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Running Into A Brick Wall

Page 20

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  Warm fingers parted my lips as he kissed me senseless, then I groaned as he pumped two fingers into my hot sheath holding his hand as if it were a gun. Each time his thumb, in the position to fan the hammer, stroked my clit and I arched and tried to crawl up his hand, shoving his fingers deeper into my core. Finally I knew what he was waiting for.

  With a throttled groan I begged for release, “Brick, please . . . I need you.” He thumbed his penis down until it was at my opening and with a quick jerk of his hips he plunged in and was fully seated. I was so ready I was trembling, but as soon as he was inside me I began splintering apart. My eyes flashed wide and I strangled on a scream before letting a wave of sensation wash over me. The needs tearing through me were converted into rippling, pulsing surges—an ecstasy so divine that moments later a haze of satiation sealed my eyes. I was done.

  “Hey there,” he whispered and I peaked up at him with one eye, “remember me?” I was so done, but apparently he was not.

  “Do as you will, there’s no fight left in me.”

  “In that case,” he lifted me with a butt cheek in each hand and hammered into me, delving deeper with each thrust as he pulled me closer. He kissed me with the kind of hunger every woman dreams about, a questing tongue scourging my mouth, and said “Fuck yes,” right into my mouth. With one final thrust followed by a succession of short jabs with the power of a jackhammer he gritted his teeth and stilled as he released his semen into me. Another, “Fuck me!” and he was done. His forehead fell to the bed beside my shoulder and I could hear his labored breathing for several minutes. Then strong arms levered him up and he looked into my eyes, and whispered, “Mmmm. By passion driven, again.”


  “Robert Burns, remember? The real one. You jumble up things inside me, shit you even have me quoting poetry. And by the way, yes.”

  “Yes what?”

  “It’s still there.”

  He fell off to the side and gathered me into his arms. After a few minutes he began stroking my cheek.

  “If you can find the right radio frequency, you’ll never lose me.” I said. “At least until the batteries die.”

  “I’m tempted to do just that. It sure would come in handy. You’re turning into a hard woman to hold on to.”

  “And you want to hold onto me?”

  “More than you can imagine. More than I would have thought possible.” His eyes met mine and I could see the flare of passion, the love he had for me reflected in them. My heart tripped and had to pick up the pace to get back on track.

  It felt as if I had run into a brick wall. But instead of shattering when I ran full tilt into it, every cell in my body absorbed it. As if the mortar around each brick had melted, the wall that had been around Brick’s heart dissolved into mine. I could feel it. I knew he was now free of his demons when his breath sighed out of him as if he had released them back into the universe. It was a cleansing sigh and it washed over me in a way that was spiritual in its intensity.

  A sigh of satisfaction escaped my own lips, mesmerizing me with its reverence. This man loved me. Not in desperation or with obsession, but full of adoration and devotion for the woman he now held in his arms. Me. The look in his eyes said he was in awe of the woman staring back at him, and that while he was claiming her as his, he was also surrendering to her completely.

  He pulled me on top of him and kissed me a ravenous hunger while impaling me. I gasped into his mouth. I realized we were one and that we were meant to be. It didn’t get more right than this. When we came together, it was like falling from the clouds. I had to mentally pinch myself to be convinced I wasn’t dreaming as his head fell beside mine and his warm lips kissed the curve of my neck. “I love you,” he whispered. “Now and forever, you belong to me.”

  Moments or hours later, I wasn’t sure which, I woke to his voice, and his fingers trailing down my arm. “By the way, I spoke to your sister, and she, along with your parents, will be here sometime tomorrow. I hope that’s all right.”

  “I haven’t seen them in ages. It will be wonderful to see them again. Are you sure your parents don’t mind, I hate using their house as a hotel for my family and business interests.”

  “They don’t want you to leave. And neither do I.”

  “When do you have to report back to work?”

  “I took a leave of absence. I figure a week or two here with you, then a month checking off wineries in Napa. They have a wine train, with a Candlelight Inn package, even a Wedding package . . . ”

  That was met with silence. He didn’t let it grow and become awkward, “Are you burying him in Virginia?”

  “No, he’ll be cremated then I’ll fly back for a memorial and to finalize some business.”


  “I’m going to sell the franchise. I don’t know the jewelry business and I don’t care to learn it.”

  “Well my boss says we’d make a pretty good team if you’re interested in taking some training and helping out.”

  “That’s a nice fall back, but for now, I just want to unravel. I’ve been running for so long, it’ll be nice to just travel and not have anything to worry about, no one chasing me, no missing kids.”

  “Speaking of missing kids . . . have I said thank you?”

  “Hmmm. Not sure. But I’m so happy you arranged for David and Goliath to be brought here. I was in the tub thinking, I’d buy her a new one. Then I asked myself why was it that every time I got a kid back to their rightful parents I ended up having to buy a puppy?”

  He laughed and snuggled closer. “Well this time if you do get her a new one too, don’t be looking for a wealthy gambler to help you pick one out, I’ll go with you.” He was referring to Craig, the man who had rescued me in Death Valley.

  I kissed his neck. “He was a very nice man, and he did say he wanted to marry me.”

  “I said I wanted to marry you.”

  “You did?” I sat back and looked into his bright eyes. ‘I must’ve missed that.”

  “We spoke of white picket fences and all that went along with that.”

  “What did I say?”

  “That you needed time.”

  “Let me clear up my old life and then you and I can ride off into the sunset.”

  His lips captured mine and he took my senses away with a wickedly intimate kiss that set off those streaking hot pulses again. “I suppose you can you hook me up and get me a good price on a diamond ring when the time comes?”

  I laughed, “Yes I suppose I can.”

  “Meanwhile, I think I’ll just mosey on down and see if I can touch that stud with my tongue.” He slid under the covers and tented the sheet.

  I had once thought I’d had the fairy tale and then somehow screwed it up, but now I knew that wasn’t true. I had never had the fairy tale until now.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  I woke to sunshine streaming in the floor to ceiling windows. The drapes were pulled, but there was a gap in the middle where the sheers allowed the day to break in and share its glory.

  I yawned as I attempted to turn over but Brick’s arm hung around my waist like a weighted belt, with his leg thrown over my thigh I was immobilized even more. I couldn’t move, I struggled to lift his arm.

  “Where are you going,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Just trying to turn so I can face you, you’ve got me pinned down.”

  “This isn’t pinned down.” He rolled away, grabbed something from the nightstand and rolled back.

  He snapped a handcuff around my wrist, wrapped the empty one around a wooden slat in the decorative headboard, and when that cuff was around the pole, he attached it to my other wrist, pinning me under him with my hands high above my head. “This is pinned down.”

  His lips grazed mine. I hadn’t brushed yet so I wasn’t eager for the kind of kiss he was working toward. He had other thoughts. His thumb, resting on my chin, moved to press on the corner of my mouth, forcing my lips to open for his warm, wild, sear
ching kiss. I was being thoroughly investigated whether I wanted to be or not. He was very thorough and as he delved deeper I felt giddy.

  When his arm around my waist pulled my breasts closer to his chest I felt his erection press firmly into my stomach. This was the type of arousal that could not be denied. It probed and felt along my belly for an opening. It heated my blood and jumbled my insides to know he wanted me this much, and that from all appearances, he was going to have me. I felt wicked with my arms stretched above me, vulnerable to him in every way as he kissed me senseless leaving me no option but to comply—to allow him to do whatever he wanted. It had never been this way with Jared, with him it had been fearful, not freeing.

  His lips moved to my jaw and he nibbled his way to my ear. Once there, his teeth pulled on the lobe, his lips sucked it into his mouth; his tongue licked it and moved to lave the inner shell. “Mmmm . . . ‘by passion driven’ is my new mantra. You drive me crazy, I want you . . . so wild for you,” he whispered as I groaned.

  “Why do you suppose I allow you to do things to me that I wouldn’t let my husband do?” I moaned as I jiggled the handcuffs—as if he didn’t know what I was referring to.

  “It’s about trust, desire and the knowledge.” He was breathing heavy against my chest, his chest hairs crinkly against my nipples and spiking them to hard points.

  “The knowledge?” The confusion in my voice battled with my own panting breaths.

  “The knowledge that it’s all about your pleasure or it’s about no one’s pleasure.”

  “I like the sound of that, “ I said, looking up into his passion-filled eyes.

  He grinned down at me, “And I like the sound you make when you’re reaching for an orgasm, thrusting against me, begging for a certain touch—the one special touch that will make you shatter in my arms.” He kissed the tip of my nose, my eyelids . . . my lips. “I live for the scream that follows, so don’t disappoint,” he said as he took my lips in another tantalizing kiss.”

  “Don’t you disappoint,” I murmured against his lips.

  “Oh, I assure you, I won’t.” His lips caressed my jaw, my neck, and then my collarbone as his fingers delved between my thighs finding me wet and ready for him. When he moved over me and entered me, I sighed my pleasure. When he pressed me into the bed as he licked and sucked on my nipples, I gasped and moaned. When he thrust and held, thrust and held, over and over again, pressing his groin into my clit and rubbing in tiny circles, I begged him not to stop. When he hit that spot, met it with the exact pressure, the exact touch I needed, I screamed as I exploded, the pleasure racing through me, splintering me. I forced my eyes to meet his, the intensity I saw forcing my own eyes to flare wide before an exquisite fog took over. I felt primal need tearing through him as he quickened his pace, pulled my legs high and anchored them with his shoulders as he shoved himself forcefully inside me. His body jerked as a prelude to his spending deep inside me. “Fuck, so good, so fucking good.” His jaw clenched and a look of strained agony crossed his features. The male equivalent of a scream groaned out of him, jagged and harsh he hollered his release. He was right, it was wonderful to hear the sound of pleasure as it washed over the one you adored.

  We floated and then melted into the sheets, tangled and sprawled on each other as if too intoxicated to move.

  “Still there?”

  “Still there. How many years do you think it will take of my penis grazing it before it wears away?”

  “Well that depends. If you can get your tongue to abrade it, too . . . that might help it along.”

  The intercom buzzed and Brick reached over to hit a button on the console. “Yes?”

  “Ask me how I knew where to find you.” It was

  Brick’s mom.

  “Now why would I be in my bed, when there’s a perfectly lovely, delightfully spirited female in your guestroom who needs my company.”

  “Well right now I need your presence in the front hall. There’s a man here with two huge crates saying you asked for them to be delivered here. And they’re barking at me!”

  In the background we heard Jillie’s yelps of surprise, “David! Goliath!”

  “Brick, you get right down here!”

  He released the button and kissed my neck.

  “I think we have time to go one more ‘round of Go for the Gold before they send someone up.”

  Yes, I truly did have the fairy tale this time.

  About the Authors

  Jacqueline DeGroot lives in Sunset Beach, North Carolina with her husband Bill, a golf pro at Ocean Ridge Plantation. When he comes off the course and she takes a break from writing, they enjoy riding bicycles, walking on the beach, lounging at the pool, and making plans to take off in their “vintage” RV. She loves to hear from readers and has a website you can visit at

  Peggy Grich, along with her husband Jim, are full-time RVers.She has edited and published over 20 books. Peggy and her husband produce American RVer, a monthly Internet-based Television Show for RVers, featuring their RV travels, technical tips, and interviews with friends they have met across America. It can be seen at




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