flip through the neatly folded stacks of shirts, hoping to find one that might pass for feminine. Dark blue, gray, and black are the most prevalent colors in his drawers. All of which suit him to perfection.

  That’s when I see them, tucked between two shirts at the bottom of the pile. A small stack of ivory colored envelopes stands out in stark contrast against his clothing. I know I shouldn’t spy; I should grab a shirt and shut the damn drawer. However, the feminine black script beckons my curiosity. I slowly pull them out and run my fingers across the fine linen grain of the stationery.

  I really should not be doing this … yet perhaps this is something I need to see, something of consequence? Like a downhill skier poised at the gate, I can’t help but spring forward as it opens. I can’t stop. I have to look.

  There is no return address, just his name and what I assume is his home address. I scan the six envelopes and search for the most recent date. It is on the top, as they are arranged neatly in order. My palms break out in a cold sweat as I place the others on top of the dresser. I pull the single page letter from its envelope and begin to read:


  I beg you, Sir, please return my calls and letters. It has been over three months now and I’m losing my sanity without you. How could you have turned me into this person? You wanted me submissive and it seems like the moment I fully gave myself over to you in both body and mind, you cut me loose. I regret the fact that I asked you to be my full-time master, to punish me in the way I truly need. I think I drove you away. I’m sorry, please give me another chance. I need the discipline and pain that only you can give me, Sir. Please, please let me come back to be yours alone.

  Your sweet girl,


  I drop the letter to the floor and feel a wave of nausea roll through me. I can’t think; my heart is pounding too hard and roars inside my ears.

  Thoughts whirl in my mind. How many times has he had submissives? Could it really be a sick game of wills? Does he long for strong women, only to see if he can wear them down and bend them to his relentless will, only to turn them away in the end, weakened and nearly destroyed? There is no way he could have faked his level of emotion with me … unless he is some sort of master at it. I can’t even begin to decipher all this right now. Oh fuck! Oh, God!

  I’m not aware of my actions, only the desperate need to get the hell out of here. I’ll hike the three miles down this fucking mountain to get away from his mind games. There is no way on earth that I’ll ever end up twisted like that poor, pathetic woman! No, I would much rather face a life of solitude than that hot mess.

  I rip my clothing off the hangers in the closet and stab my legs into my jeans, furious determination burning in my blood. Once I tug both my sweater and boots on, I fly out of the bedroom and bound down the stairs to the exercise room where the coats are located. The only thought bouncing around in my skull is to get the hell away from here, from him, as fast as humanly possible.

  Reaching the coats in a blur of movement, I grab the hooded parka and slip it on. I have no idea how long it will take to make it the three miles or so down to my freedom, but I must get away while I can. I’m trembling with humiliation and have a hard time with the zipper. How many women has he charmed, and how many have called him ‘Sir’? Ugh!

  Silent tears make tracks down my cheeks as somehow I manage to gather the courage to do what I must. Could there ever be a more screwed up ‘relationship’ on the planet? I’m having my doubts. God damn it! I just have to get out of here!

  I know it’s now or never. He has the car keys locked away somewhere because I haven’t seen them since I wrecked his Rover the other night. He mentioned we are about three miles from the closest intersection, but his nearest neighbor is just over a mile away. He also told me that homes in this area are mostly holiday or second homes. I can’t risk trying to find that neighbor’s house. I have to head straight down the road to the intersection. That’s my best bet.

  I type in the code and hear a warning ‘beep beep beep’. Damn it to hell! He reset the code. Of course he would! I have little time. Like a time bomb, the alarm is about to go off. I need to get my tail moving and hide somewhere before I’m snared … again. Undoubtedly he will have some perfect excuse for the letters, but at this point I don’t want to hear any of it. He’s too convincing and I can’t fall for his easy charm.

  Frantically, I throw the door open wide and flee toward the road. A fresh layer of snow covers the ground and it is hard to make out where the yard ends and the road begins.


  He calls from a distance, maybe from one of the upper decks. I don’t turn to acknowledge him, I just keep going.

  As I begin to run, I’m shocked by how cold the air is out here. I nearly turn back in self-preservation, but my anger and embarrassment reign supreme. My boots slip every few feet, causing me to stumble and slow down.

  Once I finally get my breathing under control, I pull my left hand out of the warm down pocket and bring it to my face, stunned to feel chilly, wet tears tracking relentlessly down my cheeks. My heart is twisted into a knot in my chest as an inner voice berates my actions.

  You care for him, don’t do this! There has to be some sort of explanation!

  I have to get a grip and move on. I swallow convulsively while struggling to control the sobs that rack me. I attempt a slow, measured jog and become lost in my heartbreak, hardly able to focus on the task at hand as I trudge forward on the snowy path.

  The alarm is wailing from the house behind me. It is so shrill that it cuts through the quiet forest like a knife through play dough. Without a doubt he’s going to head down after me.

  Turning, I see that the house is still in my line of vision, yet there isn’t any sign of him. Looking toward the impenetrable forest, I see a grouping of dense trees and decide to head for them.

  That’s when I hear it. It’s louder than the alarm because it’s much closer, but it rumbles so low and lethal that it locks me in place, frozen in abject terror.


  Oh no. God, no!

  Heaven help me. Mick warned us about mountain lions in the wild!

  My head whips to the left, locking eyes with the animal emitting that blood curdling bellow. It’s about thirty feet away and poised in a low crouch near the tree line. Its snarl is so fearsome, so deadly that it sends adrenaline surging through my system. Every muscle in its powerful frame is strung tight with contained aggression. It’s ready to strike.

  I scan the grayish tan colored fur, frantically looking for a potential weak spot. As if I could ever fight it. The only sensitive spot would be its eyes, and it would maul me before I could ever get to them. It looks as long as Judge is tall and must have at least forty pounds on me. Oh God, I hope that if Judge is coming he is packing a weapon! Maybe I can make it back to the house ….

  The big cat is very agitated and glares at me with murderous intent in its creepy, flat yellow eyes. There is no way I would last thirty seconds if it knocked me down and clamped those jaws down on my head! That morbid thought is enough to jar me into action, so I whip around and desperately haul ass, sprinting back up the way I came.

  A booming shot rings out in front of me before I can look up. When I do, I see Judge running headlong toward me with his rifle clutched up against his right shoulder. He pauses, feet sliding slightly on the road and briefly looks up from the scope.

  “Oh fuck, Valla! Change direction! Now!” he screams out, his voice ringing with sheer terror.

  I pivot to the right as if my life depends on it, which it does. I scramble behind a few fat trees and peek around to watch as the ghastly animal begins to close in.

  “Shoot!” I scream for all I’m worth just as another loud shot erupts from t
he rifle.

  I watch, horrified, as the unharmed beast suddenly alters his course. With the swift grace of a predator, it lowers its body and begins to race headlong toward Judge.

  Judge takes another shot but the road is slick and his boots are sliding around, despite his efforts to steady his aim. It doesn’t connect and he has mere seconds to brace the long rifle out across his broad chest as a slight barrier before the creature leaps at him, knocking him down to the frozen ground with all its strength.

  I vaguely hear myself yelling as I run, hell-bent, toward Judge. Why won’t my legs move faster? I feel like I’m in slow motion, and I must reach him quickly. The snarling cat is crazed, trying to get to Judge’s face in an attempt to bite him, claw him, disarm him. I’m petrified.

  Almost there, run faster, he needs you, Valla!

  Judge loses his hold on the rife and in pure self-defense begins savagely punching the cat in the face over and over again. It rears back in pain from a successful blow to the nose but it is only stalled for a second. It shifts position and bites down in a maniacal grip onto his upper left leg. Judge howls in agony as the savage attack continues.

  Knowing that until this trip I’ve never seen, much less held, a gun, I gather false bravado and grab the rifle from the snow where it was flung seconds before. Crimson red blood paints the pristine snow in Jackson Pollock-like splatters all around him. Judge is screaming in pain and begins to shout loudly at me, but I can’t hear a word he is saying. I must kill the aggressor ….

  I lift the hefty rifle and aim it toward the cat, whose massive head has now turned to me, though it still pins Judge beneath it. Its ears are flattened back and with its bloody fangs bared, the thing looks evil, like a demon that came right out of a dark, dank pit. I take a shot and hit it in its side. The force of the unexpected recoil knocks me off balance, but I recover. The cat bellows in pain and rolls off Judge. It quickly attempts to right itself as Judge screams at me to run for it. I ignore his warning and aim once again, thinking there is no way this beast is going to take Judge from me. With his level of injury, the cat could still drag him off into the forest. No fucking way! Before I get another shot off, it gives up the fight, turns, and stumbles awkwardly away from Judge, disappearing into the dense, snowy wonderland.


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