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High-Society Secret Baby

Page 16

by Maxine Sullivan

  “Sweetheart, you give yourself away every time you’re in my arms. I just hadn’t recognized it until now.”

  Her eyes went on guard; then she tried to scoff at him. “That’s sex, Dominic.”

  “No, that’s love. I’m standing here watching your heart break, and it makes my heart break, too. I love you, Cassandra. I’ll never stop loving you.”

  She stood motionless, the expression on her face telling him she was wrestling with something.

  Time ticked by.

  All at once she started to walk toward him, and his heart rose in his chest, but then she swerved toward their walk-in closet and disappeared inside, saying, “Stay there for a minute.”

  Puzzled, he did as she asked.

  She was back in no time and came toward him with an envelope in her hand. “Here. Read this.”

  He took it off her, then looked down. It was the letter Liam had given him to give to her after his death. “What’s this about?”

  She held herself stiffly. “Read it and then tell me if you still love me.”

  That sounded ominous, but he knew it didn’t matter what was in the letter. He still loved her.

  And then he began to read, briefly aware she had gone back to her position near the bed. It took him a minute to put together what Liam was saying. And even then he had to reread the letter.

  He looked up with a frown. “Liam says here that he paid you to have his baby?”

  She nodded. “That’s right. Five hundred thousand dollars.” She angled her chin. “Do you still love me now, Dominic?”

  He didn’t answer that. His love for her wasn’t in question. “Why, Cassandra? Why did you need the money?”

  She hugged her arms to her body, as if bracing herself. “Why do you think?”

  He didn’t understand, but said, “I don’t believe it was for anything other than a noble reason.”

  She blinked; then her eyes searched his. “You don’t?”

  “Everything you’ve ever done has been to help someone else.”

  She gave a little sob, and then her throat convulsed. “Thank you for that, Dominic,” she said, her voice quavering slightly. “It was to pay to get my father into the nursing home. Liam refused to give me the money unless I had his baby.”

  He swore. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You could have used it against me in court and painted me in a bad light. I couldn’t let you use it to take Nicole away from me. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  Regret tore at the muscles of his gut. He wasn’t sure if it would have come to that, but his thoughts of her hadn’t been kindly not so very long ago.

  “Why are you telling me this now? You could have kept quiet about it all.”

  “Because you wouldn’t dare take me to court after what you’ve done,” she said, not gloating, but calling it like it was, making him wince. “And besides, it’s time everything came out in the open.”

  He had to agree there. As much as he hated seeing her anguish, it was a relief to finally give up his secret.

  “I’m sorry for hurting you, Cassandra. I really am.” Tender warmth filled him. “But despite everything, I can’t regret us having Nicole.”

  Her lips trembled. “Us?”

  “She’s ours, sweetheart. She’s our child. Our little girl. Nothing will ever change that.”

  Her eyes clung to his.

  “Oh, Dominic,” she said and ran into his arms.

  He caught her against him…held her to his heart…. Then he kissed her, his lips promising to love, honor, cherish…every day of their lives.

  As the kiss slowed down, she pulled back and cupped his face with her hands, loving him with her eyes. “You were right, Dominic. So right. I love you, too. I’ll never stop loving you. You’re an honorable man, and I’m proud to have you as my husband.”

  He swallowed the welt in his throat. “Then you’re my perfect match. I’ve never met a more decent person than you.”

  He had to kiss her again.

  He did.

  When it ended, they smiled at each and savored the moment.

  Then her eyes clouded over. “Your parents must be heartbroken that Nicole isn’t Liam’s daughter.”

  His happiness dimmed, then replenished itself as he looked at Cassandra. They would both help his parents come to terms with this, no matter how long it took.

  He slipped his arm around her shoulders. “Shall we go downstairs, my love, and make sure they’re okay?”

  “Good idea.” She moistened her lips. “Just give me one more kiss first, darling.”

  The endearment went straight to his heart as he lowered his head and fully obliged his beautiful, generous wife.


  Cassandra’s joyous heart stumbled when she and Dominic entered the living room and saw the older couple in an embrace by the patio doors. It was clear Michael was lending strength to his wife. Beyond the glass doors, Adam carried Nicole as he took her on a stroll around the garden beds, probably giving his parents some time alone together.

  And then she felt Dominic squeeze her hand. She looked at the man she loved, and he gave her a reassuring smile before turning to face them. “Mum, Dad?”

  His parents lifted their heads.

  “I hope you can forgive me.”

  All at once Laura gave a small cry and broke away from her husband. Without hesitation, she held out her arms as she came toward them. “My darling son, there’s nothing to forgive. We were shocked at first, but we understand. We really do.”

  Cassandra released Dominic’s hand so he could go to his mother. He stepped forward, and Laura soon reached him, wrapping her arms around his chest, Dominic’s body giving a big shudder as his mother held him close. Cassandra’s vision blurred as she watched them.

  Michael walked up to them more slowly. “You’re a hero in our book, son,” he said hoarsely and rested his hand on his son’s shoulder. “You gave your brother a second lease of life by doing what you did. I don’t know what went on in Liam’s head later on, but I do know he was thrilled when Cassandra became pregnant. Your mother and I want to thank you for that.”

  Laura let go of Dominic. “Our son the hero,” she agreed, cupping his chin. “Thank you, darling.”

  Dominic shook his head. “I’m no hero.”

  Cassandra hadn’t thought of it that way before, but they were right. “Yes, Dominic,” she said with quiet emphasis, “you are a hero.”

  All three turned to face her; then Laura left Dominic to come and give her a hug. She eased back, her eyes remorseful. “My family has given you nothing but grief, Cassandra. You’re being so magnanimous about it all.”

  She felt a rush of warmth. “I can afford to be, Laura. I have the man I love, and I have our daughter.” She hesitated. “About Liam…”

  “Shh. You were a good wife to him. I fully believe that now. It just wasn’t meant to be.” Then Laura stepped back and her glance encompassed Dominic. “I rather think Liam knew you two belong with each other. I’m so proud he gave you both a chance to be together in the end.”

  Cassandra nodded in agreement. He’d been a sick man, and she couldn’t blame him any longer. Dear Liam, thank you.

  She went to stand beside Dominic, lacing her fingers through his, loving him with her eyes. Then she thought of something else. “You know, Liam was the one who named Nicole. So now I wonder if it was because it’s close to your own name. Dominic, Nic. Nicole, Nic.”

  Dominic nodded. “I’ve thought that myself.”

  “Yes, it makes sense, doesn’t it?” she said, looking up at him.

  “How lovely,” Laura murmured, blinking back tears.

  Cassandra turned to smile at her. “Yes, Laura, it is.” She had so much to be thankful for now. She shared a gorgeous daughter with her handsome husband, her father was being well looked after, and she had wonderful in-laws who’d opened their hearts to her again. She was so blessed. Liam would be happy for her, she was sure of that now.

“Is everything okay?” They all turned to see Adam standing at the patio doors, somewhat awkwardly holding his ten-month-old niece in his arms, his concerned gaze going from one of them to the other.

  Cassandra took a deep breath and put thoughts of Liam in the past—where they now belonged. She smiled at Dominic, then left his side to move toward Adam, her heart suddenly bursting to hold her daughter. “Thank you,” she said huskily to her brother-in-law as she lifted Nicole out of his arms, then cuddled her close to her heart.

  She took a shuddering breath and looked up. Dominic was still standing there across the room, his heart in his eyes. “Look, sweetie,” she murmured, carrying Nicole toward him. “Look who’s here. It’s your daddy.”

  They reached him, and as if she understood the importance of the moment, Nicole put her hand out to Dominic. Cassandra’s heart overflowed when he grasped his daughter’s little fingers and lifted them to his lips, kissing the baby’s knuckles.

  “Yes, Daddy’s here, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I’m always going to be here.” He smiled at Cassandra. “For both of you.”

  Cassandra smiled back through her happy tears. She had her family now, and they were the true family she’d always wanted. And no matter what the future held for them, there was one thing she was certain of. Her family was going to have a wonderful life.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5642-6


  Copyright © 2010 by Maxine Sullivan

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