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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  Her clit positively throbbed with the need for release. Her pussy felt swollen, and judging by the way Dorian’s lips were red and shiny, she knew he had fucked her with his mouth so good that a simple wisp of air could get her off right now.

  Compared to her breathing, Dorian’s seemed calm and collected, but when she saw his hands go to his belt buckle, her breathing increased tenfold. The sound of metal clanking together and of a zipper sliding down seemed to drown out all other noises. Eyes riveted to what he was about to reveal, Lalita couldn’t tear her gaze from the sight even if her life depended on it.

  When he let his pants fall to the ground, she immediately saw that he wore no underwear. A thick and long cock sprang forth from a thatch of black hair. It looked like a beast, a third leg that could do some serious damage. Although she had seen the size of his cock the day before, Lalita was stunned anew when she saw it once again. Dorian’s had certainly broken the mold. The head of his erection was flushed a deep red and shined from how the skin stretched over the thick crown.

  How in the hell is that thing supposed to fit inside of me? True, she had given birth, but hell, that had been painful and something she didn’t feel like experiencing again anytime soon. She was wet enough, she conceded, but still, he would have one hell of a time shoving that thing into her pussy.

  Dorian unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside so that he now stood nude before her. His body was magnificent, all hard planes and dips in just the right places. He moved closer and bent back onto his knees until she felt the smooth skin of his erection slide against her vagina. A gasp welled up in her throat when he pushed his cock against her harder. The root nudged her clit, and tingles of electricity slammed into her.

  “Come on in, boys.”

  Lalita froze with shock as soon as the words left Dorian’s mouth. The sound of a door opening followed by several footsteps sounded behind her. Time seemed to stand still, and when she saw Kane, Torryn, Michael, Aleck, and Zakary take their places behind Dorian, everything became even more surreal. As if this had all been planned, which she now realized was very likely, they unbuckled their pants and let them fall to the floor. Lalita didn’t know why she was stunned. This was what she signed up for, but she had never been an exhibitionist.

  “Let us see how pretty her pussy looks, Dor.” Kane spoke softly but with a rough edge.

  Dorian leaned to the side. “Spread those pussy lips, baby. Make them wish it was them about to fuck you instead of me.”

  Lalita flicked her gaze to each man, and when she was greeted with hard stares, she quickly obliged. A few clearing of throats and muffled grunts sounded before Dorian moved back and shielded her pussy from the other five.

  “Grab my cock and position it, Lalita.”

  Throat gone dry, she reached between them and gripped Dorian’s hard flesh. His shaft felt like a hot poker in her hand, so warm she expected burn marks on her flesh. There was no trouble in aiming that monster cock at her opening, but instinctively she clenched around the bulbous head.

  Dorian rested his hands on the armrests and hung his head. “Don’t do things like that, or I won’t last.”

  It wasn’t as if she was doing it on purpose. Ever so slowly, Dorian started to push his way into her. The stretch and burn that the act initiated seemed to intensify the longer he was in her. As if her body wanted the intrusion out, her pussy involuntarily clenched and unclenched.

  “Motherfucker.” Breathing hard against her breasts, Dorian’s words seemed strained and forced.

  The more inches he shoved into her cunt, the more the pain blossomed into pleasure. When he finally stopped tunneling into her, he rested his forehead against her chest and breathed out harshly. Neither one of them moved for several moments. Lalita took that time to look at the five men watching them from beneath their lashes. They all had their cocks in their hands and were beating off with intent. All eyes were on her face, as if that alone was the sight that captivated them. They held her mesmerized for several long moments, but then when Dorian started to pull out of her she was brought back to the present.

  When she lifted her hands to place them on his wide shoulders, his hands on her wrists stopped her movements. Dorian was quick as he placed her arms above her head and held them there with one hand. With his other hand now free, he pulled and tweaked one of her nipples until she was forced to bite her lip to stop the sound she would have made.

  Dorian’s movements were unhurried as he pulled his cock out of her and pushed it back in. Each time was like when he first entered her. There was the initial stretch and burn, and then those two sensations morphed into ecstasy. When she closed her eyes and finally moaned from the pleasure that coursed through her, Dorian’s deep words had her breath stalling and any further noise ceasing from her mouth.

  “Bring me the clamps.”

  Lalita opened her eyes and watched as Kane stepped out of his pants the rest of the way and moved over to a cabinet built into the wall. With Dorian’s big body blocking her view, she couldn’t get a clear view of what Kane was getting, that was, until he turned around and she saw what he held. Two alligator clips attached to a small box lay in his outstretched hand. Panic settled within her instantly.

  Dorian let go of her wrists and cupped her cheek. He stared into her eyes for several seconds and then leaned in to kiss her. It wasn’t a passionate kiss filled with heat, but more so a reassuring one that was meant to ease. At least that’s the way she took it.

  “Go on, Kane, attach them.” Dorian spoke but kept his gaze on her. He moved back so that Kane had enough room to lean forward.

  Lalita watched with a mixture of fear and anxiety as Kane took the two alligator clips and attached one to each nipple. There was no need for him to make the tips engorged, for they already stood out obscenely. When the clamps were firmly in place, Lalita could feel her heartbeat in each nipple. There was pain present from the blood flow being cut off, but that became a warmth that grew into a wildfire.

  She stared at the beaded tips and watched in fascination as they turned a deep red and seemed to become even more swollen. Kane’s blond hair suddenly blocked her view, and she gasped when she felt his tongue run across one distended tip. Because of the clamps, the buds were far more sensitive than she ever could have imagined.

  When he lifted his head, he smiled and leaned in to run his tongue across her lips. It was strange being kissed by one man while another was buried in her pussy. She clenched around Dorian’s cock and heard him growl.

  In the next instant small volts of electricity coursed through each nipple. She arched her back from the intensity of it. Never had she felt anything so powerful before. It wasn’t painful per se, but it sure as hell was a shock.

  Off and on the electricity zinged through her nipples and right down to her clit. She could have sworn they had placed a clamp on the tender bud between her thighs if she didn’t know any better. It was like her nipples and clit were one, and each time that current traveled through her tissue, it set off a domino effect of ecstasy.

  Their beautiful torture seemed to last forever until she was finally begging them to let her come or to stop. Thankfully they were merciful Masters and unclamped the clips from her nipples, giving her a small reprieve to catch her breath.

  “That’s only a small taste of the things we have in store for you.”

  She didn’t doubt Kane’s words.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Kane. You’ll have your turn soon enough.”

  Kane moved back in line and immediately started running his hand over his swollen shaft. Dorian started to move inside of her, and Lalita closed her eyes and absorbed the pleasure and pain that morphed into one. Faster and faster he pumped, swiveling his hips so that he hit just the right spot to send her spiraling toward completion.

  “Please, Master, please can I come?” Lalita peeled her eyes open and stared at him. Sweat beaded the wide, tanned expanse of his chest.

  “How sweet it is to hear those words leave
your mouth, but not yet, baby.” As if those words had been a cue to the other five men, they all stepped closer and circled around her.

  Harder and faster Dorian fucked her until she squeezed her hands so hard pain sprang to her palms. The noises surrounding her were harsh and real. Grunts, moans, and heavy panting filled the room, and she had to use every part of her strength to hold off from letting release take her away.

  “Please, Dorian, oh God, please let me come. I can’t hold it any longer.” Her voice didn’t sound like hers. It was breathy and heavy, like a woman that was right on the verge.

  “All right, baby, come all over my cock.” Just like that, his command and permission set off a series of small orgasms inside of her that exploded into one giant cataclysm.

  It had seemed like forever of wanting this exact moment. So long she had been teased. Back arched and breasts thrust forward, Lalita couldn’t help the screams of pleasure that left her. She felt Dorian’s own release inside of her. He came long and hard until his cum slipped down the crack of her ass. Whether he made any noise of pleasure or not was lost to her. She was too wrapped up in her own ecstasy to pay much attention to anything going on around her. When she thought the pleasure was over, Dorian wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the loveseat. He was on his back and had her draped over his body without even coming undone from her body. His cock was still hard inside of her and every time her pussy clenched around the hardened flesh he groaned.

  With Dorian still buried in her cunt, she sensed someone moving behind her. A quick glance over her shoulder proved that Aleck was taking his place, cock in hand.

  “Relax, baby. I promise to make this feel really good for you.” Aleck’s words were filled with sexual promise and dark eroticism.

  Never had she been fucked in the ass, and the idea frightened her.

  “Look at me, Lalita.” Dorian cupped her chin and lifted her head so they were staring in each other’s eyes again. “No one will hurt you. I promise.” Bringing her face closer to his, he kissed her deeply. The kiss was sensual and had her arousal climbing to the surface again, but it didn’t deter her from the fact that Aleck was about to shove his huge cock in her ass.

  Warm liquid sliding between the cheeks of her ass startled her, but Dorian kept his lips firmly on hers and intensified the kiss. Aleck rubbed the lube around her anus and then slipped the digit inside. First one finger and then two were inserted. He scissored his fingers in her body, stretching her, preparing her for what was about to come. When Aleck positioned the tip of his shaft at her anus, her whole body tensed. Aleck ran his hands over the mounds of her ass and whispered words that she knew where meant to soothe. They knew this was her first time having anal sex, and she was thankful they understood that this was a frightening time for her.

  With Dorian still hard and buried in her cunt, Aleck pushed the head of his cock into her ass. The feel of muscles burning was intense. The tip of his shaft finally popped through the tight ring of muscle and he slowly slid into her. Never had she felt this full. When Aleck’s abdomen was pressed against her ass Dorian finally broke the kiss. She breathed out deeply, never knowing that she would feel so filled having two cocks in her at one time.

  As if having a mind of its own, her pussy clenched, which in turn had her ass clenching around Aleck as well. Both men groaned, but that wasn’t the only sound that filled the room. Skin slapping against skin, fast and heavy breathing, and grunts were a hearty combination in the room. Curiosity getting the better of her, Lalita looked over her shoulder at the other four men. Their hands were like blurs of speed as they stroked their dicks and watched her. Sweat was pooled across their foreheads and down the rippling muscles of their chests.

  “Look at me. Lalita.” She turned her head and looked at Dorian. He gripped her waist and started to slowly pull out of her. The position they were in made it so he couldn’t fully leave her body, but it still took a skill she was unaccustomed to.

  When he was as far out of her body as he could get, he pushed back into her. Biting her lip because it felt so good, she felt Aleck start to pull out of her ass. It was a strange feeling, having one man push into her pussy while another pulled out of her ass. When the tip of Aleck’s dick was almost all the way out he pushed back into her. The two of them rotated their movements slowly at first, but with each passing moment they increased their momentum until she was forced to hold on as her body was jarred between the two of them.

  Faster and harder they pushed into her. Her skin was slick with perspiration and rubbed between the two of them. The pain and pleasure of having two men filling her at once had her biting her lip so hard she tasted blood. She forced her eyes to remain open and couldn’t help but glance at Zakary, Michael, Torryn, and Kane while she got fucked. As if she had spoken with her eyes, Torryn stepped in front of her and pressed his shaft against her mouth. She greedily opened and ran her tongue along the bulbous head. He tasted salty and earthy. It was a heady combination.

  He fucked her mouth with hard, quick thrust. Small jets of cum spilled from him, but before he fully ejaculated in her mouth he pulled away and Kane stepped forward. She eagerly sucked on Kane’s dick. She pressed her tongue into the slit at the tip, wanting to taste a mouthful of cum, but was disappointed when he pulled away all too soon. When Zakary stepped forward, she was already on the verge of climaxing herself and was frantic for his cock in her mouth.

  “Easy, baby.” Zakary had an almost pained look on his face as she gripped his shaft and stroked it as she sucked on the tip. God she wanted to taste him. Just like the two before him, when he was just about to ejaculate he pulled away from her.

  When Michael stepped in front of her, he ran the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. As if she wasn’t herself, she opened her mouth and sucked the digit inside. Using her teeth, she gently bit his thumb while staring into his eyes. Michael’s breathing was just as accelerated as Dorian and Aleck’s, and when he pulled his finger out of her mouth and replaced it with his dick, she groaned loudly. At that point it didn’t matter because she was so lost in pleasure she couldn’t think straight.

  “Tell us you want our cum filling you up, baby.” Aleck’s words were whispered and heated by her ear.

  Michael pulled his cock out of her mouth all too soon. “I do. I want it so bad.” She was panting so hard that the words came out as small breaths. She knew they heard her nonetheless. The sound of skin slapping against skin and of her breasts jiggling and rubbing against Dorian’s equally slick chest had her orgasm tearing forth. “Oh God. I’m going to come.”

  “Do it baby. Come all over my cock.”

  A long groan left her and a second later she heard Dorian and Aleck make the same sound. Hot cum filled her cunt and ass, and she wanted more. Falling forward on Dorian’s chest because she couldn’t hold herself up any longer, she panted for breath. As the minutes went by, both men remained buried inside of her. Aleck was the first to pull out and gripped her around the waist. She had no idea what he was doing, but when Dorian pulled out of her as well and got off the couch, she knew it wasn’t over yet.

  Aleck set her back on the couch and she gratefully laid back on it. Legs still spread wide, she stared at the four men that had yet to get off. Kane, Michael, Torryn, and Zakary moved closer until they surrounded her. They pumped their fists over their cocks maddeningly, each of their faces awash with ecstasy.

  “Ask them for their cum, Lalita.” Dorian’s voice sounded from somewhere in the room, but she kept her attention on the other men.

  Despite the fact she had just gotten off hard, something inside of her wanted these men to come all over her, to cover her body with their spunk. “Please, please come all over me.” She meant it, too.

  “Touch yourself.” Torryn’s voice was strained. He stood between her legs, his eyes riveted to what she knew was a swollen, cum-covered pussy.

  Lalita reached between her thighs, her cunt so sensitive she winced when her fingers brushed across the folds.
She plucked at her clit, first running small circles around it and then picking up speed and rubbing harder and faster. She could feel semen slipping out of her body and coating her labia. She used it as lubrication to pleasure herself for them. She didn’t think she could have came again after the orgasm she just had, but as she watched these men jerk off in front of her, she was perilously close to another climax.

  Four sets of eyes were on what she was doing now. Their bodies glistened with sweat, their hands nothing more than blurs of speed over their shafts. Her orgasm raced to the surface when she heard the first man utter a feral growl. As if on cue, all four men groaned in unison. Arcs of hot, white cum shot out of the tips of their dicks and splashed on her body. The feel of that warm liquid on every part of her drew her orgasm to the top, and she threw her head back, closed her eyes, and moaned aloud. Breasts, belly, neck, and even her legs were covered with their seed.

  The only thing that could be heard was the heavy panting of several bodies in the room. When Lalita could finally pry her eyes open, she noticed that all the men were staring at her as if they didn’t quite know what to make of her. Strange looks covered their faces, but when they noticed she was watching them just as intently, they turned their attentions elsewhere.

  Each one cleaned himself off and got dressed before leaving the room, not even a word uttered. Uncomfortable silence filled the room as she saw Dorian leaning against the fireplace watching her. He was already dressed and held a large rag in his hand. He pushed off the mantle and walked toward her. She didn’t know what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t what he did next.

  He gently cleaned between her tender thighs. She took the rag from him and smiled gratefully and cleaned the rest of her body off. What she needed was a nice hot bath to sooth her sore muscles and aching body.

  Dorian held his hand out and helped her off the couch. “Come on, I think that deserves a hot bath.” Despite the intimate encounter they had just shared, his voice sounded void of any emotions. It didn’t even matter at the moment, because the idea of a hot bath was forefront in her mind.


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