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Alpha Ascending (Shifter Clans Book 2)

Page 3

by Tiffany Shand

  Ronan blinked, found himself back in the dungeon, hearing the sound of Oren cursing.

  “I did it, I blocked you out.” Ronan grinned as he straightened up.

  “Perhaps, but I still saw her. It won’t take my scouts long to find the princess and drag her back here.” Oren turned and stormed out.

  Ronan slumped back against the cell wall, unable to sleep. If Alec found Christy, it didn’t bear thinking about.

  “Magda?” He glanced over at the sleeping witch. “Magda, how do I contact Christy again? I need to warn her to stay away.”

  Magda didn’t answer, eyes closed, head slumped against her chest.

  “Magda?” Ronan reached through the bars, heart pounding. He knew the loss of her magic had taken its toll on her. “Magda!”

  She groaned as she stared at him. “What is it, boy?”

  “Thank god. I thought...” He shook his head. “You had me worried. I need to contact Christy. I gave her the wrong information – but if she comes here Alec’s men will find her.”

  “You and Christy are the only hope all the clans have. Let her come here.” She coughed.

  This time he smelt blood. “Shit! What’s wrong? Can I–”

  She sat up straighter. “I’m dying, boy. I’ve known for a while, but I won’t leave this world until I know Christy and you are safe. Don’t look so worried. There’s life in this old girl yet.”

  Ronan winced, felt tears prick his eyes, gripped her hand through the bars. “You can’t die. You’re the only family I have left.” She’d taken care of him over the years just as she had with Christy, without her generosity he doubted he would’ve survived.

  She patted his hand, chest heaving as she drew in breath. “You have your mate. I love you both like you were my own children.”

  He couldn’t imagine a future without her in it, knew Christy would be devastated too. “We’re going to get out of here, Mags.” For the first time he actually believed that.

  Thunder exploded above them, followed by shouts and screams. Magda forced smile. “She’s here. Told you she’d come.”

  He felt a ray of hope, glanced at the bars. He knew he couldn’t rely on Christy or the other mongrels to get to them in time. Oren was stronger than any of them.

  Instead, he reached for magic. For once it bubbled to the surface, forming a red light in his palm.

  “Good, very good,” Magda murmured.

  Ronan hurled it at the bars, the light bounced off. Hell, he knew it wouldn’t be easy to get out, or Magda would have done so already before Oren bound her powers.

  These bars had been made to keep shifters in – even shifters with magic. What about a beta?

  He never thought of himself as a beta, but he would now if it meant saving Magda and the woman he loved. Ronan grasped the bars, calling on his shifter strength. This time he summoned power the little power he could access. The bars groaned as he yanked them apart.

  “About time,” Magda murmured.

  He climbed through, pulled off the lock and opened the door to her cell. He lifted her into his arms. “Hold on, Magda.”

  Ronan kicked the door down, struggling to keep Magda up. The imprisonment had taken its toll on his strength. He hurried up the passage, relieved to find no guards there. Opening the outer door, two shifter guards came into view. Imperious wolves.

  Ronan put Magda down, fired at both of them. One shifter screamed, his body bursting into flames while the other one dodged the blow and flew at Ronan. Ronan blocked the attack, pulled the man’s arm back with a crunch of bone and snapped his neck. He grabbed Magda and continued on.

  Outside, the night lit up with gold light. The sound of howls and snarls echoed all around. Ronan glanced around at shifters in human and wolf forms battled against each other.

  “Josh!” Ronan called, spotting his friend tackling an Imperious shifter to the ground.

  Josh snapped the man’s neck, glanced over. “The pack princess was right.”

  Pack princess? That must mean Christy.

  “Here. Take Magda.”

  Josh hurried over, scowled. “The witch? Jesus, Walker!” He lifted the old woman into his arms, her head slumped against his shoulder.

  “Where is Christy?”

  “Around here somewhere, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she went straight for that bastard Alec.”

  No! He couldn’t let that happen. Christy wouldn’t stand a chance against Alec or Oren alone. He’d been forced to watch as Oren and the Imperious ripped his family and clan apart. He wouldn’t lose her too. He reached out to her with his mind, then hurried away. He tried to blur but nothing happened. Damned Oren!

  People flashed by as Ronan raced to the great hall. Christy lay crumpled on the ground. Oren stood, one hand outstretched as he forced his power to stop her. Alec yanked Christy up, smiling. “I’ve missed you, little wolf.”

  Ronan saw red, felt his inner wolf trying to claw its way to the surface but it couldn’t get out. He’d have to rely on his human body instead of his shifter abilities. He leapt at them, knocking Alec and Christy to the ground.

  Christy yelped, yet it was enough to break Oren’s hold on her.

  “You always seem to get in my way,” Alec snarled. “Oren, kill him!”

  Ronan laughed. “You won’t kill me, Oren. You never could.”

  The old warlock sneered. “You’re weak, you’ll die the same way your family did.”

  Ronan charged at him. Lightning shot across the room, striking him in the chest. He hit the ground, hard, but the pain didn’t register. A blast of white light from Christy sent Oren staggering backwards.

  Ronan grabbed Christy and dragged her away into the night.

  Chapter 5

  Christy didn’t breathe again until Ronan stopped outside the burned-out remains of his family home. Breathing hard, he put her down.

  “Why are we here?” she asked as she straightened to her full height and glanced around. “Do you think they can track us?”

  “No, not here. This place is – was protected by magic. It’s hard to track people here due to all the trees and flowers. That’s why my parents built it here.” Ronan sighed. “Chris–”

  She pulled his head down, captured his mouth in a kiss and hugged him. “I told you I’d come for you,” she murmured. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “I know. I brought you here to show you – tell you about who I really am.”

  “I already know.”

  He frowned. “What?”

  “Josh brought me here. I saw what happened the night my mother died. Alec killed your parents too, didn’t he?”

  Ronan looked away, hands balled into fists. “Yeah, he did. I never knew why though.”

  “Our mothers were casting a spell to end the curse. They figured out a way to do it. Alec didn’t like that,” she told him. “He killed her, then left me there to die.” She touched his cheek. “You saved me, why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  Ronan grabbed her hand. “It didn’t matter. I knew you could never be mine.”

  “That’s not true. Not now.” She smiled.

  Now they had a chance to be together, to explore their feelings for each other out in the open without the fear of reprisal.

  “You know my father was the beta for the third clan then?”

  She nodded. “I never knew there were more than two clans. My clan is gone now too, aren’t they?”

  Ronan shook his head. “I don’t know. They kept Magda and I alive, maybe they spared others too,” he said. “I’m sorry I never told you the truth. We should head back, find the others.”

  Christy frowned. Not the romantic welcome she’d been expecting. “Ro, I –”

  “Christy, I can’t do this. Not now.” He turned and strode away from her. “I’ll see you back at the camp.”

  “What?” She gasped. “What do you mean?”

  But he’d already vanished.

  Christy felt relieved to have Magda back, and helped the old witch into t
he wooden hut she’d been sharing with Lola.

  “Mags, are you okay?” Christy asked.

  “I’ll be fine, girl.” Magda slumped into a chair.

  Christy got to work finding new clothes for her while Lola made them some food.

  “So you and Ronan had a big reunion then?” Lola asked.

  She scowled. “No, he walked off and left me.” She threw a log onto the fire so hard it broke apart. “I don’t understand why.” She glanced at Magda’s eyes which had now closed. “He said he wanted us to have a future together that night when – you know.”

  Lola pursed her lips. “Maybe he just needs some time. He must have been through hell.”

  “Maybe.” She knelt by Magda, sniffed. She smelt illness, the stench of decay. “Mags?” She touched her shoulder. “Are you sick?”

  Magda blinked up at her. “Yes, child.”

  A tear dripped down her cheek. “I could heal you. Just show me how.”

  Magda shook her head. “No, girl. I’m old. Even witches don’t live forever.”

  Christy passed by the small wooden huts and makeshift tents as she walked through the camp, but not many of the other outsiders were around. Most had gone on patrol after they’d fled the mansion. She found Ronan up in the ruined house again, searching through the ashes.

  “What you looking for?” she asked. She decided confronting him outright would be the best thing to do to find out why he’d pushed her away. He must’ve been through hell, she knew, but she’d be there to support him no matter what. That’s what couples did.

  Ronan glanced up at her. “You said our mothers cast a spell to reverse the curse. I thought I might find something to help.”

  “Why do you keep running away from me?” she demanded. “I know you’re hiding something from me, and you’re pushing me away because of it.”

  Ronan sighed, gritted his teeth. “Why can’t you just let it go?”

  “Because I love you, and I know you love me too.” She folded her arms. “So stop trying to push me away.”

  He looked away.

  Christy felt her patience wearing out. What more would it take to get him to admit how he was feeling? “Fine, you don’t have to tell me what is right now, but if you think trying to push me away will work–”

  Ronan grabbed her, covered her mouth with his in a hungry kiss. Her eyes widened in shock but she returned the kiss, wrapped her arms around his neck.

  The sound of screaming shattered through the haze of passion. They broke apart, hurried back towards the village.

  Ronan grabbed her arm when she tried to rush in. “Don’t. You’re the one they’re here for.”

  “Ro, you’re not my guard anymore and I’m not a princess either.” She pulled her arm away. “I have the strength and power of an alpha ascending.”

  “I know that, but we can’t go up against Oren. I can smell him. Please just go back to the ruins and stay there until–” He gave her a pleading look.

  Christy’s eyes flashed. “I watched you get captured once. I won’t do it again. Either we’re together, or we’re not.”

  “I’ll die before I ever let anything happen to you.” Ronan ran away before she could say another word.

  She gritted her teeth. When would he ever learn? She blurred after him, surprised when he didn’t use his own speed as he ran. She’d almost reached him, as she passed Lola’s hut, Magda grabbed her arm. “Stay behind me,” the witch said.

  Christy tried to pull away. “I’m not letting him face Alec alone.”

  “You’re not ready to face Oren.”

  “Come out, little wolves,” Oren’s voice echoed around them. “Come out and play.”

  Christy yanked her arm away from Magda and hurried outside. Oren raised his hand. Josh doubled over, screaming as bone cracked and muscle popped. Grey fur spread over his body as he shifted. He howled as blood seeped through his fur from the forced a change.

  Christy felt fury burn through her. She hurled the white fire straight at the warlock. The fire bounced straight off an invisible shield, hitting one of the smaller huts and exploding in a burst of light.

  Oren laughed. “You’re no match for me, princess. Come with me now and no one else will get hurt.”

  “Not going happen,” Ronan warned. “Leave now. Alec has no claim on her anymore.”

  “Henric’s contract with Alec is still binding,” the warlock spat. “Either you come with me, or I’ll tear every shifter in this miserable place limb from limb.”

  Fire formed in her hand again. This time she aimed at the oak tree behind the old man. The tree groaned as it fell to the ground, a mass of burning timber. Oren dodged it. “Enough!”

  This time Lola screamed, her body suspended in mid-air as her body started to shift. Bones cracked and claws came out as Oren worked his magic on her.

  Ronan threw himself at the old man, cried out as Oren struck him with a bolt to the chest.

  “No!” Christy cried, kneeling beside him. Blood seeped from his chest. “Ronan!”

  I’ll be alright, he told her.

  She clutched his hand, glanced up at Oren. “I know Alec only wants me because he thinks I can end the curse.”

  Oren smiled. “Not the only reason. You’re an alpha ascending. The last of the Stargaza line. Imagine the dynasty you could create together. We wouldn’t need to worry about the curse anymore.”

  Looking down at Ronan, she stared into his beautiful blue eyes and knew what she had to do. Forgive me.

  Ronan leapt up, moved in front of her. “No, Christy is my mate. As the beta of the Amara clan, I challenge Alec to a duel.” Christy blinked. What had he just done?

  “No, Ronan!” she hissed. You can’t do that!

  Oren’s mouth opened, no words came out. “What?” he gasped.

  “You heard me,” Ronan snapped. “The beta of each clan has the right to fight when an alpha hasn’t ascended yet. As a beta, I can and do challenge Alec. You know the law, now go scurry back to your master.”

  “The Amara is no more. You can’t–” The warlock’s gaze hardened, knuckles cracking as he drew power.

  Christy’s eyes flashed gold, signalling the power of an alpha as it pulsed through her veins. “Go!”

  To her amazement, Oren vanished in a puff of smoke.

  Chapter 6

  “Mags, are you sure you’re alright?” Christy asked, wrapping a blanket around her as the old witch huddled around the fire pit.

  Magda waved a hand. “Yes, now stop fussing. You have work to do. Where is Ronan?”

  She glanced around the sparse room, folded her arms. “He went to talk to the others. What work?”

  Magda snorted. “You need to start learning to control your powers and your wolf too.”

  She flinched. She’d been so focused on getting them back she hadn’t considered her other problems. “I can’t…”

  “Christy, don’t you dare mention that nonsense about becoming human again,” the witch snapped. “People here need you. Ronan and your clan need you.”

  “I can’t talk to Ronan right now, let alone work with him.” Christy folded her arms. “He’s an idiot for trying to challenge Alec.”

  “Is that why you’re fussing over me so much?” Magda asked. “Well, put your feelings aside. You’re an alpha ascending now, girl, it’s time to start acting like one.”

  “How can I be?” Christy snorted. “I don’t have a clan. Besides I still want…” She almost said “to be human” but the words didn’t come out. Did she? She’d been so sure that would fix all her problems. But knew she couldn’t just walk away from everything, not with Alec in her father’s seat, trying to act as the alpha. Christy sighed. “I want Alec to pay for what he’s done.”

  “Good, then let’s get started.”

  She shook her head. “Mags, I’m not an alpha. My clan could all be dead and females never become alphas.”

  “Clans have nothing to do with it. Shifters follow an alpha – no matter what clan they belong
to or what sex they are,” Magda said. “That is the way it was done before the clans fought and tried to overpower each other. Peace is the only way forward. Plus, you are an alpha ascending – you’re not a beta or the alpha’s daughter anymore. You have the potential to become a true alpha now. Since no one has taken the power yet – not even Alec – you need to be ready.”

  “I don’t know the first thing about being an alpha!” Christy threw up her hands in exasperation. “How do I even claim this so-called power?” She bit her lip. “No, I don’t want it. Let someone else take over. Ronan…”

  “Christy, you’re the last of the Daine bloodline. Only you can become the true alpha, and you have to do so by the next full moon, or others will try to take the power from you.”

  She shook her head again, mind racing. She’d never learnt much about clan politics. Her father’s only aspiration had been for her to marry Alec, who he’d chosen to take his place. Females had children, they didn’t become alphas. “Mags, I can’t,” she repeated.

  Magda’s gnarled hands gripped the sides of her rocking chair. “Christy, I’m dying. I don’t have time for excuses.”

  Christy flinched, felt tears prick her eyes. None of her insecurities mattered now. “I still don’t know what to do,” she muttered.

  “Ronan!” Magda called.

  Christy avoided meeting Ronan’s gaze as he ran in. Together they carried Magda outside along with her rocking chair. Christy wondered what they were going to do. Start magic lessons? Alpha lessons? Fighting lessons?

  “What are we doing?” asked Ronan, glancing between them.

  The old witch straightened as a gleam of determination filled her eyes. “It’s time for you both to start learning to be alphas. You’ll need it when you face Alec and Oren,” Magda told them.

  Ronan threw up his hands. “Mags, I’m not–”

  Christy rolled her eyes. “Don’t bother arguing. Just go with it.”

  “You both have the potential to be an alpha. The best way to do that is to become a mated pair.”

  Christy snorted. “Yeah, like that’s going to happen. He pushes me away when things get too difficult.” She glared at Ronan. “I don’t know why I thought things would be different now.”


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