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Ghosts from the Past (The Wandering engineer Book 7)

Page 53

by Chris Hechtl

  "We could send them down chain to Centennial and then they could cut up to B452c or through Gaston direct to Pyrax. That would minimize some of the risk involved Admiral," Sprite reminded him. “Firefly is in the area so it should be secure. The enemy has kept moving, they aren't staking out individual systems with this new fleet.”

  “You mean it's broken up into raiding teams,” the admiral said frowning. He wasn't sure what that was about. They were after something; that was clear. “Some of those jumps are longer than the run through the Triang chain," the Admiral stated, shaking his head. "Do we have an eta on their cargo?"

  "Rose will have its cargo by the time she finishes her working up exercises. From her Captain's last report, I'd say she's performing admirably, she shouldn't need a follow up in dock. Once they take on her cargo they can take on passengers."


  "Her chief engineer is a solid sort, he's not like Chief Able," Sprite said with a snort.

  "Her," the Admiral sighed. He'd been tempted to relieve the chief of Collier 4 twice. She seemed flighty, scared of her own shadow. She was also incredibly slow in repairing her ship. Definitely a plodder he thought with a pang.

  "Make a note to ..."

  "To keep her where she will do good but won't get in the way. You said that the last time."

  "I know."

  "I know you know."

  "Whatever," the Admiral replied, not really cross but sounding a bit like it. He rubbed his temple. "I take it she's making more waves?"

  "No, not since you slapped her down for that hyperdrive replacement."

  "Oh goody," the Admiral replied. Chief Able had wanted every major system on the ship replaced even if they were fully functional. She was fussy, which was good in theory, but that level of replacement wasn't warranted he had judged so he'd overruled her.

  "Rose has a mix of hyperdrive and reactor parts. Every time we built a part for the warships we built four as you specified. We're keeping two in stores and one goes to the convoy. It's beginning to impact the scheduled repair time on the larger ships though," Sprite warned.

  The Admiral grunted. He'd actually expected that. He'd also expected the newly built replicators coming online to balance that out. They had to a degree, but the new bottleneck was raw material supplies. There was barely enough to go around to the various projects.

  “Captain Hershel insists Collier 2 can make the run as she is. I believe he is correct, though you're orders are to get all the ships up to 100 percent to make certain they can keep up with the escorts. Collier 2 can keep up with Collier 13 even without the refit, Admiral,” Sprite reported.


  “And we have cargo for her. She could carry the ansibles.”

  “Agreed,” the admiral said with a nod.

  “Okay, that's two ships,” Sprite said with a nod. “You said you wanted four minimum to make the convoy worth sending.”

  “Agreed. I'd rather send six or more.”

  “If we spring some of the transports loose from mothballs we could load them up with apprentice recruits and boots and send them, Admiral.”

  “They need too much work,” the admiral said, pursing his lips.

  "The larger ships need longer lead times for parts. Both Viper and Cutlass are laid up in dock now that Maine is on station. They will be there a long time, Admiral. If we shift priorities we could cycle at least a couple of the transports through."

  "I know," the Admiral replied.

  "If we can stock the other three to six freighters they could be ready in ten days to two weeks Admiral. The tin cans in dock won't be ready to escort by then. That leaves Apple, Bounty, and Xavier. But that means uncovering a jump point."

  The admiral frowned, rubbing his temple. "Great. The other frigate?"

  "I'm assuming the one on station at the B459c jump point? The one Logan sent since the others are all being rebuilt. Right?" Sprite asked amused. Irons grunted in acknowledgment. "She's finished mine laying for now with Collier 9 and 10. In fact her captain has put in a request for more weapons platforms. Weapons platforms we currently do not have in production. Yet."


  "The factory ship Andrew Carnegie has finished stage one and is moving on to stage two of today's schedule, Admiral," Proteus reported.

  Irons nodded. He could count on ole Carnage to get the job done. They rarely fell behind like Remora or Antigua Prime seemed to do on a regular basis. "As expected. Good. I'm glad something's working out as planned. I take it the tanker captains are both agitating to get docking space?"

  "But of course," Sprite drawled.

  "Of course. Denied," he said with some teeth.

  "As expected," Sprite replied. "If you're planning on sending one with the convoy ..."

  "One problem at a time. The freighters shouldn't need a tanker for a four system hop to Agnosta."

  "They can't refuel in Briev 4 with it being interdicted, Admiral," Sprite reminded him. "They will be down to vapor in Agnosta. If they have to maneuver in B452c ..."

  The Admiral grimaced as he held up a hand. Damn it, she was right; he didn't want them to draw down their fuel supply and be on fumes when they entered that system. It might be empty but it was a cross roads that the pirates frequently used. His eyes shifted as he thought for a moment. Finally he sighed, coming to a decision. "Fine, put the ship with the best chance of getting turned around in two weeks in the queue."

  "Tanker 2. Done."

  "Of course that mucks up the schedule for a bit ..." the admiral sighed.

  "All the schedules actually, fortunately I anticipated the need and put it in a week ago. The schedules were adjusted then."

  "Cute, Commander. Good work," the Admiral replied grudgingly.

  "Captain Vargess is on station half way between the Triang and the B459c jump point. He's requested sim time as well as training exercises," Sprite informed him. The Admiral snorted. It was good to have some of the Pyrax old guard on hand.

  "They are too far out to run effective sims; you know that. Tell him to run sims with the ships on station when their minefields are finished." The Admiral turned back and forth, toying with the stylus he had picked up. "I'm guessing all this dancing around is to point out to me that we don't have an escort available for the freighters. Not unless we want to be uncovered somewhere."

  "True," Sprite replied coyly.

  "McGuyver wants some excitement ..."

  Sprite turned and then turned back to him. Her eyes gleamed with mischief. "Oh that's evil," she mused. "He'll positively hate babysitting duty," she said with a wicked smile. “The problem is you'd lose your ride to ... you know where.”

  “Frack,” the admiral sighed. She was right. He'd have to finagle something else out. He wasn't taking Maine.

  "The tanker will give him the legs to keep up. Speed is an issue, but he'll work it out. Draw up the orders. He'll be in charge since he's senior officer of the escorting ship. Get a provisional plan in my inbox by tomorrow."

  "Done," Sprite replied with an amused flick of one virtual hand. “Collier 13, Collier 2, 9, 10, Tanker 2, Bounty, Mary Apple, and Frigate 9. Possibly Transport 3 if we can get her in and out of the yard fast enough,” she stated. “That will leave Xavier, Fuentes, in place however. If we can move Viper out, she can take Apple's place. She doesn't need her hyperdrive to defend a jump point,” she stated.

  "Efficient," the Admiral replied in approval. He pulled the file open and glanced at it. Sprite had used the stock order form, filled it in for convoy escort. It looked good, though she'd left the execute time table blank for now. That was to be expected. Slippage as usual, he thought.

  "I'd pass this on to him now but I'm not sure you want to hear the whining start. Or the impatient grumbling over having to wait," Sprite said dryly. "I know I'm not looking forward to it," she muttered.

  "Agreed. Give him the movement orders a week before the last ship begins taking on her stores and cargo. Give his crew a three day pass before then, have
Vargess take his station for that time period. Give them a day on either end to play war games against each other."

  "Oh they'll like that," Sprite replied in amusement. "A tin can sparing match? A Nelson against an Arboth? Any bets on the winner?"

  "In sims you are only limited by your imagination. A ship can be anything from another tin can to a dreadnaught," Irons replied. Suddenly his lips twisted in a feral smile.

  Sprite eyed him and then snorted. "I know that look, and I know what you are thinking. I'll pass that tip on to Captain Vargess. The surprise will do Ian some good. Maybe it will cut back on his harping about getting on the move."

  "I doubt it," the Admiral replied as his face slowly cleared. He snorted. "I highly doubt it. But it should prune him back a bit."

  "For a while," Sprite sighed, drawing up the memos and orders.

  Chapter 25

  "Why here Irons, why not Pyrax? From what you've described, Pyrax is the better deal," the governor asked, looking out the window into space.

  Irons took his time replying. He'd expected the question earlier, but when it hadn't come up he'd set aside his prepared answer. "A part of it is manufacturing capability. The factory city is a big factor. Population as well. But politics is what cinched it."

  "Politics?" The governor snorted as he turned around to look at the Admiral in amused disbelief. "After what I put you through?"

  The Admiral shook his head. "You didn't pull the crap in Pyrax. Yes I'm not happy about it, I however understood what you were doing." The governor blushed. "That doesn't excuse or condone it, but I do understand it wasn't personal. What happened in Pyrax hit below the belt. To put it bluntly, they are a snake pit."

  "I see."

  "It's not just the accusations and stuff. The assassination attempts, the attempted kidnapping, it's a mess I don't want to deal with. I prefer to fight my battles on one front at a time sir,” he said, bowing to the governor. The governor smiled in amusement and nodded slightly back. “Your pacifists are in full retreat here so they aren't a problem. Once the navy has its own factories up and running we won't have to deal with them at all. Except politically. And if they try to cut funding they will cut their own throats with the voters."

  "Good point."

  "I'd like to be sorted out and have you back on your time table by the end of the month."

  "That's a tall order, Admiral."

  "Well, like you said, you have a lot of motivated people here."

  The governor smiled. "True."

  "I'd also like to discuss with you the Ssilli project. As well as the establishment of a permanent academy."

  "On Antigua?" The governor asked and then blinked. "Wait Ssilli? For real? They still exist?"

  The admiral nodded. He was going out on a limb explaining this he thought. "A male and female do yes. We found the male, a juvenile navy officer in Pyrax, and the female was recovered from the pirates on the Bounty. The medical staff in Pyrax were attempting to resurrect their species before her recovery, now they have a better chance of that, but Pyrax doesn't have a planet. The colonies there are all space, artificial constructs.

  From what I understand of their biology Agnosta is both too cold and doesn't have the right level of salinity in the water. The seas on your world are a closer match. You see, it takes a lot of things to be just right for their species to have children. They spawn thousands but only one in a thousand ever makes it to adult hood even in the best of conditions. We sent the female to Pyrax but I believe they would be more comfortable on your homeworld. If you are willing to help them." His eyes searched the governors for a long moment.

  The governor cleared his throat. "I ... sure. I don't ... yes." the governor straightened his jacket and then nodded firmly. "I formally request that you allow us to help their species Admiral."

  "Thank you, sir," the Admiral replied with a nod and bow. "I was hoping you'd say that. They are both in stasis in one of the ships here,” he said. The governor snorted in amusement. “And now you know the other reason I am more comfortable here. You have a sense of honor."

  The governor squirmed a little. He understood now why so many were in awe of this man, he drew the best out of everyone around him by making them want to do better by themselves and others. "Thank you sir."

  "No, thank you. I've needed someone like you for some time," Irons replied with sincerity.

  "I'll try not to let you down this time, Admiral."

  "Thank you. That's all I ask."


  Thirteen days after finally signing off on the plan, the convoy was ready for departure. Sprite, Lieutenant Turner, and Sindri's crews had outdone themselves. Not only had they gotten the ships on board that Sprite had designated, plus three of the freighters from Convoy 4, but also two additional freighters loaded with components for the ansible space station in Triang.

  Fourteen ships: three warships, one tanker, two transports, and eight freighters. Far more than he had hoped for. They'd squeezed the depots dry to get enough to justify sending the last two freighters but they'd done it. Not only were they bringing in equipment to outfit the tin cans and cruisers Horatio had under construction but also some factory equipment to help that process along. Not a lot, they needed it here too, but a few pieces of equipment. More would follow when they had time.

  They would be reduced to the slowest speed of Collier 5 for the first leg of their journey. Collier 5 was one of the ships the admiral hadn't found time to personally overhaul, rebuild, and properly tune. She was stuck in the seventh octave of Beta band as her max speed in hyperspace. Once she and her sister ship were finished in Triang they would return on their own to Antigua while the rest of the fleet sped up into the mid octaves of gamma band for the remainder of their journey.

  Ian seemed bemused at running escort on the ship. “I seem to remember just doing that not long ago,” he said shaking his head. “But we'll get her done. I just hope we're not making a habit of it.”

  “We'll go where you need us, sir,” Randy said.

  “Kiss ass,” Ian teased. She stuck her tongue out at him.

  The admiral snorted softly but he couldn't quite tear his eyes off the screen. Thousands of families were seen on the screen hugging with tearful goodbyes and waving to family members as they boarded shuttles or walked the gang plank to the waiting ships.

  Each of the ships were loaded with equipment, parts, and volunteers for training. They were to return with the hulls of two corvettes and more personnel, these properly trained and hopefully seasoned.

  Sprite had called it right. Commander Sindri had pulled out all the stops to get the second transport cleared of the docks and into space in record time to make the journey. She still had some rough edges here and there, but they had plenty of people on board to put to work setting things to right along the way.

  The two transports were loaded with five thousand apprentice recruits and boots from Antigua, Kathy's world, Triang, and other worlds. Twelve hundred were marine boots to be dropped off in Agnosta. A few hundred would go on from there after boot camp to Pyrax to be trained as officers at the academy there.

  “Take good care of Collier 2. I'm serious,” the admiral said to Ian and Randy. Ian nodded. Randy cocked her head at him then nodded slowly.

  “We will Admiral.”

  “See that you do. She's vital. Once she drops off the ansible core in the system, leave Colliers 5 and 6 in Triang with Echo and Charlie. When the work crews they have on board finish putting the station together they can come back here,” the admiral said.

  “Understood, Admiral,” Randy replied with another nod. “And they know to pick up some recruits from the planet,” she said.

  The admiral gave the bonobo a half smile. “Exactly. I tucked away some goodies for the corvettes and tanker crews to make up for being on picket duty. Make sure they get it.”

  “Aye aye, Admiral.”

  “Safe sailing,” the admiral said. Both captains saluted him. He returned the salut
e and then cut the channel. “One down,” he said.

  “Many more to go. Explaining the next steps of the plan to the governor is going to be fun,” Sprite said.

  “Don't remind me.”

  “Well, unfortunately I do. You have a meeting scheduled with Governor Randall in a few minutes, Admiral. Better hustle. I'm holding the shuttle now.”

  “Joy,” the admiral said, moving out.


  "The key to protecting Antigua and this sector is to one, garrison our most vital star systems, Antigua, Agnosta, and Pyrax, and then close the choke point systems to this sector," the admiral explained patiently.

  "But, if we send ships to other systems wont we be more vulnerable here?" The governor asked.

  Irons grunted. "There is always a risk in war. You can't be strong everywhere. We can't wait too long or the enemy could get past us. What I am saying is that yes we will leave the heavy ships here to guard Antigua. I know you are worried about your family and homes. I am as well. But we can send smaller ships to the choke point systems, protecting them and giving us warning of a pirate attack."

  "I thought that was what the ansible network was for? And how can they stand off a pirate fleet?"

  "In the event that they can't defend a system they will carry warning to us and to nearby systems. If there are enough ships one or more may remain behind to picket the system and warn anyone who comes into it to retreat. They can also keep an eye on the enemy and harass them if necessary," Commander Sprite explained patiently.


  "It's not a good scenario I realize that. We'll forward those orbital mines and weapons platforms and other ships as they become available. For the first two years we are mainly going to have small ships. Small sublight ships or small escort ships. We are going on the defensive."

  "Can't we build a dreadnaught like they have?"

  Commander Sindri snorted. "I wish," he muttered. Irons shot him a look. "Sorry, sir," he said straightening up and sobering with a sigh. He was wondering why he'd been shanghaied for the meeting. He had real work to do.


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