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The Billionaire's Carnival Baby (A BWWM Romance)

Page 27

by Tiana Cole

  Madison looked furtively up and down the corridor and then beckoned for Ailsa to follow her into an empty office where they could talk in private.

  “No one knows who the father is,” Madison said. “I assumed you and your family would have wanted me to keep quiet about it.”

  “Yes, of course,” Ailsa replied just as quietly. “It's really too good of you, Madison. I'm very grateful. I hope you realize that.” There was an awkward silence. Madison eyed the door as Ailsa continued. “He's broken-hearted, you know?”

  She didn’t have to ask who Ailsa was talking about. They both knew.

  “Is he?” Madison still looked at the door.

  “I know it might be a lot to ask,” Ailsa said, “but if he thought there was a chance he'd see the baby, then maybe Christopher wouldn't feel so awful.”

  “Oh, how sad for him,” Madison said, crossing her arms. “Do you have any idea how this is for me? We didn't plan this baby, it just happened. But Christopher made his choice. He chose your family over his own. He chose your baby over mine, and he chose his career over everything. I don't care that he can't see this child. As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't deserve to.” Madison's chest heaved with frustration, and all the old wounds that had never quite healed pulsed painfully as the words were torn out of her.

  Ailsa put her head down. She bit down on her lip, trying not to cry because of the whole situation and knowing there was nothing she could do to make everything right.

  “You haven't got long to go now?” Madison said, as she began to calm down and watched as Ailsa rubbed her tummy absentmindedly.

  “Me? No, not long. Four weeks to go and little Daniel will be here,” she said.

  “Oh, you've chosen a name.”

  “His father's name. Of course.”

  “Don't you miss him? The father?”

  “Only every day of my life,” Ailsa said with a sad smile.

  “Well, I know exactly how you feel.”

  Madison left Ailsa standing in the office as she opened the door and walked away, leaving it wide open. Ailsa followed her out and went to call Madison back, but thought better of it. She saw Madison turn a corner and disappear from view. She thought for a few seconds, her hand on her lower back again. She decided to go to see her father.

  Chapter 15

  It was early evening when Ailsa arrived at Christopher's office. His secretary had already left. In fact, the whole floor was deserted, apart from the security guard who was patrolling the corridors and had nodded at Ailsa when she came out of the elevator.

  She went straight into Christopher's office and found him with his head in his hands, his elbows on the table.

  “I see you're hard at it,” she said to him. Christopher was startled and looked up.

  “Ailsa. What are you doing in the city?”

  “I was restless. Bored. Worried about you.”

  “Worried? Did you think I'd thrown myself off Brooklyn Bridge or something?” he said.

  “Well, since that talk we had about my father this morning, I did wonder about you.”

  He said nothing. Ailsa sat on an easy chair in the corner by the window and looked over at Christopher.

  “Have you eaten?” she asked him.

  “I'm not hungry.”

  “You're wasting away. You know that?”

  “I'll live,” he sighed.

  “Christopher, I'm sorry my father has been so damn difficult about this whole thing. He's just gotten into the new job. He has a lot on his plate.”

  “Ailsa, let's face it. You've been to see your father three times already to try to make him change his mind. He's not about to let me free of this arrangement. He wants the world to see his princess as this happily married woman with a rich husband and beautiful baby on the way. It does wonders for his image. Not to mention it will keep him in that governor position for years to come. And he won't soften – he'll ruin me if I leave you.”

  Ailsa took a deep breath and looked out at the black sky over New York. She could see her reflection in the window; the large bump in front of her. She had been in pain a lot that day; her stomach contracting and then being perfectly fine for an hour or so. It was a week to go before her due date.

  She had been told to expect contractions, Braxton Hicks, they called them. She hadn't mentioned the pains to anyone. But just then, another contraction gripped her. She felt it like a tight band squeezing around her lower back and low down in her tummy. She grimaced, but Christopher did not notice as he turned off his computer.

  “I've been thinking, Ailsa,” he said, his back to her. “About this whole idea of having my life being controlled by Jack Baverstock. I know he's your father, but I don't like anything about him.” He turned to look at her as he sat back in his chair. “All I've been doing is going over in my mind what being tied to this promise to your family is doing to me. And I really can't do it anymore. If I have to live my life like this, then it isn't really worth living at all.”

  “What do you mean? Are you going to jump off Brooklyn Bridge after all?” She smiled, trying to make light of the whole matter, not believing that Christopher would want to take his own life. But Christopher's face was serious as he got up and walked over to the easy chair opposite her. He sat at the edge of his seat and looked deep into Ailsa's eyes.

  “You know you're scaring me now,” Ailsa said. She was giving him a half-hearted smile. “I don't believe you'd kill yourself... but you're not going after my father, are you?” Her smile began to weaken.

  “Don't say things like that,” he turned away from her, staring out the same window he just had. “I know I want him out of my life, but I'm not going to stoop that low. No Ailsa, right now, I only see one way to get Baverstock out of my life for good.”

  Ailsa's face grimaced as she was in pain again. She closed her eyes. Christopher got up and kneeled next to her.

  “What is it, Ailsa?”

  “Oh, nothing. A few of those fake contractions. Been getting them all day. It'll pass.” She looked at him closely. “What are you planning to do?”

  He sat back in the easy chair, eyes down. “I'm going to speak to him.”

  “I already tried. He's being a bastard. You know that,” she said.

  “I'm not going to go to him and beg him to let us get divorced sooner rather than later. I'm going to him to tell him I've decided to divorce you. Not when he says so, but now.”

  “You're what? But Christopher you can't! You can't leave me now!” The thought sent fear spearing through her. She was supposed to have this baby in less than a week. She didn’t think she could do it alone.

  “The divorce will take a while, Ailsa. I'll be here when Daniel is born.” She sighed slightly in relief as he allayed some of her fears. “I can stay with you while you arrange a nanny, an apartment, wherever that might be. But I have to do this, Ailsa. I'm suffocating.”

  She stood up. “No, Christopher. You can't throw your life away. Madison may well have moved on by now and not want you anymore. You really want to risk upsetting my father and ending up with nothing? What good will that do anyone?”

  Ailsa doubled over in pain again. This time her water broke. She looked down at the floor and then at Christopher, who had already rushed to her side and was holding her close.

  “Forget all that. I need to get you to the hospital, now!” he threw his arm around her waist, trying to support her as he guided her back to the chair she had been sitting in just a few moments before. .

  “But it's too early, Christopher. I've got a week to go.”

  “Well, that baby doesn't want to wait.” He rushed to his desk to call the company fleet of drivers. “Those weren't practice contractions, Ailsa. They're the real thing...Hello, yes, this is Christopher Knight and I need a car here straight away... St. James' Hospital. Now.”

  He put his arm around Ailsa's shoulders and walked her out to the elevator. “The car should be there in minutes, okay?”

  “I-I think so... ow!”
br />   The elevator door opened and Christopher nervously clicked the button. On the ground floor, the driver was already walking to the door, holding it open for the couple. Christopher helped Ailsa into the back seat.

  “St. James'! Quick!” he said to the driver.

  “Don't call my parents,” Ailsa said between breaths. She was panting and screwing up her eyes as another contraction came. “I don't think I've got long to go. These contractions are so close together. Christopher, I'm scared.” She gripped his hand.

  “Don't worry, I'm right here.”

  “Don't leave me,” she said, looking at him with tears in her eyes. “I need you to stay with me, Christopher. Don't divorce me. I can't be on my own. I need you with me, helping me. I can't raise a baby alone.” She cried out in pain again. They were moments from the hospital.

  “Don't leave me on my own,” she pleaded.

  Christopher took a breath. “I won't leave you Ailsa, I won't.”

  Ailsa was put in a wheelchair as soon as they arrived at the hospital. A nurse was asking Christopher how far apart the contractions were. He tried to answer as they rushed to the delivery suite. Ailsa gripped his hand and screamed out in pain.

  They stopped at the nurses' desk in the delivery suite. Madison rushed to Ailsa.

  “Don't worry Ailsa. I'll get you through this,” Madison said, helping her out of the wheelchair and walking her into one of the delivery rooms. She did not look at Christopher who followed them inside.

  “I need to take a look to see how far along you are, Ailsa,” Madison continued, as she helped Ailsa up onto the bed. “It might be a little uncomfortable.”

  “Should we call the doctor down?” Ailsa asked her, as Madison proceeded with the examination.

  “Well, we only call a doctor in if we think we might need one, but everything looks good, Ailsa. You'll be able to push very soon. Your baby will be in your arms before you know it. Now, let me help you into this gown and we'll walk around for a bit, okay?”

  “Okay,” Ailsa said, holding Madison's shoulders, her trust in her complete.

  Christopher stepped back. He did not know what to do with himself or what to say. He held Ailsa's hand for the whole time she pushed and until he saw Daniel being safely delivered into the world by Madison, who had complete control of everything.

  Baby Daniel cried loudly and wriggled around in Ailsa's arms.

  “Thank you,” Ailsa whispered, as she looked into Madison's eyes. “I'm glad it was you.”

  “He's a beautiful boy.” Madison went to wash up at the sink, but couldn't help looking over her shoulder to see how Christopher and Ailsa acted together. Her eyes were brimming with tears as Christopher had that look in his eyes; the look of a proud father. He kissed the baby's head. He kissed Ailsa. Madison rushed out of the room.

  Chapter 16

  Later, when Ailsa was in her room, the lights dim so she and the baby could sleep, Madison came in to do her checkups on the mother and baby. She was nervous as she entered. She had not spoken to Christopher and didn't particularly want to, and she was glad he was not in the room. She couldn't believe that she happened to be on duty when Ailsa went into labor. What were the chances?

  “Come in,” Ailsa said sleepily, as she saw Madison with just her head around the door. Madison walked in quietly.

  “Just a quick checkup. I need to take your temperature and give little Daniel a quick look over.”

  “Please go ahead.”

  Madison looked in on Daniel first. He cried over having his little arms and legs pulled and someone waking him up. He gave a little cry but promptly fell asleep. Next, Madison put a thermometer in Ailsa's mouth.

  “I couldn't believe it was you on duty...”

  “Shh,” Madison said. “Don't talk, or the reading will be inaccurate.” She took Ailsa's pulse. “There. Everything is as it should be.”

  Madison went to leave.

  “Wait,” Ailsa said.

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I'm fine. Just tired. I just wanted to say...” Just then the door opened, and Christopher came in carrying a cup of coffee. Everyone froze for a second until Madison was startled by a sudden movement her baby made and she rubbed her stomach.

  “I should be asking if you're okay,” Ailsa said.

  “I'm fine. The baby is moving,” said Madison. “Doing a somersault.”

  “May I feel?” asked Christopher.

  They all looked at each other in an embarrassed silence. It was a perfectly natural reaction for Christopher to have, but immediately all three were aware of just how a wrong a request like that could be – for all of them.

  “Go ahead,” said Ailsa. “I don't mind.” She turned her head to Daniel sleeping in his crib.

  “No,” Madison said to Christopher, edging away from him. “She's stopped now.”

  “She? It's a girl?” Christopher's smile was so wide, Madison couldn't stop herself smiling back.

  “I believe so,” she said, looking over at Ailsa who was now looking back at the two of them, who were standing facing each other in the middle of the hospital room.

  “I'd better go,” Madison quickly said and left.

  Christopher came to sit next to Ailsa in the chair next to her bed.

  “The coffee is awful,” he took another small sip and then made a face, making Ailsa smile up at him. “Whatever you do, don't drink it.” He gave a fake laugh. Ailsa stared hard at him and then turned to look at baby Daniel. He seemed very happy. His face was screwed up, with his eyes tight shut.

  “Christopher,” Ailsa said, looking at him now.


  “What are we doing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, not what are we doing. What am I you?”

  “Ailsa, we've talked about this. I'm tired. Let's just not say anything we might regret.”

  “I already have. I came to you almost a year ago with my heart broken. I'd chased away the only man I'd ever loved because of one reason and one reason only. My father. The big and powerful Jack Baverstock. All money and no heart. He's manipulated everyone he's ever come across in business and in his personal life. My mother has been just a shell since she's been married to him.”

  “Ailsa, don't bring him up. You've been through a lot and you should be resting.”

  “No, I should be putting things right. I gave up the man I love because I was too afraid to let my father down. Too afraid to tell him I loved Daniel's father because I was scared of what he'd do when he didn't approve of him. And he wouldn't have approved.”

  “We both know that,” Christopher said.

  “But why are you chasing Madison away?”

  “Why do you ask that now? A few hours ago, you made me promise not to leave you.”

  “I know,” Ailsa said. “But I see you two together and I feel just like my father. Manipulative. I don't want to be like my father. My mother either, come to think of it. What kind of mother will I be to Daniel if I'm just a shadow of myself? I want to give him the best. The best of me. I have no right to stop you from having your freedom.”

  “You realize what you're saying, right? If we go to your father and tell him we're getting a divorce, he'll come after my company and then he'll come after you. God knows what he'll do.”

  “I don't care. I'll take Daniel and I'll leave. I'd even try to find his father. He has a right to know he's a dad. I told him to go and that I didn't love him because I was scared of Jack Baverstock. But I'm not afraid now. And I'm not scared of being alone.”

  Christopher smiled and put his hand onto Ailsa's.

  “And what about you?” she said. “Are you still afraid of losing your company? Or is love more important? I know it is for me. I love you, Christopher, and I'm letting you go. We can have the marriage annulled as soon as possible. You only have to say the word.”

  He held her hand tightly. “I feel badly letting you down. But I love Madison with all my heart. I want to be there
when she has our baby. I want to be our baby's father. I just don't know if she'll ever forgive me and have me back.”

  “There's only one way to find out.”

  Christopher leaned over and kissed Ailsa on her forehead. “Go,” she whispered to him, urging him on. “Go to Madison and be happy.”

  He jumped off the chair and opened the door. Looking up and down the corridor, Christopher realized that Madison must have gone back to the delivery suite. He made his way there, walking quickly, his mind working overtime, unsure of what he would say when he finally caught up with her.

  When he arrived he saw a nurse on duty, but no sign of Madison.

  “Hi,” he said to the nurse. “I'm looking for Madison. She was the obstetrics nurse for Ailsa Knight.”

  “Oh, yes. But you just missed her. She left for home five minutes ago.”

  Christopher rushed to the exit. He walked so quickly that he broke into a run, just to make sure he caught up with Madison. He went out into the night air. It was cold on his face. He had left his jacket and coat inside. He ran along the footpath leading into the hospital, thinking he'd see her walking to catch a bus or taxi, but he got as far as the sidewalk and saw no trace of Madison.

  He ran a little way along the street, stopping and craning his neck in both directions. He knew it was hopeless: without her address he wouldn't know which way to go to chase her, or to fall at her feet and beg her for forgiveness.

  He went back inside and found the same nurse he'd spoken to a few minutes earlier.

  “I didn't find her,” he said, out of breath from running. “Madison, she's not out there.” The nurse looked at him strangely.

  “Well, no. She got a ride with someone.”

  “Someone? Who with? Boyfriend?”

  “Probably. I don't know. Who did you say you were?”

  “Look, I'm a friend of Madison's.” Christopher sounded desperate. “I really need to speak to her.”

  “Well, she'll be in tomorrow afternoon. You can see her...”

  “No, you don't understand. I need to see her now.” Christopher had raised his voice considerably and an office door behind the nurse opened.


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