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Highway to Heaven

Page 9

by Harley McRide

  “Fuck off,” she grumbled and side-stepped him. She stomped out the door and slammed it behind her, just for good measure, and walked straight to her room down the hall. What sucked the most was now she was pissed and wouldn’t be able to sleep. And, all of the muscles he’d just deliciously rubbed out were back. Fuck-tastic. Halfway there, a door opened and Gage and Shark emerged, their eyes going straight to her. Both stopped and were about to say something when the air took on a thickness they seemed to choke on and left her alone.

  Of course she had to see them of all people. Not Shady, or Sandman, or Yo Neg, or Kink…hell, even seeing Sahara would have been better. Nope. Had to be the other two men who were fucking with her head. She half wanted to stop and just wait for Colt to come out too just for good measure. “Fuckity-fuck!” she exclaimed, slinging her hair over her shoulder as she stormed faster to her room. She got the door open and slammed it so hard it rattled the windows. Gage and Shark exchanged a glance, both of them oblivious to the other’s interest in the little blonde bomb. With a shrug, they walked away.


  Raven’s first instinct was to march down there and haul her hateful little ass back, pepper it good enough she’d feel it every time she went to sit, and fuck her into submission. But that was too easy. He let out a throaty laugh. This one was definitely a wild one, which was good. Normally he got bored easy and had to move on to something else. There was never a chase. With Heaven, she kept him on his toes and waiting to see what she’d do next. It’d take awhile to fuck her out of his system, which was good. He loved the way her tight little body squeezed his cock like a glove. Oh, this was going to be one game he looked forward to playing. “Game on, sweetheart,” he laughed with a shake of his head. He’d wondered how the hell he was going to get any sleep with her beside him, and despite his throbbing dick, at least it wouldn’t be an all night misery he had to deal with. His initial plans were to fuck her good and hard, then make her sleep. He missed getting his rocks off, but it wasn’t anything a hot shower couldn’t fix. She’d given him enough with that attitude he’d shoot off in a few strokes. “That little ass is gonna pay for making me rub it out myself,” he said to himself. All the possibilities he could do for punishment made those few strokes even less.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rose headed for the door with Chevy, both lugging baby gear in both hands. She reached to open it and got knocked backwards but turned just in time that Harley’s head went one more day without a dent, which was a miracle around this place. “Watch it!” she yelled. It’d been days upon end since she’d last slept and it was finally coming to a fester in her.

  Charro’s hands flew up and his eyes went as wide as saucers. “Shit!” he said, shocked. She’d startled him the second his eyes dropped to the little bundle tucked under one arm. “Where are you two off to?” he asked.

  “Sledge is getting out today. We’re going to pick him up and get all of his meds,” Chevy answered, catching the evil death glare Rose delivered when Harley began to wail. Charro stepped back as if she’d physically attacked him before he got control of the situation again.

  “You’re going to bed. Chevy, you take one of the girls with you. Chief is pullin’ the Yukon around now.” He reached for Harley without going into further detail.

  Rose slapped his hand, her body turning Harley away from him. “Get your hands off my daughter,” she barked. He quirked an eyebrow and smiled.

  “Give me Harley. We can hang out while you get your cranky ass in bed.” He didn’t give her a choice this time when he reached for the pink bundle. Rose wanted to argue, but she already knew he was a great babysitter. And, if she were to be honest with herself, she was past the dead-on-her-feet stage to full-blown angry-brain-sucking-zombie stage. She looked to Chevy, but Chevy just nodded in agreement. Chicks before dicks my ass, she thought.

  “Go. I’ll take one of your sisters with me,” she encouraged. Well hell. Sleep. The thought of it called to her like a meth head to a case of the old Mini Thins they used to sell over the counter that worked great as cut. Yeah, then again, if she had a bottle of the ephedrine energy tabs, she wouldn’t be so damn tired or arguing already defeated before she obliged. She hollered for the girls, but Lacey was the first to come running.

  “What’s up? Is Sledge back yet?” Rose looked her head to foot and shook her head. Lacey had on a tight black leather mini skirt, a red shimmering tank top with a black rose embroidered across the top with a daring low neckline and enough make-up on to put most drag queens to shame. Her black strappy stripper heels had her standing almost on her tippy toes. Her hair had been curled and held enough hair spray a tornado could come through and it wouldn’t move. She couldn’t help but grin and shake her head. There comes a point in a parental figure’s life that you get so angry, it’s either laugh it off, or go insane. Rose was there.

  “You sure that’s what you want to wear?”

  Lacey’s eyes went wide and she looked down, her face dropping in a panic. “What? Is it the skirt? Shit. I knew I should have done my low cut jeans and black top that has the corset lacing.” She whirled around ready to go do a mad dash wardrobe change and Rose grabbed her arm.

  “You’re trying too hard.” Rose crossed her arms and stared, waiting for Lacey’s explanation.

  “Trying too hard? For what?” she played innocent.

  “Don’t be coy. Sledge. No secret you have a major crush on him, but you’re playing with fire, Lace. These guys…they aren’t about romances and dating. They want to fuck. Plain and simple. You’re too young to be playing with him.”

  “I know what I’m doing,” she said in a snotty teenager huff. “I’m not a kid anymore, Rose.” Lacey tried to put off the impression she didn’t want to get serious and had no expectations of roses and candle lit dinners. Except, deep down, it was the whole reason for chasing a man, right? You play the part of casual, hoping it leads to something serious. Rose should know more than anyone. She was married to not just one biker, but two.

  “I just don’t want you to get your heart broken.” Her voice went tender with concern. Lacey was over eighteen now, and it was no secret to her extra-curricular activities she’d partaken in well before her sixteenth birthday. As much as Rose didn’t like it, she didn’t want her sister getting hurt either. Handful or not, a broken heart was still a broken heart, and if one of her sisters was a victim, she’d rip off whoever’s balls did it— biker or not.

  “I know,” Lacey said, her eyes hitting the ground. And, she did. But she’d take what she could, while she could. That’s all a girl could do, right? She’d screwed around at an early age, seeking attention and something to fill the void that had eaten at her soul for as long as she could remember. It didn’t help of course, and her reasons for messing with Sledge were different. It was the same concept, sure. But what if she could have a piece of the happiness Rose had found?

  “Okay. Go with Chev and bring him home. I have a feeling he may need someone to play nurse until he’s up and on his feet.” The sparkle Rose’s words brought to Lacey’s bright eyes made them all stifle a laugh. She was in pure puppy love, and damn if it wasn’t gonna end bad. Chevy shot Rose a knowing look but said nothing. Charro, on the other hand, had a lot to say.

  “How old are you?” he asked, knowing good damn and well how old she was. He’d asked when he’d first arrived, instructing his guys to stay away from the girls.

  “Eighteen,” she said, looking at him curiously. “Why?” This time, she had a little more attitude and kicked out a hip, planting a hand on it.

  “Eighteen. You’re too young to be getting tangled up with guys like this. They’re gonna chew you up and spit you out. You ready to be used and tossed aside?” He kept his voice condemning and harsh, which made her take a step back. He was being tough, but the girl had no idea what the hell she was in for. She was gorgeous, built like a brick shit house, and had yet to value her assets. By the time she finally realized what she had and how to use it to her
advantage, she’d be hardened. He hated knowing that.

  “Yeah, well, that’s not your concern.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned to Chevy. “You ready?” Her eyes cut back to Charro and gave him a glare before she turned her back fully to him.

  Chevy shook her head with an eye roll. “Yeah. Let’s go, kid. Rose, sleep. Charro, if anything happens to that baby I will personally take pride in torturing you until there is nothing left but bones tied to the fence, got it?” What he didn’t realize was that she was dead serious. Chevy was a bad bitch who had done bad things and wouldn’t hesitate or lose sleep at night for doing it again.

  “She’s in good hands,” he said, kissing her on the cheek. Rose said goodbye and headed up the stairs at the persistent nagging of Charro who had settled in a big overstuffed chair with Harley. He’d pulled the blanket back and was blowing raspberries at her when Rose disappeared upstairs.


  Sledge walked in the clubhouse with the help of Chief to a downstairs bedroom. He’d had a bunch of stitches and a few cracked ribs but, for the most part, he’d live even if he felt like dog shit. Lacey hadn’t stopped fawning over him since she’d rushed to his side at the hospital and it’d finally melted the last of his reservations where she was concerned. They’d fucked a few times, but he didn’t want to get involved with someone that could be his little sister. Hell, he’d sent Abi away for the same damn reasons, and now he was fucking someone younger than her. How messed up was that? If she weren’t Rose’s sister it wouldn’t have bothered him. Hell, it’d been a badge of honor getting young pussy like that. But, she was. Which made her Savage family and not one to tread lightly with. Yet, deep down, he didn’t want to. She’d been a pain in the ass when she was younger, and still had that wild as hell spirit, but that’s what he liked about her. She’d matured, and with that came so much more others didn’t see. Plus, the girl could flat suck a dick. That was a rare quality, especially among the rats around here. Even their damn throats were beat out and they had no idea how to please him. So, with Lacey, it was a double whammy. “Come on, let’s get you laid down,” she purred. God, even through the pain, her tender touch made his cock twitch.

  “You trying to get me in bed, babe?” he asked, his head cocked to the side.

  “Mmm. If I had my way I’d keep you there,” she flirted. He scooted onto the pillows and laid back, half expecting it when she carefully climbed up beside him and ducked under the covers. His sweats were carefully tugged away, and even though the slightest movement hurt like hell, her sweet lips on his shaft made it all disappear.


  Chevy had left the two and shut the door, figuring Charro would be happy to give up Harley while Rose was asleep but he denied. “Nope. We still gotta lot to discuss, this little angel and I… She has big plans. When she gets older, Uncle Charro is gonna send her to the best boarding schools Paris has to offer. She’s gonna travel the world. Europe, see the pyramids in Egypt…then to my home country, Spain. I’m gonna give her everything she wants.” Chevy didn’t know how Tonto and Sandman would take to Charro taking such a huge role in their daughter’s life, but from the looks of things, they may not have a choice. It was strange how one little baby could turn a lethal Nomad into what sat before her. She had no doubt that if someone were to walk up and say something cross, he’d slit their throat without a second thought. But with Harley, he turned in to Mr. Rogers in leather.

  “Sounds like she’s gonna be well looked after with everyone ‘round here. So that mean you’re sticking around then?” She knew Chief and them would want to know, but she asked because she actually liked the guy. He’d be good for some of the girls around here, and brought muscle, which they always needed. The bigger and stronger they were, the less likely anyone like the Diablos would ever show their faces in their territory again.

  “Uncle Charro?”

  He quirked an eyebrow in a ‘what of it’ gesture and ignored it when she didn’t press on. “Yeah. I like it here,” he stated, which didn’t say he’d relinquish his Nomad status, but that didn’t matter as long as he respected the rules. She offered a smile and nodded.



  They rode out in the night, the sound of their bikes vibrating the ground beneath them. They’d picked up a Chevy Yukon SUV and had Maxi and Kink driving it to a location that offered cover for it and their bikes. As dangerous as it was, they were going to have to walk in to keep incognito from whatever guards or goons that might be coming in or out of the tunnel. Their best bet was to have two guys ready to load up and haul ass if the need arrived.

  Shady pulled back on the throttle, pulling her bike up next to Abi as they rode down the dirt path. They’d have to watch being that close to Reyes’ compound, but if they got lucky, he’d be in the right spot to snipe out without missing a step before they went to get their girl. Not that Shady would let it go down so simply, but it sounded good anyway. She lifted her chin, taking in the warm night air and letting the moonlight clear her mind of everything but their mission. As she looked around, all of the others had switched everything off as well, all preparing and readying for the gates of hell to open wide.

  The desert-like terrain had changed some as they neared the checkpoint. Tonto had found a spot close that had forest area to use as their cover without them having to trek too far and the bikes all began to slow, rounding a corner onto a narrower path. The forest backed up to Reyes’ estate, giving them a perfect advantage to approach without being detected. They assumed there would be security measures in place, and knowing the sick bastard Reyes was, he’d have booby traps set. Thanks to Fish who had given them aerial satellite images of Reyes’ place to their GPS and Star Brite night vision scopes, it shouldn’t be too big of a feat.

  As they pulled up to a stop, Fork’s phone began to buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the Caller ID with a frown. “It’s Sahara.” Her calling meant either something had gone down or she had information. The group parked and got off their bikes in silence. He answered, “Yeah.”

  “Fork, I’ve got audio,” Sahara’s voice sounded urgent.

  “Which location?” Fork’s body went rigid.

  “At the house. Two men came out and were rambling on about the money they were gonna get. The bastards said something about an auction. I think Reyes is selling the girls, Fork.” Sahara’s emotion came out in a snarl. He had to take a moment to absorb her words, clenching his fist at his side to keep from hitting something.

  “Did they say when?” he cut out.

  “Tomorrow night if I translated right.”

  “Good. We can get in and scope the place out tonight, then hit them tomorrow. Call Fish and get us back up. I’m not going in without enough fire power to blow this whole fucking country up.”

  “On it,” Sahara replied.

  “I’ll phone in after we get Intel. You three stay low. We’re going to wait the fuckers out. Bye.” He didn’t wait for a response, but turned his volume off and shoved his phone back in his pocket. He turned to everyone and began to explain.

  “The plan has changed. Sahara hit the jackpot. Reyes is taking the girls to auction tomorrow night. That gives us time to find out what we are up against and how many girls he has locked in that dungeon of his. Once we take him down, we need to search his house from top to bottom and make sure he doesn’t have any he decided to keep for himself,” Fork said in an almost whisper. They were far enough away they wouldn’t be heard, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

  “Auction? He’s fucking human trafficking?” Shady’s face turned red even in the pale moonlight. Abi bowed up beside her, taking his words personally. The girls weren’t the only ones who had a major problem with his business. Drugs and weapon smuggling were one thing. Kidnapping girls with the intent on selling them opened a whole new angle of fucked up.

  “We’re going to set an example. Tonight, we do nothing, and I mean nothing but recon. Scope the place out. Get as
much information as we can. The stakes just got higher, and I’m not leaving until every one of them is dead, and every girl at that fuckin’ flesh market is safe.” Sandman’s face had narrowed into something almost unhuman. The entire group was bowed up, sending a crackling energy through the air. Tomorrow, Reyes would find out what true hell was.

  “Let’s move,” Sandman’s low voice was barely heard, but everyone’s feet were already in motion. They quietly trampled through the woods, careful not to make noise and intently watching for any trip wires or cameras. The last thing they wanted was to alert their presence. Heaven stayed close to the girls, her finger brushing against the trigger of a .45 pistol. She had a 9 mm. strapped to her side, and a .357 Magnum Derringer secured in her boot, just in case. It was her backup in case someone wanted to get up close and personal. She carefully stepped over a log and the ground fell out from under her. Heaven swallowed her gasp and braced for the fall, sinking four feet into the earth. The amateur Scooby Doo trap was insulting. She fought back a string of cuss words, grabbing at the dirt to get grip to lever herself out. Before she had a chance to crawl out, two huge hands came down and lifted her up. When her feet touched solid ground, she turned. Except, it wasn’t Raven, or even Gage or Colt who still held her tight against a rock solid body. It was Shark.

  “You okay, baby?” he whispered. She nodded, ignoring the ‘baby’ he’d used. She tried to step away but he held tight. “Be careful,” he warned. As if she intentionally fell in a hole, and planned not to be careful while they snuck up on one of the biggest crime lords. Nope, she planned on running up to him and bitch slapping him. She rolled her eyes, keeping her sarcasm to herself.

  “Thanks,” she whispered and pulled against his grip again. His head lowered, only a whisper away from her lips and she froze. The danger around her intensified. Being this close to Shark was more lethal than if she were in the arms of Reyes himself. Still, her breath hitched and her lips parted as if he had some sort of spell on her. Damn but she remembered how euphoric his kiss was. Just as his lips barely brushed hers, a whispered growl echoed in her ear.


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