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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe

Page 7

by M. L. Briers

  Shay ran her fingertips down over the hard muscles of his chest- every inch of his skin felt like silk beneath her touch, every lap and twist of his tongue in her mouth sent jolt of excitement deep within her- she was so close to abandoning herself to his lust- his desire- her lust- her desire and when her fingertips found the tip of his silken head- she heard the feral growl that escaped his lips and into her mouth and her need notched up within her.

  Jake pulled his hips back away from her to allow his mate access to his hardness, her fingertips running over the head matched the ache he felt for her- he wanted to be sheathed within her core- to stroke within her until his name was all she could utter.

  Shay fought against the urges within her to submit to him- her wolf snarling and fighting against her desire to get away- her beast wanted this- wanted a mate- she hated the life that Shay had chosen- the beasts need to be in a pack and to run wild and free with its own kind had kept the beast sorrowful and needy for too long, but it was now or never to escape her mate- Shay knew that and now she was fighting both her nature and the nature of her beast to be free of him.

  Shay brought her knee up hard connecting with his sack before he even felt her coil to attack, too caught up in his desire for her- the breath that left his lungs on a rush as he jolted back away from her was the first clue that she had hit home with a good one, his hands dropped from her arms and he clutched his battered groin, his eyes flashed with anger and pain as he dropped to his knees on the ground before her as she stumbled to side step him, her foot catching on the fallen tree branch beside her and she watched him double over and fall to the ground.

  Her hand reached for the thick branch as her beast growled within her, “I am sorry.” Shay admitted as her fingers closed around the branch and she lifted it to shoulder height, hesitating only momentarily to look down at her mate lying in pain at her feet before she brought the branch down on his skull, the loud thud ripping through her heart like a bolt of pure agony as she dropped the branch beside him and stumbled backwards, the tears of regret for what she had to do spilling down her cheeks as she forced herself to turn on her heels and run from him instead of tending her mates injuries.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Ryan stalked across the grass towards Jake as he stumbled naked out of the woods- the crimson of his own blood- that had seeped from the head wound had plastered his hair to his head and clung to his face, the moonlight highlighting the sheen as he scowled under dark brows back at his Alpha.

  “I was distracted- she got a knee in and then schwack- took me out.” Jake bit out between clenched teeth, his fingers tracing the wound on his head that was already healing, a wince crossed his face as he kept his eyes from his Alpha’s.

  “Why do I feel there’s more to the story?” Ryan growled at his Beta and watched Jake roll his eyes.

  “She’s a Fae hunter-“ Jake spat out dropping his hand to his side and sighing out his discontentment- his wolf was fidgety within him- eager to go after his mate- eager for the chase.

  “She was after Nicole?” The low growl rumbled through Ryan’s chest as his eyes flicked back to the house and the thought of his mate sleeping helplessly within, his beast roared within him.

  “Looks that way- I informed her Nicole was protected by our pack and she said she would move on- but then she did this- so-“ He shrugged his shoulders, the disbelief within him that his mate could have acted the way she had- it went against Lycan nature- it went against what she would have been feeling towards him- but she was a rogue- they were unpredictable- he should have seen it coming- should have anticipated her tenacity.

  “We need to put her down before she has a chance to come at Nicole again.” Ryan spat out, the venom in his voice sent a cold chill through Jake, a low deep growl emanated from the beta’s chest and snatched Ryan’s attention back from making plans to trap the female Lycan and kill her.

  “Something you want to say Jake?” Ryan demanded and Jake shuffled from one foot to the other, the look of pure disdain on his face as he pressed his lips together in a grimace and shook his head in disbelief that he was going to actually say these words about that damned female.

  “Shit Ryan- she’s my mate.” Jake breathed out on a deflated breath as Ryan took a long moment to digest what Jake was telling him.

  Ryan’s first thought was for Nicole- he would protect her with his life and he didn’t give a damn who he had to kill to do it. His next thought was for his pack brother- the potential threat came for his mate- how the hell could he sentence Jake’s mate to death?

  Ryan felt his anger subsiding within him as he looked at Jake- the state of his Beta had been inflicted by his mate- she had managed to blindside him while Jake’s thoughts were elsewhere and Ryan could just image where those thoughts had been- especially with both mates being naked in the woods together and a slow rumbled started within Ryan’s chest quickly building in intensity as he watched Jake lift his eyes questioning the sound before his eyes grew dark with annoyance.

  “What’s so damned funny?” Jake demanded and Ryan couldn’t hold it back any longer he practically doubled over with laughter.

  “You got your backside handed to you by your own mate-“ Ryan reached out and slapped his Beta on the back in a show of camaraderie. Jake shrugged his hand off him and growled low in his chest.

  “You are a cruel and inhumane man and one I might add that hasn’t done so well in the mate stakes himself- need I remind you.” Jake grumbled as he pushed past Ryan and strolled over to the garden chairs, dropping down into the first one he came too as Ryan followed him over, the bouts of laughter still rippling through him as he sat the other side of the garden table, eyeing his friend.

  “At least she didn’t kick me in the package and snap a branch on my skull.” Ryan bit out- his shoulders rising and falling with the amusement that rolled from him.

  Jake gave a slow shake of his head before he eyeballed his Alpha, “I’m glad my pain amuses you brother.”

  “You have no idea- brother.” Ryan shot back sarcastically as Jake huffed.

  “Plan of action or are you just enjoying the moment too much?” Jake shot back and Ryan turned to grin at his friend.

  “I’ll stay here and protect Nicole for however long it takes you to go chase down your mate and claim her- once she’s mated and part of our pack she’ll have no designs on anything but you.” Ryan announced and Jake raised a brow in scepticism.

  “Nice theory- but she’s a rogue-“

  “Doesn’t matter- once she’s mated to you her beast will keep her in check. Sissy, Paco’s mate from the Valley Pack was rogue and now she’s pack mother to a tribe of pup’s- you just need to bond with her-“

  “I’ll not take her by force-“ Jake spat out angrily and Ryan turned dark eyes on his friend.

  “I should bloody hope not- but by now her wolf will be howling within her for you- she will only be able to resist for so long before she comes for you brother- she’s Lycan, not human- the desire for you will be rushing through her blood, stronger with each passing hour of each day.” Ryan gave his Beta a lopsided grin and blew out a small chuckle as Jake shot him a dirty look.

  “Don’t know what you’re so damned happy about brother- you’ve got to persuade your mate to let you stay with her.”The amusement sparkled in Jakes eyes as the smile died on Ryan’s lips.

  “My female is in hand-“

  “Better beneath you naked in bed, wouldn’t you say Alpha.” Jake shot back on a smirk before pulling himself to his feet and scanning the woods before him.

  “Just worry about your own mate.”

  Ryan didn’t need his Lycan hearing to hear the sound of the heavy thud that rattled the upstairs floorboards and had him taking the stairs three at a time until he reached the upper landing, the muffled sounds of angry muttering calming the rush of panic that had surged within him, fearing his mate was in danger.

  “What the hell are they doing there!” He stood at the doorway and took in his mate
half lying on the floor, in her hand one of his shoes that he had discarded earlier, the sound of his muted chuckle bringing her furious eyes up to glare at him.

  “Yours I take it.” She accused and he folded his arms across his chest and lent against the frame, propping it up with his shoulder as he narrowed his eyes on her, trying to assess just how much trouble he was in for.

  “Are you still drunk?” Nicole took a long breath and held it as she chewed an imaginary wasp.

  “No, but obviously you’re still stupid- who leaves their damn shoes in the middle of the room?-“ She snapped pulling herself to her feet- blowing the stray strands of her hair from her face as she stood there with her hands on her hips, one shoe still clutched in her closed fist.

  “And why the hell were you in my room -?” She demanded more of an accusation than a question and saw the slow grin appear on his face, the heat of fire burning within her to smack that look right off his face.

  “You know why.” The suggestive tone of his voice caused a low rumble of anger to rattle through her.

  “And why the hell are you still here?” She demanded and he gave a low suggestive chuckle, dropping his arms he took just one step towards her, his eyes darkening with desire.

  “You know that too- I told you earlier.” There was a low feral growl behind each word and Nicole’s memory slipped back to her, like an avalanche, heat rushed through her body and her eyes went wide. “See.” He added and she sucked in a gasp of shock at his audacity.

  The shoe she was holding flew through the air and he ducked it easily, a grin replacing the smirk on his lips as he came slowly towards her, like a wolf hunting its prey, and she knew she was just that- his blood prey.

  “Don’t you dare-“ She backed herself right into the hard wooden footboard of the bed, a small shriek leaving her lips as her hands gripped the polished wood behind her backside and she nudged herself along it, away from him as he continued to slowly advance towards her.

  “Dare what ?” He teased as she ran out of footboard, her hand slipping off the edge and she stumbled, spinning on her heels and backing herself up against the dressing table- all the time her wide eyes watched him advance as her heart slammed against her ribs within her chest, her hands tracing over the wood behind her until she found something solid, her fingers curling around the wooden box and she launched it towards him.

  “Stay away from me you overgrown pile of fur.” He ducked the box on a small growl, another step closer and she backed away sideways down the edge of the dresser, backing herself into the corner, her eyes flicking from him to the bed in front of her.

  “Don’t run from me Nicole.” He growled at her, a flash of something primeval in his eyes as she launched the hairbrush she held behind her back at him and he ducked it as she took off for the bed, one leg rising up to jump onto the mattress as his wolf roared within him and he launched himself at her.

  Easily catching her around the waist before she made it onto the bed, she impacted the mattress face first and felt him come down on top of her, the weight of his body was enough to immobilise her, without his fingers seeking her wrists as he repositioned his weight half on and half off her body at the same time as he pushed her arms up above her on the bed, one leg between her thighs.

  “Told you not to run-“ He growled beside her ear, one large hand snagging both of her wrists as he brushed her hair from her face with the other.

  “Predator.” She hissed out panting hard but not struggling against him, she knew she stood no chance to get away- he was too strong and the way he held her down meant she stood no chance against him.

  The excitement rose within her as the backs of his fingers brushed her cheek- his eyes level with hers for a long moment as she saw her desire for him mirrored in his own eyes.

  “Yes I am and you are well and truly caught- but Nicole-“ He brushed his fingers over the soft skin of her neck, tracing down the vein as he leaned towards her, his breath a caress against her cheek and ear. “- I don’t hear you asking me to let you go.”

  The shiver that ran through her body ignited a fire within her that had the heat pooling between her thighs, her body responding to his closeness and when he ran his tongue over that same vein and his teeth nipped at her earlobe- she wasn’t surprised at the gasp of pleasure that escaped her lips.

  He moved over her then, the sound of her chiffon top being ripped right down her spine was inconsequential to her as his lips traced the line of her spine, his fingers flicked the clasp on her bra and she felt the gentle play of fabric easing against her breasts beneath her.

  When he ran his tongue from the waistband of her skirt up her spine to the nape of her neck she moaned into the covers.

  “Still not asking to be released Nicole-“ He breathed against her ear, his fingertips running down her back until she arched into the mattress, he saw her long lashes flutter down over her eyes and her lips part of a long breath and he ached with the hardness restrained by his jeans. “Do you want me sweetheart?” he nipped her lobe again and she practically convulsed against the jolt that shot through her- her body craving more- knowing just how damned good he was going to feel inside her.

  When he knew he had her tamed he released her wrists but she didn’t move her arms, she just lay beneath him revelling in the feel of his fingertips on the bare skin of her back, his lips brushing over her, his tongue tasting her flesh before his teeth nipped her- a barrage of sensual touches that had all rational thought switching off inside her brain as her pleasure zone practically ignited in her mind and body.

  He turned her beneath him, his hands running from her stomach up her body, taking the torn fabric and lace bra up over her breasts, his fingers running up her arms as he released the fabric and he ran his fingertips back down her arms until he found her breasts- she arched towards him when the pads of his fingertips found the hard pebbled buds of her nipples, her lashes fluttered against her cheeks as she gasped in a breath.

  When his tongue laved her nipple she moaned gently, the sound was the sweetest music to his ears and when her legs squeezed against his thigh and she raised her hips, her sex rubbing against his leg she moaned louder and he clamped his mouth around her nipple and sucked the bud into his mouth, his tongue playing against the nerves and she bit down on the moan of pleasure.

  His hands found the waistband of her skirt and he pushed it down over her hips, his fingertips snagging the thin cotton band of her panties and his mouth left her nipple for only the briefest of seconds as he stripped her of the barrier for his touch- his mouth back at her breast before she could grasp the thought that he was gone.

  He traced back up her inner thigh with his fingertips, a burning path of eroticism that had her drawing her knees up towards her on the bed, her hips moving towards him, searching for his touch- he brushed her curls with the back of his hand before running his fingers back down her thigh and she hissed out her frustration between clenched teeth as he released her nipple between his teeth and ran his tongue up over her collarbone to her neck, nipping gently before soothing her flesh with his tongue as his fingers continued to tease her.

  “Do you want me Nicole?” he breathed against her ear and she sucked in a breath as she squirmed beneath him, still searching for his touch against her sex. “Look at me-“ he brushed his lips against hers, his fingertips drawing closer to her sex and she forced her lashes up, her lids heavy with desire as she focused on his eyes- dark with desire for her.

  “I’m not going to touch you sweetheart until you tell me you want me to-“ the deep growl behind every word had her pulse skyrocketing within her, she wanted his touch more than she wanted the oxygen in her lungs- he was hers and she was his and she needed him- now.

  “I want you- I need you-“ His lips came down on hers silencing her with a passion that swept her up by its sheer intensity, his tongue pushing into her mouth and claiming her with so much pure desire that she couldn’t hold back her own.

  When his fingers found the wetness
of her folds she moaned into his mouth, her knees falling away from his thighs as she opened herself wide for his touch- submitting to her mate- showing him how much she wanted him and he growled deep within his chest, his beast more than pleased with their mates response.

  Ryan devoured her mouth without mercy- revelling in her sweet taste as she drove him close to insanity with her own desire for him, her tongue tangling with his, her body soft and responsive beneath him, her hips snaking on the bed as his thumb found the sensitive nub of flesh and worked over it, easing under the little hood as he stroked a finger into the slickness of her core and she tore her lips from his, gasping in a breath and fisting the covers above her head.

  “Easy sweetheart- we’ve a long way to go tonight- just let go-“ He added another finger within her, stroking knuckle deep, his thumb spinning faster over her nub- “Let me release you- relax and feel.” He brushed his fingers over the smooth muscled walls inside her, searching for that place where the nerves were the most responsive and when her hips thrust upwards towards his touch she pushed her head back into the mattress and moaned long and hard he knew he had found it.

  Nicole felt the knot tightening within her so damn fast it was causing her to pant in breaths into her lungs as his fingers within her core caused wave after wave of sensation within her, his thumb moving over her swollen nub giving her a constant mind numbing pleasure that had her climbing towards release and when his mouth came down on her breast and he suck hard against the rock hard bud, her legs quivered as her muscles clenched while the world stopped turning and she was suspended in anticipation before the calm was shattered into a explosion of rhythmic pulses that ripped through her body.

  The whimper escaped her lips as her muscles clenched and released within her- wave after wave of shocks rode down her nerves and had her hips buck against his hand as he continued to work his fingers inside her, his thumb stroking over her nub as she rode through the storm that raged through her- her body throbbing to the beat of her heart.


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