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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  Hands braced on his pectoral muscles, Lalita lifted off so that his cockhead almost slipped out, and then she pushed back down. Legs on each side of his muscular thighs and the power to control the pace, Lalita felt alive. His hands wrapped nearly around her waist, and he lifted up enough to run his tongue along the underside of her throat and up to her ear.

  He whispered against her hair, “Ride me hard, baby.”

  She rode him like her life depended on it. Up and down, a swivel of her hips, a grind of her pelvis, and she was close to coming. Slick, wet skin slapped together, an almost dirty noise that made her hotter. The combination of their panting and groaning is what finally set her off. Back arched and head thrown back, Lalita cried out as bliss washed through her. Dorian tightened his hands on her waist and thrust into her with all the power he had before stilling and groaning out his own orgasm.

  It was the first time since being at the estate that she really regretted what she had just done.

  * * * *

  Lalita lay beside Dorian with her head on his chest. The sound of his heart beating was enough to lull her to sleep, but she didn’t want to miss any of her time with him. This one moment she didn’t feel like a sex object. She felt like a woman that had just made love with a man, and there was that comfortable silence between them.

  Because of her feelings for Dorian and how they seemed to be escalating, she did have a twinge of regret over her decision. For one thing, she seemed to be more attached to Dorian than the other men. Dorian wasn’t the only one she was really starting to have feelings for, though. Aleck and Torryn were slowly wedging their way inside of her heart. Even though there were times were Torryn seemed distant with her, as if the only thing between them was sex, there were also times he seemed like he truly cared.

  Despite telling herself over and over again that she shouldn’t feel anything, she couldn’t help herself. The time she had just spent with Dorian didn’t help.

  Dorian ran the tips of his fingers up and down her back and brought her back from her thoughts. It soothed and calmed her, and she wished this moment would never end. It was agony and ecstasy to lie beside a man she had just been intimate with. It was agony because she knew there was no way he could harbor the same feelings she had for him. What man could care about a woman that he paid to have sex with him and five other men?

  “Can I ask you a question?” She worried about how he would answer.


  “Why did you choose me out of all the other applicants?” Hell. She put it like she had applied for a regular job. The silence that greeted her was not comforting, but he didn’t stop running his fingers over her back, so she took it as a good sign.

  “To be honest? I don’t know.”

  Nice. Instantly she felt mortified for even asking. She went to move away because the closeness was just too much now, but he placed his hand flat on her back and stopped any and all movements.

  “You misunderstand.” It always amazed her that he seemed to know exactly what she thought. He turned to look at her but kept his hand on her back. “There were many beautiful women that had done this previously who applied, but there was something about you.” They had since turned on the small bedside lamp, and the shadows played across his face.

  “We were all speechless when you walked in wearing that little dress. You didn’t even need to get naked for me to know that I wanted you.”

  Lalita felt her heart skip a beat at his words. He cupped her cheek and leaned in to kiss her softly. Oh, how she wanted to feel like this forever, but she knew as soon as the sun came up she would be fair game for everyone again.

  “You getting naked was just me being selfish.” She could feel his grin against her mouth. “We tried this situation out before, but my cousins and brother thought the women were too experienced for what they wanted.”

  Cousins? Brother? Shocked wasn’t even the right word for how his words made her feel. Why he even told her this was beyond her, but she was glad for any little piece of information that gave her insight into their lives.

  “Wow. Keeping it in the family has a whole new meaning now.”

  He chuckled deeply. “I can see how that information might be shocking, but you had to have known we were related when you saw the family portrait?”

  Thinking back to the day she cut her foot, she remembered the portrait he spoke of. Since then she had kind of put it in the back of her mind, but she supposed she shouldn’t feel too shocked now. They did resemble each other one way or another.

  “Anyway, I don’t know exactly what it was about you that had us all smitten, but we knew you were the one we wanted right from the beginning.” He pulled her close so she rested her cheek against his chest once more. He shifted and then the room was doused in darkness. It didn’t take very long for Lalita to fall asleep to the sound of the steady beat of Dorian’s heart.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Get on your knees and suck my cock.” Torryn stared at her with unflinching hazel eyes. Michael, Kane, and Zakary stayed off to the side, the three of them sated from the blow jobs she had given them.

  Lalita was nude, aside from a set of nipple clips that were tethered to a thin chain attached to her clit. Her jaw ached from sucking Michael, Kane, and Zakary’s cocks just moments before, but Torryn made no joke about what he wanted. He was especially fierce today, and she couldn’t understand why. From his voice to his very demeanor, he screamed uncaring asshole. In the end, she sucked it up and performed. What else was she supposed to do, cry because it was one of those times when he didn’t act like he cared for her?

  She gripped the root of his shaft and licked the head. He apparently didn’t like the tease because he thrust into her mouth with a little more force than was necessary. The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, and she gagged. He fucked her face then, obviously getting turned on by the sound and very idea of her gagging. Eyes watering, Lalita held on to his thighs and tasted the first hot jets of his cum shooting down her throat.

  “Go easy, dude.” Kane spoke, but Torryn kept pumping into her.

  “Gentle, Tor.” Michael was the next to speak, and although his words didn’t seem harsh in context, his voice was angry and deep.

  “Easy.” Zakary mimicked the other two’s concern, and finally Torryn pulled his softening dick from her mouth.

  He took a step back, and his cum dripped down her chin. She wiped the tears from her eyes but kept her composure. Why did she have to feel this way? She shouldn’t have let her emotions get the better of her. A month and a half had already passed, and instead of doing the job she had been hired for, she was feeling emotions she shouldn’t. She didn’t want to feel like the woman they hired to have sex with them. She wanted to feel like their woman.

  Lalita wasn’t stupid. There was a small sliver of hope inside of her that thought maybe, just maybe, they would feel something for her as well. They were ideal wishes from a demented woman.

  Torryn stared down at her for several long seconds. “Kane, Michael, and Zak, give us a moment.”

  Oh hell. He was already in a foul mood, and she didn’t know how she felt about it just being the two of them. The three of them hesitated but finally left. She had no idea what Torryn’s problem was, but it was clear something bothered him. When he sat on the couch and breathed out deeply, the empathy in her screamed out to comfort him. He looked like a failed man. His head hung, and his back was curled forward.

  “Lalita, come here.” He didn’t look at her when he spoke.

  The words were so low Lalita thought she had heard wrong at first. When he finally lifted his gaze to hers, she was struck by emotions. It was clear he was reining in his feelings, but he couldn’t hide the anguish behind his eyes.

  “Come here. Please.” He patted the seat next to him, and she got up to move toward him.

  Bones aching from being on her knees, she was mindful of the clit and nipple clips as she sat next to him. The silence between them was so thick she cou
ld have cut it with a knife. After what seemed like forever, he turned to face her and took the clamps off her body. Blood rushed back to the tender areas. He handed her a blanket, and she gratefully wrapped it around her body.

  “I have to apologize for the way I’ve treated you.” He stared at her as if he expected her to say something, but she was speechless.

  What could she say? True, you have been an ass to me, but I can’t fault you when you have no right to feel anything for me. Yeah, she could see that going over real well. Instead, she kept her mouth shut and looked down like the good submissive. Torryn’s finger under her chin had her lifting her head and staring into his tormented eyes.

  “I know saying sorry doesn’t make up for how I’ve acted, but I suppose it’s a start.” He smiled almost hesitantly. “You see, I just went through a really nasty divorce. It isn’t about the money she swindled out of me, but a fact I learned far too late. My personal problems don’t excuse me for the way I’ve acted, but I want to explain why I’ve acted this way.”

  Whatever he was talking about caused his voice to grow husky. Not thinking and just acting on wanting to make him feel better, Lalita placed her hand on top of his. He looked up at her as if startled, but then smiled.

  “I’m listening.” She wanted him to know that whatever he was going through, he could unleash. She knew all about heartache and sorrow, and she wouldn’t have been able to get through it if not for people who cared about her and showed her support.

  “I don’t open up to people about my problems, but there is something about you that draws me. I feel the need to lay it all out for you.”

  “Sometimes you need an unbiased ear to vent to, and sometimes you need comfort.” She hoped he got her hint.

  He was silent for a suspended moment and then finally spoke. “After the divorce, because my ex is a spiteful and hateful bitch, she informed me that she was pregnant by another man. Turned out that the ‘other man’ was my partner and best friend.” He cleared his throat and shifted on the couch.

  Lalita knew that what he was about to say next was what had been causing him so much grief.

  “She left out that little detail until the divorce was finalized. In this state, if a woman is pregnant, a judge won’t grant the divorce, on the grounds that the husband is presumed the father.” Torryn’s head was lowered, but Lalita still saw the lone tear slide down his cheek.

  “I suppose I could have fought it, but I just wanted to be done with her. She knew how much I wanted children, but over and over again she said she didn’t want them. I thought I could live with that, had even convinced myself.” Torryn wiped his face and cleared his throat as if he didn’t want her to know how much he hurt.

  “My hatred for her has cost me a lot. I have grown angry and resentful, and I think inadvertently I have carried that over to you and everyone around me.” He placed his hand on her cheek. “These guys put up with me because I’m family, but if that wasn’t the case, I know they would have kicked my ass out the door long ago. I can only say that I am sincerely sorry for making you feel less than what you are. Do you accept my apology?”

  Lalita hadn’t even known she was crying until she felt Torryn wipe the tears away from her cheek. His admission was heartfelt and honest. How could she stay angry when he poured his heart out to her?

  “I’m not angry with you, and I accept your apology.” He wrapped her in a tight embrace, and she finally felt warmth from him.

  When he started kissing her neck and then moved to her mouth, a different kind of warmth bloomed within her. He shifted on the couch and she felt his cock stiffen against her thigh. Her pussy became moist as her still-sensitive nipple rubbed against his smooth, muscular chest. This didn’t feel like sex, no, it felt like making love. It was soft, gentle, and easy. His hands were everywhere, stroking, caressing, drawing her deeper and deeper into an intense arousal she almost couldn’t bear it.

  He pressed his bigger body against hers until she was lying on the couch. Her legs were spread and she wrapped them around his waist. She was wet enough he could have shoved all those thick inches into her and it would have been as smooth as butter.

  He murmured against her lips, “I want this to last, Lalita.” He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips. “Put me inside of you, baby.”

  Doing what he asked without any hesitation, Lalita gripped his erection and put it at the entrance of her body. He sank fully into her, and she arched her back and sighed. The only sound either of them made while her pumped his cock into her pussy was heavy panting and blissful sighs. When she climaxed, Torryn did as well.

  At that very moment, Lalita felt something inside of him unlock. This moment wasn’t about fucking, it was about two people sharing emotions with each other. It was a comforting feeling, but also a frightening one.

  * * * *

  “I miss you, Momma.” Lennon’s small voice came through the receiver like a punch to Lalita’s gut.

  God, how she missed her little man. “Are you having fun with Megan?” Mary’s daughter was a year older then Lennon, which made the separation a little easier for him. At least he had someone to play with.

  “Yeah, but I miss you. When are you coming home?”

  “I miss you, too, baby. I’ll be home before you know it.” Holding in her tears was harder then she thought. “Be good for Auntie Mary, okay?”

  “I am always good, Momma.”

  “I know, sweetie.”

  Her time at the estate was drawing to an end, and despite the revelations, feelings, and emotions that had been developed, it was clear everyone just wanted to go back to the way it was, including her. It seemed the closer she got to leaving, the more everyone pulled away. In a way it was a relief because it gave her time to focus on what was really important in her life, and she knew that her life as well as theirs didn’t include a relationship.

  After they hung up, she tried her hardest to hold off the tears, but it didn’t help. It felt good to cry, but at the same time it made her feel worse.

  It wasn’t until the tears really fell that she sensed someone behind her. She wasn’t surprised to see Dorian standing in the doorway, but she was surprised to see a sympathetic look on his face.

  “You okay?” He pushed off the frame and sat on the edge of her bed.

  “Yeah. I was just thinking.” She so didn’t want him to watch her cry, but him being here was a good way to keep her inner turmoil in check.

  He pushed away from the doorframe and held his hand out for her. “Come on.”

  “It’s my day off.” Not that she minded if he wanted a little alone time because, truth be told, she wouldn’t mind a little closeness, especially with how she was feeling.

  He chuckled, and the sound speared right into her body. “I think you need to get out of this house. Let me take you to lunch.”

  “Really?” He chuckled again and nodded. She barely had enough time to slip on her shoes before he was leading her out of the house and to his car. It was a fancy European SUV that was dark and shiny.

  When they were both buckled in, he started the car and headed down the long winding driveway. She had been too stunned on the trip up here to pay attention to her surroundings, but now they took her breath away. The countryside was picturesque and serene.

  When they finally made it into town, the scene looked like something out of an eighteenth-century photo. Cobblestone sidewalks and small country-style shops lined each side of the road. People watering hanging flower baskets and setting up fresh fruit stands outside of their cozy shops greeted her.

  “This is amazing.” She hadn’t thought she spoke out loud until Dorian started to speak.

  “It really is. It’s like this little town hasn’t been touched by modern evolution. It was one of the reasons I bought the estate.” When he looked over at her and cast her one of his devilish smiles, her heart skipped a beat.

  “About fifty miles away is the next town. That has the bigger supermarkets and strip malls, but usu
ally you can get everything you need right here.”

  When he parked in front of a small bistro and shut off the car, they sat in silence for a moment. “Thanks for taking me out today.”

  “You looked like you needed to get away from everything for a little bit.”

  Lalita watched Dorian slip from the car and walk around to open her door. She couldn’t help her feelings. She had thought she had pushed them to the back of her mind, but how wrong she had been. It would have been better if he was a big prick, maybe that way she could have ignored how she felt, but when he did things like this, it made keeping her emotions in check impossible.

  The door opened almost silently. They stared at each other before he helped her out of the car. She didn’t miss how his hand wrapped around her waist almost possessively, or maybe it was just wishful thinking on her part?


  No, she wasn’t, but she could pretend.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Although they had only meant to go for lunch, by the time they returned to the estate it was already dark. The mansion was lit up like a lighthouse for lost boats, and Lalita had a passing feeling that she would miss the estate when she left. It was a stupid and idle thought that was gone as soon as it had popped into her mind.

  When they opened the door and walked through, Michael, Kane, Zakary, Aleck, and Torryn were right in their faces.

  “What the fuck?” Kane was the first to speak, but all the others looked just as pissed off as he did. “So now you’re sneaking in an extra day?” His voice raised an octave.

  Lalita could smell the whiskey that coated his breath. In fact, she could smell alcohol on each of them as they spouted off angry comments about her spending extra time with Dorian.

  “Lalita, go upstairs.” Dorian didn’t look at her when he spoke, but all the other men did.

  “Oh hell no. She can stay right here and listen to what we have to say.” Zakary stepped beside Kane, his eyes glossy and red-rimmed.


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