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Taming the Wildcat (Sargosian Chronicles)

Page 4

by Mina Carter, Bethany J. Barnes

  “You’ll pay for that,” she commented as she reached down to rub over where he had smacked.

  He was too busy chewing to answer. Bird shit or not, it tasted fantastic.

  “Yeah, yeah. Promises, promises,” he threw back as he picked up the fork and shoveled more scrambled eggs into his mouth. It took him less time to demolish the plateful than it had taken her to prepare it.

  Plate clean, he looked around hopefully for more, just in case. Jei shot him a look of triumph from over yet another heaping plateful. A look that warned the warrior was prepared to shed blood and body parts to keep it.

  She refilled his plate again, somehow juggling cooking several pans of eggs and bacon at once. Happily wolfing down more of the delicious food, Roz watched as she very pointedly placed a large glass of juice next to him. She eyed the other warriors, making it clear it was his.

  Reaching up on tiptoe, she kissed his cheek before taking an almost overflowing pan of eggs from the burner. Moving with an unassuming grace, she made her way among his warriors, refilling their plates.

  He couldn’t think of a time when he had seen the Wildcats this relaxed or so ready to smile. Watching carefully, he shifted around to the other side of the counter. If any of his men so much as laid a finger on her, they’d be a smear on the deck plating.

  “Roz?” Jei broke into his thoughts.

  “What is it?” His gaze followed her as she finally made her way back toward him.

  “She hasn’t eaten yet. She saw to all of us first.”

  What? That shouldn’t have surprised him. She was the epitome of generosity and caring. Filling a plate, he set a place and dragged her back over so she could eat.

  “You’d better eat up. You’re going to need a lot of strength to make good on those promises.”

  He smirked at the mock glare she aimed at him and turned to get her a glass of juice. He’d taken two steps when her hand landed a sharp smack on his ass so hard, it stung.

  Chapter Four

  Summer was still smiling as she finished up her breakfast and then cleared things away. Reaching out for the plate of the nearest warrior, a large hand placed over hers stopped her.

  She looked up in curiosity to find Roz shaking his head.

  “No, you cooked. They’re all capable of cleaning.” He directed his comment at the warriors around them. “Especially since if they don’t, you might not cook for them again.”

  Instantly, the kitchen became a hive of activity, as nearly thirty warriors the size of linebackers, tried to cram themselves into the same small space, to prove how helpful they could be.

  She squeaked as he yanked her to one side, out of harm’s way. She clocked the way he looked at her with a hunger that surpassed anything she’d seen for mere food, and heat surged through her veins. Grinning, he stalked her backward down the corridor.

  Staring into his eyes, she knew he could easily outmaneuver her, but it didn’t stop her from thinking about running…just so he’d chase her. Her escape was foiled as she bumped into the bulkhead sooner than she expected. Nowhere left to run. Edging steadily along the wall toward his room, she felt for the door with an outstretched hand. If she didn’t get in there in the next few seconds, she would go up in flames just from the way he looked at her.

  Smiling a wicked little smile, she teased him. “I stole your clothes.”

  His expression didn’t change. “Yeah, I noticed. I’ll want those back.”

  She had no idea what came over her. Pulling the Wildcat t-shirt over her head, she threw it at his face. “Here.”

  A half hysterical laugh bubbled up her throat as she turned and ran through the open door.

  He let her get through it, even though she knew he could have been on her well before. Less than a step inside, his hard arm snaked around her slender waist. Displaying the sheer strength she’d only seen hinted at, he hauled her back against him, slammed the door shut and pressed her against it face first.

  She shivered as her skin contacted cool metal, and again when he pressed against her back. The heated skin of his muscled chest brushed against her, the smallest contact curling her toes and making her body clench hard.

  “Now, let’s talk about this theft…” he murmured against her neck.

  His breath stirred the strands of her hair. She bit her lip, holding back a whimper as he hooked a finger into the waistband of her…no, his pants. He ran the digit inside the fabric, left to right, his fingertip leaving a trail of fire across her skin.

  “You do realize theft is a serious offense? Hmm, yes, very serious. You should be punished,” he decided, testing the hold the waistband had on her hips. It slipped half an inch. He chuckled in delight. “In fact, I can think of several suitable punishments…”

  Slowly, he pulled and the fabric slipped farther and farther down her hips. It lost its grip on her skin completely and dropped to puddle around her ankles.

  Her breath came in short, excited gasps. For the life of her, she couldn’t stop her shameless behavior. She was wet…aching, all for him. Hooking the pants with her foot, she kicked them away and tried to entice him with her naked body. Lifting herself up on her toes, she slid her ass along the hard press of his erection still trapped within his pants. The friction of the cloth felt nice, but it wasn’t what she wanted, and nowhere near where she wanted to feel it. “I’ve given you your clothes back…you could just let me go,” she cajoled.

  She tried to twist around to see him, but he kept her pinned facing the door. Reaching back, she caressed his cock through the fabric of his combat pants, trying to drive him to the same frenzy she felt. Rewarded with a deep groan, she grew bolder, stroking along the length, from the tip of the head down to his balls. He leaned into her. Her arm trapped between their bodies, she couldn’t move away from the cool steel of the door.

  He dropped his mouth to her neck, kissing and sucking her soft skin, hard enough to brand her with tiny marks. His mouth hovered over her ear, his voice husky with desire. “What if I don’t want to let you go? Hmm?”

  Thinking straight became an optional extra and he hadn’t touched her yet. If he didn’t want to let her go? That didn’t sound like punishment. That sounded like heaven.

  “In fact, I don’t think I will.”

  He moved behind her, pulling her arm free and capturing the other in a swift movement. Ruthlessly, he dragged them up over her head, pinning them both there with one hand. His other skimmed down her now naked body, flirted briefly with the curve of her waist and settled on her hip.

  “First I think we need a body search.”

  He kicked her feet farther apart, the heavy fabric of his combat pants scraping sensually against the tender inside of her thighs. A tremble shimmered through her body as he stroked her flank and traced the curve of her ass with a gentle finger. “Who knows what kind of weaponry you’re packing…”

  Playing along, she jerked against his hold on her wrists. Even though she wanted nothing more than his touch, if he wanted to role-play a little, she’d be more than happy to be the uncooperative thief.

  “Weaponry? I’m not sure where you think I could possibly hide anything now, considering I have no means to conceal anything in my present state of undress.”

  The way her legs were spread, he could do whatever he wanted to her. It seemed he wanted to torture her with light, teasing touches. His palm traveled down the outside of her thigh, lightly rasping against her smooth skin. Anticipation raced through her veins when his hand moved to slide up her sensitive inner thigh.

  He chuckled at her defiance and moved his fingers in maddening slow circles, just inches away from her wet and aching entrance.

  “You’re a clever girl. I’m sure you’re packing heat…somewhere.”

  He trailed nibbling kisses along her shoulder, the soft touch of his lips as distracting as hell. Unable to help herself, she squirmed against the metal of the door, waiting…no, desperate for him to touch her properly. He drew smaller circles, closer to where she
ached for his touch. She shoved her hips backward as a none-too-subtle hint.

  “This is bordering on police brutality. You’ve got nothing on me. Either charge me with theft or release me, damn it.” Her words were shaky and breathless.

  He moved his hand without warning to cup her mound. Sliding his fingers along the soft flesh of her folds, he growled. “Release you? I don’t think so.”

  She gasped as he plunged first one, then two fingers into her pussy. Mercilessly, he moved them in and out of her in a rhythm that rapidly drove her toward mindless bliss. Soft whimpers escaped her throat with each move he made. Biting her lip, she threw her head back against his shoulder. At the first stroke of his thumb across her clit, she cried out and arched her body into his. Her hips thrust against his hand. She needed more, needed faster and harder to stoke the incredible pleasure building inside her.

  His teeth clamped down lightly on the spot between her shoulder and neck as he pressed his heavy erection into the crease of her ass.

  “I can’t let you go, baby, but I’ll see to your release.”

  Like that, he went from ruthless to gentle, a switch of mood she realized was typical of him. His grip on her wrists slackened until she could pull away if she wanted to. She didn’t. Wild horses couldn’t have pulled her away.

  Her breath caught in her throat as he nibbled her ear. His zipper sounded behind her. Fabric rustled and hit the deck. His cock pressed against her, fitting into the groove of her pussy lips. She forgot to breathe. He rocked his hips and slid himself against her, eliciting another gasp of pleasure. Already, she was hot and wet for him. It seemed to be a permanent state when he was near.

  He did it again, adding a swivel of his hips to drive the blunt, broad head against the entrance to her pussy. He pressed but didn’t drive in. Instead, he circled, stretching the sensitive tissues in sensual torment. Her cunt ached, clenching around nothing. Oh God, yes. She wanted this, wanted him, more than life itself.

  “Roz…” Barely able to think, she breathed his name as a prayer. Angling her hips, she shoved them back. Following his movements, she tried to draw his cock into her by rotating her hips and caressing the sensitive tip.

  “Please, Angel…I want to feel you deep inside me. I need to feel you there.” She pleaded, begging for him to drive forward. Somewhere along the way, she didn’t know where, he had become the center of her universe. She couldn’t breathe without him, wasn’t complete without him. She had fallen completely head over heels in love.

  “Whatever you want, baby, I’m right here,” he breathed against her neck. Then he was there, driving deep into the core of her in a powerful thrust that took her breath away. She’d never had a lover possess her completely like this, melting all reason and logical thought until she was nothing more than reaction. Putty in his hands.

  Their gasp was shared as he seated himself to the hilt. He swore low, under his breath. She didn’t recognize the words, but the sentiment was loud and clear. He moved again, pulling back then sliding deep into her in a long ride of pure sensation. She whimpered in the back of her throat.

  “Oh god. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  Their first time had been fast, hard and urgent, as if he were an invading conqueror. She’d been powerless to resist the all-consuming way he had taken her. She hadn’t wanted to resist him. Together, they had fed off of each other’s reactions and every move. Throughout the night, they had awoken, each time hungrier for each other than the last. An insatiable fever burning so hot it threatened to consume them both. Like crazy sex-starved youngsters, they kept throwing fuel onto the fire.

  This time was different. Each deep thrust hit home, deliberate and gentle, wringing every possible sensation out of her. The power behind each stroke was tangible. Slick and wet with her own juices, he stretched her so far every highly sensitized nerve ending inside was ready to send her into a massive orgasm, with each advance and retreat of his hard cock.

  He moved his hand from her hip, stroking and teasing the hard nub of her clitoris again, with such skill it should have been sinful. Two expert sweeps across the tender bud unexpectedly sent her plummeting over the edge. She moaned loudly and tossed her head again, sending her long hair flying so it draped over his arm and shoulder like a shining, golden cloak.

  It wasn’t only her pussy that clenched, all of her muscles seemed to tighten down and spasm. The muscles in her arms stood out defined and sleek under her golden skin as she struggled to stay standing. Her fingers curled so hard from where they had been splayed wide on the door, her nails left shallow furrows in the paint.

  He slid his hand to cover one of hers, clasping his fingers through hers as if to give her something to hold on to. The red and black tattoos on his knuckles stood out, the skin stretching as he gripped her hand. Still caught in the throes of passion, she let her head fall to the side slightly to rest on the bulge of his bicep.

  Her gaze wandering over the swirling red and black tattoos, she tilted her head more, so she could kiss several of the curving scrolls. Her body finally relaxed toward a feeling of weightlessness.

  Roz slammed her back into reality with a fresh electrifying jolt of pleasure as he changed his angle of penetration and stroked her clit. His thrusting cock and questing fingers built the pressure inside her again. Could a person die from an orgasm overdose?

  His face buried in her hair, he spoke. “Are you still with me, baby?”

  She heard the smug tone in his voice. Pleased with himself over how hard and fast she’d come, no doubt. All because of the way he touched her. He played her with the skill and speed of a classical guitarist playing a solo piece of Spanish-Latin music. Beautiful and dizzying at the same time.

  Nodding, Summer turned her head. He shifted and looked at her with mesmerizing green eyes. The tender look squeezed her heart in her chest. He was so beautiful to her in so many ways.

  “Yeah, I’m still with you.”

  Blinking, she fought to get the words out as his motions robbed her of the ability to breath once more.

  “Kiss me. Kiss me and take me to bed, Roz. I want to be able to see you. I want to hold you, Angel.”

  She craved the weight of his body pressing her down into the mattress. She loved the feel of his body on hers, and wanted to wrap herself around him.

  He smiled and her insides melted all over again. What was it about him that had her enthralled? What was it about her that had the same spellbound expression in his passion-darkened eyes when he looked at her?

  “Whatever you need, baby.”

  His words were a soft promise as he pulled out of her and gathered her up into his arms. Two swift strides and they were at the bed. He laid her down and crawled over her in the same movement. His knee parted her thighs and within a heartbeat, he re-sheathed himself in her willing heat.

  Summer gasped, her head thrown back as he picked up where he’d left off, loving her in long, powerful strokes. His hand wound in her hair, pulling her head back so his lips had easy access to the soft skin of her throat. They burned a trail of fire as his thrusts got harder and stronger. Deeper. God, she needed deeper.

  The tension in her loins increased, spiraled outward. Her pussy clenched tightly around his invading cock. She never wanted to let him go, and her body echoed that sentiment. Before, she had never thought of heaven, but now, in this tiny room aboard a troop transport, she’d found it in the arms of a rugged mercenary.

  Chapter Five

  Two distinct sounds penetrated the fog that surrounded her. She wasn’t scared, she knew she slept, but just on the edge of waking up. Warm and comfortable, even if the bed she lay on was solid with very little cushion to it. Frowning, she burned through the last layers of sleep and back into reality. She was on a bed, but a slumbering body lay beneath her. One comprised of solid, chiseled muscle with very little give.

  She smiled. Roz.

  Naked, they were in the same position they had fallen asleep. The last time they had made love, she had e
nded up on top. A rush of heat raced through her at the thought. She hadn’t had the strength to move afterward, all of her bones had turned to jelly.

  He’d simply picked her up and draped her over him, as if she were a blanket. Refusing to listen to any protests she made about weighing too much, he’d dragged her back each time she’d tried to move. He’d gone as far as spreading his legs to trap hers between his.

  Shifting her head carefully, she peeked up. He was out like a light. She smirked when she realized how they lay. Oh yeah, she’d know right away when he woke up.

  The sounds that drew her from sleep were those of his heart and breathing. Funny how she found those two sounds so comforting. Laying her cheek back against his drool-worthy six—no, eight-pack abs—she settled down, one hand still over his heart. Her gaze drifted to his arm, resting on hers with his hand cupped loosely around her elbow. Even in sleep, he held her close.

  Her gaze locked onto the intertwined, scrolling tattoos that covered the length of his arms. They covered the back of his hands as well.

  Lifting her arm carefully, she traced her fingertips lightly along the lines on his forearm. Following the swirls, she ran her fingers over every line she could see and reach. All of the Wildcats bore similar tattoos, though none of them had the same design on the back of their knuckles. There had to be some significance behind the tattoos. They were too ordered and similar for there not to be.

  Inhaling deeply, his scent filled her lungs. She nuzzled her nose against his skin several inches above his navel.

  “I can’t think of a better way to wake up.”

  The rumbling voice, felt more than heard was her first indication he had woken. Startled, she looked up. His eyes were warm and more hazel than green this morning.

  “What are you up to?” he asked as she carried on, tracing over his tattoos.


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