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A Shade of Innocence (The Illuminati Book 1)

Page 31

by Jane West

  “I am merely looking out for your safety. Surely you can understand my intent is in your best interest.”

  “One would think,” I answered curtly, not bothering to leave out the irritation in my voice. I dropped my grip as if his touch burned and stalked past him.

  When I reached the elevator, Bane touched the small of my back, nudging me onward. I looked up at him, a little alarmed. “Tell me we aren't taking the stairwell?” The thought of descending anywhere in these killer heels made the palm of my hands sweaty.

  Bane inclined his head as he softly spoke in my hair. “I thought you might like having dinner on the terrace. The sunset is quite spectacular; the deep hues in contrast against the blue sky are never the same.”

  “Oh, I thought it was raining.” Without thinking, I tugged at the back of my dress. There was a draft tousling the hem. The last thing I needed was baring my ass before the honeymoon. I rolled my eyes to myself.

  Bane cuffed his mouth, shoulders slightly bouncing. “Yes, I heard the forecast. I assure you neither you nor I shall melt if the weather takes a turn for the worse.” He flashed an impish smile.

  After making our way down several dark corridors and climbing a small flight of stairs, we stepped out onto the terrace. Immediately, a cool breeze tousled my hair. A faint smell of rain hovered in the air, but what caught my breath was the sight before my eyes. Hundreds of floating lanterns, coins of gold speckled the sky. The sun was just setting as a dash of salmon pink splashed across the dark blue sky. “It's beautiful!”

  “I thought you might like it.” There was gentleness to his voice and mirth in his blues.

  I stood speechless, blinking back my astonishment.

  “May I have the first dance?” He held his hand out, patiently waiting.

  “Umm,” I bit my bottom lip. “I don't know how to dance.”

  A confident glint toyed behind his blues. “Then I shall teach you.” Abruptly, he swung me into the circle of his arms. I giggled when I collided against his chest.

  He smiled back. “Just follow my lead.” He huskily suggested, keeping his arm tight around my waist.

  As if intoxicated, I obeyed, first kicking off those ridiculous heels.

  Then Bane glided my hand into positioned, and my breath ceased as I became acutely aware of every inch of his firm body flushed against the thin fabric of my dress, minus the thong. I wished I'd worn that thing now, although it wouldn't have mattered. I was ready to throw all my inhibitions over the ledge and give myself to him, no requirements, no expectations, surrendering my mind and soul and even my heart to him. It was official, I was putty in his hands, and when I gazed into those pools of blue, I found myself sinking further to a land of no return.

  A vibrant piano played, no lyrics no other instruments, just the strumming of the keys, soft and smooth. I recognized the song, All of Me.

  Suddenly all my insecurities vanished and nothing else mattered or existed except right at this moment. Bane and I together made perfect sense.

  Despite my awkwardness, Bane moved fluidly, carrying me across the floor as if we were floating among the heavens. I wondered if he and I might find a way to love each other like my dad loved my mother. Did I dare step out onto the plank, taking a risk with my heart? All of a sudden, I shivered.

  “Are you cold, Love?”

  My cheeks blushed. “No.”

  When the music stopped, our feet halted. Our eyes locked as Bane's fingers grazed the line of my jaw. “You look quite fetching tonight.” His eyes lingered on my lips. “I'm going to have to thank Jeffery for his keen sense of fashion.”

  Goosebumps covered my body as I giggled. “Yes, Jeffery does have a flare,” I barely whispered.

  The smile in his blues contained a sensual flame that ignited a stir in me. Without a doubt, if I weren't careful, I might fall in love.

  “Dom has prepared us a simple dinner. One I think will please your pallet.” There were touches of amusement circling his mouth, trailing up to his eyes.

  “I'm not that hard to please.” I stepped away, gathering my heels.

  Aidan led me to a quaint table. The table for two felt quite intimate, white linen with a single red rose sitting in the center in a slim vase next to a candle, the dinner plates, shining like white glass, with napkins folded around the dinnerware. It was simple and yet elegant.

  Bane slid my chair out for me as I took my seat and he settled in his chair across from me.

  A bolt of lightning struck in the far distance, but the violent crackle of thunder sounded as if it loomed directly over us. I jumped with a start, gripping my chest.

  Bane smiled. “Don't worry. We have at least an hour before the rain hits.” He winked.

  “It's not the rain that concerns me. It's the lightning.” I peered above the lanterns.

  His dark brow arched. “If you're uncomfortable, we can take our dinner inside.”

  “No, this is fine.” I laid my hands in my lap. “I like this.” I smiled.

  Just then, Dom appeared with a dark bottle in his hands. The label read, Chateau d'Yquem, the year 1811. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. I wasn't up on my wines, though it didn't take an expert to know that the bottle didn't come from the local convenience store.

  A white towel draped over Dom's arm. “I have the champagne you requested, Monsieur.”

  Bane's eyes sparkled. “Excellent!”

  Dom corked the bottle with a pop and then poured a taste of the sweet liquid in Bane's flute.

  I imagined like a French connoisseur, Bane tipped the glass to his lips and sipped, savoring the flavor. He nodded to Dom and smiled. “This is quite Brut, perfect for the lady.”

  “Yes, Monsieur.” Dom filled Bane's flute and then turned to fill mine.

  I had to admit the champagne looked delicious with its golden color and the tiny bubbles fizzing to the top.

  “Take a sip. It's very sweet.” Bane encouraged as his blues danced in the amber light.

  “Okay.” I picked up the long stem glass and sipped. It tickled my nose, and I giggled. I took another sip as it slipped down my throat much easier than the bourbon. “It tickles, but I like it.” Suddenly, feeling the heat of his steady gaze, I dropped my eyes to my lap.

  A mischief rested at the corners of his mouth. “Do you like the dress Jeffery picked out for you?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “I'm not sure how to word this delicately.” He paused, cuffing his mouth. “I think you forgot part of your apparel.”

  I gulped down air as my face burned. “How did you know?”

  “Well, the dress is quite… thin.” His amused gaze captured my uttered shocked.

  I began to stammer over my words. “I-I-I couldn't wear that string.”

  Hilarity poured from his blues like a waterfall. “I assure you I have enjoyed the view very much.”

  My mouth dropped opened. “I wasn't trying to please you. I did it for comfort.” I swallowed. “I mean, you can't think that I'd wear that damn string.”

  “By all means,” he flashed a devilish grin. “Princess, do make yourself comfy as much as you like.”

  “I bet!” I snatched my flute and downed the champagne.

  Bane sat back studying me. As if his eyes bored a hole through me, he asked, “Do I make you nervous?”

  I felt like he saw right through me “And I bother you.” I held my gaze to his.

  Bane raised his flute and replied, “Touche'!” Then he tipped the long stem glass to his lips and finished the bubbly.

  I wanted to change the subject so I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. “What did you mean by New World Order?”

  “Must we talk politics tonight?” He shifted in his seat.

  “Don't you think I have a right to know since I'm part of the plan?”

  “You do have a valid point.” He poured him another drink. “Very well… The New World Order,” he drew in a razor breath, “Is a centralized economy.”

  “For the en
tire world,” I asked.


  “I don't see how that's possible.”

  “It's more plausible than you think. World leaders are working toward a utopia where everyone under its umbrella will live in peace and harmony.”

  “I don't see how that's impossible.” I leaned forward. “The government is corrupted and then getting other world leaders to agree… Plus you have the nation's debt to consider.” I didn't mean to burst his bubble but let's keep the dreams grounded.

  “You may be surprised.” There was a mysterious glint behind his blues.

  “You said our union has something to do with a new system. I'm confused.”

  “When the time comes, I will explain. However for now, you will have to trust me.”

  It frustrated me to no end how he kept keeping me in the dark. I wondered if he thought I was too dumb to understand. So, I went straight for the jugular. “How much,” I blurted out.

  His dark brows shot up, “How much what?”

  “How much did your family pay my mother?”

  His face pinched. “Does it matter?”

  “Yes, I want to know how much I'm worth.”

  He leaned back in his chair, studying me under his stern gaze. “Your mother will live very well for the rest of her life if she doesn't squander it all away.”

  I looked away feeling the sting of betrayal. How could a mother sell her child? “Why me? Why did your family pick me?”

  “Why do we breathe,” he came back at me, taking a drink of his champagne.

  “Come on! Can you at least tell me how our families knew each other and how this arrangement transpired?”

  All at once, Bane's shoulders went rigid. His face transformed from playful to strained. “Our families are connected.”

  “I remember you said we're not blood-related. If we don't share the same kinship, then what are we?” A dread rushed down my spine.

  “We are not related.” He sat up straight. “I use the term family, loosely.” He reached over, grabbing the bottle from its sheath of ice and poured himself another glass. After he'd finished, he held the bottle up, offering me another. I declined by bearing my palm, and shaking my head no. He placed the bottle back on ice and snatched his glass up, tipping it to his lips and draining the glass.

  “Can you explain to me what the term means?”

  I felt like a child tugging at his hem.

  “Our bloodlines belong to a very ancient collection of thirteen families; each family with different bloodlines. Our histories go back centuries to a secret society that only a few have had the privilege of knowing.”

  “Where is this family you speak so highly of?” As far as I knew neither one of my parents had relatives and I haven't met any of his family so who was holding the proverbial gun to his head?

  The line in Bane's mouth tightened a fraction more. “Your mother wasn't ever part of the Order. However, your father, Jon, was a member.”

  “Wait! My father has living relatives?”

  Bane's lip tightened. Then he explained, “Yes, he once was a member.”

  “Once?” I shook my head, baffled.

  “Jon possessed a rebellious spirit. He fell in love with a worldly woman, an outsider of our kind… your mother.”

  “Worldly? What do you mean?”

  “Sara is an outsider, a nonbeliever and not the Family's choice.”

  “I don't understand.” All at once, needles bristled against my neck.

  “They refused to give your father their blessing. As a result, he defected from the Family and married your mother against the Family's orders.”

  “My father's family didn't like Sara?”

  “No. The Family had someone else in mind.”

  I shook my head, appalled. “What is it with these people playing God?”

  “To preserve our bloodlines is essential to further our goals. Our bloodlines keep us strong.”

  The direction of this conversation became more disturbing by the minute. “It sounds to me that my father did a smart thing by leaving. I would've left too.”

  A challenge ignited in Bane's blues, “And if so, how would you plan to make your get-a-way?” He smiled darkly. “You have intrigued me.”

  Quietly, I watched him guzzle down his third glass. “I don't have an escape, but I sure as hell won't comply with some stranger's plan for my future.” I tilted my chin in defiance. “I guess I'm like my father in that way.” I reached over, snatching the bottle from the ice and bypassing my flute. I tipped the bottle up to my mouth and gulped several swigs. I needed some liquid courage.

  Bane's eyes were sharp as a double-edged sword. “Shall I order you your own personal bottle?” He wasn't making a peace offering. Rather the opposite. I sensed he resented my independence.

  “Thanks, but I have my own.” I smiled with a smirk, holding the bottle up as though I was toasting. I bravely met his grave stare. “So, are you saying my father and your family made this arrangement?”

  “You are partially right.” His jaw twitched. “They have arranged for us to join in union. Partners, for a better term.”

  I shook my head, in question, “Partners for what?”

  Irritation painted his face. “Can you not read between the lines? Must I spell it out for you?”

  “My father was an attorney. I'm sure he knew his way around a contract. So, I'm going to ask you one more time what does the term union mean?”

  “It means that we marry and bring forth children.”

  A soft gasp escaped my lips, “Children? My father agreed to this?”

  “Why do you keep torturing yourself?” Bane sighed with exasperation.

  “I want to know!” I hissed.

  “Some things are best left alone.”

  “I disagree!” My voice rose, baring my anger. “I mean, I'm only half of the Family's bloodline, why me?”

  “I don't think you are ready for the full disclosure.” Briefly, his face softened. Then the iron mask quickly returned.

  “Whether I'm ready or not, I have a right to know.” I stared at him searching anxiously for the meaning behind his words. “Can you at least tell me when I have to spread my legs?”

  Bane's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward. “Vulgarity does not suit you, Princess.”

  I laughed, boarding on hysteria. “What are you going to do, tie me to the bedpost and have your way with me just like your family has instructed?”

  I leaped from my chair and slowly and seductively made my way to him. The wind kicked up my hem, revealing a flash of bare skin, but I didn't care. I had a point to make.

  My fingers tugged at each strap of my dress one at a time, slipping off my shoulder and down my arm, shrugging the soft fabric into a red puddle on the ground. I stepped out from the satin making my way to his majesty.

  Bane's face appeared cool as a cucumber as I moved to my bra, unsnapping it and shrugging it off to the floor into the pile with the rest. Barring only the diamond necklace and earrings that grazed the soft swells of my body, I was ready for the plucking, willing and drunk. I suddenly halted, grabbing the table for support as the ground spun underneath my black heels.

  In the next wave, I fell into Bane's arms as he shielded my naked body with his jacket. “Princess, I appreciate the offer, but maybe when you are more yourself.” Amusement flickered through his voice, as his eyes locked with mine.

  My words slurred, even still, the effects of the alcohol didn't waver my heart. I desired Bane in the worst way. I craved his touch, his flaming kisses, and most of all, I desired his heart, through the haze of drunkenness, I whispered three words of doom, “I love you!”


  I'd awaken in my suite, blinking at the pink rabbit wallpaper and Snowball curled at the foot of the bed, purring. A lamp still burned, giving the room a soft hue of light.

  My mouth felt like sandpaper. I groaned, sitting up. I felt like I'd gotten an ass kicking.

  Until I threw off the covers and s
wung my feet over the bed, I didn't realize someone had changed my clothes. Men's pajamas, I presumed by the looks of it. The black garment swallowed me up, several sizes too large, but thanks to the drawstring tied around my waist, the pants hugged to my hips.

  I sniffed the fabric and recognized Bane's scent. Spice and a woodsy mix penetrated my senses.

  Then the flood of the night charged through me. My brain might've been hazy, but I'd never forget the most embarrassing night of my life. The dinner ended with my weak attempt at sexy. “Crap! I can't believe I used those three words!” It was one thing going the full Monty, but coupled with three little words that were so profound and utterly mortifying, made me loathed myself even more. “What the hell was I thinking?” I dropped my head in the palm of my hands. I was the most pathetic virgin ever. “Good grief! How will I face him after last night?”

  I stumbled to the bathroom in search of ibuprofen. The buzz of alcohol had gone, and in its place, a killer headache had taken residence like a nest of rats. I searched through the medicine cabinet and found nothing. I looked in every nook and cranny throughout the suite only to come up empty-handed. I huffed, wondering where else to look.

  I spied my cell, sitting on the table in the foyer. I snatched it up and checked the time. Three in the morning! I laid it back down on the dresser. Maybe I could find something in the kitchen.

  Bane might not approve of me wandering the castle at the wee morning hour, but tough titty! This kitty needed drugs.

  I marched to the door and gave it a good tug. I frowned, just as I'd expected, locked. My first thought was to kick it down, but then I had a better idea.

  I remembered Jen using a bobby-pin to unlock a door. For the life of me, I couldn't remember why we were breaking into school's property; another hole in my brain. Oddly, I recalled her nifty little trick.

  Quickly, I ran my fingers through my hair and found a pin.

  I twisted and pulled at the small wire until it was one long strip of metal, exactly as I remembered watching Jen do. I bent down and eased the wire into the keyhole. I twisted it and poked around until I felt something click. I quickly gathered to my feet withdrawing the Bobby-pin. I held my breath as I grabbed the knob and turned it.


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