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Moment in Time, A (Lone Star Brides Book #2)

Page 19

by Tracie Peterson

  “A woman doctor—imagine that,” Hannah said, drying her hands. “It would be so nice to have a doctor who understands a lady’s body. Of course, just having a younger, more up-to-date physician would be wonderful. We had a couple of younger doctors here last year, but they were encouraged to move their practice closer to Dallas.

  “Will says with the number of ranches having grown in the area, he hopes to entice the railroad to build a spur out this way. Once in place, he feels certain we can encourage a little community of our own to spring up. It would make it a whole lot easier to get provisions that way.”

  Marty tried to imagine the expansion of the area and smiled. “We’re definitely civilizing Texas.”

  Laughing, Hannah handed her a dish towel. “I’m glad to have you home, Marty. Not just for the added help.” She grew thoughtful for a moment. “It was kind of lonely around here. Once the Montoyas decided to move back to Mexico, well, I didn’t have the heart to hire on new staff. I doubt I could find anyone to get along with me as well as they did.”

  Marty smiled and began drying the dishes. “I remember how she taught me to make tortillas.”

  “She taught me so much,” Hannah admitted. “And I suppose I taught her a thing or two.” She gave a chuckle. “We were definitely more like sisters than employer and employee.”

  “That’s how it is for Alice and me. I guess that’s why I’m so grateful you allowed her to come with me and to stay here. I appreciate what you’ve done for her mother and brother, too.”

  “Family is important. Staying close, whether in distance or just in heart, is something that will see you through the worst of life. It’s important to remember that, Marty.”

  “I will,” she promised. Marty hesitated a moment and then decided to move the topic in a different direction. “I wonder if you would give me your opinion on something.”

  Hannah looked surprised. It wasn’t often that Marty asked for anyone’s opinion, so her sister was bound to be rather taken aback. She waited a moment for Hannah to regain her composure. “I’ve been thinking about something for a long time now. I discussed it with Jake back in Denver, but, since I learned about the baby I haven’t said anything more to him.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You know that I helped out at one of the orphanages in Denver?”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  Marty looked away, bit her lower lip for a moment, and tried to figure out how best to share her thoughts. “Well . . . you see . . . there are these three boys.” She turned back to find her sister watching her.

  “I want to adopt them.” There, it was out. Marty waited for her sister to condemn her desires or at best chide her for her foolish thoughts. When she remained silent, Marty found the courage to continue. “I fell in love with them. Wyatt, Samuel, and Benjamin are their names.”

  “How old are they?” Hannah began to busy herself with sifting flour.

  “Wyatt is going to be eight in July. Sam and Benjamin are natural brothers. Sam is older—he’ll be seven in May. Benjamin’s just four. His birthday isn’t until September.”

  “Sounds like quite a handful.”

  Marty smiled at the memory of trying to teach Sam how to tie his shoes. Benjamin had felt the need to learn, too, and Wyatt came along to help instruct. It had turned into a catastrophe. “They can be. But they are precious to me, and I want very much to be their mother.”

  “How does Jake feel about it?”

  “Well, as I said, when I first wrote to you about the older orphans coming here to Texas, I also spoke to Jake about adopting. However, I’m sure he thought I meant to take only one—two at the most. We were financially well-off at that time, and that’s not the case anymore. And, of course, I wasn’t expecting a child of our own.”

  “And you’re afraid now he won’t want to adopt?”

  “That and the fact that I had a letter from Mr. Brentwood, the director of the orphanage. Money has been very tight for them. Donations are way down, and all of Colorado is in a horrible state of depression. He’s closing the orphanage.”

  “Where will the children go?” Hannah asked, her look revealing grave concern.

  “To other orphanages, I suppose. The state runs several, and there are some churches that have their own organizations. But I don’t want that to happen to these boys. I want them to be with me—always. Is that wrong?”

  Hannah shook her head. “Love is never wrong. It is often misplaced or premature, but I think there is always an element of good and right in it.” She smiled. “I think you should talk to your husband about this. Personally, I would love to have children around the ranch. You know that.”

  Marty had heard her sister express this on more than one occasion. Maybe that was why she had decided to discuss the matter with Hannah first. She needed to see her sister’s reaction before speaking to Jake.

  “I’ll talk to him tonight.” Marty felt a sense of relief in making the decision. Hopefully Jake would understand her heart.

  A commotion outside drew their attention from the kitchen, and Hannah and Marty went to investigate. Several men were carrying another man, and when Marty saw that it was Jake, her heart all but stopped.

  “What happened to him?” Marty heard Hannah ask.

  “Horse got spooked and threw him. He would have been all right, but then the horse kicked and caught him square in the head.” That accounted for the blood running down his face.

  “Bring him in and put him on the dining room table,” Hannah instructed. She held the screen door open for the men while Marty tried to regain her breath. It was as if Thomas’s accident were happening all over again.

  She thought for a moment she might faint. Her vision swam before her and her face felt hot. But even as Marty considered giving in to the sensation, Hannah shook her hard.

  “Come on, I said. I need your help.”

  Marty wasn’t sure how, but she managed to follow her sister into the house. The men had positioned the unconscious Jake on the table, and Hannah was already examining him when Marty finally felt her senses return.

  “Is he . . . ?” She found it impossible to ask the question on her mind.

  Hannah wiped some of the blood from Jake’s wound with her apron and surveyed the situation. She opened each of his eyes and then closed them again. Next she listened to his heart, putting her ear against his chest.

  Meanwhile, Marty stood helpless. Just as she had all those years ago with Thomas. She could almost see Thomas on the table in Jake’s place, only instead of a head wound it was a horrible gash in his abdomen.

  “Marty, fetch me some hot water and clean dish towels. Let’s get him cleaned up and see if he’s gonna need stitching.”

  For a moment Marty didn’t move. She wanted to—meant to—but her feet were fixed in place. She couldn’t tear her gaze from Jake’s lifeless body.

  “Marty! Get me water now!” Hannah demanded.

  Hearing her sister’s authoritative command shook Marty out of her haze. She hurried to the kitchen and dipped a small pan into the water reservoir. She poured the hot water into a bowl, took up a dozen dish towels, and hurried back to the dining room.

  Hannah motioned her to wet some of the towels. “Hand me one after you wring it out.”

  Marty did as instructed and waited for her sister’s next command. When Hannah finally had the wound cleaned, Marty could see that it wasn’t all that deep.

  “Head wounds always bleed bad, but I don’t think he’s gonna need stitches,” Hannah said. She looked to the men who were standing around waiting. “Looks to me that horse just grazed him. Let me bandage his head, and then you can take him to his room. Marty, go turn down the bed for them. Joe, Bert, remove his boots. Davis, help me get his bloody shirt off after I get the wound covered.”

  Everyone worked together like a well-oiled machine. Hannah was quite adept at running the household and the men who worked for her. Marty seriously wondered if she could ever be that competent

  Readying the bed, Marty tried not to fear the worst. She prayed, just as she had prayed for Thomas. But this time, she didn’t feel quite as afraid. Maybe she was getting numb to all of this. Ranch accidents were everyday events. Maybe in her heart she’d given up hope that the cattle business could ever be safe.

  Why would I want to bring children into this?

  It was only a matter of a few minutes when the men showed up carrying Jake. Marty got out of the way so they could put him on the bed. Once he was deposited, the boys left to get back to work. It was their way of life, and they seemed to accept it as part of the job.

  Marty waited as Hannah checked Jake once again. He moaned softly. “I don’t think it’s all that bad, Marty. He’s already showing signs of coming around. You stay here with him while I mix some salve for his head and get him something for the pain. When he wakes up, he’s going to have a doozy of a headache.”

  Sitting on the bed beside her husband, Marty lifted his hand. She bent her cheek to it and remembered that she’d done the same with Thomas. She shook her head and closed her eyes. “Oh, God, please don’t take him from me. I love him so much. I need him so much.” She couldn’t stop her tears from falling. “Father, I have fought returning to Texas and the ranch for this very reason. I can’t bear to lose another husband. I can’t lose the father of my baby. Please don’t take him away.”

  “Take who?”

  Marty opened her eyes to see Jake looking at her in confusion. “Jake!”

  He gave her a lopsided smile. “What’s all the fuss about? Who’s gettin’ taken away?”

  Her chest felt tight and Marty gasped for air. “Oh, Jake.” She fell against his chest and wept.

  Jake put his arm around her. “What’s all this? Why are you cryin’?”

  “I thought . . . I couldn’t bear . . .” She couldn’t speak for the catch in her throat. Marty straightened and tried to regain control of her emotions. She replaced worry with anger, something she’d learned long ago helped her to compose herself after a shock. “You scared the life outta me, Jacob Wythe! I thought you were gonna die and leave me here in Texas.”

  He smiled and shook his head. It was evident that he was in pain as he grimaced, but the smile returned and he put his hand up to her face. “Marty, you worry too much. I’m not going anywhere. At least not until I see if I’ve got a son or a daughter.”

  “You better not plan to go anywhere after that, either,” Marty scolded. “Here I wanted to talk to you about adopting three little boys, and instead you go get yourself hurt. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I think you were mighty inconsiderate, Mr. Wythe. Sometimes I don’t think you care for me like you claim.”

  Jake gave a small chuckle. “Like I said, Mrs. Wythe, you worry too much.”

  “What’s all the shouting about?” Hannah asked as she rushed into the bedroom with a small tray.

  “My wife is giving me a mouth-whoopin’ for gettin’ hurt,” Jake replied in a lazy drawl.

  Marty got to her feet. “Well, he deserves it. He knows how much something like this scares me. I think it’s mighty inconsiderate, given my condition.”

  Hannah grinned and put the tray on the stand beside the bed. “Sounds like you’re being inconsiderate of his condition.”

  “I haven’t got a condition,” Jake declared. He tried to sit up but fell back. “Well, at least not much of one.” He closed his eyes. “Think I’ll just rest a bit.”

  “You’ve got that right,” Hannah said. “I’ll tie you to that bed if you don’t cooperate.”

  “You won’t have to,” Marty said, coming alongside her sister. “If he thinks he’s gonna set foot out of that bed, he’s got another think coming. I’ll sit on him if I have to.”

  Jake opened his eyes and gave her a half-cocked smile. “I just might test you out, Mrs. Wythe. Sounds like I could be in for a world of fun.”

  “You’ll be in for a world of hurt if you don’t do exactly what my sister tells you to do,” Marty said.

  Hannah shook her head and reached for the salve she’d brought. “I’ve dealt with children less troublesome than you two. Now, settle down while I redress this wound. I’ve brought you something to help with the pain, Jake, and don’t go tellin’ me that you haven’t got any. I know that head of yours is hard, but you’re gonna hurt for at least the rest of the day. I want you to promise me you’ll stay in bed—flat in bed and rest. Hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied with a wink at Marty. “Can Marty stay with me—maybe read to me?”

  “Ha!” Marty declared, hands on hips. “You scare me nearly to death and then you want me to read to you?” All of the sudden she stopped and her hand went to her belly.

  “What’s wrong?” Jake asked, looking concerned.

  Hannah turned to her sister. “What is it, Marty? Are you in pain?”

  Marty shook her head. “It’s been ongoing. The baby moves all the time.”

  “That’s unusual,” Hannah said and looked at her oddly. “You’re hardly far enough along to have that kind of movement.”

  Worry crept up Marty’s spine like a tingling snake. “Does this mean something’s wrong?”

  “Not at all. But my guess is you’re further along than you realize. You said you weren’t sure if the baby was due in July or August. Maybe it’s coming sooner than that. Is it possible?”

  Marty considered the matter for a moment. “I suppose so. There was such upheaval what with losing the house and Jake’s leaving.”

  “My guess is this baby may come a month or two sooner than you think.”

  She glanced over at Jake, who was watching her in wonder. “A month or two sooner?”

  “Can I feel it?” he asked.

  Marty sat back on the edge of the bed and positioned his hand on her stomach. Just then the baby shifted again, and Jake’s eye widened.

  “Feisty little fella,” he declared.

  “Could be a little filly,” Hannah said, smiling. “Either way, I think we’d better speed up our work on clothes for the baby.”

  Alice read the last of her mother’s letters and sat back in her chair to take it all in. The truth was there on the pages. Her mother had loved her most dearly, had pleaded with Alice’s father to be allowed to come back into her daughter’s life—only to be rejected.

  The letters written by Alice’s father had been brief and to the point. They were also ugly and heartless. He had threatened his wife with arrest and ruin if she so much as showed her face in Denver again. He threatened to take Simon from her and have the boy sent far away. He threatened to disappear with Alice so that she might never find either of them again. The words were heartbreaking. He even threatened her mother’s life.

  Alice could scarcely believe her father’s cruel nature. How could he have been so loving toward her and so hateful toward them?

  She decided to look through the rest of the papers and items in the bag. There was very little left to her. A small framed picture of Alice, a letter opener, and a pipe were all that remained of her father’s personal effects. The other papers proved to be notes he had made for himself and half-written letters that were never finished. Then Alice spied the large envelope at the bottom of the bag. She took it up and wondered if the gold certificates were inside. Opening it, she found a single sheet of paper.

  NEVER AGAIN were the only words written.

  She had no way of knowing if it was her father’s writing or someone else’s. The large block letters could have belonged to anyone. It was a mystery that would most likely go unresolved. One thing was quite clear, however. There were no gold certificates, plates, or other counterfeit materials. If there had been, they were long gone. Mr. Smith would never have what he sought, and hopefully that would include Alice’s whereabouts.

  Chapter 20

  The night was perfect for a party. To celebrate Jake’s and Hannah’s birthdays they had cleared the Barnetts’ yard of obstructions, set up a half dozen tables, and made an area for
dancing. Hannah and Alice had worked hard to place dozens of lanterns around the area. Some hung from the large cottonwoods, while others were affixed to the fence posts or positioned on creative stands. It definitely lent an air of something special to the party. Parties like this were always a time of great joy. Local ranchers gathered together and discussed the cattle business while their wives swapped recipes and gossip. And, of course, the children entertained one another with games of hide-and-seek and tag.

  These are the best folks in the world. Not one of them needs to be cut from the herd. Robert smiled and nodded greetings to the various people who caught his gaze. He loved it here. The heavy humidity of the day had lifted a bit, and now in the cool of the evening, these Texans were ready for a hoedown.

  Robert’s stomach growled, and he had to admit that most of his excitement centered around the food. His father and Tyler Atherton had decided to roast a pig, and the aroma of cooking meat had plagued him since yesterday. Not only that, but the tables were all but bowing from a bevy of dishes his mother, Marty, and Alice had worked to prepare. All of his favorites were present: cheesy grits, jalapeño corn bread, corn salad, and molasses baked beans, just to name a few. There were also at least a dozen pies of varying kinds and a chocolate pecan cake. Robert had eaten various renditions of the latter on many occasions and always found he could put away a good portion of the cake by himself.

  Then there was the food other folks had brought to share. People had been gathering since early afternoon, and now there were probably eighty or so spread out across the yard, dancing to the tunes the musicians were playing. Inevitably when there was a party, those who were musically inclined knew to bring their instruments without being asked. Tonight they had three guitars and two fiddles. They made for a nice little band and as soon as the skies had grown dark and the lanterns had been lit, they’d begun to play.

  Someone took the opportunity to call a square dance, and the crowd split up into paired couples and then squares of eight. Robert decided to take that opportunity to help himself to the food table.

  “I don’t suppose you’ve had a chance to speak to Jess yet, have you?” Robert looked up to find Tyler Atherton with plate in hand.


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