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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe

Page 3

by M. L. Briers

  Wrapping her arms around her body she tried to push away the image of those eyes that she couldn’t quite escape- the more she tried to annihilate the image from her mind- the more it burned itself into her psyche- another shiver running the length of her body.

  Great Nic- fantasize over the eyes that are probably going to be the last thing you see before he rips your throat out- way to go.

  Maria and Layla had heard the commotion going on from the kitchen and by the time they reached the front porch two bodies were sailing through the air as Jake tackled Ryan and took them both from their feet and from the porch- the sound of bodies impacting the hard ground, of grunts and growls punctuated the otherwise silent day.

  “This is why I want my mate to be human- I’d like to go just one day without a fist fight breaking out.” Layla grumbled as she eyed the fists flying not ten feet from where she stood.

  Maria’s frown eased on her forehead as a gentle smile broke over her features, “You think human men don’t fight?” Maria teased keeping an eye on the fight and glancing in her daughter direction.

  Layla blew out a long sigh of boredom at her pack brother’s behaviour, “I think it takes a lot more than just a glare to set them off-“ Layla shot back her comment on a grimace as Ryan’s fist connected with Jakes jaw sending him flying backwards onto the ground, legs and arms already surging out around him to propel him back onto his feet.

  “What you need to learn about men is epic Layla- testosterone is testosterone-“ Maria teased her daughter and brought a pout to her full lips, placing her hands on her slender hips- she tipped her chin up and regarded her brethren with distaste, Jake charging at Ryan with enough force to knock them both to the ground. Rolling off his Alpha he propped himself up on his elbows and eyed him with amusement as he drew in a long steadying breath.

  “Had enough yet brother?” He threw out, raising his brows in amusement, the glee on his face more than evident.

  “What’s wrong Jake- tiring?” Ryan asked pushing himself to his feet and watching his Beta do the same. Both men standing toe to toe.

  “Never- but I was wondering just how much energy you needed to expend considering you have a mate to woo.” Jake chuckled eagerly as the fire in Ryan’s eyes flashed a moment before his fist struck Jakes jaw sending him backwards on his feet.

  Jake tittered on his heels but managed to recover his position just as Ryan launched himself at him again, thrusting a shoulder into his gut and making the laughter die on a rush of air from his lungs as they both hit the ground.

  “I think I have all I need to know about Lycan men thank you very much- uncivilised is the first word that comes to mind.” Layla turned on her heels and stomped back into the house as Maria’s attention was centred entirely on the two males now rolling around on the ground locked in something of a power struggle.

  “Mate?” Maria called from her lofty position on the porch and instantly stilling the movements of the men on the ground as Ryan slowly lifted his head and stared a black glare down at Jake.

  “Whoops- prepare for the inquisition brother.” Jake muttered on the small chuckle of glee a second before Ryan’s fist connected with his jaw and another second before Ryan was on his feet and walking towards his mother- a warning glare from beneath his dark brows as he regarded her standing there on the stairs, hands on hips and with a withering look that said he was going to tell her what she wanted to know.

  “Not now mother.” Ryan took the stairs three at a time and was just passing her when her hand shot out and she wrapped her fingers around his bicep bringing him to heel instantly, he turned his head to look down at knowing eyes as she smiled gently up at him.

  “You found her?” Her voice was almost angelic as she physically softened her stance.

  Ryan took a long breath as he nodded down at his mother, “It’s complicated.” He muttered and heard Jake spit out a belly laugh behind him.

  “It usually is-“

  “She’s a witch.” Ryan spat out with an element of disbelief mixed with disgust. His eyes looking with his mothers as she flinched at his words and the meaning behind them. It took her a long moment to recover herself from the news and then she tipped her chin up in fortitude and gave him a long hard stare.

  “She’s your mate- you’ll overcome any obstacle the spirits have seen fit to put in the way of your bonding-“ Ryan shot her a hard look.

  “Bonding? With a witch?” Ryan shook his head as his anger grew within him again.

  “Bonding with your mate.” Maria corrected him adamantly.

  Jake watched the scene before him, Maria compassionate as always, talking sense to her son as Ryan stood there firmly convinced his mother was mad- from the look he was giving her he was considering having her committed right there and then and Jake could understand his reaction- Fae were the enemy of his people- there was much distrust on both sides- enough for the lines of communication between them to have been broken long ago and yet, she was his mate- Fate had deemed them that for a reason.

  “I have no intention of-“ Ryan was cut off by his mothers gentle laugh that sung a melody through the air.

  “Intention? Why do my children believe they can alter destiny?” Maria let Ryan’s arm slip from her fingers as he glared down at her.

  “This discussion is over mother.” Ryan informed her using his best Alpha tone in his voice and Maria shrugged her shoulders as her son stalked off towards the house.

  “Sit with it for a while Alpha- consider the possibilities of life without a mate by your side.” Maria almost whispered, careful not to challenge his Alpha stance too much as her eyes locked with Jakes, a knowing smile growing on each of their faces.

  “You- inside the house- let’s get you cleaned up.”Jake didn’t argue, he was sure he looked worse than if he had tangled with a steamroller and lived to tell the tale.

  Reaching the top stairs and with Ryan long since gone he looked down into Maria’s soft eyes and questioned her, “Will he fight tooth and nail against the bonding?”

  “No- the need will be too strong within the pair of them.”

  “Should make for interesting viewing- from a purely detached stand point.”

  Maria’s hand shot out and caught him firmly around the back of the head, he growled gently at her, “Remember she’s your brother’s mate-your Alpha’s mate- you’ll behave accordingly.”

  He grinned long and hard, the twinkle of mischief in his eyes warming her heart, “Of course and I will protect her with my life- but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the fireworks.” His devilishly handsome grin had Maria chuckling to herself as she turned towards the door before turning back on a warning.

  “Remember Jake- what goes around comes around- you have yet to meet your mate.”

  The smile immediately dropped from his face as his eyes dropped to the floor and he thought about her words.

  “So in the interest of being informed- who is she?” Jake asked as he stretched back on the living room sofa and grasped his hands at the back of his neck watching Ryan under hooded lids from across the way.

  Ryan pulled his attention away from the large screen TV and shot his friend a warning look, “She brother- is none of your damned business.” Ryan growled out before turning his attention back to the game that was playing out unseen in front of him. He might have his eyes on the screen, but his mind was firmly elsewhere.

  “Come on Ryan- she’s a part of this pack now-“ Jake offered without trying to sound too smug about it.

  “She’s a witch-“ Ryan shot back, not even bothering to turn his head this time.

  “Doesn’t make her a bad person-“ Jake offered lightly feeling the amusement within himself- but trying desperately to rein it in.

  “She’s Fae Jake- she’s not coming near this pack.” Ryan felt his wolf’s uneasiness within him, the low growl of annoyance from the beast that showed how much he and his wolf disagreed over the fate of their mating with the witch.

  “She’s your mate R
yan-“ Jake offered and saw Ryan’s back straighten as his muscles tensed throughout his body.

  “Unfulfilled- and it will remain that way brother.”

  “Are you really that arrogant to believe that you know better than the spirits-“ Jake was trying to pussy foot around him, but it wasn’t easy, Ryan was a stubborn fool.

  “Are you really looking to get your teeth handed to you Jake?” Ryan turned his black gaze on his pack brother and Jake sucked in a long breath, holding it as long as it took to calm his own temper under such a challenge before he slowly released his burden.

  “I’m just saying-“

  “I hear you- but it’s a dead subject, move on.” Ryan got to his feet with a swiftness that had Jakes muscles prepped to defend himself, but Ryan made no move towards him, instead he stalked quickly out of the door, a moment later Jake heard the front door slam shut and knew his Alpha was silently pissed at him.

  Mates- more trouble than they are worth. He snorted as he settled back down on the sofa and focused on the game.

  Ryan shifted the moment he had discarded his clothes. The need to feel his wolf had become almost unbearable. Taking off through the woods as fast as his paws could carry him, he felt the freedom of his animal form freeing him from the bonds of his human life.

  If he could live like this life would be so much easier he told himself bounding through the underbrush, oblivious of anything around him, uncaring of the sights and sounds of nature, knowing that in this form his wolf was more than capable of handling most things that might be a problem.

  Losing himself in the wolf was almost therapeutic in these days since becoming Alpha, with all the responsibilities of keeping the pack as problem free as possible. Dealing with everyone’s day to day problem’s was a burden he was happy to take on and truth be known, there was no real hardship in keeping the pack ticking over, the last Alpha- his father, had run a tight pack where everyone know what was expected of them and when his father had died suddenly the transition to Alpha had been a smooth one.

  While the pack mourned the loss of their beloved Alpha, life had continued without any real problems- pack life for all was comfortable, everyone in the community- still able to work, had employment and the elders who had paid their dues over the years were well cared for and their wisdom and knowledge always a source to be drawn on where pack business was concerned.

  Without a mate of his own the females of the pack would still turn to the old Alpha’s wife, Maria with any problems or concerns and his mother had always been firm but fair in her dealings with everyone- how the hell could the spirits believe that having a Fae as an Alpha’s mate would help his pack?

  Although his pack and never really experienced the problems that other packs around the country had with the coven’s- there was still an inbreed distrust of witches within his community, did the spirits really believe that could be so easily put aside when they had chosen his soul mate for him?

  A witch ! Ha!

  Ryan heard the sound of the metal click as his wolf came to a slow stop near the clearing ahead and walked on silent pads towards the light that emanated through the darkness of the foliage.

  Damn it. Should have been paying attention.

  He growled at his wolf as he noted the paw prints in the soft earth that lead his way towards the artificial light, prints that matched his own because they were his, his wolf had taken the opportunity to lead him straight to the home of that darned witch and he could feel the excitement of his wolf as he drew slowly towards the edge of the clearing.

  Nicole collected the wine glasses in her fingers and snatched up the open bottle of white from the counter, padding across the kitchen on bare feet- out through the back door, she didn’t notice the way Darcy stiffened in her chair as she bent at the hip, placing the glasses gingerly down onto the top of the table and adding the bottle of wine before straightening and glancing at her friend who was now perched on the edge of her seat staring out into the woods at the end of the garden.

  “Darc-?” Nicole started to follow her gaze when Darcy squealed, bringing Nicole’s attention back around to her friend- who had leapt to her feet with a finger pointed towards the tree line, her eyes were wide as she gasped in a breath.

  “Wolf.” She spat out bringing Nicole’s head snapping around on her neck to follow the outstretched finger of her petrified friend- it took her only a moment to spot the pair of eyes that were locked onto them from just inside the foliage and she gasped in her own breath.

  Ryan stilled instantly as the other woman’s eyes locked onto his, at first he thought she was just staring blankly into the woods and then he saw her tense, his attention caught by his mate walking out into the garden- by the time his dumb brain was done cataloguing just how beautifully his mate looked and he turned his attention back towards the other woman, she was already on her feet, startled eyes wide as she pointed at him.

  “Wolf.” She announced and he felt his heckles rise as he contemplated his next move, should he back away or should he take a step out into the open, show himself to his mate in his wolf form- his wolf was chaffing at the bit for the later, eager to show himself to her- but that moments indecision cost him dearly as the second woman opened her hand, palm upwards to the heavens and muttered under her breath, her fingers curling up into her palm as an indescribable urge to walk forwards overtook his body.

  A powerful pull on his being that didn’t feel natural by design and his paws moved of their own volition as his pads pressed into the soft earth. He found himself outside the camouflage of the foliage in the openness of the garden, his eyes unable to leave this witch and whatever spell she had cast over him.

  “What are you doing?” Nicole hissed out at Darcy as she curled her long fingers into her palms and beckoned the wolf to them. The wolf obliging as he slowly emerged one giant pad gracefully planted in front of the other until he was entirely visible under the light from the half moon above them and the artificial light shining down from the house behind them.

  Nicole caught her breath at his beauty, the charcoal grey of his coat mixed with flashes of black and silver that ran through the deep fur, the pure white that ran from under his mouth down his underbelly and those chocolate brown eyes that stared back at Darcy with an intensity that Nicole would like to have turned on her right then.

  “Beautiful-“ Nicole gasped in as Darcy drew her attention back from the wolf- the twisting of her arm until she held her palm outstretched towards the magnificent beast.

  “Vanquish the beast within-“ Darcy muttered and Nicole felt the panic rise within her.

  “No!” She blurted out, rushing forwards she hit out at Darcy’s arm, knocking it sideways as Darcy stumbled in place, her eyes losing their hold on the wolf as she fought to stay on her feet.

  “What are you doing Nic?” Darcy spat out as she regained her footing, the sound of the deep growl drawing both of their attention back down the garden towards the wolf as he bowed his head, eyes darkening as he drew back his lips to show the sharp long fangs that caught a menacing gleam in the moonlight.

  “That’s not good-“ Nicole didn’t take her eyes from the wolf as she reached out her hand and wrapped her fingers around Darcy’s arm, yanking her behind her- she used her own body to protect her best friend from the impending wolf attack.

  Just at the point where Nicole was desperately trying to sort through the spells to keep him at bay inside her frantic mind another wolf appeared out of the foliage, its gaze intent on Nicole, a low growl emanated from its throat, catching the first wolf’s attention and bringing its head around to the second wolf, pure black with dark eyes that seemed to stare intently at Nicole and she felt as though she were being appraised as a main course for its evening meal, her heart thundering in her chest as Darcy gripped her shoulder.

  Jake looked Nicole over, she certainly wasn’t what he had been expecting. She was so much more- trust Ryan’s luck to get a damn good looking witch as a mate, he told himself as he felt Ryan’
s stare on him from across the way.

  ‘Did you upset the witch already brother?’ He teased and heard the low deep growl in response, chuckling to himself that he had managed to push Ryan’s buttons just by being there, let alone rubbing salt in the wounds with his amusement.

  ‘Get out of here Jake- it’s not one witch but two and the second one has no qualms about using her magic on us.’

  ‘So what’s your plan of attack brother- I take it you were going to rip your mates friends throat out right in front of her?’ Jakes words hit home to Ryan as he gave another low growl in his throat. ‘ Didn’t think that far ahead ha?’

  Jake took another step forwards, the sudden rush of electricity that hit him sending the fur on his body standing on end, the pain that shot his body sending his muscles into convulsions as his paws quivered beneath him- unable to hold onto his wolf form he transformed almost immediately, his naked body convulsing in pain as he dropped to the grass- the whimpering of his wolf echoing through his mind as he groaned his agony.

  ‘ Jake!’ Ryan bounded towards him, his claws churning up the soft grass beneath him as he rushed to his brother’s side, anger and revenge mixed within him as his eyes took in the sight of a newly transformed Jake lying on the ground- his body tensing and releasing in spasms of pure pain as his friend groaned over and over.

  Nicole felt the wolf push against her wards, the ripple of electric that tingled over her skin as he pushed against the barrier. The sound of the wolf’s whine of pain echoed through her mind and twisted her stomach into tight knots within her, the pain evident from the huge beast as its muscles convulsed, caught within the wards and unable to break free.

  “The wards are holding.” Darcy hissed with relief ripping Nicole’s attention away from the wolf long enough for her to turn to her friend and force her backwards through the open door of the house.


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