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Her Master at Last

Page 11

by BJ Wane

  “Jack, how are you?”

  An attractive woman in her forties greeted Jack with a hug before turning her attention and beaming smile on Morgan. “And who’s this?”

  “Stephanie, this is Morgan, the artist I told you about.” Jack almost laughed out loud at the astonished look on Morgan’s face. “Morgan, Stephanie and her husband, James, own this gallery and sell the works of several local artists.”

  “I’d love to see some of your work. Jack tells us you’re very talented.”

  After sending Jack a piqued look for putting her on the spot, she turned shy, saying, “I’ve only done a few sketches since I’ve been here and I left them at the lodge.”

  “I have them.” Jack pulled out a few sheets he tore from her pad and tucked into his coat before they left. “You’ll recognize these, Stephanie, drawn from our loft window.”

  “Oh, no, Jack, those aren’t very good. I was just doodling.” Embarrassed he’d show her inferior work, Morgan tried to grab them from his hand, but Stephanie already had a hold of them.

  “Oh, my dear,” she sighed, scanning the drawings. “If these are just doodling for you, I’d definitely like to see something you’ve put effort into. I could frame these and get forty dollars each for them easy.”

  “Huh?” Morgan looked at Stephanie as if she was out of her mind. “They’re just charcoal sketches.”

  “Yes, but you’ve depicted the landscape with a perfect eye for detail and tourists would buy them as a souvenir of their trip and residents as a wonderful rendition of a favorite spot. Look around, dear, you’ll see all kinds of different art from wood carvings, to sculptures, to paintings all of wildlife and scenery native to this area.”

  While Jack visited with Stephanie, Morgan looked around the small gallery, impressed with the talent she saw on display. Someone who loved wildlife had made beautiful wood sculptures of bears and their cubs, eagles with wings spread, and small raccoons resting on a log. Several framed paintings hung on the walls along with handmade quilts.

  “When do you think you can get me some more sketches, or a painting?” Stephanie eagerly asked when she finished looking at all the different drawings.

  “Oh, I appreciate the offer,” Morgan stammered, not sure how to respond. Her life was currently in limbo until either Jack asked her to stay with him or she decided it was time to return to Chicago.

  Taking her hand, Jack came to the rescue. “We’ll let you know. Right now, Morgan has some unfinished business back home she needs to take care of before she can commit to anything.”

  “We charge twenty percent commission,” Stephanie said, handing Morgan her card. “Stop by anytime you want, we’d love to display your work.”

  Flattered, Morgan took the card. “Thank you. It was nice to meet you.”

  Out on the sidewalk, Jack pulled her around to face him. “We need to talk, princess.”

  In a blinding flash of clarity, she looked up at him with a goofy smile of sheer happiness. “You wouldn’t have introduced me to Stephanie or brought those sketches if you wanted me to leave.” It took a lot of nerve for her to dare him with that statement, but she wouldn’t back down. She had chased after Jack her whole life and knew him well enough to keep her from backing down now, not unless he told her outright he wasn’t interested in a permanent relationship with her.

  “No, I wouldn’t have, but you have to be sure. Not just about me, but about leaving your home, your job, everything you’ve known. And Morgan?”

  His face and dark eyes were as serious as his tone, which made her quiver in uncertainty. The bright sunlight gilded his light hair, adding to the stark contrast with his dark beard, making him look even sexier. He was so big, she felt small and petite next to him and she wanted nothing more than to be with him always. It had been that way for her for twenty years. Not even his long absences could dissuade her from that desire. “What?” she asked, already knowing leaving her life in Chicago would pose no hardship.

  “My lifestyle isn’t a phase. When it comes to sex, I’ve shown you what I want, what I’ll always demand as a lover.”

  Relieved, she teased him, saying, “And I think I’ve done a damn good job of showing you I not only accept your domination, but rather enjoy it.”

  He couldn’t deny she had submitted to him as if she had been in the lifestyle for years, but it was hard to let go of the fears that had made him keep his distance for so long. But when had he ever been able to deny her anything?

  Looking down into her bright eyes, he sighed in defeat. Kissing her nose, he said, “Can you stay a week or two longer without your parents sending the National Guard to rescue you from my evil intentions? After that, if you still want to move here, move in with me, well, there’s nothing I’d like more.”

  Morgan went giddy with relief. He wanted to give a relationship with her a try, and that’s all she’s ever wanted. “I have plenty of vacation time, but I don’t need it. I know what I want, I’ve always known, Jack. As for my parents, they never gave a damn when I spent time with you before; in fact, I know they were grateful when I turned to pestering you for attention instead of them. I refuse to let them run my life now because they want something from me.”

  Draping his arm around her, he led them back down the street. “Try not to alienate them too much, Morgan. They are your parents.”

  “Well, it’s a little late for them to remember that now.”

  Jack didn’t blame her for being bitter, but he knew they wouldn’t bow out without a fuss, not when they wanted something.

  Their next stop was the garage repairing her car, and they were both pleased the side door was fixed and usable and the rest of the damage would be finished in a day or two. Morgan had instructed Jack to give the shop permission to make whatever necessary repairs were needed to get the BMW running again as she intended to trade it in for something more practical.

  After meeting Marc for dinner, the three of them returned to the lodge where Jack left her alone in the loft while he and Marc went downstairs to put up the equipment and prepare the club room for the next couple of weeks of regular guests.

  Chapter Eight

  Two days later, Morgan sat in her favorite spot in front of the windows in the loft’s great room, blissfully happy and more certain than ever life with Jack was what she wanted. With both guys busy preparing for new reservations, she spent most of her time drawing both from the window views and from various spots outdoors. She couldn’t wait to get her paints from her apartment and start painting again. Her car had been delivered that morning and now she could make the trip back home to retrieve her things, but she was in no hurry. She definitely wasn’t looking forward to the confrontation with her parents when she told them she was relocating permanently to Colorado. And she wasn’t ready to leave Jack yet, not even for a few days. Not only would she miss him, but damn it, for the first time she had a satisfying sex life, and she didn’t want to put it on hold, not even temporarily.

  Jack’s inventive expertise coupled with his stamina left her weak and trembling and eager for more. He took her whenever the mood struck, wherever they happened to be. She’s gotten used to Marc walking in on them and her embarrassment never lasted long. This morning, when Jack bent her over the couch after breakfast, she wasn’t even surprised when Marc had taken a seat behind them and jacked off while watching.

  With the afternoon sun warming her, Morgan sketched the dainty doe and her fawn grazing at the tree line, trying to hurry before the pair disappeared into the woods. Engrossed in her thoughts, she didn’t realize Jack had returned to the loft until his large, hard hands slid over her shoulders and down his shirt, the only thing she wore, startling her. Recognizing his touch, she leaned her head back and smiled up at him as he kneaded the full softness of her breasts. “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself. This seems to be a favorite spot of yours,” he said, referring to her place in front of the large windows.

  “Mmm, yes, and your hands seem to have landed on a f
avorite spot of yours.”

  “Yes, they have. Your nipples were already hard though, which makes me wonder what you were thinking about.” When she didn’t respond, he gave each bud a tight pinch, drawing a moan from her. Her quick, eager responses never failed to surprise him and spur him on.

  “I was thinking about this morning, and how good it felt to have you inside me,” she gasped when he increased the pressure on her sensitive peaks.

  Releasing her nipples, he resumed kneading her breasts. “And having Marc watch and get himself off? Did that excite you, princess?”

  Squirming with embarrassed discomfort, she mumbled, “Maybe.” It was one thing to enjoy having an audience and quite another to admit it.

  “Does that mean you’re not sure?”

  Morgan glared up at him. “It means I don’t want to talk about it. I’d rather have sex again.”

  “I don’t like your tone, Morgan. I ask questions because I need to know how you feel. I especially need to know if there is something you’re not comfortable with, and I need to know before you resent me for it.”

  She could tell by his cool tone he wasn’t happy with her, but she still found it difficult to admit certain things to herself, let alone him. “Yes, it turned me on to have him watch, is that what you wanted to hear?” she snapped.

  “Only if it’s the truth.”

  “What if I said I wasn’t comfortable with what he did?”

  Jack shrugged. “Then it wouldn’t happen again.” But now that he knew she was comfortable with Marc, they could take her a step further. Pulling away from her tempting, soft breasts, he held his hand out to her. “Come with me.”

  Clasping his hand, she followed him down the hall, her nipples stiff and tingling, her pussy damp and ready for his possession. When he led her into Marc’s room instead of his, she looked at him in question. “What are we doing in here?”

  Jack heard the unease in her voice and smiled at her. A little uncertainty was good, but he didn’t want her afraid. “Marc has something I don’t have in my room.”

  Following his look, Morgan saw the mirrored wall opposite the king-size bed. “Uh, Jack, I said I was okay with Marc watching us. That doesn’t mean I want to watch.” The thought of seeing her less than perfect body next to his left her unsettled.

  “I do, and it’s my wishes that matter. Strip and kneel facing the mirror, legs spread wide. I’ll be right back.”

  His tone brooked no argument, which only seemed to turn her on more. Unbuttoning the shirt, she tossed it on the bed before going to her knees, keeping her eyes averted from her image in the mirror. When Jack returned carrying a round leather paddle and a small white tube, her nipples puckered even tighter and she could feel her copious juices seep from between her swollen lips, coating her thighs. Looking into the mirror, she watched Jack strip, her heart tripping as it always did at the sight of his thickly muscled body. When he knelt behind her, the hairs on his chest and legs tickled her, their rough abrasiveness exciting. Leaning back against him, she closed her eyes, moaning when his hands clasped her breasts.

  “No, I want you to watch me pleasure you. Open your eyes,” he demanded.

  Morgan opened her eyes and watched him fondle her breasts, his hands dark against her lighter skin, his fingers grasping her nipples as his head dipped to the side to kiss her neck. Though she’d never cared to look at her naked body, right now she enjoyed the sight of his hands on her, loved the way he could arouse her within seconds of touching her, relished the way he knew her body and seemed to crave it as much as she did his.

  “See how beautiful you are, Morgan? How your nipples respond to my touch?” Moving one hand in a slow, tantalizing caress down her waist, he palmed her pussy. “How wet you are, wet and swollen and eager for my cock.” He slid his middle finger between her slick folds, enjoying the feel of her warm sheath and her increasing heartbeat beneath his other hand.

  Thrusting into his hand, she begged, “Jack, please, quit tormenting me.”

  “Tsk, tsk. That’s not the proper way to address me, now is it?” He shifted his hand from between her legs, around her hip, to palm her right buttock. “That’s your second infraction. The first was your tone earlier. Turn sideways on your hands and knees. Now.”

  Morgan quivered as she moved into position, her breath snagging when he reached for the paddle and knelt behind her.

  “Watch in the mirror while I paddle your pretty ass, Morgan.”

  She didn’t want to, but she dared not disobey him when he used that tone. Turning her head, she winced as he brought the paddle down on her left buttock, cringing at the sight of her fleshy cheek. She cried out with the next swat, blossoming heat following the hot sting across her cheek, the burn going straight to her pussy. Another swat landed on her other cheek and then back to the left side. Slow and methodical, he alternated between soft and hard smacks, wringing gasps of pleasure/pain from her as he turned her entire backside into a mass of burning flesh. Lost in the throes of painful bliss, she closed her eyes, lifting her ass for each stroke even though she whimpered when it struck. With her concentration on her buttocks, on accepting the pain and the pleasure she got from it, she didn’t notice Marc entering the room. It wasn’t until she opened her eyes that she saw him standing in front of her, naked, his hard cock in his hand, his eyes watching Jack’s ministrations.

  “That’s a beautiful sight, Jack,” Marc said, his eyes shifting from her butt to her face as he smiled at her.

  Morgan smiled back, grateful for his easygoing manner. When Jack set the paddle down and leaned over her back, his cock nestled between her sore cheeks, she welcomed the comfort of his embrace.

  Kissing her neck, Jack whispered near her ear, “I want to watch you suck him while I take your ass. Will you do that for me?” Jack held his breath, waiting for her response. Her body stiffened at his request, but then relaxed, as if the idea held appeal. With a slight shift, he angled his cock down and caressed her folds, slipping between them to dampen his shaft, but not entering her. She was soaking, her breathing heavy, her nipples pebbled into points of arousal, all excellent signs of acceptance.

  Turning to look at him, she whispered her uncertainty. “You won’t mind?”

  Chuckling, he kissed her. “Marc and I have shared women before, but I will admit, this won’t happen often. I seem to be a bit possessive of you, princess.”

  Such a simple statement, but it went a long way toward reassuring her. Nodding her head, she turned back toward Marc, who watched her with calm patience, his cock hard and seeping.

  “Open for me, darlin’.” With his hand around the base of his shaft, Marc pushed between her soft lips and sank into the warm wet cavern of her mouth. “Shit, Jack, I won’t last long.”

  “Then I better join you.” Grabbing the tube of lubricant, Jack moved to kneel behind Morgan, her red buttocks an enticing lure. Coating two fingers, he spread her cheeks and pushed both digits into her tight hole in one stroke. Exploring her anus with slow, deep thrusts, he stroked along sensitive nerve endings while spreading a liberal coat of lubricant. Her low moan around Marc’s cock and the telltale shift of her hips against him was all the encouragement he needed.

  Morgan tried to concentrate on Marc’s cock, but Jack’s fingers delving between her buttocks made it difficult, more so when he pulled them back and replaced them with the slick head of his cock at her entrance. Bracing herself for his possession, she breathed a sigh of relief when he entered her with slow precision, his hands gripping her hips to keep her from moving and forcing too much of him at one time.

  “Deep breaths through your nose, Morgan,” Marc instructed her, his hands clasping her head to hold her still.

  Held securely in front and back, Morgan could do nothing but take their cocks and glory in their possession. The invasion of Jack’s cock in her ass burned, but the discomfort soon turned to pleasure, the plug experience and anal play he’d tormented her with helping make this first time easier. His slow possessio
n stretched her to the point of pain, but by the time he filled her rectum with his full length, she found herself on the verge of climax.

  Jack, whose attention didn’t miss a thing, smiled and nodded at Marc. As the two of them sped up their thrusts, Jack slid his right hand between her legs and clasped her swollen clit between two fingers. “Come for us, princess. Come now.” Milking her clit between his fingers as he pummeled her ass with his cock, her come soaked his hand, her cock-muffled scream music to both their ears.

  Drowning in a sea of sensation, her ass spasming around Jack’s cock, she came over and over, her mouth never releasing the treasure of Marc’s plunging dick. When they joined her, she came again, her body shaking with the raw carnality of her release and their possession.

  * * *

  Morgan awoke to Jack’s cock prodding her from behind, his body a warm and comforting embrace. “Are you ever satisfied?” she groaned.

  “Relax, I’m not such a pervert as to take you so soon after what we put you through last night. Have I told you how fucking awesome you looked in the mirror with the two of us?”

  “No, but thanks.” She never tired of his compliments, never felt self-conscious around him because of them. It was only when she was away from his positive influence she still had doubts about herself. “So,” she said, twisting around to snuggle up to his chest, watching his face closely. “Are you still mad I showed up here unannounced?”

  Jack twisted her hair in his hand, using his grip to bring her face up to his. “You satisfy me so well it always leaves me wanting more. Maybe in fifty years I’ll finally have my fill of you.” His mouth took hers in a deep drugging kiss before he asked, “Does that answer your question?”

  Giddy with delight at his answer, Morgan didn’t think even fifty years would be enough for her. “Yes, thank you, Jack.” Reaching down between them, she ran her nail lightly down his erection. “You know, I’m not sore everywhere.”


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