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Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set

Page 4

by Colleen Charles

  Jasmine’s face turned all kinds of shades of red. I almost — almost — felt sorry for her. Being reprimanded by the boss, especially in front of the person you were just yelling at was not a good look on her. She simply nodded and briskly walked away.

  Nolan gave me a wink. “She’s got a story, but it’s for another day. I better let you get back to work. We’ve got a busy week ahead of us.”

  Day 2: Jasmine = 0, Charlie =1

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, I arrived at the office with a newfound hope. Not only was I invited to attend the Winter Ball with Nolan, but I was also excited about working with him on the Grant Project.

  I got to my office and dumped my briefcase and purse on my desk. First things first, I needed to check my emails and make sure there wasn’t a fire that needed dousing. Scanning through the few pages, I finally saw what I’d been waiting for. The report from the PI, Lydia Truant. I read the short letter—


  Report is attached on Sarah Jane. Hope this helps you out. Let’s have drinks soon.


  PS. I added a special bonus for you.

  I opened the attachment and sent it to my personal printer. While the printer whirred to life and did its thing, I eagerly read the background check on Sarah Jane Smythe.

  My heart did a flip when I saw that Miss Sarah Jane had filed two other lawsuits in the past three years. A slip and fall in a chain restaurant was dismissed by the judge when the private investigator the insurance company hired had found evidence that she’d been dancing at a wedding when she was supposed to be laid up in bed with her injury. The second lawsuit settled for a measly two thousand dollars and medical expenses when she’d sued a supermarket for food poisoning.

  What really got my heart racing was when I saw the ‘special bonus’ Lydia had thrown in for free. Not only was Sarah Jane married — and had been for five years — but she was photographed with her husband. Ms. Smythe had recently pulled all of her husband’s photos from her Facebook page. Right before she filed the law suit against Nolan.

  I rubbed my hands together. This was good. As I picked up the phone to call her plaintiff’s attorney, Jasmine appeared in my doorway. She was holding two steaming cups of coffee. What the hell? I put the phone back on the receiver.

  “Good morning, Charlene. I hope you like vanilla lattes.” She sat the cup on my desk and made herself comfortable in the guest chair. “So what’s new?”

  “I’m working on the Smythe case.” I peered into the cup and then took a sniff. Should I ask her to take a drink first? Did I dare?

  “Good, good. Bring me up to speed.”

  I reached over to the printer and pulled out the sheaf of papers. Smiling, I handed them to her.

  Jasmine scanned the papers, making weird humming noises as she did so. A minute later, she pushed them across my desk. “What does this prove?”


  “Well, it proves that she is known for filing frivolous lawsuits. And two, she’s married.” What more proof could I give my boss?

  Jasmine scoffed. “That doesn’t prove anything. First off, the past lawsuits have no bearing on the paternity suit. Secondly, just because she’s married doesn’t mean she can’t get pregnant by another man. You did have sex-ed back in junior high, didn’t you?”

  So much for Dragon Breath turning over a new leaf. That had been short-lived. I showed Jasmine the Facebook pictures from Sarah Jane’s profile page. “She’s been posting photos of her husband on her personal page. Kissing, hugging, obviously very much in love.”

  “Call the lawyer and offer a settlement.”

  Rubbing my temples, I was at a loss for words. Jasmine wanted to offer this girl a settlement when it was blatantly obvious that she was lying about her pregnancy. Or at least lying about who the father was. It was clear to me that Sarah Jane Smythe had been overcome by dollar signs when she met Nolan. No way in hell was Charlene de Monaco going to settle a bogus law suit. This conniving bitch would get nothing.

  “Nolan said he didn’t sleep with her,” I said as I played my final card.

  Jasmine cocked her head to the side. “When did he tell you this?”

  “At lunch yesterday.”

  “Well, that’s very interesting.” Jasmine stood from her chair and walked to the door. Dismissing the information. Dismissing me. “Call the attorney. Offer a settlement. Keep me in the loop.”

  My first thought was to call Nolan and run Jasmine’s suggestion by him. Actually, it was more of a command than a suggestion. On second thought, I didn’t want Nolan to think I couldn’t make decisions on my own. If my gut reaction didn’t pan out, then I could always go back and offer the settlement.

  I picked up the phone and called the attorney. I checked my watched and saw that I had five minutes before my morning meeting with Callum to go over the closing statement for the high-rise project.

  A minute later, I had him on the line. I explained our position to him. We had discovered the two frivolous lawsuits plus the evidence that Ms. Smythe was married, happily married according to her social media page. The attorney told me that he did know Ms. Smythe was married, but it was his understanding that she was separated from her husband at the time of conception. His client still maintained that Nolan was the father.

  “If that’s true, then Ms. Smythe won’t have a problem taking a prenatal DNA test. At the expense of Mr. Banks, of course. I have the name of a local company that can perform the tests. I’ll email that over to you this afternoon.”

  We ended the conversation with the promise that he’d call me back after conferring with his client.

  My stomach fluttered as I put the vanilla latte in the trash. Did I make the right decision? What if she took the test, and it came back that Nolan was the father? What if he’d lied to me? I shook my head, clearing it of all negative thoughts. I wouldn’t think about it anymore until I heard back from her lawyer.

  Grabbing my file, I left for the conference room. I was reviewing the file while walking down the corridor when I felt a bump, and the file fluttered to the floor.

  “Hello, Charlie.”

  Startled, I looked up and my breath caught in my throat. Nolan was in front of me, looking as handsome as ever in a well-tailored navy suit that hugged his shoulders and arms. Around his neck was a light blue tie that contrasted with his dreamy eyes. Did he have to look so damn hot all the time? So hot I seemed to forget my own name.

  I looked away quickly, before he could see my reaction. He bent down to retrieve my file. “How is your day going?”

  I answered, “So far so good.”

  He handed the file back to me. “How about we have dinner tonight at my place?”

  My pulsed leaped and I was momentarily rooted to the spot. I shoved the file under my arm. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” Nolan picked an imaginary piece of lint from his sleeve. “We could discuss strategy for the Winter Ball.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Strategy? For what?”

  “Getting donations for our little project. Besides, I’m a good cook. You’ll die for my pasta carbonara.”

  “As much as I love pasta carbonara, I already have plans for the evening.”

  Nolan’s phone buzzed in his pocket and he retrieved it. Looking at the caller ID he said, “Okay, maybe next time. Good luck with your meeting.”

  Nolan had a reputation for being persuasive and tenacious, which made him a good negotiator. I was surprised at how easily he gave up on dinner. Surprised and a little disappointed. But I should have known better. Nolan Banks would never go for the plain, buttoned up Brainiac when he had access to every gorgeous supermodel in New York.

  Chapter 6

  The sun disappeared fast over the horizon when I finally left the office. I huddled at the edge of the sidewalk waiting for a cab, the bright yellow neon lights of the Chinese takeout place across the street mocking me. I knew inside it was warm and toasty. With delicious grub
that could fill the rumbling hole in my midsection. But I’d need my first paycheck before I could partake. Massive student loans coupled with the expense of the city had wiped me out.

  It was chilly out tonight, I hadn’t planned on leaving so late, so had forgotten my heavier jacket. Together with my short skirt and the thin fabric of my blouse, I wasn’t prepared to wait more than a couple of minutes for a ride. Where were all the taxis in Manhattan tonight?

  My feet already ached, so hoofing it across town to my apartment was out of the question. I guess the bus was my only other option on this chilly night. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned to see that Nolan was at my side, whistling a show tune from Wicked. His hands in the pockets of a wool coat.

  “Nolan,” I said as my eyes swept over his stylish frame, complete with Burberry scarf. “I thought you’d already left for the day.”

  “No, late meeting with my father,” he replied as his black, polished town car pulled to the curb. “May I offer you a ride?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to ward off the sudden chill. “No, thank you,” I said, eyeing the car and eyeing him. Nothing good could come of getting in to that vehicle.

  His soulful brown eyes scanned up and down my body from the gooseflesh on every inch of exposed skin to my warm breath brightening the evening air with its mist. The corners of his lush mouth tugged upward. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded, the cool air taking my voice away. Or, maybe it was the fleeting fantasy of Nolan walking a few steps, closing the gap and warming me with the heat off his body.

  He put his hand on the door handle. “It’s nice and warm in my car. I even have heated seats.”

  “I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you.”

  “Why would it be an inconvenience? I couldn’t forgive myself if I left a damsel in distress on the sidewalk to freeze to death. Now seriously, get in the car or I’ll have to write you up for insubordination.” He ruined the severity of his threat with a laugh as he motioned toward the car with his thumb. He opened the door and waved me over. “After you … Charlie.”

  Well, when he put it like that, how could I say no? I slid inside the car, giving the driver my address.

  He was right. The seats were heated; my tush had never felt so comfy. Gradually, the back of my thighs thawed out. Nolan got in after me, his legs touching mine as he settled. My fingers gripped at the edges of the leather seats as I desperately tried to think of something clever to say or do. God, I hated being out of my element. I never indulged in banter. Flirtation. Anything.

  Never indulged.

  Nolan reached inside of the beverage compartment and pulled out a bottle of rum and began making a drink with the skill of a bartender at the Ritz. “What a day,” he said. “Have you reconsidered my proposal for dinner? You have to be hungry.” He handed me a crystal glass filled with dark rum and some fruit concoction.

  I took a tentative sip. It was delicious. “Mmm, sorry but I really can’t tonight. I promised my roommate that I would accompany her tonight to Ruffalos. Her boyfriend is celebrating his big 3-0.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so there’s no real hot date?”

  I chuckled. “Not that it would be any of your business, but no. Just a night with friends.”

  His perfect teeth widened into a voracious grin. “You could always stop by my place afterwards. We could have dessert.” With that, his hand reached over to brush a strand of hair away from my face.

  My heart hammered as Nolan leaned close to me. His mouth so close to mine, his full lips opened slightly. He was going to kiss me. I leaned back, but he put both hands around my neck and pulled me forward as his mouth descended. It was a brief kiss, sweet and short. Like he was giving me a taste of what might come later. I brought my palms up to push him away, but it was as if all of my limbs had suddenly been reduced to liquid mush.

  “Why did you do that?”

  Damn, I needed to get out of this car before I did something I regretted. Like surrender. Why was Nolan so damn sexy? The driver braked suddenly when he saw the lights of HOT NAILS, the salon in the retail space below my apartment. I doubt that Nolan had ever graced this side of town, the East Village.

  “Practicing for the Winter Ball. Are you having second thoughts?” Nolan asked when I didn’t get out of the car immediately.

  The ache between my legs made me want to slide on his lap and show him my naughty side. The one I’d never explored but was starting to think I might possess. The one that made me want to unzip his pants and take him in my hand. The prudent professional in me knew that I couldn’t sleep with my boss — it wouldn’t end well. I reached over him for the door handle. “Goodnight, Mr. Banks.”

  His hand was on mine before I could get it open. They were warm and strong. “Nolan. Anyone I’ve kissed is on a first name basis. You have my number if you change your mind.”

  “I won’t.”

  I brushed his hand aside and pulled on the handle. I was just someone he perceived as a challenge. Off limits. That was the only reason he wanted to pursue me in any way. And I could help him with the Grant Project fundraising. He leaned back to let me out, no doubt checking out my ass as I climbed over him. I hurried to my apartment entrance, half hoping he would follow me, and half hoping he would set his sights on someone else so I wouldn’t lose my job.

  I turned around just as Nolan’s car pulled away from the curb and disappeared into the gloomy, cold night. I ran up three flights of stairs to my apartment, still remembering that lingering kiss, and pulled a bottle of wine from the fridge to calm my shaky nerves. I hoped I hadn’t screwed up by turning him down.


  We pushed our way through the throng of the crowd at Ruffalo’s. It was almost midnight and I was ready to go home. After an exhausting day at work, the only thing I wanted to do was get in a hot bubbly bathtub and drink wine until I passed out. My roommate had other plans. Tonight was Kyle’s birthday party and he and Melissa were determined for me to meet someone.

  “What about that guy over there?” Melissa asked pointing to a hulk of a man sitting on the barstool. He was looking our way. Like he wanted to throw me down.

  I took a peek at him. He wore a pullover that showed off massive bulging biceps. The guy looked like he worked out twenty-four-seven. “Ick, Mel, gym rats are not my cup of tea.”

  “Well, what about that guy? He’s been staring at you for the last fifteen minutes.” She nodded inconspicuously toward the other side of the bar.

  I gasped when I looked over and saw him. Sitting in the VIP section, flanked by hoochies, with several bottles of champagne littering the table in front of him, sat Nolan Banks.

  “That’s my new boss,” I commented, surprised my mouth functioned enough for words to come out.

  Melissa squinted her eyes and took another look. “Nolan Banks is here?”

  I hadn’t had the chance to tell her everything that had transpired between Nolan and me. Especially the invitation to the Winter Ball, the invite to dinner, and the kiss in the limo. “I guess so.”

  “Well, go talk to him.” Melissa pushed me in his direction. “He obviously likes you.”

  Nolan caught me staring back and he waved us over. I realized I couldn’t ignore him now without it being considered rude.

  “Come on, I’ll introduce you.” I grabbed Mel’s hand and dragged her across the dance floor to the VIP section, where you had to spend a minimum of ten thousand dollars on booze just to be let through the velvet ropes. I didn’t want to be alone with him again so soon.

  Nolan met us at the entrance as I introduced my best friend to him. “Charlie has been a great asset to our company so far,” Nolan told her.

  Melissa covered her mouth with a giggle. “She’s got a lot of great assets.”

  My roommate was officially drunk.

  Nolan cracked a smile, obviously amused by Melissa’s flirty intoxication. “It’s your boyfriend’s birthday, right?”

  “Yeah.” Melissa pointed towa
rd the bar. “He’s over there waiting for us.”

  Nolan whispered something to the VIP attendant. “A round of drinks on me. Bring your boyfriend over here and all of you can join us. Let’s toast the big day with another bottle of Cristal.”

  This felt like a big set-up to me. I forgot I’d told Nolan where I was going tonight. Obviously, he couldn’t take no for an answer when I told him that I couldn’t hang out with him. So he’d decided to come here instead. Stalk much? Jesus, he was exhibiting the same damn behavior he’d accused Georgia of engaging in. When Melissa went to retrieve her boyfriend, I took the opportunity to grab Nolan by the arm.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  He waggled his eyebrows at me. “I kind of dig this new and feisty Charlie. What else do you get excited about, Ms. De Monaco? Do you squeal in ecstasy when you come? Scream a man’s name? Scream your own?”

  I hissed in a breath at the crudeness of his comment. He must be drunk too.

  “You know what I mean. You only came to Ruffalo’s because you knew that I would be here.” I threw my hands up. “What’s up with that? Don’t you have enough women in your contacts?”

  “Calm down. I happen to have a good reason for being here tonight.” Nolan covered my hand with his and led me away to a quiet corner. We sat down on the sofa. “I had business here.”

  I nodded to the bevy of gorgeous women who were still occupying the sofa where he was sitting earlier. “I see what you mean.”

  Nolan laughed. “I’m part owner of Ruffalo’s. As my personal legal advisor, you should know that already.”


  He was right. I should know that. But Nolan and his family owned most of Manhattan. He’d hit me in my Achilles heel, but then he knew that already. He knew that I took my education and professional reputation very seriously.


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