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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  With her mouth open and the cry of rapture spilling from her tongue, someone thought it a good idea to shove a cock in there. As soon as she tasted that smooth, velvety skin over iron, she sucked like her life depended on it. It made it all that more exciting that she didn’t know whose dick was in her mouth or who fucked her. It was excitement times ten, and she loved it.

  Another cock ran along the other side of her cheek, and she instinctively let go of the shaft she sucked on and turned her head to engulf the other one. Her jaw ached from their thick erections, but it didn’t matter. Another intense orgasm climbed to the surface.

  The man fucking her gave a deep groan a second before he pulled out of her. Hot jets of liquid splashed along her belly for just a moment, and then another hard penis was pushed into her and fucking her madly.

  Over and over they did this, switching off fucking her and making her suck their dicks until she was covered in their cum and exhausted from the multiple orgasms. If that wasn’t enough, they turned the table so her ass was raised and presented. That hole was fucked numerous times, too, but between blacking out from the pleasure and crying out for more, Lalita didn’t know what was up or down.

  When she couldn’t hold her head up any longer and the guys seemed to have had enough, she felt someone untie her hands and feet and take off the blindfold. She didn’t bother opening her eyes as someone carried her to the bed and slipped in beside her. The sheets covered her next, and that was all she remembered before she blissfully let the darkness take her away.

  * * * *

  The next morning Lalita woke up sore and alone in not only the “dungeon” room but also the house. A note instructing her that a car would pick her up promptly at noon lay on the kitchen table when she finally made it downstairs. That note was a fucking kick in the gut. A white piece of paper that made her feel like a lowly piece of shit.

  “They couldn’t even say bye.” What the hell do you expect, you stupid girl. In the end the only thing that mattered was seeing Lennon. Per their agreement, her money was already in her account. She had a lot of plans with that money, plans that would change her life as well as her son’s.

  She packed quickly and straightened up her room. No doubt the next girl would be staying there. With a little bit of time before the car showed up, Lalita went down the familiar hallway she had when she first arrived at the estate and stopped in front of the same picture she had looked at all those weeks ago.

  The men looked like wax figurines, all stiff and unloving as they stared at the camera. She walked up and down some of the other hallways and even stopped out in the garden. She would really miss the garden. Hell, she would miss the whole estate.

  A car horn honked, and she gave one last lingering look at the grounds before heading back inside to grab her things and leave this all behind her for good.

  * * * *

  As the weeks turned into months following her stay at the estate, Lalita found it easier to not think about Dorian or the other men. It had been hard to push the guys from her mind when she first came home, but being with her son helped to keep her mind clear. There were still times when she lay alone at night and close her eyes, picturing Dorian, Michael, Torryn, and even Aleck’s hands on her body. Sometimes she even found herself tearing up thinking about him. She disgusted herself.

  True to their word, the money had been in her account when she checked it the night she got home. Already she had done so much with it to benefit her and Lennon’s lives. She had already found a nice little home he could grow up in, one with an actual backyard big enough for a swing set. The house may have been small, but they could call it home.

  As she sat on the porch and watched Lennon play in the grass, she spread the newspaper out before her. The early afternoon sun heated her skin, and she closed her eyes and let it sink in. When she finally opened them and looked down at the paper, the lemonade that she had been about to swallow sprayed from her lips. Thankfully Lennon was too engrossed in his trucks to realize the mess she made, because how in the hell could she explain her actions to a five-year-old?

  Staring back at her in black and white were Dorian and the other five men she had spent several months with. They all wore suits, their power so tangible that she could feel it even through the paper.

  As she read the caption, her mouth went dry. They were known in the elite world as the “Powerful Six.” She had known they were wealthy, had known they all held power somewhere, but she would have never guessed she had spent all that time fucking the McKinleys. Not only did that last name ring a bell to her, it was widely known throughout the country, throughout the world, in fact.

  It now made even more sense why the contract had specified she was never to speak of this to anyone. She had just assumed it was standard text, but now she knew the specifics of it. If word got out that six McKinleys, ranging from lawyers to CEOs to a doctor, had paid a small fortune to sexually have a woman at their beck and call, their entire empire would crumble.

  Stunned speechless by this, she continued to read. Apparently Torryn, Kane, and Zakary were brothers and owned the country’s most prestigious law firm. Aleck, Michael, and Dorian were brothers and cousins to the other three.

  When she first met Aleck, she would have never thought him to be one of the CEOs of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies because he came across as so laid-back. After they played in the “dungeon,” it was clear he was commanding and held an inner self that spoke of a true leader.

  She wasn’t shocked at all to find out Dorian was a renowned surgeon. She remembered all too well how he had tended to her injury, and the times when his touch seemed so caring. She couldn’t help but think back to the last night with him. It had been so clinical and non-emotional that even thinking about it now made her tear up.

  Torryn was a renowned attorney, one of the best in the country. The paper called him a beast in the courtroom, a man that could clear anyone’s name. Michael was also another CEO, one that was known as “The Bear” whenever his name was mentioned because of his gruff and dominating demeanor.

  “What’s wrong, Momma?”

  Lennon’s tiny voice broke through her thoughts, and she smiled at him. “Nothing, honey. Mommy’s just thinking and being silly.”

  “Are you sad?”

  How could she answer that honestly? Instead of telling her son the truth and having him ask her the numerous questions that were sure to follow, she just shook her head and pulled him into her arms.

  “Go inside and change your shirt. Auntie Mary will be here in a little bit to take you and Megan to the birthday party.” Lennon ran inside and slammed the door behind him. Lalita took one last look at the newspaper before folding it up and throwing it away.

  The sound of Megan’s voice right outside her front door an hour later caused Lennon to be in an uproar. Tiny giggles and talk of cake, presents, and ice cream filled their conversation. Lalita gave Mary a sympathetic look as she watched her best friend wrangle the two children into her car.

  “You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Lalita grabbed the presents that had fallen and tucked them in the back of the vehicle.

  “No. I’ve seen all the crap you still have yet to unpack.”

  “Does it look that bad?” Mary closed the door and turned to look at her.

  “Yes, it does.” Mary smiled. “We’ll be back this evening.”

  As the car disappeared down the street, Lalita headed inside to first eat and then get up the courage to unpack the numerous boxes that still lined her house. Although Mary had questioned her about her stay at the estate, Lalita had left many details out. For one thing she hadn’t divulged any of their names or what they had done, exactly. Lalita didn’t want to speak about them and have her true feelings portrayed on her face, which she knew would be the case. Thankfully Mary had been content with what she had been told.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lalita sliced fresh tomatoes and laid them beside the lettuce for her sandwic
h. She was procrastinating. She had cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, both bathrooms, and the living room, but she had yet to unpack one single box.

  The knife went through the tomatoes so easily and her mind was so preoccupied that when there was a loud bang on her front door, she jumped. Her surprise caused the knife to slip and slice right into her palm. Gasping and dropping the knife, she held her hand as blood started to seep out of the cut. Another loud bang on her front door caused her to jump into action instead of staring at the blood running down her forearm.

  Grabbing a towel and haphazardly wrapping it around her hand, she went over to the front door, tripping over a box in the process. When she finally opened the door, her hand throbbed and her shin ached from the near fall, but all that pain disappeared when she stared at the four men on the other side.

  They all wore dark suits and equally dark sunglasses. The car behind them reeked of money as it all but glistened in the driveway of her modest two-bedroom home.

  The man closest to her removed the sunglasses. Eyes that had seemed so dark all those months ago looked lighter, almost warm. “Hi. Can we come in?”

  Lalita was just too shocked to see Dorian, Michael, Torryn, and Aleck standing on her front porch that her throat closed, and no words made it past her lips. Dorian must have taken that as a refusal to his question because he dropped his head and sighed.

  “I know we have no right just showing up like this, but please, will you let us in for just a short while? We just want to talk.”

  The sound of something dripping drew all of their attention. Blood slid down her arm and splashed on the ground. The pain she had felt before she had seen the four of them came back full force.

  Dorian stepped through the doorway. Torryn, Michael, and Aleck followed. Dorian grabbed her arm and unwrapped the rag from her hand. “My God, Lalita. What happened?” He was all but pulling her into the kitchen and had her hand under the faucet before she even knew what was going on.

  “Do you have a first-aid kit?”

  She looked around and saw Torryn, Michael, and Aleck’s worried expressions. She was too shocked to see the four of them in her home that she didn’t answer right away.


  Looking back at Dorian, she nodded and said, “Yes, in one of these boxes.”

  Dorian looked around at the chaos that made up her house. “I have my bag in my car. Sit down and keep pressure on the wound. I’ll be right back.” He wrapped the rag around her hand tight, gently pushed her down into one of the kitchen chairs, and headed out the door. The other three men didn’t speak, just stared at the massacre that was becoming her kitchen. They did seem genuinely scared, though, as if the sight of blood was a little too much for them to handle.

  Thankfully Dorian was back a moment later, and she didn’t have to comfort Torryn, Michael, and Aleck, who seemed like they were about to pass out.

  As she watched Dorian take out several items from the bag, memories of her time at the estate played through her mind. The four of them were actually in her home.

  Even though nothing was being said at the moment, the fact that their presence was all around her comforted her. “Not to sound rude or unappreciative, but what are you guys doing here?” Dorian kept his head down, and when she looked at the other three, they shifted as if uncomfortable with her question. Dorian didn’t respond until after he cleaned the cut and wrapped it in gauze. A pat on her bandaged hand was his cue that he was done.

  The old wooden chair he sat in squeaked when he leaned back, and Lalita felt her face heat. Everything in her house was old, and they were not considered antiques. He stared at her, his dark eyes seeming lighter, less harsh in the afternoon light.

  “I, we, meant to be there the day you left, but we couldn’t bring ourselves to do it.”

  The letter that was left brought back feelings that she had slowly started to bury. Just seeing the four of them here in the flesh was painful in itself, but hearing him talk about their time at the estate was excruciating.

  “I’m not really sure what you’re getting at.”

  Torryn took a deep breath and stepped forward. “We shouldn’t have let things get the way they did.”

  Her anger rose with ease passing moment. How dare they come to her home and lecture her on what they shouldn’t have let get out of control. She may be a fool for feeling anything for them, but she was a human being, for fuck’s sake. She opened her mouth to tell Torryn, to tell all of them, to get the hell out of her house, but Aleck lifted his hand to stop her as if he knew what was coming.

  “Gauging the expression on your face, I can tell you’ve taken what Torryn said out of context.” He reached across the table and encased her uninjured hand in his much bigger one.

  Michael interjected. “What he meant to say is we shouldn’t have hidden our feelings for you, Lalita.”

  Stunned speechless wasn’t even the right term for how she felt at that moment.

  Dorian cleared his throat and took her other hand in his. “I have been doing a lot of thinking since you left. I realized what an incredible ass I’ve been.” He looked at his brothers. “We all were asses.” He shook his dark head before continuing. “After you left, we sat down and laid it all bare. We each had feelings for you that had grown since the moment you stepped into our lives.”

  Torryn stepped forward and said, “We were just scared of what we felt for you. It isn’t an excuse, we know that, but we wanted you to know.”

  With her mouth hanging open and her eyes probably looking like they were the size of saucers, Lalita probably looked like an idiot, but hearing each of them actually confess his feelings for her was a little surreal. Sure, she had hoped for this exact moment a million times, but when actually faced with it, she didn’t know what to say or do.

  She took a deep, steadying breath. “I’m not sure what to say. I can’t forget what happened at the estate.” Aleck and Dorian gave her hand a squeeze before letting it go.

  “I can’t blame you for wanting nothing to do with us. Not after the way we acted.” Dorian grabbed his bag and stood. Torryn, Michael, and Aleck moved away from her and the four of them headed toward the front door. Lalita’s heart started to pound something fierce.

  Michael stopped and looked at her over his shoulder. “Anyway, we just had to tell you how sorry we are for the things that happened and the way we acted.”

  Torryn spoke next. “We do care for you. I love you, Lalita”

  “I love you too, honey.” Michael spoke, his voice hoarse and gravelly.

  “As do I, sweetie. The way we met and the entire situation may not have been ideal, but I’m really thankful you came into my life.” Aleck moved closer to her and kissed her gently on the cheek.

  Torryn and Michael did the same before moving away so Dorian could take his place. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, and then he whispered, “I love you, too.”

  Lalita could do nothing but stare at them as they walked past her and out the front door. When the door closed behind them, she was left in a deafening silence, the only company being her thoughts. Do something, you stupid fool. The courage to rise from her seat burst inside of her like a freight train. She took off out the front door and toward Dorian, Michael, Aleck, and Torryn. They were already in the car and pulling away when she rushed out of the house. She did the only thing she could think of. She yelled as loud as she could, praying they heard her.

  “Stop.” In a smaller voice, she said, “Please, stop.”

  No doubt she sounded like a lunatic, but she didn’t care, not when she saw the brake lights flare a brilliant red. Dorian got out of the car and then Torryn, Michael, and Aleck were next. The four of them walked toward her, and she did the only thing that seemed to fit that moment. She ran up to first Torryn, wrapped her arms around his waist, and laid her head on his chest. She did the same thing with Aleck, Michael, and finally Dorian.

  “Lalita?” Voice sounding broken, Dorian pulled her back and stared
down at her.

  “I think you took my words out of context.” She used the same line they did and couldn’t help but smile. “What I meant was that my feelings for the four of you can’t be forgotten, no matter how long I’ve been away.” How could she say it in the simplest form without sounding like a total fool? She looked at each of them then, smiled, and just said it. “I love you, too. All four of you.”


  In the beginning of their relationship, Lalita, Dorian, Michael, Torryn, and Aleck thought it was best to take things slow. It wasn’t because they didn’t want to rush into things, hell, she had slept with all of them for several months.

  Lennon took to them right away, which Lalita was thankful for, because even though she loved them, if her little man hadn’t liked the four of them, it would have been a deal breaker.

  Her four men seemed quite possessive of her, and Lalita would be lying if she didn’t admit she loved it. There were times when all four would want to be intimate with her at the same time. Those times were extreme and made her breathless. Other times she would have alone time with each man. It was those times, when it was just two bodies pressed together, that she really felt the love between them.

  Before Kane and Zakary found pretty little college girls to slake their appetites, they had been adamant on joining in on their “relationship,” but Dorian, Michael, Aleck, and Torryn had made it clear that what they had went far beyond sex.

  Eventually everyone had found their place in life, and Lalita couldn’t be happier. Even a year and a half after her four men had showed up at her house, her feelings for them hadn’t changed. In fact, they had just grown stronger. She still got butterflies in her belly every time she looked at them.

  They were finally taking that next step in their lives and moving in together. Despite her protests, Dorian, Michael, Torryn, and Aleck insisted on getting a new place, one that would be new to them and they could raise Lennon in. That had been what had won her over. The four of them cared about Lennon as if he was their own, and her little boy loved all of them the same. Although her son was much too young to fully understand the complex relationship she had with Dorian, Michael, Aleck, and Torryn, he was happy, and that was all that mattered.


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