If You Could Only Imagine (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 2)

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If You Could Only Imagine (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 2) Page 5

by M. E. Clayton

  When I finally got out of the shower and got dressed, I opened my laptop and clicked around until I was in the Human Resources files for Buchanan Industries. I clicked around some more until I found everything I needed to know on Denise. Primarily her address.

  Unethical? Sure. Unprofessional? Completely.

  But ask me if I cared. Because. I. Did. Not. Care.

  So, armed with her address, I grabbed my keys, jumped in my car and made the 20-minute drive to her apartment.

  When I finally found myself standing next to her front door, dark thoughts started to plague me. I knew it was because I was pissed about her sneaking off, but I began to wonder if she lived with someone. Did she have a boyfriend? Or did she casually date?

  I guess there was only one way to find out. I knocked on the door and waited.

  It wasn’t a minute later when I heard her voice from the other side of the door. “Just a minute.”

  It took everything I had to wait patiently as I heard her fiddle around with the locks and doorknob. She swung the door open and started to say, “How can I…” Her hazel eyes grew to the size of saucers when she saw it was me. “Aiden,” she breathed.

  “Are you going to let me in?” I snapped, as I muscled my way through her doorway without an invitation. Total dick move, but I was desperate to see her, and I was pissed.

  She shut the door behind me and asked, “What are you doing here?”

  It wasn’t until I turned around and really looked at her that I noticed she must have just gotten out of the shower, too. Her hair was pinned up in a messy ball of curls and her face looked clean and freshly scrubbed. That knowledge made me think of everything else she probably scrubbed clean and I could feel myself getting angrier by the second.

  I didn’t want her scrubbed clean. I wanted her pussy sticky with my cum. I wanted her skin to taste like my cologne. “Why d’you leave?”

  She shrugged a dainty shoulder. She was dressed in a tank top and pajama pants and it was fucking with my concentration. “I needed to come home and take a shower, besides y-”

  I stepped to her. “Bullshit, Denise. You snuck out. Just fucking admit it,” I seethed.

  The girl didn’t disappoint. Her hands curled into little fists at her sides. “What the hell did you expect, Aiden? You’re my boss. Don’t you get that? You’re my goddamn boss and I’ve…I’ve…”

  “You’ve what?”

  “I’ve been acting like a total office whore letting you…you…” she sputtered.

  I peered down at her. “Letting me what?” I taunted. “Letting me lick your pussy?” Her eyes dilated, and her nipples were instantly at attention underneath her flimsy tank top. I would have to talk to her about answer the door dressed like that.

  “Aiden, don’t,” she whispered, but there was no force behind her words.

  “Don’t what, baby?” I teased. “Are you telling me you didn’t like it when I had my tongue pressed up against that little clit of yours?” She moaned and my dick heard her. I used my body to walk her backwards until I trapped her between her front door and my body. I didn’t waste any time. As soon as her back hit the door, my right hand had snaked its way down the front of her pajamas and I already had two fingers jammed up inside her hot, flooded pussy.

  “Oh, God…”

  “You soaked pussy tells me exactly how much you liked everything I did to you last night, baby.”

  Her eyes were filled with so much indecision; it hurt to look at her. “Aiden, this is wrong.” I spun her around, yanked down her flimsy sleepwear, and pulling my dick out in record time, I slammed into her from behind. “Aiden!”

  I ignored her, and grabbing her hips, I started pounding into her tight body. “Don’t ever fucking tell me this is wrong, Denise,” I panted. “Ever.”

  She didn’t respond. She just pushed her ass back into me and fucked me back. And just like last night, there wasn’t a condom in sight. “Oh, Aiden…please…”

  I could feel she was already near the edge, so I decided to help her along. “Please what, baby? Please fuck you? Please cum in your pussy?” I pulled her back until her back was pressed against my front. In her ear I whispered, “Or do you want me to cum in your ass?”

  “Oh fuck,” No sooner that the words were out of her mouth, I felt her hot cunt tightened around my cock. She was cumming, and she was cumming hard. Too bad for her I just found out how dirty she wanted to take this.

  It was the one thing we didn’t attempt last night, but now, feeling how hard she came from just talking about drilling my cock in her ass, I was going to spread her wide for me tonight.

  Sadly, I was so turned on by this new development; I came almost immediately after her tremors subsided, but that’s okay.

  One overnight bag later, we were back at my place for the rest of the weekend.

  Chapter 9


  My eyes fluttered open, and I instantly knew I was alone in bed.

  Each time we drifted off to sleep throughout the night, Aiden had done so with his arm wrapped around my waist. He made sure I stayed huddled in his arms. He didn’t want me taking off again.

  This weekend was probably the biggest mistake of my life, but I couldn’t bring myself to regret it. Nothing had ever felt like Aiden Buchanan inside me.

  After we established boundaries, he had brought me home to his townhouse and had spent the rest of the night doing the most erotic, sensual and painful things to my body. Painful because Aiden Buchanan was rocking a long, thick cock, and he didn’t care how my body protested his invasions. He made my body take all of him and it was glorious.

  I never thought I was the type of woman who enjoyed sexual pain but knowing that the uncomfortable moments stemmed from riding such a big dick and not that he got off on pain, made it more pleasurable than I thought possible.

  I mean, what girl didn’t love a big dick?

  I sat up and groaned at the aches and pains in my body. Aiden Buchanan was better than any workout on the market. I knew my clothes were no longer wearable and so I got up, and walking over to Aiden’s closet, I pulled out a random t-shirt and put it on. It came down to my knees, and that was good enough for me. As I went to walk towards the bathroom, I took a second look and noticed a lot of orange in his closet.

  Who in the hell likes the color orange?

  I shook off that question and went into the bathroom. After taking care of business, I washed my hands and searched for a spare toothbrush. I found one, and after brushing my teeth and washing my face, I headed out to go find Aiden. I know he said he wanted to keep me around for the entire weekend, but now that our lust had been sated, it was probably best if I went home again.

  I walked out of the hallway, and heading into the kitchen, I wasn’t prepared for the sight I saw.

  Aiden was standing up against the sink counter with a mug in his hands, shirtless and wearing nothing but pajama pants. I’d seen him plenty naked last night, but the sight still made my breath hitched.

  But that’s not what had me hesitant. The sight of two masculine bodies sitting on the stools around the kitchen island is what brought me up short.

  My steps faltered, but my feet started working again when Aiden’s eyes met mine. “Hey, babe,” he greeted, smiling as if I woke up in his home every morning.

  The two bodies sitting down, simultaneously, twisted in their seats to look at me and smiled.

  I did stop in my tracks then.

  Holy Mary Mother of God. Why would God do that to the female population?

  I mean, I knew who they were, what with mine and Kelly’s internet stalking last week, but pictures did nothing to prepare a person for the live, living version of the Buchanan Twins. And, Sweet Baby Jesus, their smiles came with dimples. Deep, long, indented, lickable dimples.

  Jesus Christ.

  “And who do we have here?” the twin in green asked, all smiles, cool and charming.

  “Knock it off, Michael,” Aiden growled.

why would he want to knock it off, Aid,” asked-who I now know to be-Gabriel Buchanan. His hand gestured up and down at me. “I mean, look at her. Who wouldn’t want to know who she is?”

  Aiden kept his eyes on me when he answered his brother. “You want to know who she is?”

  “Hell, yeah,” they said in unison.

  “Mine,” Aiden answered. “She’s mine. That’s who she is, and that’s her name.”

  Michael smirked and turned in his seat to look at his older brother. “Her name is Mine?”

  Aiden straightened and set his mug down on the counter. “Her name is Denise I Belong To Aiden Buchanan.” Oh my god, was he for real? How old was he??

  Gabriel turned back to his brother. “That’s hell on a business card, don’tcha think?”

  I finally snapped out of my Buchanan induced trance. I walked into the kitchen and leaned up against the end of the island. “It’s actually Denise Hart,” I clarified for the twins.

  “Denise Hart. Hmm,” Gabriel said, tasting my name on his lips.

  Michael cocked his head. “Not as catchy as Denise I Belong To Aiden Buchanan, but a nice name nonetheless,” he said.

  I stared at the two identical faces of perfection for ten seconds before I started laughing.

  Jesus! Could these kids be anymore adorable?

  I bet they were hell on the females who were blessed enough to encounter them.

  “They just stopped by for some brotherly quality time,” Aiden muttered behind me.

  “Yeah,” Gabriel started. “And imagine our surprise when we get here, expecting a hug and some breakfast, but instead, get told to get lost.”

  “Rude,” Michael agreed.

  My eyes widened as I realized the implications. They came to see their brother, but Aiden was throwing them out because I was here. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I mumbled, embarrassed. “I can just get my-”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Aiden barked out. I turned to face him and saw he was pouring another cup of coffee.

  “But your brothers-”

  “-were just leaving,” he interrupted, handing me the fresh cup he just poured.

  “The hell we are,” The Twins announced-again-in unison. Must be a twin thing.

  I didn’t know what to say. I felt stuck in between a tug of war. Thank God, common sense finally made an appearance again. “No, really, it’s okay. I can-”

  This time it was Gabriel Buchanan that interrupted me. “There’s no way we’re letting you leave,” he retorted.

  What in the hell? “Yo…you’re not?” I asked.

  “Hell no,” Michael answered. “I mean, how else are we supposed to get to know our newest sister-in-law if you leave?”

  Sister-in-law??? What in the ever lovin’…love???

  “I mean, seriously,” Gabriel added, as if it all made sense.

  I looked back at Aiden hoping for some translation of their twin-speak, but he just smirked at me.

  The jerk.

  I turned back to the twins when it was clear I was on my own here. “No,” I tried to correct them. “I’m not…we…we don’t…it’s not…this…” Okay, so much for clearing things up.

  Michael flashed his dimples at me, momentarily stunning me into silence. “Why else would you be here if Aiden wasn’t going to marry you?” he asked, confusing me further. “Aid’s never brought a woman back to his place. Never,” he stressed. “Like never as in not ever, Dibtab.”

  My mind only processed one thing out of all those words. “Dibtab?”

  Gabriel rolled his eyes at me. “Yeah. Dibtab.” He twirled his hand in a circle in an encouraging motion for me to get it. When I was still at a loss, he clued me in. “Dibtab. Denise I Belong To Aiden Buchanan.”

  Aiden barked out a laugh behind me, and I was so completely speechless, I stood there silent as Michael chimed in. “Yeah. That works way better on a business card, Dee.” And the cheeky little fucker winked at me.

  I said the only thing I could. “I don’t understand any of this,” I confessed.

  I felt a pair of strong masculine arms wrap around my waist from behind. Aiden’s breath was on my ear. “What don’t you understand, babe?”

  “Any of you,” I said honestly.

  “What’s to understand?” Michael asked me.

  “Maybe she never got the talk,” Gabriel says nodding his head like he’s wise beyond his years.

  “Maybe not,” Michael agreed. And then he pierced his green gaze on me. “See, Dee, when a man and woman meet and find they like each other, they start to date-”

  I wrenched myself out of Aiden’s hold, thumped the mug of coffee on the counter and went for Michael Buchanan.

  “Run!” Gabriel shouted, trying to save his twin.

  Michael jumped up off the stool and ran towards the living room. Michael held his hands up, warding me off as we squared off across the coffee table. “Now, now, Sis,” he grinned at me. “I have no problem wrestling around on the floor with you. But I’m willing to bet my college degree that you don’t have anything on underneath Aiden’s shirt. And as much as it pains me to say this, I choose my brother over my murder because I had my hands all over his half-naked fiancé.” My eyes widened as Gabriel’s laughter rang in my ear. I turned and ran towards the bedroom as all three Buchanan men laughed at my realization.

  The bastards.

  Chapter 10


  I strolled into BI wondering how in the hell I was going to manage to stay away from Denise after this weekend spent together.

  It’s not like I didn’t have a shitload of things to do or meetings to attend, because I did. I was busier than Mason at this point, what with still familiarizing myself with names, faces and their roles within the company. I was busy meeting our clients, too, assuring them that their money is more than secure with Mason and me at the helm.

  I flipped my wrist over and looked down at my watch. It was a little past six, and I didn’t have my first meeting until eight. So, with a few moments to kill, I barged my way into Mason’s office.

  And, oh, how I wish I hadn’t.

  “Goddamn it!” I yelped as I noticed a brunette head in his lap.

  “What the fuck?!” Mason yelped back as I slammed the door shut, but not before I heard the peals of feminine laughter follow me out the door.

  I paced the walkway in front of Mason’s office wondering if eyeball bleaching was a real thing. Now, don’t get wrong, on a purely instinctual male level, I was happy my brother was getting blown as a way to start out his work day. But I loved my sister-in-law, I did not need to see her that way.

  I mean, Good Lord, I knew we were all close, but that was stepping a little too close to the line. Michael had been right the other day when he told Denise I would murder him if he put his hands on her almost naked body.

  I’m not sure how long I had been pacing outside Mason’s door, but I was brought up short when Shane opened the door and walked out with Mason right behind her. I could feel my face heat and my eyes were looking at everything but her.

  She laughed, and I wanted to kill her. How dare her scar me this way! “Not funny, Shane,” I mumbled. “Ever heard of locking the door?”

  Before she could comment, Mason growled, “What is so goddamn important you had to barge into my office this early in the morning?”

  I realized how much trouble I was in with the next words that came out of my mouth, because Mason wasn’t going to have any useful advice for me. “I was going to ask you how do you manage to make it through the day without touching Shane when you know she’s in the building and only a phone call away,” I said with enough snark to send Shane into another fit of laughter. “But I have my answer, thank you.”

  Mason let out a sigh, and looking down, just shook his head. Shane, on the other hand, was a fountain of advice; super bad advice, but advice nonetheless. “Well, Mason told me all about Denise and I think she is just absolutely lovely. If I decide to try to make The Morgan Corporation a go, I’v
e already decided that I would like her on my team.” Shane smiled up at me. “That being said, Mason has his way with me at least twice a day, and as you saw for yourself, it’s not always sex,” she clarified, giving me a cheeky grin. It’s so hard to believe this sweet girl was a virgin when Mason had finally gotten his hands on her.

  “That doesn’t help me, Shane,” I pointed out. “And I really didn’t need to know all that other shit. For the love of God, woman, don’t feel as if you have to share everything.”

  I could hear Mason chuckle, because let’s face it…Shane could do no wrong in his eyes. Mason could easily be described as a sociopath, but when it came to Shane, he was all emotions. “She’s right,” he said, supporting Shane’s outrageous claims. “I can’t and I won’t be a hypocrite and instruct you to be on your best professional behavior, Aiden.” Mase shrugged a shoulder. “Mainly because it doesn’t matter what I tell you. If you feel about Denise, even an ounce of what I feel for Shane, there will be no stopping you. So, just be careful and try to remember how this will affect how she’s seen by her peers if word gets out that you two are sleeping together only a week after you started taking over.”

  I was looking at Mason, but since Shane was standing directly in front of him, I didn’t miss the wince she gave at the picture Mason painted. And then it hit me. “How are you so okay with all of this?”

  Mason arched a brow. “The Twins told me they met her this weekend, Aid,” he answered, simply. “They also mentioned they met her at your place.”

  I ran a hand through my hair. “Jesus,” I muttered. “Is nothing sacred in this family?”

  “Nope,” they popped back in unison.

  Secretly-because I’d never admit this out loud with as wild as the twins were-I loved that we were as close as we all were. I knew my brothers were going to embrace Denise the same way we took in Shane. Granted, Shane is…special to all of us, but Denise was going to be special, too, just in a different context.

  I looked at my brother and his wife and I knew I had their blessing for whatever sanity was taking up residence in my head, but I was a grown man with grown responsibilities and I knew, deep down, I needed to act accordingly. Denise had too many reservations about our relationship for me to fuck it up for some office sex.


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