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Bourbon Blaze

Page 12

by Deanna L Rowley

  “Before I met my ex, I went to a BDSM club a couple of times. I didn’t play. I was interested, though. I met Tomas shortly after, he was strictly vanilla.”

  “I reserve the right to come back to the BDSM stuff. Now, I’d like to know more about Tomas. How long were you together?”

  “Define together?”

  “Tell me about your relationship with him.”

  “I met him in my last semester of college. We met at a nightclub, he asked for my number, I didn’t give it to him. I found out later when he called that a friend I was with, gave him my number. We started going out. We dated exclusively. Around the time I graduated from college, I moved in with him.” She paused and looked around at everyone going in and out of the store. She indicated with a nod of her head that they should move further away from the door. “Sometime I’ll tell you my life story. At that time, I didn’t have any place to go. I know now, in hindsight, I used Tomas. Actually, we used each other. To continue this short version, we were boyfriend and girlfriend for about a year, maybe a little longer.” Sophia rubbed her forehead, not wanting to look directly at Sean. But she knew she had to continue. “I didn’t have, or couldn’t afford a place of my own, so I moved into the spare room. I continued to pay my half of things though we were no longer a couple. We’d changed our relationship from dating to roommates. He wasn’t the first guy I’d had sex with, but he was the last. He went to jail six months ago. We’d stopped having sex long before we became roommates. A couple of months after we changed our relationship, James, his brother, got into trouble with the law.”

  “Trouble, how?”

  “First charges of the illegal dog-fighting ring. The first arrest was a slap on the wrist. With the heat off, he moved locations, and continued.”

  “Let me guess, further away from the city, or in a less than reputable location in the inner city.”

  “The latter. People started questioning why expensive cars came to poor neighborhoods on certain nights. It took the cops weeks to check it out.”

  “Strange vehicles in a neighborhood like that is something to watch.”

  “Several calls on certain nights of the week, finally a bunch of undercover cops checked it out. Turned out to be James’s dog-fighting ring. A lot of wealthy and influential people, and people in the drug world were involved. It took the police weeks to gather information. There was a raid. Everyone was arrested. Dawg, James’s dog, was taken to be evaluated. He was determined to be harmless. James went to jail. Tomas was able to get custody of Dawg.

  “Now’s not really the time or place to get into the gory details.” Sophia looked around at the people coming and going. “Let’s table it for someplace more private. Please.”

  Sean nodded when Sophia started looking around more and more. She was wringing her hands. Not making eye contact with him. Seeing she was getting upset, he agreed.

  Trying to calm her, Sean hugged her again, kissing her forehead. “I’m not saying we’re going to jump into bed tonight. I really like you, Sophia. Thank you for trusting me with part of your story. When we end up in bed together, I’m going to lay you in my bed, naked, and kiss every scar you have.”

  Sophia snorted a laugh. Embarrassed. “That’ll take all night, won’t give us time for some hot and heavy sex.”

  “You think we’ll have hot and heavy sex?”

  “I’m hoping.” Sophia laughed, turned from him, heading toward the entrance. “We have some shopping to do.” She whipped open the door and smiled when he ran to catch up with her.


  Sean walked a few feet behind Sophia as she walked through the store selling women’s clothes. Having been to at least ten stores already, Sean observed how Sophia shopped. He had never seen anyone enter a store a few feet, glance around, turn, then leave. Without looking at anything. He watched her do it again, this time he stopped her when she exited the store.

  “Why aren’t you looking? You go in, glance around, leave. How can you find what you need if you don’t look?”

  “It’s too expensive. I can’t afford anything here.”

  “How the hell do you know? You didn’t look at anything.”

  “It smells expensive.” Sophia crossed her arms over her chest. “Follow me.” She took his forearm to step back into the store. “Take a deep breath. What do you smell?”

  “Expensive perfume.”

  “Look at this.” Sophia stepped over to the first rack of beautiful sweaters. She took the sleeve of one, brought it up, showing him the price tag. “I’m imaging by your expression, it’s expensive?”

  Sean nodded, encouraging her to look. Sophia sighed. “It is a beautiful sweater. I’d love to own it. I refuse to pay almost two hundred dollars for it. I liked Susan’s suggestion of coming here. However, I can’t afford any of this stuff. Maybe it would have been better to go to that superstore. I know I’ve seen a sweater similar to this more in my price range.”

  “I understand.” Sean nodded. He took her hand and glanced at his watch.

  “Let’s go get something to eat, regroup. We can stop there on the way home. It’s almost seven and I’m getting hungry. The superstore is open twenty-four seven, we can stop there on our way home.”

  “Deal.” Sophia did some mental calculations about her finances.

  “I’m buying dinner. I can see the wheels turning in your head. This is a date, I’m paying.”

  “Fine.” She somehow she knew he wouldn’t allow her to pay for half. They walked through the parking lot discussing what interested them for supper. Settling in the truck, Sean looked at her before he started it.


  “I have a question. I don’t want to offend you.”

  “And if it does offend me?”

  “I expect you to yell at me and tell me to go to hell.”

  “Oh, I can do that.”

  Sean smiled, leaned back against his door. “I like you, Sophia, you’re a beautiful woman. I like your looks and your figure.” She started to say something, he reached out, put a finger over her lips. Sucking in his breath at their softness, “If I didn’t, I never would have asked you out. How do you eat?”


  “When we discussed what restaurants we could go to, I remembered there’s a new steakhouse a few miles further out. Without being a crass asshat, I’m asking if you are a salad type of person or a steak person?”

  “Do they serve ribs? I’ve been craving BBQ ribs, the kind you get the sauce all over your face and hands.”

  “They do.”

  “Let’s go. I’m not offended. I’m a meat and potatoes girl at heart. I love a good steak with a baked potato, a side salad along with some veggies.”

  “Good to know.” He leaned forward to take the back of her neck in his hand, bringing them together in a toe-curling kiss. They broke apart several minutes later.

  “Wow.” Without saying a word, Sean settled behind the wheel, started the truck, and drove to the restaurant he had in mind. Helping Sophia from the vehicle, Sean held her hand as they walked to the entrance.

  They had to wait twenty minutes for a table. It was well worth the wait. The waitress escorted them to a table for two in a back corner. It wasn’t dark, but it left them in shadows. Studying the menu, Sophia told Sean what she wanted. Sean ordered for them. They sat there making small talk until their appetizers arrived. Being a take-charge type of woman, Sophia knew what she wanted, and she went after it. Her judgment had been screwed up when she dated Tomas. Thinking about it, she had liked him because he offered her what she didn’t have. A home. At the time, the sex had been a side benefit. Thank god she’d never planned to marry him. She knew now he had been a means to an end. They’d stopped having sex four months into the relationship.

  As she studied the man sitting across from her, Sophia adjusted herself in her seat. He was hot, tall, good looking. She liked him. Sean had gorgeous green eyes and dark hair. He kept it cut short. He didn’t chatter to fill any prolonged bouts of s
ilence. She liked that he didn’t brag about his job, hell he rarely even talked about himself. She was comfortable in the silence with him. Sophia hated people who filled the void with idle chitchat. Tomas had been one of those people. She swore they did it to hear their own voice. She wondered how Sean would be while watching a movie. That would be a deal-breaker for her. She hated people who would recite lines or discuss the scenes while the movie was still playing. She liked all types of film; her favorites were action flicks. Sophia’s least favorite was romantic comedies.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” Sean leaned in to whisper to Sophia. She had been miles away for the last few minutes. He thought he bored her. He didn’t know if he could bring her back to paying attention to him. If she was bored with him now, he knew it wouldn’t work between them. He knew he was getting ahead of himself with the relationship business, but Sean liked Sophia. He wanted to start something with her. Bracing himself for disappointment, he encouraged her to answer him.

  “Sorry, just thinking.”

  “Care to share?”

  “What type of movies do you like?” Sophia blurted out. To delay his answer, Sean picked up a chip with salsa. He held it out for her and studied her as she took a bite. He wondered if her question was a trick. Her expression didn’t seem misleading.

  “Favorite genre, military action.”


  “Meaning anything with the military.”

  “A lot of shooting?”

  “Yes, I don’t know if you know I was a Marine for eight years. I served my country, then became a cop. I like action movies.” Sophia’s face lit up. “What do you like?”

  “Action films, my favorites are The Die Hard movies. I enjoy realistic military shows also.”

  “What do you mean, realistic?”

  “Shows on The History Channel or The Military Channel. I like it when they show old news reels, or documentaries of previous wars”. They lost themselves discussing their favorite shows until their food arrived. Sophia groaned when she smelled the BBQ ribs placed before her. She looked over, saw the large steak Sean had. Digging in, all talk stopped for several minutes. At one point, Sophia held a rib out to Sean, she held it while he took a bite. He cut off a piece of his steak to feed her.

  They enjoyed the meal along with each other, as they continued talking. They spent almost three hours at the restaurant. Sean dealt with the bill and then escorted her out. After they climbed into Sean’s pick-up truck they didn’t want their night to end yet, so they agreed to stop at the other store on the way home.

  Approaching the superstore, Sophia admitted she was ready to call it a night. She didn’t feel like doing any more shopping. Disappointed, Sean looked at her, then pulled off onto a side road. About three miles down a wide turnaround came into view. Sean swung his truck in, facing the way they’d come. Once he parked, he shut the truck off, turned to look at Sophia.

  “I’m disappointed, I want to spend more time with you. I’ve had fun today. It’s going on eleven. I know you have to get up to go to work tomorrow. I want to take you out again. However, I work afternoons, and I won’t be available until next Saturday. Maybe I can take you out then?”

  “What time?”

  “What time would you be available?”

  “I work until noon, by the time I get home, showered, and ready, I’d say three.”

  “I’ll pick you up at three.” He unhooked his seatbelt, reached over and undid hers. He scooted to the center of his front seat. Then he reached over to pick Sophia up, and settled her on his lap.

  “I could get used to this.” He leaned in to kiss her.

  Sophia breathed out slowly as she reached up to put her arms around his neck. She needed to anchor herself during this make-out session. Their jackets were quickly removed. With Sophia draped over Sean’s arm, he stretched her legs out on the seat. Once he had her where he wanted, he placed one hand on her knee. It wasn’t long before he began to inch it higher on her leg. With his hand wrapped around her thigh, he continued to kiss her, moving his hand higher. At one point, Sophia moaned and jerked in his arms. He smirked when he saw his hand stroking her most intimate part. He broke the kiss and stared at her. He paused as he waited for her to ask him to remove his hand or remove it herself. Sophia did neither, Sean gazed into her beautiful face.

  Scanning Sophia’s face in the lights from the dashboard, Sean saw her head was thrown back. her eyes closed. She breathed through her mouth. He moved his thumb against her core. She moaned, shifted toward him, and raised her hips.

  Covering her mouth with his, Sean moved his hand on Sophia, using his thumb to drive her crazy. He wanted them naked when he did this, but he’d take this for now. He’d give her a taste of what was to come in her near future.

  “Sean.” Sophia tore her mouth away from his. “Don’t stop.” She reached for his hand. Sean took both of hers in one of his. He wanted control of her orgasms. He couldn’t wait until they were naked, in bed, and had the night to themselves.

  “Sh.” Sean slowed down as Sophia began to ride his hand. He pulled away. She opened her eyes and glared at him.


  “Please what? I need the words, Sophia. While moans and groans turn me on, I need to know what you want.”

  “I want you to stop messing around and make me come.” Sophia pleaded with him. She made a move he never expected. She unsnapped her jeans and moved them down her hips. Sophia took Sean’s hand and placed it directly over her panty covered pussy.

  “God, you’re hot.” Sean sucked in his breath. “And wet.” He moved his fingers beneath her panties. He moaned when he found her bare. With his fingers running through her wetness, Sean eased one inside her, while he pressed his thumb to her clit.

  “Sean!” Sophia jerked her hips up to ride his hand. Not having the room to do what he wanted, he let her get away with controlling her orgasm. Her inner walls began to quiver. He removed his hand.

  “NO!” She looked at him in shock. She was close to an orgasm.

  “You ready to let me control your orgasm? I can always stop now and take you home.”

  “No, please, Sean, I’ll be good.” Sophia begged. She mumbled something under her breath, Sean leaned forward, asked her to repeat it. “I said, I’ll be good.”

  “I heard that part, what else did you say?”

  “Fine, I said I’ll try. It’s been a long time, I got carried away, I’m sorry. I’ll try to be good.”

  “That’s all I can ask.” Sean slanted his lips to kiss her, he replaced his hand while whispered. “I can’t wait to get you in my bed and tied to the headboard.” She became wetter. Sean increased his ministrations to her core. He was rewarded with her orgasm spilling over his hand.

  Both breathing hard, Sean gave her soothing kisses as Sophia rode out her orgasm. Several minutes later, Sophia looked up at him in wonder. “Thank you, what about you?”

  “I’m fine. I can wait until we have more time. Because Sophia, this was not a one and done. I will be taking you to bed. We will be making love all night long. That’s a promise. Just not tonight.” She closed her eyes and did a little dance in his lap. After he helped Sophia pull up her jeans, Sean had to adjust himself before he slid back across the seat behind the wheel. Once he was comfortable, he started the truck, pulled out, and held her hand all the way to Susan’s house. Sean helped Sophia from the truck, and walked her to the door. No lights were on, other than the front entrance. Sean turned Sophia toward him and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Thank you for everything. I look forward to seeing you again. Would it be all right for me to call you during the week?”

  “Yes, thank you for what you did in the truck. I can’t wait to take care of you. Before you leave, I do have one question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You agreed to the designs I came up with. Could you bring your bike in? I can get started on it right away. I have nothing to do at work until you do.”

’ll need a ride home. I can have it down at the shop by eight in the morning.”

  “I’m sure one of us can give you a ride back to your place.”

  “What’s with the expression?” Sean asked.

  “I think Curt should take you home. Otherwise, I’d never make it back to work. You might even have to call in sick.”

  Sean took her face gently in his hands, and kissed her. He backed away to stand on the path until she went inside. He didn’t leave until he heard the lock click.

  At home, the first thing he did was jump in the shower. Sean cranked on the water and climbed in. He closed his eyes as he took himself in hand. He was going to take care of himself. He slowly began to run his hand up and down his cock. Closing his eyes, he imagined Sophia was in the shower with him. He rubbed himself slowly, picturing her before him. It didn’t’ take long before he felt his release go. When he opened his eyes, he was disappointed Sophia wasn’t actually standing there. His self-love didn’t do anything but relieve some of the pressure. Afterward, he locked up, made sure Kilo had food, then went to bed.


  Sean sat at his kitchen table, sipping his coffee. He had been up since six. He had showered and dressed. Now he waited until he could drive his bike over to HALO. Chomping at the bit to get going. Sean was surprised with the good night’s sleep he’d had. Upon waking, he was ready to hit the road running. Now, he had to wait until the rest of the world woke up. Kilo came in, sat, and stared at him.

  “Yeah, I’m excited. I get to see Sophia again today.” At the woman’s name, Kilo stood, wagging his tail.

  “Soon, Kilo, soon. I saw her last night. I’m going to see her today. I’m going to invite her over here so she can see you in your home. You have to promise me you’ll be on your best behavior.” Kilo woofed, and laid his head on Sean’s lap. Sean rubbed the dog’s head while he finished his coffee. The clock clicked to eight-fifteen. Sean released his pent up breath in relief. He rinsed his cup, he went to the front hallway, grabbed his leather jacket and helmet. Kilo watched him. Sean squatted down, telling the dog, “I’ll be back. I promise I won’t be long. Sophia needs my bike to repaint. I’ll be back in less than an hour.”


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