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Foreign Affairs

Page 32

by Jacqueline George

  “You're right. The Aussies are too much like the Poms. I haven't tried many Australian men, but they seem so ignorant. You virtually have to take your clothes off and lie down in front of them before they realise what you're after. And then they don't know how to do it properly. Most of the women are just as ignorant, too. Except you, my love. You're just sly. You pretend to be virgin pure and look as if butter wouldn't melt between your legs, let alone in your mouth, but get you into a dark corner and wow! You're like a rocket going into orbit.”

  “Stop it! I'm not like that at all. It's you two who're making me like that!”

  “Oh, no it's not. We're not doing anything. Just giving you a stage to display your natural talent. And you are very talented, you know. Making love to you is a historic, erotic event.”

  Pat blushed. “Well, making love to you is the very best thing in the world. Either of you, and both of you together is twice as good.”

  Sonya laughed happily and, getting up on her knees, pushed her friend's legs apart. She paused a minute to look at her untidy pussy and planted a big juicy kiss on it. “Come on. We'll get something small to eat, and then I'm going to start on your hair.”

  John was still asleep on the futon when they finally brought him his toasted cheese and coffee. Pat thought he looked rather sweet and child-like, but his wife was made of sterner stuff. She slid a bare foot under his limp equipment and wiggled her toes.

  “Wake up, pig! Here's your supper, since you couldn't be bothered to join us in the kitchen. I'm going to give Pat a hairdo.” They left him stretching himself inelegantly.

  After supper he took to the pool again to wash some of the sleepiness out of his limbs. That done, he padded into the bedroom looking for a towel and found Sonya hard at work. She had spread a bath towel over the edge of the bed and set Pat on it. Her client was lying back on her elbows, feet on the floor and knees as far apart as they would comfortably go. Seated on a cushion between them, Sonya worked furiously with a pair of nail scissors.

  “Christ! Go easy with those or you'll snip off something important. Here, do you want me to do it?” John was jealous.

  “No, I certainly don't. I'm enjoying myself, and if you'll just stop talking, I'll get on a lot better.” She reached for the comb and bent to her task.

  It was a very luxurious feeling for Pat, lying back and watching Sonya's face as she concentrated on trimming the hair as close as possible. It made her feel very decadent. She supposed that without hair around her lips, rubbing herself against her lovers would feel quite different. I wonder why we have hair down there, she asked herself. It's such a nuisance really, and no one sees it. She thought of the picture of Sally she had seen. “Tell me about Sally.”

  “Oh, you'd like Sally. Everyone likes Sally. How did you know about her? Did I tell you? Of course, you were already here last time I visited them. She's really sexy, and John's in love with her.”

  “Just for her body, nothing else,” put in John.

  “You never had a chance to get as far as anything else. She's tall and very blonde. Beautiful slim figure with nice little breasts. Sickening really. And quite pretty.”

  “Very pretty.”

  “Shut up you, I'm talking. Quite pretty and a lot of fun. Did you know she sent John a pair of her knickers? I think he still has them under his pillow.”

  “I knew she'd sent them, but I didn't know about John's pillow. I think I saw her picture in the magazine.”

  “Yes, that was her. She's much nicer than the photograph when you see her for real.”

  “She looked as if she had no hair at all down there.”

  “That's right. As smooth as a baby's bottom. Give her half a chance, and she'll slide it all over you. It's very exciting. Ask John—Oh God! Look at him. You can see what he's thinking about. But I don't blame him. She's completely sexy. Fantastic.”

  “She made Carl—that's her husband—buy her a professional hair removing set, you know, one of those electrolysis things. Then poor Carl had to sit like this and electrocute all her hairs, one by one. It must have taken ages, but it was worth it.”

  “Why don't you do that?”

  “Me? Well, it's permanent, isn't it? If I did I'd never be able to change my mind and grow it back again. Anyway, it's no trouble to have John do this to me every now and again. It's quite fun really, but it looks as if you know that already.”

  Pat grinned. “It's not bad. I can think of worse ways to spend Sunday evening. How did you meet Sally?”

  “Oh, it's rather embarrassing really. We were on field break in Adelaide, and we'd gone into this little sex shop. John likes to walk around them to stimulate his jaded imagination. I think they're a bit stupid.”

  “That didn't stop you buying an armful of sexy knickers and things.”

  “Only to turn you on, dormouse. There were lots of dirty old men around looking at the magazines. They get really embarrassed if you look them in the face. Anyway, near the check-out there's all these advertisements for prostitutes. Except they have to pretend to be something else, you know, swimming lessons with attractive lady teacher, all that sort of thing. I wonder how much business they get? And who goes to them?

  “Anyway, right down the bottom was a type-written note from ‘Carl and Sally’ inviting interested couples for dinner and fun. I took the telephone number down, and we called it from our motel.

  “Carl answered the phone and they sounded OK, so we agreed to meet for dinner at a little Italian restaurant in North Adelaide. I didn't know what to wear. I hadn't taken much with me because it was only a field break, and we were planning to go to the beach a lot. I wanted to buy some new clothes anyway, but John makes such a fuss when I take him shopping that I hardly buy anything in the end. I didn't know what to put on to go and meet people like that.

  “Turned out it didn't matter much. They were dressed pretty casually when we met them in the restaurant.”

  “What was Carl like?”

  “Ooh, he's very attractive. A sort of older man, about forty-five I'd guess. Sally's much younger. He's some kind of big manager in an engineering firm, and he carries himself like a general. He just expects people to do what he tells them. He's quite tall, pepper-and-salt hair, sort of rugged face with lines. Everyone's ideal sugar daddy. You'd love him. He's so commanding without being selfish.

  “John was going crazy over Sally. She was wearing a loose black cotton singlet with a belt round it. It was miniskirt length the way she was wearing it, and it made her legs look so long. You should have seen John when she stood up to shake hands. It was pathetic. He can be so embarrassing sometimes. I suppose I'm lucky it was his hand he gave her to shake. He's just so obvious when he sees a pretty girl.

  “Anyway, we sat down and had a drink. They seemed really nice. We didn't know what to expect, but they seemed so nice and ordinary that I was surprised. So then we had a tasty meal, and we were just having coffee when I caught John absolutely staring at Sally. God, it was awful how obvious he was. Sally saw it, too, and she was looking very strange and had gone sort of red on her cheekbones, here and here. Carl invited us home then for another drink. I suppose he was afraid that John would disgrace himself.”

  “Pat, I hope you're not believing every word of this. She exaggerates, you know.”

  “I expect she just knows what's going through your mind far better than anyone else would,” said Pat, trying to placate him. “So you went home with them.”

  “Yes, they lived—”

  “Shut up—this is my story. Pat asked me, and if she won't listen to me, I'll leave her hair half cut.

  “They lived very near by, so we walked there, me and Sally with the men behind with their tongues hanging out. We sat in the lounge, and it got embarrassing again because the men were too simple to start.”

  “Why didn't you start?”

  “Us? Oh, no. Ladies don't start things like that. It's a man's job. In the end Carl suggested we play cards. What's that stupid game called, John?” />

  “Yes, and it's really, really simple. Everyone cuts the cards, and the person with the lowest card loses. Then the other three cut to find the winner, and the loser has to do anything the winner says.”


  “Well, anything sexy. There's hardly any rules. You can only make a person take off one piece of clothing at a time. Whatever they have to do only lasts for a minute, and no one is allowed to come. Orgasms are strictly out, and if you do come, you're the next loser. It was good really. At least it got the dirty old men started.

  “Sally lost first, and John won. He made her take off her panties and put them in front of us. He took them from her and smoothed them out nicely on the carpet in front of us all. She was very embarrassed and went red again.

  “Then we really got going. We played very quickly, like Las Vegas —snap, snap, snap. We were all nude in no time at all. Carl looked pretty tasty, firm, no big beer belly on him. Sally looked fantastic. She's got really classic breasts and long, long legs. And no hair. Then it got really interesting.

  “John got Sally to lie on her back over a cushion with her legs wide open so we could see everything. I thought it was pretty exciting, but the effect on her of having everyone staring right up inside her made her come immediately. It was then that we found out the red patches on her cheeks mean she's just about to come. Really. She doesn't make any noise, she just gets a bit tense and her eyes have a sort of faraway look, and she comes—just like that. She'd come in the restaurant with John staring at her and again when he made her take her knickers off. She's incredible. If the atmosphere is right, she just has an orgasm to celebrate it. She doesn't need to be rubbed or anything, and she comes so quietly. There's no way I could come in a restaurant without anyone noticing.”

  “You?” laughed John. “If you came, people would rush in from the street to see what had happened.”

  “All right—so I enjoy myself! Anyway, Sally wasn't meant to come, so for the next round she was the loser again, and Carl made her lick me. That was sneaky because it made me come, and then I was the next loser.

  “Well, we played on, just teasing each other. I got to kiss most of Sally and Carl, too. Then John annoyed Sally by making her dance close to him with his cock between her legs. It was sticking out behind her, just under her bottom. Of course, every step she took meant she was rubbing herself on the back of it. John turned her around so she was looking over his shoulder at Carl, and she broke down and came again. John had to hold her up to stop her falling.

  “We were all getting fired up by now, but Sally wanted to get back at John. So the next time he lost, and I was the winner, she asked me to make him suck Carl. That shocked him because he'd never touched a man there before. But we weren't going to let him off, so he just had to do it.”

  Pat laughed in delight. “Serves you right. Now you know what us poor girls have to put up with. Did it make your jaw ache? Did you like the taste?”

  “He didn't come. I tried hard, but I didn't quite have enough time. It was pretty close, though.”

  “Did you like it?”

  “So-so. I wouldn't do it for preference. You make a much more interesting meal.”

  “What did he look like when he was doing it? I bet he hated it.”

  “Well, he did look pretty clumsy when he started, but I suppose that's just lack of practice. If I'd have been Carl, I'd have been terrified.

  “After that, I didn't want to play anymore. I just wanted to get on and do it properly. Sally had the next go, but she wouldn't make love to John straight away. First of all she got some Grand Marnier and rubbed it gently all over John's cock. I'd never seen that before. But it really works. The alcohol deadens his nerves a little and slows him right down. It tastes nice too, so she licked him for a while.

  “Then she put him on his back and knelt over him so she could put just the end of it inside. She rested her head on his shoulder and made him move very slowly. They looked really good. She's got a beautiful bottom and she was sticking it right up in the air. Underneath John was pushing gently up and down. Then she sighed and made him stop. She had her back to me and Carl, so we could see everything. The tip of his cock was sliding up and down between her lips, and she'd stopped with just a centimetre or so inside her. She'd come, of course, and wanted a short break.”

  “Yes, I wanted to keep going, but she got her teeth into my earlobe and threatened to bite it off if I didn't stop.”

  “What were you doing while they were making love?”

  “I wasn't going to sit all alone. Carl was sitting on the floor with his back against the sofa, where he could see all the fun. It was making him very excited, I could see that. So I sat in between his legs and wrapped his arms around me, and we watched together. It was all very gentle. I could feel him sticking up behind my back. It was very long and heavy. I knew it was going to be stuck up inside me very soon, and the thought gave me a funny feeling in my tummy. Carl was playing with my breasts and twisting the nipples exactly right, so we just sat and watched the other two get on with it.

  “Sally was only letting John move for a few strokes, and then she'd stop him again. It seemed as if the longer it went on, the easier and easier it was for her to come. She must have been going out of her mind. She was very wet and open. We could see right inside every time John pulled it out. He was sliding up and down very easily, from just inside to right down as far as her clit. It must have felt fantastic and she was coming all the time. Just a few strokes and she’d stop him again. And again. She was even making a bit of noise by then, panting and moaning. John was only stopping for a short time, and then they'd do it again. They seemed to be doing it more and more, quicker and quicker until John couldn't wait any more and just pushed and pushed up inside until it was all over. She was completely knocked out, drifting on cloud nine. He was pretty shaken up, too. She just lay stretched out between his legs with him still inside her, trembling now and again. The whole show must have lasted, I don't know, quarter of an hour? It was fantastic.”

  “It seemed forever to me. She sucked me dry.”

  “And you? Did you do the same to Carl?”

  “Not a chance. Do you think I could ever do anything so long and controlled? Especially after watching that. Carl had been fingering me, and I'd already come two or three times. I just wanted him inside right then, immediately, before my circuits got overloaded.

  “I was really mean to him. I had got him on top of me, and I made him bang away as hard as he could. I came straightaway, almost as soon as he'd got it up me, but I didn't let him stop. I had my knees up and kept hitting his bottom with my heels and making him go faster. He came quickly, of course, but I didn't let him rest. He must have been feeling very sensitive after his orgasm, but he was still hard so I kept hitting him and made him go on.

  “Carl is the original gentleman, and although he must have wanted to rest, I forced him to go on making me come until he did it a second time. Then I let him rest. He's really considerate of his women. I felt great, like I'd been loved until I was falling to pieces. Wow!”

  During her story, Sonya had stopped clipping, not able to concentrate on both things at once. She returned to the pretty mouth in front of her. “I'm almost done here. Bring the cream, John, and then I'll get on with the other side.”

  The cream needed ten minutes to do its job, ten minutes with Pat leaning back on the bed, legs wide open showing the white pasted patch between. She no longer felt the slightest tremor of embarrassment when these two looked at her there. John moved over to watch when Sonya scraped and sponged the cream away to display her masterpiece. The unwanted hair had gone, leaving a delicate erotic flowering of pink petals bursting from soft white lips. The small teardrop shaped patch of hair left on her mound above made her look even more naked.

  “My God!” breathed John and moved closer.

  “Get off! I haven't finished yet. Bring the hand cream. Anyway, I did all this work, so I get p
aid this time, not you.” Sonya refreshed the nude skin with hand cream. “Now, turn over.”

  “But I can't….”

  “Oh, listen to Miss Virgin Pure. She'll make love to you all night and then won't show off her bottom to her friends.” She grabbed one of Pat's ankles and twisted it firmly until Pat rolled over protesting. “Oh Hell! Look at that bottom. She's so beautiful, it's not fair.” She bent forward and nipped one of the rounded cheeks with her teeth. “Silly girl. Don't you know your lovers can do anything to you?” She set to work again with the scissors.

  It did not take long, and soon Sonya was dreamily rubbing hand cream over the curves and deep into Pat's furrow. She was looking at nothing in particular when her eye fell on John's rearing cock. “Who's that standing up for? Me or Pat?”

  “Er – you and Pat,” he said diplomatically.

  “Very nice. I'm meant to be getting paid here, but I can guess what will happen if I turn my back on that. Come on, girl, it's time to get abused by this ignorant male.” She pulled Pat up and sat her on the edge of the bed. She knelt close behind, cradling the girl between her thighs and pulling her back to rest in her arms. She brought one of Pat's hands around between them and closed the fingers into her sex. Snuggling closer, Sonya looked over Pat's shoulder. “Now. Let's see what your new hairdo looks like when you're making love.” John knelt between her legs and gently sank into her.

  The three lovers watched closely as their male part slowly pushed its way in. Pat's inner lips clung to the shaft and were pushed into her. They only fell free when it withdrew for the first time, now glistening with her wetness. John pulled right back until the tip rested between her lips, and pushed slowly back inside. Unveiled now, Pat's sex looked doubly erotic as it stretched around him. They watched the thick cock pushing and sucking at Pat’s delicate pink folds. Between the naked lips, her hooded button bobbed up and down at each stroke. Pat was trembling, and her fingers gripped hard in the hot pussy behind her. Sonya held her even tighter.


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