Bedding Lord Ned (Duchess of Love 1)
Page 30
Later Venus stood in the ballroom with Drew at her side and watched Ned and Ellie waltz together for the first time as a betrothed couple.
“Happy, my dear?” Drew asked.
“Very—as I’m sure you are as well.”
“I am, but I had complete faith the Duchess of Love would work her matchmaking magic.”
Venus snorted. “That makes one of us.” Then she smiled. “Have you ever seen Ned look happier?”
“No, but I very much fear Ned’s happiness has put Jack back in a dangerous position.”
Venus stiffened with alarm. “What do you mean?”
“I believe Miss Wharton took the betrothal announcement hard. She looked almost overcome at dinner.”
Venus nodded. “I noticed that, too. I think Ned did raise her hopes a bit—he certainly had me worried he might make her an offer. I am sorry for her, but a union between her and Ned would have been a disaster.”
“Yes, but I’m not sure she understands that. In any event, she seems to have returned to her original plan of trapping Jack into a proposal.”
“She has?” Venus would do something about that. “Where is she?” she asked as the music drew to a close.
“She’s just finished dancing with Mr. Humphrey, but it looks as if Jack is asking Ellie to stand up with him, so I believe he should be safe for the moment.” Drew took her arm and led her out onto the floor. “And since I’ve instructed the orchestra to play another waltz, I believe this is the perfect time to steal a dance with my wife.”
The music started and Venus let herself be caught up in the joy of waltzing with her duke. But not totally caught up. Now that Drew had alerted her to the danger, she was keeping a sharp eye out.
Ah, Miss Wharton was talking to Constance—she seemed to be congratulating her. That was nice. The girl wasn’t bad at heart, she just wasn’t the girl for Jack. Venus would see what she could do for her this Season. Perhaps not Percy ... hmm. She must give it some thought.
She watched Mr. Cox waltz by with Lady Juliet, and Mr. Humphrey with Miss Mosely. Her party had been far, far more successful than she had dared hope. But not perfect.
“I wish I could do something about Ash.”
“Ash has a wife, Venus. You are a matchmaker, not ... well, not whatever it is Ash and Jess need.”
Drew was right, of course. “I suppose I’ll focus on Jack, then.”
Drew laughed. “Lucky Jack—I’m not certain he’ll thank you, you know. In fact, if he’s smart, he’ll stay as far away from your blasted monthly Love Balls as he can.”
Drew laid his finger on her lips. “Put your sons out of your mind for the moment, my dear duchess. Your poor husband wants your attention.”
“There’s nothing the least bit poor about you, my dear duke, but if you want my attention, of course you shall have it now”—Venus grinned—“and later when I feel like celebrating my successes properly.”
Drew’s eyebrows rose. “How interesting. I shall see if my old brain can come up with some appropriately festive ways to help you mark the occasion.”
Venus giggled. “I’m sure you can. You are my inspiration in all, my Duke of Love.”
Drew treated her to a look of disgust and then swept her, laughing, across the ballroom floor.
ZEBRA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2012 by Sally MacKenzie
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