If You Could Only Imagine (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 2)

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If You Could Only Imagine (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 2) Page 4

by M. E. Clayton

  I meant what I had said earlier. I didn’t care about any points she brought up about age, pedigree or the fact that I’m her boss. Nothing would stop me; not morals, not ethics, not common sense…not a goddamn thing.

  I regretfully removed my fingers from her pussy and then proceeded to tear the scrap of lace covering her femininity clean right off her. The sound of fabric ripping made her gasp and her gasp hardened my cock even more.

  Denise opened her eyes and the lust clouding them made me want to yell out a war cry. She looked ready to be conquered.

  I unbuckled my belt and zipped down my slacks in record time, and then I grabbed her hips, lifted her and sat her on the desk, her legs spread open to make room for me.

  I didn’t kiss her. I didn’t caress her. I didn’t do anything remotely affectionate. I didn’t have the patience to treat this like a romantic union. I pulled on her hips until her ass was resting on the edge of the desk and I slammed my cock home in one forceful, unapologetic thrust.

  Her elbows collapsed, and she fell back, her body bowing at my invasion. “Aiden!”

  And what did I do? I ignored her cry.

  I dug my hands into her hips, and I started crashing into her body. I didn’t give her time to adjust to my size or give her time to ask for a condom.

  A dick move? Yeah, definitely a dick move. An extremely, super dick move. But I gave two fucks if she got pregnant and I wanted inside her body dirty and raw. I wanted my cum leaking from her body and not gathered all nice and neatly in a condom.

  And, let me tell you, if I wasn’t already in love with this woman…being inside her hot, tight pussy without a condom was enough to make me fall over.

  Having never had sex without one before, I wasn’t prepared for the unimaginable pleasure and overwhelming sensations my dick was going to feel being sheathed inside that wet warmth.

  I fucked into her like she was a mindless doll and her only purpose in life was to take my cock. “Christ, you feel so fucking good, baby,” I groaned out.

  Her body was no longer bowed, but her head was still thrown back, her eyes closed getting lost in the pleasure, the bliss. But her next words were enough to make me know I’d never regret this. “Oh, god, Aiden, harder,” she begged. “Please, fuck me harder.”

  I let out a growl, and I slammed into her so hard, the desk started to slide. I could feel my cock bottom out in her cervix and it still wasn’t deep enough for me. I wanted to crawl inside this woman and possess her.

  “Like that, baby?” God, I hope she said yes. It was imperative to my soul that I was fucking her just like she needed it. I needed to cement her to me somehow until I could convince her to throw all logic and caution to the wind and just be with me. “Is this how you like to be fucked?”

  Her beautiful hazel eyes popped open, and she was looking at me like nothing else existed but me. “I…I don’t know,” she breathed out. “I’ve nev…oh, Christ,” she moaned. “I’ve never been fucked like this.”

  Call me childish. Call me a Neanderthal. Call me insecure or immature. I didn’t care. Hearing her say she’s never been fucked like this before had me wanting to pin a first-place ribbon on my chest.

  My hands squeezed her hips so hard, Denise let out a whimper. My handprints were going to be left on her body and that made me that much more insane to claim her. I kept up my pace and fucked her like a true champ. I was sweating through my suit and I could see perspiration dancing on Denise’s skin and clothes.

  “Good,” I bit out, “and after this, you’re never going to be fucked by anyone else ever again.” She reached her arms over her head and grabbed the edge of the desk in a white-knuckle grip. She was going to cum, and I was right there with her. “Only my cock, Denise,” I told her. “You get only my cock, baby.”

  “Yes…oh, god, yes, Aiden…”

  The impact of our bodies was so painful; I knew we were both going to have bruises. “But I’ll give it to you whenever you want, baby. Wherever you want it and however fucking dirty you want it.”

  “Aiden!” she cried out as she came all over me. Her pussy clamped down so hard, a deep grunt escaped from my throat.

  I let go of one of her hips and wrapped my hand around her neck, bring her body up to meet mine. She was still convulsing when I ordered, “Look at me, Denise.” It took a few seconds, but she finally opened her beauties at me. “I’m going to cum in your pussy.” Her eyes widened, but she didn’t push me off or tell me to stop. “I’m going to unload everything I have inside your tight cunt and you’re going to take it.”

  She went off again, and that triggered my own release.

  I wasn’t expecting her to cum again, especially from just my words, but the fact that she got off again, so soon, just because I told her I was going to cum in her pussy and she had to take it gave me a huge insight to what she was into. It also gave me the edge on how to make her mine.

  Once we were both spent, we laid there in silence, our heavy breathing the only thing that could be heard in the office. I glanced at the marks on her neck and started kissing her skin again. I could feel my cock softening, but damn if I didn’t want to move. I wanted to keep my dick inside her forever.



  “I think there’s a stapler digging into my back,” she muttered.

  Well, fuck.

  So much for thinking all that moaning and screaming was for me. Goddamn it.

  I still didn’t pull out of her, but I wrapped my arm around her and lifted her up to a sitting position. I looked behind her, and sure enough, there was a stapler on the desk taunting me.

  I pulled back to look at her. “Sooooo, all that screaming…?”

  Denise blinked up at me. She blinked again and then she started laughing so hard, her contractions pushed my soft cock out of her body. I smiled down at her because I couldn’t help it.

  When she was done laughing, she lifted her hand, and tracing my jaw, she said, “I didn’t even notice the stapler was there until it was over, Aiden.” Her face looked so sincere. “All I felt was you.”

  I almost dropped to my knees and proposed.

  Chapter 7


  My eyes snapped open, and I immediately knew it was all bad.

  My eyes were not greeted by the familiar smoky blue hue that covered my bedroom walls. They weren’t greeted by the north facing window that always teased a little sunlight into my room. And the rest of me was not nestled in the comfort of cheap retail store cotton sheets.


  My body was cradled in a billion thread Egyptian cotton sheets. A luxury I’m sure I could afford if I wanted to eat noodles and crackers for six months.

  No. My eyes snapped open to dark grey walls, sliding glass doors that led to a balcony I contemplated throwing myself from and the magnificence of expensive dark blue sheets.

  And the weight of a very masculine, tattooed arm around my waist.

  My naked waist.

  I closed my eyes and let guilt’s assault pummel me.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  I wasn’t that girl. I swear, I wasn’t.

  I was smart. I made good choices. I was driven and focused.

  I did not do things that would lead me to wake up in Aiden Buchanan’s bed.

  Except that I did.

  I did many things last night that I didn’t know my body was capable of, after doing all manner of things in my office.

  Or maybe I should rephrase that to, I let Aiden do all manner of things to me last night that I didn’t know my body was capable of.

  I spent weeks running from the man, only to end up where he wanted me all along, and fresh regret was coursing through my body in waves.

  And I didn’t even have the excuse of drugs or alcohol to blame this disaster on. I was one hundred percent sober when I let me take me in my office.

  I was one hundred percent sober when I agreed to let him take me home.

  I was one hundred percent
sober when I let him rip off my clothes and awaken my body with shit that had never, ever crossed my mind to try.

  Aiden Buchanan was wicked in bed.

  And now, how in the hell was I going to get out of here minus the morning after awkwardness? His arm was freakin’ heavy. How in the hell was I going to escape out from under it without waking him?

  This was so bad.

  Like calling out the wrong name in bed bad.

  Except, I hadn’t called out the wrong name last night. I had called out the right one. Over, and over, and over again.

  Aiden Buchanan was, hands down, the best penis I have ever met in my life, but…

  Did I mention this was bad?

  It was bad enough I let him screw me at work, but I actually willingly followed him home with the sole purpose of making more bad decisions.

  And Aiden Buchanan was a bad, bad, bad decision.

  The reality of what I did was beating me in the face. I had gambled my entire career for good sex.

  Okay...phenomenal sex, but still…

  How was I to face anyone at work Monday? My shame was going to clearly be written all over my face. Oh, God, and Shane Buchanan…how was I supposed to be a part of her team after I’ve boinked her brother-in-law?

  Ugh! It just sounds so sleazy. Sleeping with the boss was such a cliché. And even though Aiden tried to dismiss all my concerns, they were legit concerns. He was my goddamn boss and came from a financial class I couldn’t even fathom. Not to mention the age difference. I mean, I know a lot of people wouldn’t blink twice at a four-year difference, but to me, four years seemed like a chasm of space between us. That crap only worked if the man was older, not the other way around.

  And even though I was fully aware that we were in the year 2018, and we’ve come a long way as a tolerable society, there was no getting around the fact that Aiden was one hundred percent Caucasian and I was not.

  There were so many instances during my childhood where my parents struggled with ridicule or judgment because they came from two different races that I wasn’t sure I was up to that kind of scrutiny. I know I shouldn’t care what other people think, but what if I married Aiden? Let’s just say this all works out in the perfect land of elves and faeries and the like…how would the world look at our children?

  One thing I did know, though, is I knew I wasn’t going to find the answers to all my imagined questions laying here in bed next to my naked boss.

  So, I held my breath, and in the best boneless worm impression I could manage, I slid my body out from under his arm until my ass met the floor.

  I winced. My body was sore, and my spectacular floor landing was not helping.

  I held my breath and opened my ears to any microscopic sound that might be coming from the bed above. Still holding my breath-I’ll worry about brain damage later-I peeked up and thanked Sweet Baby Jesus that Aiden appeared to still be in a deep sleep. Thank Christ!

  I didn’t feel strong enough to fight with him over my departure. And I needed to depart.

  Aiden was hard to resist with just his looks alone, but now knowing how he gets down in between the sheets…how the hell was I supposed to resist him now?

  I mean, I’ve had good sex before. I’ve been in a couple of long-term serious relationships where both men were decent and good. They were giving and caring. My sex life has always been satisfactory. But last night had been like a peek into a world I never knew existed.

  I’ve had other men go down on me, but Aiden had done it with a skill that rivaled professional concubines. I’ve always thought men felt like going down on a woman was more of a chore to make sure she says yes to the sex, but last night, Aiden lapped at my center like he’d die if he didn’t get enough to eat. It had been hot as hell thinking he wanted to be down there. He was enjoying tasting me everywhere.

  Aiden had come across like a man possessed and his actions and reactions had busted open the lid on my sexual confidence. The more he possessed me, the more slutty I became. And the sluttier I became, the more possessed Aiden became.

  It was a hot, sexy, vicious cycle.

  Jesus, just replaying last night in my mind made me want to crawl back into that bed of his and let him do it all over again. But I couldn’t.

  This was wrong.

  So, instead, I ran out of the room, not daring to shut the door, and quickly gathered my clothing, but realizing rather quickly that most of it had been shredded to bits last night. I decided to mourn my shirt, bra and panties and make do with Aiden’s discarded shirt from last night and my skirt. I didn’t dare to put on my heels. My mission was to make the best ninja in the world jealous with my ghostly skills.

  I found my purse exactly where I had tossed it and prayed to all that was holy that my cell phone didn’t ring or some such stupid crap like that.

  I need to get the hell out of here ASAP.

  I neared the door and my body was cursing me to hell and back, demanding that I crawl back into that bed and have rounds five, six, seven and eight with Aiden’s body and penis, but my mind was calling me all kinds of a stupid imbecile, and urging me to run. To run for all I was worth.

  Like ‘Run, Forest. Run’ run for my life.

  I went back to using my ninja skills and I, ever so slowly, turned the doorknob on the door leading to my freedom and private shame. It clicked open, and I was on the other side before I thought to hold on to its weight and shut it just as quietly. Nope. The door slammed shut.

  So, like any self-respecting morning after victim, I ignored the elevator and ran towards the stairwell, and flew down the five flights of steps that led to my freedom.

  God wasn’t completely ashamed of me this morning, because when I ran out of Aiden’s building, there was a beautiful, shiny cab sitting right front. I know, I just know God send that cab for me.

  I love you, Lord.

  It wasn’t until I was sitting safely inside a cab and halfway home that I could finally breathe. And then it hit me. I just ran and left my boss naked and alone in his bed.

  I wondered if he’d be mad or happy not to have to deal with the morning after routine. I mean, maybe now that he’s had me, he would move on. You know, another notch on his belt and all that.

  It wasn’t 30 minutes later that I realized I was wrong.

  So very, very wrong.

  This was baaaaaaaaaad.

  Chapter 8


  My body bolted upright as the sound of a slamming door. I immediately noticed Denise wasn’t in bed, and for her sake, that had better been the bathroom door slamming shut and not the front door.

  It had better not be the front door.

  For her sake and my sanity, it had better. Not. Be. The. Front. Door.

  But when my eyes scanned the bedroom, I saw the door to the attached bath standing wide open, and with it I could feel my temper take hold.

  Growing up with a tyrant of a father had taught me how to practice restrained. My father flew off the handle a lot, and I vowed not to fall victim to unreasonable anger. Lord knows me and my brothers each had our own personal issues, but between my father’s tyrannical ways, Mason’s sociopathic personality, Gabe’s eerie insight and Mike’s violent tendencies, I did my best to be normal. I did my best to always appear rational and sane.

  My problem was women. Except for my relationship with my brothers, and now my sister-in-law, usually the only times I felt extreme emotions it was because it involved a woman. Whether we were laughing, fighting or fucking, it didn’t matter. I needed women in my life like every living thing on the planet needed oxygen.

  I’ve always found women to be the most majestic miracles to ever exist. Fanciful? Maybe. But that’s how I felt.

  So, Denise sneaking out of my bed and creeping away in the early hours of the morning was making me feel a lot of things. Anger being primarily front and center.

  From the second the front door to my condo shut behind us last night, there hadn’t been a second where I wasn’t touching her
, kissing her or fucking her. Even when we were catching our breaths between rounds, I had found a way to still touch and kiss her. All night long one of my body parts was always in contact with one of hers.

  And she’s going to sneak the fuck out of here like it was all a mistake; like this was all some horribly morning after regret. And the more I thought about it, the more those ugly thoughts threatened to choke me.

  I knew Denise had concerns, and to be fair, they weren’t unwarranted. The age difference didn’t bother me, but women were funny about shit like that. There was such a negative about women aging and I just didn’t get it. Women were phenomenal at any age.

  They were fucking women for Christ’s sake.

  They could create life. They had the ability to feed and nurture that life. They could stand strong and fall apart at the same time, losing none of their grace. They could endure tragedies that would bring the strongest of men to their knees.

  Traditional wedding vows included ‘to love and to cherish’, well the love part was easy. If you were getting married, the assumption is that you already love your bride. It’s the cherish part that matters in that sentence. How can you not cherish a walking, talking heavenly body?

  My biggest problem now was the realization that where women were my weakness, Denise had become my kryptonite.

  I don’t know what it was about her the first time I met her…I mean, yes, she’s stunning, but I’ve met many beautiful women and none of them ever affected me like Denise did when I touched her during that first handshake. She makes every other woman fade into the background and that’s never happened to me before.

  Mason claims that the first time he laid eyes on Shane everything else around him had fallen away. He saw only her. She was the only thing that existed for miles. Six years later, Mase says she still the only thing he sees.

  And now I know exactly what he’s talking about.

  I got out of bed and took a long, hot shower, hoping some of the heat from the jet blasts would ease the tension in my shoulders, but I knew they wouldn’t. I was still pissed, and I wouldn’t stop being pissed until Denise’s ass was back here in my bed.


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