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The Ultimate Aphrodisiac

Page 25

by Robert G. Barrett

  ‘Sure,’ replied Milne. ‘It’s about the same time in Australia now. Keleu will put you through.’

  ‘Do you mind, Keleu?’ asked Brian.

  ‘No. We will go to the office now.’

  ‘I’m going to my room,’ said Milne. ‘If I don’t see you, six o’clock start tomorrow. Breakfast, then back to the ruins.’

  ‘Okay. See you then,’ said Brian.

  Brian got to his feet and followed Keleu along to the office. As she was sorting things out with the phone hook-up, Brian slipped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck. She was wearing another body oil that had a fragrance of wild roses.

  ‘Oh Brian,’ said Keleu. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Nothing,’ answered Brian. ‘It’s just that you looked that nice, I thought I might give you a cuddle. Is that a crime on Lan Laroi?’

  ‘No. It is not a crime,’ said Keleu. ‘Actually, it is very acceptable.’


  Brian turned Keleu around, looked deep into her soft, brown eyes for a moment, then kissed her. Keleu returned Brian’s kiss, slipped the tongue in just a smidgen, and the kiss seemed to go on a while longer than Brian had intended. Finally, Brian had to let her go. Keleu was starting to pant a little and Brian was breathing that heavily himself, another minute and he would have disgraced both of them in the President’s office.

  ‘So what’s doing tonight?’ he asked her.

  ‘Nothing,’ replied Keleu. ‘I have the house to myself. Ebonee is with friends. And Airu is with Sawi.’

  ‘Would you like me to call around and make sure the boogeyman doesn’t get you?’

  ‘That would be very nice, Brian,’ Keleu smiled softly.

  ‘All right. I’ll ring home. And I’ll see you in about half an hour.’

  ‘Very well.’ Keleu let go of Brian, pushed two switches, then handed Brian a remote. ‘It is hooked up to a satellite. We can only ring out twice a day. In the early evening and in the early morning. I have connected you straight to Australia. All you have to do is ring the number direct.’

  ‘Okay. Thanks Keleu.’ He gave her a quick kiss. ‘See you shortly.’

  Keleu left, closing the door behind her. Brian took his phone number book from his pocket and dialled his sister in Tasmania first. All the phone did was ring. Brian guessed Tracey and the boyfriend were out roaming around the farm somewhere in the cold. He put the receiver down, then trepidatiously rang his mother in Noosa. All their phone did was ring as well, and they didn’t have the answering service on. Relieved in a way, Brian replaced the receiver. He knew what he could expect when his mother found out where he was ringing from. Brian stared at the phone in Milne’s office and an odd thought occurred to him. Although he didn’t know how long he was going to be on Lan Laroi, he didn’t care. The longer the better if anything. He wasn’t missing home at all. It was as if Lan Laroi had suddenly become home. Brian left the office and walked back to his room. He wrote some notes in his diary, sorted out a few things for tomorrow, then threw some water over his face in the bathroom and dabbed on a little aftershave. He walked out onto the balcony and as the night sky brought out its jewellery, leant against the balustrade and stared up at the stars and across to the moon reflected golden in the harbour. After a while he walked downstairs to the backyard.

  The path to Keleu’s house was surrounded by trees and shrubs, full of wild flowers and different types of ferns. Walking along, Brian could hear the rustle of lizards and tiny animals scampering over the leaves and the haunting cry of nightbirds calling to each other in the branches. The house was a white adobe with round windows and a small alcove out the front, softly illuminated by a ship’s lantern hanging from a wooden beam. The door was open and Brian could see light coming from behind the flyscreen and hear a TV. He gave the flyscreen a rap and Keleu called out for him to come in.

  Brian followed a hallway past a sunroom and two bedrooms on the left, and a bedroom and bathroom opposite, into a large loungeroom with a kitchen at the rear and a door leading out to the backyard. All the floors were polished wood covered in hemp scatter rugs, the walls were whitewashed, and exposed beams jutted out between ceiling fans and soft lights. Circular windows looked out onto the surrounding jungle and the walls were hung with colourful paintings and tapestries. Against the right wall in the loungeroom, a big-screen TV faced a large bamboo lounge built low to the floor and packed with huge floral scatter cushions. Indoor plants were spread around the lounge and sitting on top of a bookcase near the hall was a model antique yacht. Keleu was comfortable on the lounge, wearing a powder blue babydoll nightie with matching knickers.

  ‘Nice place you have here,’ said Brian, looking around and trying to keep his eyes off Keleu.

  ‘Thank you,’ replied Keleu. ‘Did you phone through all right?’

  ‘Yeah. But there was no one home. I’ll try again tomorrow.’

  ‘Oh. Too bad,’ said Keleu. ‘Would you like something to drink? There is beer or cool drinks in the fridge. Help yourself.’

  ‘Okay,’ said Brian. ‘I might just have one beer. I’m a bit tired, and I have to get up early tomorrow.’

  Brian went to the fridge and got a beer. He opened it and stepped back into the lounge. Keleu motioned for him to sit down next to her. Brian kicked off his thongs, made himself comfortable amongst the scatter cushions and had a mouthful of beer.

  ‘What are you watching?’ he asked.

  ‘Some show about monkeys in Bali. It is not bad. But TV does not interest me very much. I would rather listen to music or walk beneath the stars.’

  ‘Yeah,’ agreed Brian. ‘Half the time it’s all ads.’

  ‘We are lucky. We do not get the ads. We do not get much TV. There are videos at the school.’

  ‘At the school?’

  ‘Yes. In the library. Mostly movies.’

  ‘Right.’ Brian drank some more beer. ‘Keleu, do you mind if I ask you something?’

  ‘No. What is it, Brian?’

  ‘You and Airu didn’t seem very worried when Sawi said on TV he was handing himself over to the Americans.’

  Keleu smiled at Brian. ‘Sawi has many strange expressions. One of them is “gee up”. He said it was all a gee up. You understand this one, Brian?’

  ‘Yes,’ chuckled Brian. ‘It means he was having them on. Sort of telling a fib.’ Brian started to laugh. ‘That’d be Sawi.’

  ‘He also said you are staying on the island to help him.’ Keleu looked into Brian’s blue eyes. ‘This is not a gee up?’

  Brian shook his head. ‘No. That’s not a gee up. That’s the truth, Keleu. I’m here for as long as it takes.’ Brian looked into Keleu’s brown eyes. ‘And I don’t really care how long it takes either, Keleu. The longer the better, to be honest.’

  ‘That is so good, Brian.’ Keleu smiled shyly. ‘My heart did little pitter pats when Sawi told me.’

  ‘Did it now. That’s so lovely.’ Brian smiled at Keleu. ‘My heart did little pitter pats when I walked in here and saw you in that nightie, Keleu.’

  Keleu looked coy. ‘What? This old thing?’ she said.

  Keleu snuggled up closer to Brian, Brian put his arm around Keleu and kissed her. That was all Keleu was waiting for. She kissed Brian back and wrapped herself around him. Brian put his beer down and kissed Keleu down into the scatter cushions. Keleu ran her hand over Brian’s fly just as Brian slipped Keleu’s nightie up and found her firm, thrusting breasts. He squeezed them gently, stroking the nipples and Keleu started undoing Brian’s fly; next thing she had his rodger out, stroking it fondly. Brian slipped his tongue into Keleu’s mouth and was immediately met by hers; hot and spicy. He started rubbing the lovely little six pack that was Keleu’s stomach and Keleu started to purr. She took her tongue out of Brian’s mouth, bowed her head and put her mouth over his knob. Brian started to quiver, then went to jelly amongst the scatter cushions. Keleu gave Brian a sensational polish, then Brian placed his hand on Keleu’s puss, rubbing it gently, fe
eling it swell and moisten. Keleu spread her legs and Brian slipped his fingers in under her knickers. Keleu fell back into the cushions with her eyes closed moaning with delight while Brian kissed her neck and let his fingers do the walking and talking. After a while Brian eased her powder blue knickers off then buried his face in Keleu’s gorgeous little mwanga and went for it. Keleu wriggled and squealed amongst the scatter cushions, grabbed the back of Brian’s head and spread her legs wider. She gave a few kicks then Brian felt her shudder and heard her moan as she emptied out in his face. By now Brian was a basket case. He came up with his face looking like a glazed pineapple donut, ripped his shorts off and sunk it into Keleu. Keleu choked off a scream as Brian started going for it. It was that good and Brian was that worked up he couldn’t stop. He grabbed the cheeks of Keleu’s tiny behind and drove like crazy. In minutes Brian gave an almighty shudder and, with tears streaming from behind the stars spinning round in his eyes, poured himself into her. Finally, he let go of Keleu, straightened up and started looking for where she was buried somewhere under the scatter cushions.

  ‘I know you’re in there somewhere,’ said Brian, moving aside the cushions. ‘Don’t worry. Takatau’s coming.’ He found Keleu laying back with her arms out beside her, looking like she’d just flung herself over a pole vault bar. Brian put his arms under her and held her up. ‘Are you okay?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes,’ panted Keleu. ‘I am all right.’

  ‘Good. At least someone is.’ Brian settled down and stroked Keleu’s hair. ‘Sorry I fired all my guns at once,’ he said. ‘But you ambushed me in that nightie. Give me a few minutes and I’ll make it up to you.’

  ‘That is all right,’ said Keleu. ‘I understand.’ She looked at Brian. ‘I must go to the bathroom.’


  Keleu went across to the hallway and Brian settled back on the lounge, absently watching the monkeys on TV while he finished his beer. Keleu returned from the bathroom via the kitchen with a bottle of mineral water and sat down next to him. Brian clinked his empty bottle against hers.

  ‘Well, here’s to? I don’t know,’ said Brian. He looked at the TV where two monkeys were mating under a tree. ‘To the monkeys,’ he said. ‘Dirty little buggers. Look at that.’ Keleu started to laugh. ‘What are you laughing at?’ Brian asked.

  ‘Oh Brian,’ giggled Keleu. ‘Making love with you is so much fun.’

  ‘Fun?’ said Brian. ‘I bust my arse, pour my heart out to you. And you laugh at me. You call that fun? I’ve half a mind to head back to Australia.’

  Keleu took Brian’s hand and put it between her legs. ‘And leave this behind.’

  Brian stared at her. ‘You and your evil little mwanga,’ said Brian, giving it a rub. ‘Takatau should kill you and it, too. Before it destroys me altogether.’

  ‘Okay,’ said Keleu. ‘Choke me to death.’

  She bent down and started sucking Brian’s knob, licking it and kissing it, getting as much in her mouth as possible. In no time at all Brian was ready to go again, bigger and better than ever. He pushed Keleu back onto the lounge, put a scatter cushion under her behind and spread her legs.

  ‘One of these days, Keleu,’ said Brian. ‘You’re going to push me too far.’

  ‘How do you work that out,’ said Keleu, smiling up at him. ‘You are the one doing all the pushing.’ Keleu closed her eyes and quietly groaned as Brian worked himself into her.

  Brian went a lot longer the second time. It was easily as enjoyable, just a lot noisier towards the finish. When he climaxed Brian’s heart was pounding and he wasn’t quite sure which way was up. Keleu’s nightie had completely vanished into the scatter cushions and she was a mess of hair and sweat. She got up and went to the bathroom again. When she came back Brian was starting to snore on the lounge. She put her nightie and knickers back on and started shaking Brian.

  ‘Brian,’ she said. ‘Wake up. You will hurt your back if you lie out here. Do you want to come into bed with me?’

  Brian blinked his eyes open. ‘What? Oh! I must have dozed off.’ He rubbed his eyes. ‘No. I’d better go home. Lengi will be waking me early for breakfast.’

  ‘All right then. If you wish,’ said Keleu. ‘I will see you to the door. Come on. I will help you up.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Brian took Keleu’s hand and dragged himself to his feet. He stood by the lounge for a moment getting his bearings. ‘Righto,’ he yawned. ‘Which way to the door?’

  ‘This way.’ Keleu put her arms around Brian and walked him down the hallway. ‘What time will you be back tomorrow?’ she asked, when they got to the front door.

  ‘I’m not sure,’ said Brian. ‘Late in the afternoon.’

  ‘Then I will see you after work.’

  ‘You sure will.’ Brian gave Keleu a lingering kiss beneath the front light. He stopped, yawned and smiled at her. ‘I’d better get going, or they’ll find me lying here in the morning.’

  ‘Very well.’ Keleu took her hands away from Brian. ‘Good night, Brian. Watch out for the boogeyman.’

  ‘I hope he’s there,’ said Brian. ‘He might help me up the stairs. Goodnight, Keleu.’ Brian turned and walked away, Keleu went inside and closed the door behind her.

  Back in his room Brian stripped off and went to the bathroom. He cleaned his teeth and yawned at himself in the mirror, scarcely believing how tired he was. He turned the bathroom light off then went back out on the balcony and stared at the gentle calm of the harbour for a while. Through his weariness, Brian suddenly realised what had been on his mind before. It was love. President Milne, and his little island in the middle of nowhere, had got him in completely. He was in love with Lan Laroi. He was starting to fall in love with little Keleu. And he’d found a certain kind of love for Milne. The President and his people had kindled a strange feeling of belonging in him that Brian had never felt before. And Brian was ecstatic he’d been shown a way he could help them. A truly magical way. He looked up just as a shooting star streaked across the sky, and smiled. That was a lucky omen, he told himself. I know it is. He went inside, turned off the light and got into bed. With the smile still etched firmly on his face, Brian was asleep quicker than the shooting star had disappeared into the heavens.

  Lengi woke Brian at five-thirty the next morning. He had a shower, got dressed and was in the kitchen by six. Milne was already there in a pair of shorts drinking coffee. He smiled hello, then the conversation was brief as they ate breakfast and soon they were packed and in the Jackaroo heading into the jungle. There was no sign of rain as they drove through the rainforest and the early morning sun was filtering through the tall trees, bathing the trail ahead in soft streams of light. Outside the car Brian could hear flocks of parrots screeching to each other in the trees as they bumped steadily along the trail. Inside the car Brian could detect a sense of urgency in Milne’s manner and the way he was driving.

  ‘What’s the big hurry, Ron?’ asked Brian.

  ‘Mate,’ replied the President. ‘I’ve only got three days to whip you into a fighter pilot, before half the fuckin Yank army gets here.’

  ‘Three days? That’s heaps of time.’

  ‘I hope so, Takatau. Because this whole gig just about depends on you.’

  ‘Hey. Trust me, Sawi. I haven’t let you down yet.’

  ‘Yeah, okay. But there’s a bit more to it than just flying a MeG 21.’

  ‘How do you mean?’ asked Brian.

  Milne bumped over a narrow log bridge crossing a beautiful bubbling little stream. ‘You’ll find out when you get your wings,’ he said.

  They came out of the jungle into the deserted farming area and drove straight on through the gorge. Before long they’d flanked the mangroves around the bay and Milne stopped the car between the two temples, like he did the day before. They got their bags from the back seat and the next thing Brian knew, they were standing by the stone table in the cool silence of the main temple, getting changed into their white coveralls. Milne handed Brian a fold-up map of the w
orld and led him over to the discs.

  ‘Okay,’ he said, nodding to the crystals in the wall. ‘Get a blue key and you can take the bogey at the end.’

  ‘Blue,’ said Brian, taking the appropriate crystal from its slot. ‘My tribal colours.’

  They walked over to the end disc and Milne indicated for Brian to put the crystal in the side. The hatch opened, the steps folded down and Brian climbed up first.

  The cabin didn’t seem that much smaller than the other disc; the pilot’s seat was in the middle with two small bench seats on either side. Milne sat down on the right, Brian got behind the controls and spread the map out on the other seat. Milne ran Brian through the controls and over the dash till Brian had memorised everything, then told him to put the crystal in its slot and turn on the power. The dash lit up and Brian moved the crystal forward; there was a slight bump as the rotors started and in seconds the rims had blurred into life around the cabin.

  ‘All right,’ said Milne. ‘I showed you how to disconnect the docking pins. So go on. Chocks away and hover around the temple for a while.’

  ‘No worries.’ Brian worked the crystal in the dash and moved the disc out from from the wall.

  Slowly Brian took the disc around the temple. Up and down, sideways, into the pool and just hovering. Brian had no problems flying the disc solo. The controls were simple and once again the disc seemed to wrap itself around him as if he was part of it. He bumped into the walls a few times but, as Milne said, the force field simply pushed the disc gently away. In half an hour or so Brian was confidently zig-zagging around the temple. Milne had been watching him carefully and seemed impressed. He told Brian to dock the disc then shut down. Brian did as he was told and they sat quietly in the cabin for a moment.

  ‘Well. It looks like you’ve picked it up fairly easily,’ said Milne

  Brian patted the joysticks. ‘It is easy. Christ! You’d be a complete Dubbo if you couldn’t. I reckon it’ll be even easier outside where there’s more room.’


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