Page 6
“We link our DNA then move on to the…consummation phase.”
Valerie sucked in a deep breath. Consummation phase? Oh God! “Right.”
“Do you know about the initial night?”
She shifted her gaze from the bland wall to Hauser’s faded blue eyes. “What ‘initial’ night?”
He stepped close enough that his unique male scent drifted across her conscious. He didn’t touch her as if sensing her reluctance to touch another man so soon after the vivid experience with Dominick, but he leaned an elbow on the wall. Hauser’s quiet voice washed over her. “Where you’ll be with each of us in a twenty-four-hour period?”
Valerie’s eyes widened. “At the same time?” She really should have paid more attention during the orientation they’d forced her to go through.
“No. No. Each of us will get three hours with you to…um…consummate. But it’s only a single time with each of us. Just so we can stop shaking from our enforced abstinence. Plus, it’s sort of the alien version of a honeymoon night. They even refer to it as that. Following the honeymoon, you’ll be directed to our regular living quarters after the fifth man has…finished.”
Heart pounding nearly to her throat, she asked, “And who is going first?”
“Me.” His quick grin relieved her anxiety a notch. “You’ll consummate in the same order you met us.”
Her brain sifted through the information. Hauser being her initial lover was good. The scarier proposition was that Dominick would be the final man to slake his long-awaited lust. That auspicious event would take place after she’d already had sex with four other men. She didn’t mean it when she said, “Okay.”
“You don’t have anything to worry about.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you don’t have to sleep with five strangers tonight.”
“It’s been two months since any of us had sex.” The low tone of his voice caught her complete attention. “We can’t come any other way. Trust me, tonight will be about immediate relief.”
Valerie nodded. “I know. I’m sorry.”
Hauser kissed her lightly on the mouth. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about.” Without saying another word, he led her to the ceremony room to seal her with finality for three years. God help her.
Chapter 5
Valerie squeezed Hauser’s hand as they entered the room where the group would finalize their sexual arrangement. The other men were already in position awaiting them.
They stood on one side of a chalkboard-sized, thick pane of glass. Hauser joined them. It looked like a prison visitation scene. Lined up like human dominoes, each of the men she was about to become intimately acquainted with had his left hand resting on a countertop behind the glass panel.
Five hand-shaped impressions were embedded in the countertop and they each had a hand resting in the indentation. On the other side was a single hand-shaped impression waiting for her to begin this unholy partnership.
Valerie put her hand down and closed her eyes for strength. Something warm emitted from beneath the space where her hand rested, and an unexpected pinprick of pain centering in her palm ended it.
Jerking her hand up, she checked to see if her skin had been broken. Her hand was clean. No wound. No blood. It wasn’t even red. Hauser slid around the panel, threw an arm around her shoulder and led her from the room.
“Okay, it’s just you and me for the next three hours.” He squeezed her shoulder and a flutter of arousal zinged from where he touched her arm all the way to her clit.
The tingle of pleasure now causing a flood between her legs made her want to hurry to their destination. “Where are we going?”
“The honeymoon suite.” Hauser led her through a maze of hallways similar to the one she’d met him in. They encountered few people along the way.
“It’s pretty quiet here.” Valerie glanced left and right as they marched along the corridors of the alien craft.
“This section of the alien ship houses only human admission and mating administration. Once we move to our permanent quarters, there’ll be more people around.” He stopped before an ordinary door with a keypad on the left side. Hauser pressed his thumb on the illuminated white pad and the door slid open.
“After you.”
Valerie took a deep, silent breath and entered the room. Much like the room she’d originally met all of her men in, there was a sofa, two chairs and table in an arrangement, but beyond the entry was an open set of double glass doors leading to her perception of a fantasy bedroom.
What looked like miles of white gauzy fabric was artfully draped and swirled over a huge canopied, four-poster bed that was also covered in yards of white linen.
“Wow,” she whispered. “Nice room. Like out of a fairy tale.”
Hauser’s hands landed on her shoulders. “Does it relax you enough for what’s about to happen between us?”
Valerie turned to face a smiling Hauser as heat rose to her cheeks. “I’m not sure.”
“Well, why don’t we start with a kiss and see where that leads us.” Hauser gently slipped his hands through her hair to cup her head. He leaned in for a kiss in the next second and the utter pleasure of his skillful tongue was enough to make her forget absolutely everything else.
He cradled her face with one hand as the other slid around her back to clench her solidly against his body.
It was no secret why they were here. Hauser hadn’t had sex for a long time and she was here to relieve his discomfort. That was her job. Her primary purpose in this alternate reality.
Hauser’s tongue brushed tenderly against hers and a tendril of desire unwound in her body. A moan escaped. He squeezed her tighter as more moaning ensued from her throat. Her vocal response prompted his hand to blaze a trail down her spine on a mission to massage her ass. His thickening cock pulsed between them, sending a shower of sensation and moisture between her legs.
The dress she wore was silk and she hadn’t bothered to put any underwear on beneath it. Hauser broke the kiss to dip his hand beneath the hem at her knees. His light stroke skimmed up the outside of her thigh. When he discovered her lack of undergarments, he growled and thrust his hips forward.
He pulled away far enough to catch her eye and say, “My, aren’t you just full of surprises.”
“One or two.” She pulled his head down for another sultry kiss.
His cock, huge and hard, pressed firmly into her stomach as a shudder rippled down his body. He squeezed her bare butt cheek once before sliding clever fingers between her legs. Two long fingers thrust inside her wet slit before she could protest. Not that she would have, but his intimate touch was a little shocking.
Her Swiss-cheese memory gave her little in the way of a foundation from her previous sexual experience. Given that every touch from his fingers seemed alien and overwhelming, she decided that she might be fairly inexperienced. His fingers slid in and out of her slick entrance easily and the feeling, while deliciously decadent, also felt incredibly naughty.
His thumb rubbed across her sensitive clit and she jumped backwards in surprise, breaking not only the kiss, but the intimate connection.
Panting, Hauser asked, “What’s wrong?”
“I…um…nothing. I’m…just not used to…you know.” She ended her stuttering sentence with a whisper.
The rate of his breathing said he was still trying to get it under control. “No. Tell me.”
“I don’t remember much about my life on Earth, but I get the feeling that I’m not very experienced…sexually. What you’re doing to me…seems very unexpected…and naughty.”
He laughed. “That’s okay. I think naughty pretty much describes this whole scenario. But don’t worry, I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
Valerie nodded. “Okay.” She took a deep breath and released it.
“God, you’re sexy.” He grabbed her shoulder with one hand, hugged her close and planted his lips sensually across her mouth, teasing her lips open with his tongue.
He danced her backwards slowly, through the double glass doors and into the bedroom. His tongue dipped and swirled inside her mouth, dueling with hers to a tempo only he could hear. Valerie slung her arms around his neck to hold on as they traveled. The thick ridge of his cock ground into her belly and aroused speculation regarding his size. She now knew he was huge and a ripple of arousal trickled down her body in anticipation as her core throbbed in readiness for him.
Once next to the bed, he yanked the zipper of her dress from neck to ass in one smooth, loud zip and a blast of cool air brushed her bare back. Hauser separated them enough to pull the pink dress off of her body. She was completely naked underneath.
She boldly grabbed his cock, which pulsed against her belly, and squeezed. He was indeed huge.
“Jesus, that feels incredible.” Hauser gave her a salacious grin and quickly pulled his clothing off until he, too, was completely naked. He reached past her and pulled the comforter down, exposing the sheets. As he straightened, he latched his lips onto her breast, sucking one lucky nipple into the depths of his warm mouth.
Valerie slid her hands to his face to hold him in place as the most acute pleasure rode wildly inside her. He suckled and a delightful zing shot straight to her clit and a gush flooded the core of her pussy. Hauser didn’t linger, but soon kissed a path from breast to mouth and drove his tongue languidly inside her mouth as he pulled her snugly against his pulsing erection. She nudged him with her hips and he clutched her even tighter.
“You feel so good, Valerie,” he murmured against her cheek. “I don’t think I can last too much longer.”
“You don’t have to. Take me to bed. I don’t want you to suffer anymore.”
“Trust me, I’m not suffering at all.” He latched his mouth to hers.
They tumbled onto the bed, never breaking the kiss. Hauser’s cock rested between her aching thighs. He shifted his hands, sending one to stroke the nipple of one breast. The other slid carefully between her legs to rub her clit. The sensations in her body accumulated quickly, and with little effort, a surprise crescendo of pleasure ripped through her, arching her spine off the bed in its intensity.
Hauser didn’t wait long before thrusting his thick cock deeply inside her pulsing core. The remnants of her climax tightened and rippled around his huge shaft as he sped his thrusts.
Suspended in the moment of supreme bliss, Valerie relished the satisfied groans he made with each push forward. She kissed his jaw and buried her face against his neck. His seductive masculine scent invaded her lungs with each breath as he pumped his cock all the way inside her pussy.
With his final thrust, Hauser stiffened, whispered her name and flooded her insides with a rush of liquid heat. An unexpected climax squeezed her core and she cried out, arching against his chest. After several pulse-pounding moments, Valerie slumped back to the bed.
Hauser stilled atop her and whispered, “That was amazing. Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m just trying to remember how to breathe.” She hugged him close and kissed his cheek.
“Good. Kissing you in the arena didn’t quite make me come, but it certainly took enough of the edge off so I didn’t fall on you like a ravening beast the moment we stepped into this room.”
“I appreciate that. Not that a ravening beast isn’t just a little bit exciting, but perhaps we could save animalistic behavior for when we know each other a little better.”
Resting on one elbow, Hauser fixed a soft gaze on her eyes, brushing light fingertips from her face to her collarbone as he asked quietly, “Are you going to be okay with all of us for three years?”
Valerie shrugged. “I guess I’ll have to be, won’t I?”
“I’ll do everything I can to make our time together tolerable.”
“If what you just did is your definition of tolerable, I’m dragging you back to Earth when we leave.”
Hauser laughed and kissed her mouth tenderly. “After what just happened between us, I’ll let you.” He wrapped long arms around her, snuggled close and soon his even breathing signaled that he was likely asleep.
Valerie, sated enough to fall sleep herself after the incredible lovemaking, only managed to catnap until it was time to go. A foolish phrase bounced around in her mind: One down, four more to go.
Surprisingly, she wasn’t apprehensive about what would happen next. She wondered if the aliens had somehow drugged her to be more accepting of sex with five men in a single day. Was that what the pinprick was during the ceremony? Tranquillizers for the bride?
Perhaps there would be repeated shots of a calming drug in the hand for acquiescence over the next three years. The next time she saw Blue, she’d ask him.
Like five first dates wasn’t bad enough without five equally awkward moments of let’s-have-sex-with-a-stranger to go with them. Although in bed, Hauser had been exactly as she expected. Sifting through the names of her new ‘mated men,’ in order, her only heart-pounding worry had to do with the last man on the list. Dominick had given her pleasure during a kiss but hadn’t received any reciprocation. Would that make him more aggressive when she got to him?
A light bell chimed, apparently signaling that her time with Hauser had come to an end. Hauser woke, shifted to his elbows, kissed her lips and pointed to a door she hadn’t noticed.
“Go through there. There’ll be instructions in the room for you. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at our permanent residence.”
“Okay.” She turned and slid naked from the bed.
“And Valerie,” he called. She looked over her shoulder with raised eyebrows.
“Thank you.”
She winked and exited. Three years with Hauser would not be a chore.
Inside the small adjoining room, Valerie found a clear cylindrical tube positioned vertically against one wall. She’d seen a picture of one during the orientation. She hadn’t paid much attention to any instructions during orientation, let alone ones explaining the use of the showers. Hopefully there were pictographs somewhere.
What looked like a space-age clear sink and toilet was tucked in a corner across the narrow space. She availed herself of the facilities and studied the room. The instructions posted on the wall next to the see-through tube told her to disrobe completely and enter for body cleansing.
Her first alien body cleansing. Great.
Valerie stepped into the tube. She positioned her feet in the two spaces marked on the floor with pictures. At shoulder level on either side of her were hand holds that looked remarkably like toilet roll dispensers. She gripped the handles and the door shut.
Exposed as she was, it was a little disconcerting when a forceful wind rushed up and around her nude body. With her legs spread wide, she was brushed with air all over. Even between her legs pushing up inside her pussy, which was more than a little disconcerting. The air eventually turned cooler, then warmer and finally a light jasmine fragrance was introduced in a misty, scented application.
After several minutes the wind stopped and a sign lit up stating, “Cleansing process complete.” Valerie guessed this was the aliens’ version of a shower. She felt clean, surprisingly enough, and climbed carefully out of the cylinder. A second door lit up around the frame and in the center a display read, “Enter when prepared.”
On the wall next to the welcoming door, a peach-colored robe hung. She slipped into the soft silk garment and tied the belt in a bow at her waist. Taking a deep breath, she entered the appointed door not knowing exactly what to expect next.
Johnny, dressed in a white button-up shirt and with faded blue jeans clinging to his hips, waited by the door and greeted her immediately when she entered. “Right on time, lovie.”
Valerie closed the door and he moved very close. Circling behind her, Johnny pressed his front to her back, as he had in the greeting room, and whispered in her ear, “Are you hungry?”
She cleared her throat. “No. Not hungry.” The utterly sexy and delectable scent of him was all around her. She closed her
eyes so as to inhale and focus on him and whatever he planned to do. A prickle low in her belly tightened and her nipples pebbled and became very aware of the silk caressing them.
Johnny’s arms wrapped around her from behind and she was pulled against him intimately. One hand gripped her shoulder and the other hugged her at the waist. He nibbled her earlobe and whispered, “May I touch you?”
Valerie sucked in a short breath and moaned as she released the air from her lungs. “Yes. Please.”
Johnny’s body remained perfectly still and pressed firmly against her, but his lips trailed light, tingling kisses from neck to shoulder. His arms slid down until both hands rested on her hips.
The silk robe shifted and fell open slightly at the neck, exposing the inner curve of her breast and the barest edge of one nipple. Valerie suspected that she had never felt as sexy as she did in this moment.
Chin resting on her shoulder, Johnny, who towered over her, tilted his head to look down her body. After an appreciative-sounding groan, he whispered, “Ah, lovie, you’re exquisite.”
His hands slipped to the opening of her robe and parted it to fully expose both breasts. She watched with rapt attention as his tanned fingertips stroked and kneaded the mounds of her sensitive breasts. Aggravatingly enough, he avoided stroking the peaks of her very hard nipples and, after several minutes, she moaned.
“Touch me,” she whispered.
“I am touching you.” His low, seductive rumble of laughter followed, but he stopped teasing and squeezed her distended nipples. Ripe, hot pleasure shot from the tips of her breasts, through her veins and landed in the wet space between her legs. She sucked in an audible breath and her eyes drifted shut to enjoy the sensation of being touched.
On some level, she’d worried about being ‘in the mood’ so soon after her experience with Hauser. However, as she’d strolled through Johnny’s door, a rush of exhilaration washed through her body. Perhaps the pinprick additionally provided an aphrodisiac when needed. It was as if she’d been without sex as long as Johnny had. The anxious swell of arousal rode roughshod over her inhibitions the moment she came into contact with him.