Page 19
With a deep, satisfied-sounding exhale, he leaned back against the sofa, his cock still lodged deeply and rubbed circles on her back as she slumped down and dozed against his chest.
Later she woke as Hauser shifted to lift her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to bed.
Valerie slept without dreams or nightmares marring her rest. Early the next morning, she kissed Hauser on the temple without waking him. She slipped out of his bed and headed to her room to change and shower so she could get breakfast started early. Then she could sit with her coffee and contemplate her future without nightmares.
* * * *
Dominick was awake and already waited for her at the table. He didn’t look at her when he asked, “Did you sleep well?”
She walked past and retrieved the coffee makings from the cupboard before answering in a very quiet, “Yes.”
“Do they all know?”
“Yes.” She gave the second affirmative a little louder.
“Anyone have a problem with the information?”
“No. They seemed to already know without me saying anything. You didn’t say anything, did you?”
“Of course not. I swore to you I wouldn’t. Did you dream?”
Valerie pushed the buttons on the machine to start breakfast and twirled around, slipping her arms around his shoulders to hug him from behind. She kissed his neck below his ear where she knew he was sensitive. His only reaction was a tightening of his fists resting on the table. “No. I didn’t have the dream. I haven’t had it for several days.” She moved her mouth and nibbled his earlobe. “You were right. Confession is good for the soul.”
He jerked his head to the side and out of her reach so that she didn’t nip him again. “My goal wasn’t to be right. I simply wanted you to stop having nightmares.”
“And I have.” She kissed the side of his face. “I love you, Dominick.”
“Do you?” His rumbled response sounded more amused than anything.
Valerie moved where he could see and grinned. “Yes. Want me to prove it?” He grunted once until her hand landed on his thigh and promptly inched its way up, quickly sliding to his crotch.
“What are you doing?” He didn’t move, but she could tell his entire body had tensed.
“Proving that I love you.” She caressed his thickening cock and leaned closer to kiss his mouth. She brushed the corner of his luscious lips before he pushed back in his chair and grabbed her hand away from his crotch.
“Jesus, Valerie.” He stood up and gestured with his hands towards the sleeping rooms. No one else had emerged yet.
Valerie grabbed his shirt lapels. “It’s early. Relax. It’s just you and me.”
She put her hand back on his now fully erect cock and squeezed. “Or we could go to my room.”
His body stopped moving. “That’s never allowed.”
Valerie laughed with delight. “Like ‘that’ has ever stopped me from doing prohibited things. You of all people should know how I operate by now.”
An inarticulate noise escaped his lips as he hugged her close. Pushing and half carrying her to her private bedroom, he secured the door behind him and rested his butt against it.
Valerie slipped her robe off, exposing her nude body, and curled her fingers motioning him to join her.
Lifting away from the door, he approached slowly. “It is forbidden for me to be in here,” he whispered, glancing around before he followed her to the bed, fell on her, trapping her against the sheets, and shoved his hands between her legs.
“Forbidden sex has got to be the best sex, don’t you think?”
His rumble of laughter warmed her from the inside out. “Undoubtedly.”
“Want to go for broke and tie me up before you ravish me?” Valerie wasn’t certain where that idea had come from, but the very thought aroused her to a new pinnacle.
The feral look of utter desire Dominick shot her almost brought an immediate climax thrumming through her body. His surprised expression said, “Hell, yes! Where’s the rope?” However, the words that came out of his mouth were, “No. Why would I want you bound?”
Before she could respond or argue, he kissed her mouth hard. His hand cupped one breast, his thumb slid over the tip roughly and his cock rubbed against her clit with enough pressure to make her groan. Given that the first time they’d met he’d made her climax without removing any clothes, Valerie had no doubt that with her naked, he’d be able to do it this time with simply a look.
“Can we try something?” she asked.
“Remember when we were at the firing range?”
His entire body stilled against hers. “Yes.”
Valerie lifted her head to gauge his expression. “I wondered if we could try this with you behind me.”
He nodded and pressed his face to her chest. “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”
“I haven’t thought of anything else since that day. But only with you in mind.”
Dominick lifted off and rose to his knees. “Turn over.”
Grinning, Valerie rolled to her stomach as he straddled his legs over her hips. His large hands brushed down her back slipped beneath her body and carefully raised her butt to meet the ridge of his cock. She reached to grasp the bar of her headboard, thrusting her ass against his prominent erection.
“I think it’s time you got undressed.”
“I’ll just loosen my fly. In case I need to make a quick getaway from the forbidden zone.” She glanced over one shoulder to watch. He unfastened his pants and released his impressive erection into view. The tip of his thick cock grazed one butt cheek and her pussy tightened and gushed. She was ready.
“Ohmigod, Dominick, just take me.”
Before she finished saying those few words, he’d pierced her to the hilt. His wide shaft was snugly ensconced as deep as possible. His fingertips tickled her outer thighs then he gripped her tightly, leveraging his cock out and in again with powerful thrusts.
Valerie cried out in near climax when he reached beneath with one hand and pinched a nipple between forefinger and thumb. She dropped her head and watched him.
“If we were at the firing range,” he said between lusty strokes, “your target silhouette would look like total shit.”
A low-toned laugh escaped her throat, “Trust me, I wouldn’t care.”
Dominick growled. “Jesus, you’re so tight.”
Valerie couldn’t speak anymore or respond as he continued thrusting inside her body. The very nature of being in her bed with Dominick doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing sent a current of arousal pulsing through her. His steady strokes increased in speed and ferocity until she had to brace herself or go flying head first into the wall behind her headboard. This was the single hottest interlude she’d ever been a part of since this arrangement had started.
A wave of pleasure washed along her spine in pre-climax just before an orgasm of epic proportion rippled along the same swell of glorious, arousing sensation, starting at her throbbing clit and radiating outward to all her limbs in trembling bliss.
Valerie screamed so loud when she came, she wondered if Earth had picked up the sound waves on radar. Dominick grabbed her ass with both hands, squeezed her hips and pulled her hard against his groin one last time. With a satisfied groan, he thrust inside deeply, releasing a hot stream against her womb before her voice died down or her reciprocal orgasm finished pulsing.
He draped his torso over her sweat-slicked spine and he kissed her shoulder tenderly. His cock was still impaled all the way inside her body and her internal muscles clamped down repeatedly as if hating for the interlude to be over already.
When she could finally speak through her panting, she murmured, “Forbidden sex is the best.”
The breath from his amused laugher rumbled across her shoulder blade. “Yes, it is.”
Chapter 16
Valerie and Dominick recovered quickly and exited her room before any
alarms went off or any of the other men emerged from their rooms.
“I’d better go. They’ll take one look at your face or mine and know exactly what just happened.”
“They won’t care.”
He shrugged with a smile. “Still. No need to rub it in. See you tonight.”
Valerie threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the mouth. “Can’t wait.”
Patting her butt, he soon released her with a wink before exiting.
She made breakfast for the others and for the first time in months, the mood during their morning meal was light and cheery.
Daisy arrived moments after all of her men had left. “You look great.”
“Thanks. I resolved an issue and things are looking up.”
“Want to go shopping?”
“Of course. Let’s go soon.” Valerie expected she’d be called to task for luring Dominick to her room. She might as well not wait around the house for a summons. They could track her down later on, if they even bothered.
Blue found them enjoying lunch hours later. His sour expression didn’t bode well. “You’ve been summoned,” he announced with his sternest expression to date. “Come with me.”
“Right now?” Valerie, in truth, wanted to go to have a heart-to-heart chat with Goldie and the gang. They’d lied to Dominick and she took issue with their underhanded interference.
“Yes. Right now. Let’s go.”
Daisy stood and inserted herself between Valerie and Blue before they could leave. “Why don’t you call one of her mates to go with her?”
Blue shook his head. “Not this time.”
Valerie winked at Daisy to reassure her. Usually, she went to see Goldie and the gang all on her lonesome for the various verbal accusations, but secretly wished that either Mark or Hauser were accompanying her this time. Dominick’s face flashed in her mind, but she didn’t want him near the committee if they planned to punish him in any way for his participation this morning.
In very short order, Valerie found herself back in the High Committee Chamber standing before the hostile-faced trio of Golden, Silver and Bronze.
“Well, I see you’ve been very busy disregarding our rules, Valerie. It’s a wonder you bother with any of them.”
Valerie, emboldened by the knowledge Dominick had shared, said, “Well, considering your theories and practices are completely erroneous when applied to me, it’s a wonder I’m not simply dead.”
Golden frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You forbade me to tell the men in my household that I had a favorite among them,” she accused.
He opened his mouth as if to chastise her again until she held her hand up and silenced his words with a curse. “Damn you. I suffered for months and you couldn’t be bothered to check on me, could you?”
“You performed your duties as expected. There was no reason—”
“I had vicious nightmares and couldn’t sleep until I confessed to them all.”
“You told them!” Golden stood.
“Yes. And they were fine with the information. They approved, even. So perhaps you shouldn’t treat me like all the other rule-following sheep aboard this vessel. I’m different.”
Pursing his lips, Golden glanced down at the desk between them. “You had relations with Dominick in your private quarters this morning.”
Valerie rolled her eyes at the word he used for sex. ‘Relations’ was not the right word to describe the amazing forbidden sex they’d shared this morning in her room.
“So? No one else knew.”
“This time. What about when they catch Dominick sneaking out of your room?”
“They still won’t care. I’ve promised them that I’ll continue with the regular schedule for everyone. However, the rest of my time aboard this ship will be spent with Dominick. And you better leave him alone about it. I told him he was my favorite. And that I love him.”
“You told him.” Golden glared, but apparently couldn’t find anything else to say. He seated himself again.
“Yes. I told him and guess what? He loves me, too.”
“This is highly unusual.” Silver and Bronze each took turns whispering in his ear.
“Get over it. I’m not abandoning him.”
The three of them exchanged resigned glances. “As long as harmony remains in your household, we’ll over look the additional time you spend with Dominick. However, keep him out of your private quarters from now on.”
Golden sighed and shook his head gently. “You’re dismissed.”
“Wait. I have a favor to ask.”
“A favor?” Again Silver and Bronze took turns whispering into Golden’s ear.
“Yes. I want to know what I need to do to remember Dominick once I get back to Earth on Return Day.”
All three of their mouths fell open. Golden recovered first and said, “Impossible.”
Silver and Bronze resumed whispering furiously on either side of Golden until he waved them off with a curt nod and they resumed their stiff-backed stances.
Surprisingly, Golden’s features softened. “Your mind would be ill-prepared to handle this unusual situation. If you have any residual memories, they’ll seem like a fading dream in your subconscious.”
“Then tell me, how can Dominick and I be together?” Valerie’s heart hurt at the thought of losing him.
“That is not our responsibility.”
“Does that mean you can’t do it or you won’t.”
“Arranging for you to ‘hook up’ once the both of you return is not an element taken into consideration during the elaborate complicated return process.”
Valerie huffed. “Why can’t you make an exception? You sucked us up here and I find the man of my dreams, but I’m not allowed to pursue him?”
Golden rolled his shoulders back and tilted his head slowly from side to side, as if considering her query. “No. Unfortunately not. We must not change events on Earth. It could cause a paradox. If you meet him on Earth you won’t remember your time spent here. That falls under the heading of fate.”
She started to voice a sincere plea to implore them to change their minds, but Golden held up a hand. “Enjoy your time together here. We won’t interfere as long as you maintain the schedule for your other men, but there is nothing to be done once you leave.”
Valerie exhaled. She did an about-face before she said anything she might come to regret and stomped out of the High Committee chambers.
She marched out the doors and straight into Dominick, bouncing off his muscular chest. He locked his arms around her in an intimate embrace.
His velvety chocolate gaze penetrated to her soul and he asked, “What did they want?”
A smile crept over her mouth. “How did you know I was here?”
“Daisy found me and told me.” He squeezed her once.
Blue gave them a disgruntled look, turned away and disappeared down a nearby hall.
“Were you called here because of this morning?” He glanced at Blue’s retreating back and added, “In your room?”
Valerie nodded. “I told them to get used to us spending all of our extra time together. They told me not to allow you in my private quarters any more. I don’t know what the big deal is. Plus, I asked if they would help us find each other once we return to Earth. They won’t.”
Dominick nodded as a sharp breath escaped his lips. “Did they give you the paradox story crap?”
She hugged him tighter. “How did you know?”
“Because I asked the same thing.”
“For the first time since my arrival in those awful gray sweats, I almost want to stay. I don’t want to lose you.”
Again his deep brown eyes bored a hole through to her soul. He leaned closer and whispered, “Maybe we’ll find each other without their help.”
“Even if we do, we won’t remember our time here.”
“Doesn’t matter.” He shrugged. “I just want to s
pend my life with you. And in the meantime, we’ll store up some quality time together before we go. Perhaps we’ll remember each other in our dreams.”
Valerie buried her face against the curve of his neck, inhaled his spicy, unique scent and murmured, “Okay.”
“I’ve got to get back to work. See you tonight.” He squeezed her once before releasing her with a kiss on the corner of her mouth.
Valerie grabbed his face and deepened the kiss, tangling her tongue with his. He broke away with a regretful-sounding sigh.
He led her back to the lunch place and Daisy.
Starting tonight, Valerie planned to ramp up the experience here and investigate her untested wicked side.
* * * *
Valerie entered Dominick’s room with a plan to explore her darker erotic fantasy alter ego. Before he closed the door, she asked, politely, “So, what shall we do tonight?”
He secured the door and lifted her into his arms. Swinging her around in a circle, he kissed her temple. “Whatever you want.”
Dominick deposited her on her feet as his gaze slid to her face.
“Okay, then, I want you to tie me up.”
“What?” His shocked expression turned her on for some reason.
“I think you hold back when we’re together.”
“What are you talking about?” He shook his head a little too fast. “I love when we’re together.”
She released him, backed up and crossed her arms before he could grab her and kiss her senseless. He moved forward until his chest rested against her arms and put his hands on her shoulders.
Before he could seduce her with his lips again she said quickly, “I believe there are things you want to do, like tying me up, but you’re afraid to ask.”
A slight tremor ran down his body. If she hadn’t been touching him she might not have felt it.
“I don’t have to tie you up.”
“Bullshit. I appreciate the position you’re in, but I want to offer you something different. Something special.”
He exhaled deeply and narrowed his focus. “And you think I want to tie you up?”