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Gemini Rain

Page 13

by Lj McEvoy

  Marie hadn’t changed one bit, still gabbing on never letting others in her company get a word in edgeways. Her husband Des was the quiet type thankfully and usually gave a typically ‘Uh-huh,’ or ‘Umm,’ response to his wife when she looked at him, Lauren wondered did he ever actually listen to what Marie was saying. Sometimes Marie would get a little nudge from Des, just to remind her that other people in their company might want to respond to what she was saying. Both Paul and Lauren would turn to each other and laugh as Marie’s rosy plump cheeks would burn as she realised what she was doing. The golden memories were returning as each companion remembered certain and sometime comical situations.

  And then there was Paul, how he had changed, well in appearance only Lauren felt, and that was only too good an improvement she thought. Still charming and polite and expressing his fun side every now and then she often wondered why didn’t he marry. Not that he didn’t have the opportunity, engaged twice she couldn’t understand what went wrong, the engagements were over as quickly as they started and still tagging along with his younger sister and her husband on holidays, what was all that about.

  Highly successful in the political path he chose to take, he now had the role of Junior Minister for Agriculture, an unbelievably difficult role when trying to satisfy Irish farmers and the EU. Naturally Lauren kept in touch with him he was a good contact to know in her line of business and she supported his career. But more importantly they kept close as they possessed a bond that was very close to their hearts there was nothing they could ever do to change that.

  Noticing his Claddagh ring she took delight he was still wearing it, having bought it for him when they were dating. The crown was turned outwards with the point of the heart directing towards his, ‘he’s in love again,’ so she brought up the subject. Paul went bright red and looked down, Marie and Des stopped their conversation.

  ‘What did I say wrong?’ Lauren said aloud, observing their reactions.

  Paul perked up, ‘Yep, but this relationship is long term been like that for nearly three years now,’ looking to his sister for support.

  Lauren was curious, ‘a long-term relationship with Paul, this girl must be good,’ she replied. ‘So, why isn’t she here, are you having a break from each other or hiding her back at the hotel?’ Lauren nervously laughed trying to ease the tension she felt from her friends, she was now regretting she brought up the subject.

  ‘No, they’re working at the moment, so I grabbed the opportunity of a couple of days free to tour with Marie and Des,’ Paul too sounded nervous.

  ‘Hold on, you said they, is there more than one person or what,’ Lauren couldn’t cop on.

  Paul looked again at his sister.

  ‘Tell her,’ Marie said anxiously, ‘there’s nothing to be ashamed of.’

  ‘Can someone please tell me what’s going on, what’s there to be ashamed of? This is 2012…’

  ‘Actually,’ Paul interrupted, ‘I meant to say he.’ Paul studied Lauren’s face for a reaction; this was the first time he admitted openly about his relationship to an old friend outside his extremely close circle.

  Lauren smiled her earlier thoughts were now answered, ‘Oh dear, my ex-lover is a homosexual,’ she thought lightly as she took his hand looking at him lovingly, knowing how much he must have dreaded this moment and the risk he was taking to his political career. ‘Now, that wasn’t so bad was it?’ she smiled encouragingly, ‘I want to know all about this guy who’s finally captured my ex-boyfriend’s heart.’

  ‘Thank you,’ he returned her grip with a hug.

  The tension disappeared and the friends got back to the business of enjoying dessert. By the time coffee was served Lauren knew everything and how Paul came to realise the path his life was leading to, how for the first time in many years he felt totally happy, satisfied and content with everything currently happening in his life.

  ‘So why hide it?’ Lauren asked. Times were changing, especially in Ireland and there were others in the political ring just like him, it was like leaving unfinished business, never bothering to return to it, ‘why run away from the truth Paul?’

  ‘Like you have,’ Paul looked at Lauren.

  She was stuck for words and it wasn’t something she expected him to say.

  ‘Paul!’ Marie was flabbergasted, ‘how can you say such a thing! Des tell him to apologise right now.’

  But Des was also dumbstruck not knowing what to say as he glared at Paul. Paul ignored the others continuing to watch Lauren as he smiled.

  Realisation dawned on Lauren, he knew about Peter. Of course he did! He had his sources, his advisors so that’s why he didn’t attend the funeral. Was the company being investigated, watched, Lauren needed to talk to him more but not now, not in front of Marie and Des. ‘If you were a blonde Lauren,’ she scolded herself, ‘I’d call you a dumb one. Cop on, how could you have been so stupid?’

  Paul knew by Lauren’s face that she comprehended what he was trying to say to her quickly he apologised and changed the subject. Later when Des and Marie were talking to each other he slipped her a note it simply read, ‘Phone me tomorrow 10am’ the time and his cell phone number were underlined. Lauren dropped it into her bag and looked up, straight into the eyes of Claude.

  He was being led to one of the tables and he was in the company of a beautiful young woman. She was a little taller than Lauren with a shining mane of blonde hair. ‘Christ, I think I’ve had enough surprises for tonight,’ she said aloud.

  ‘What?’ Paul looked at her puzzled following her gaze. He watched as a well-dressed man walked to their table and took Lauren’s hand, she stood up, they embraced and kissed Lauren spoke in French to him then made her introductions explaining Claude couldn’t speak English. Paul was impressed how quickly she was learning, but then he realised he should know by now how determined Lauren could become in anything she took on.

  As Lauren sat back down again and Claude returned to his table she noted that he didn’t tell her who his companion was or even invite her over to be introduced, looking over in their direction they were deep into conversation and it looked serious, feeling slightly confused, she shrugged it off deciding it was best to forget the meeting.

  After some time musing over more coffee, the friends decided to move on to pastures new and maybe try some of the nightlife that was on offer in Marseille. Lauren got up with Paul helping her with her jacket she smiled to him thinking how he never lost that charm and knowledge in knowing how to make a girl feel like a lady. Paul held out his arm for her which she gladly accepted, walking past Claude’s table he called to her asking if she could join them for a moment. Nodding to her friends to go on Lauren sat down as Claude introduced Helene, Lauren broadly smiled to her, a smile was shyly returned.

  ‘I’m sorry I didn’t introduce you earlier but I was uncertain of what to say, you were the last person I expected to see here,’ Claude sounded apprehensive but continued, ‘I…’ he looked at Helene, ‘we need your advice….’

  Lauren interrupted, ‘Claude, if you want me to forget about us meeting tonight, it’s okay I know how Gabrielle puts pressure on you about getting married and settling down. Really it’s okay,’ she tried her best to reassure him.

  ‘No you don’t understand,’ he scratched the top of his head and Lauren recognised that family trait, he sighed resignedly, ‘we’re actually living together and I don’t know how to break the news to Maman and Papa.’

  ‘Congratulations, for how long have you been keeping this little secret?’ Lauren felt a little uncomfortable at his revelation, she didn’t know French opinion on this subject, did it really matter that much if they were married or not?

  ‘Since I left home about a year ago, it was the main reason why I left,’ Claude cheekily grinned shrugging his shoulders.

  ‘I know and the longer you’ve left it, the harder it’s been to break the news to them, but I’m unsure about this sort of thing, is it not acceptable here to live together outside of marriage
. In Ireland it’s getting more and more popular, I thought it would be the same here,’ looking at them both for an answer.

  They laughed explaining how it was just as popular as marriage with laws and contracts protecting each partner, giving them and their children the same rights as a married couple.

  ‘But it’s Maman,’ Claude sighed once more, ‘I don’t think she settle for what we want, we don’t want to get married, it’s not for us and something we don’t need to prove to each other,’ he looked lovingly at Helene as he said those words, she responded by gently taking his hand.

  Lauren was silent for a minute and chose her advice carefully, ‘my advice to you both is to tell your family and bring Helene home this weekend. But for goodness sake warn Gabrielle in advance that you’re bringing a friend, you know how she likes to be prepared,’ she laughed, ‘you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner, believe me.’ Then she decided to ask, ‘Does David know?’ Claude nodded no. ‘Well, telephone him tomorrow and ask him, I bet he’ll give the same response.’

  Claude smiled relaxing a little; Helene just said thank you softly. ‘Who’s the boyfriend?’ Claude grinned, rubbing his chin. Again Lauren recognised another family trait.

  ‘An old friend and definitely not a boyfriend, and now I think I better join up with my friends and continue the celebrations, there’s been many a revelation tonight,’ she rose to leave but as Claude kissed her on both cheeks she turned to Helene and added, ‘I hope to see you next weekend and if you want I won’t mention this little conversation to anyone.’

  Claude agreed as they parted company.

  ‘What was that all about,’ Paul enquired as they left the restaurant.

  ‘Ohh it raining.’ Lauren stated airily smiling towards him, ‘just friendship and another little revelation,’

  Paul understood deciding it was best to leave it at that.

  The following morning Lauren couldn’t wait for Veronique to leave so she could phone Paul, but Veronique wasn’t in any hurry playing with Emma and Keith and making light chat. Briefly informing Lauren of David’s call, she skipped the details but Lauren knew by Veronique’s face there was more to it.

  ‘Did he leave a message?’ she enquired, wondering if Veronique was going to reveal more.

  ‘No, but I told him you were gone out with friends…’ Veronique said guiltily not looking at Lauren then continued ‘…and I think I told him one was an ex-boyfriend.’ Finally she did look up, ‘Are you annoyed?’ she bit her bottom lip.

  ‘Annoyed at what, you told him the truth,’ Lauren chuckled, amused at the fact that Veronique still thought there was something between David and her. ‘Listen, I have to make an important telephone call, put the kettle on and I’ll try to persuade you once more - there’s nothing going on between Me and David!’ she jokingly shouted out the sentence holding her hands up to her head as she walked out to the sitting room.

  Emma turned to Veronique, ‘she’s still trying to persuade me too you know.’ They both giggled together.

  Lauren dialled Paul’s cell phone, he answered on the first ring, Lauren knew instantly this was serious. ‘Listen Lauren I don’t want to talk by phone, can you meet me this afternoon, I’m sure you realise it’s urgent by now.’

  Lauren never knew Paul to sound this way at least not when he spoke to her, ‘I’ll need to see if I can get a babysitter, at what time, Paul?’

  ‘Bring the children, I’ll organize something here at the hotel, anyhow I’d love to see Emma again,’ then he hastily added, ‘and Keith of course. Can you make it at midday? I’ve presents for them both.’

  Lauren panicked, ‘look Paul, if this has to do with anything else other than Peter…’

  ‘It’s everything to do with Peter, can you make it?’ Paul’s tone was low and serious.

  Lauren reluctantly agreed and hung up. She felt nervous and dizzy, what was she letting herself in for, she thought all was in order when she left Ireland, was there something she missed, was she wrong about Peter working alone. Christ, the children… ‘No wait Lauren, you’re panicking over nothing, maybe it was to do with Paul’s little revelation last night and he was the one panicking,’ she returned to the kitchen and decided to play the wait and see game.

  Chapter 20

  Arriving at the hotel, Lauren was surprised to find that Paul wasn’t waiting for her in the lobby so she asked for his room number. The receptionist called to his room informing her that he would be down in five minutes. Emma and Keith were delighted to see him when he arrived and he lifted them both up in his arms, pretending to nearly drop them because they had grown so much. Lauren felt anxious and was glad she remembered to take her blood pressure tablets. She couldn’t help but notice he held on tighter and longer to Emma, ‘no, it’s just your suspicious stupid mind playing tricks on you again,’ she tried to convince herself.

  Paul put the children down and with a little persuasion and the promise of a present, he introduced them to the hotel nanny who was going to take care of them, ‘while me and your mammy talked for a little while, is that okay?’

  The nanny held out two lollipops, they both looked at Lauren and she nodded in approval. She and Paul watched as they skipped away towards the gardens at the back of the hotel.

  Paul then turned his attention to Lauren noting she was nervous. ‘Emma is the image of you she’s going to be a heartbreaker just like her mother.’

  ‘I was never a heartbreaker Paul.’

  ‘And Keith,’ he stared her straight in the eyes, ‘well you could never deny he was Peters, he’s going to be a mirror image of his father.’

  Lauren cringed, ‘Only in looks. Paul please don’t…’

  ‘There’s nothing to be afraid of Lauren, I’m here as a friend.’ Paul sounded reassuring as he interrupted her but Lauren was hesitant.

  ‘Are you?’ she asked despondently.

  ‘Yes,’ was his single response promptly taking her hand, ‘come on, up to my room there’s someone I want you to meet.’ He stopped, ‘but then again I think you’ve already met him, he was the detective covering Peter’s death.’

  As they took the elevator, Lauren regretted agreeing to the meeting and wanted to back out. She asked if Marie and Des where here, did they know this was going on? Paul said they were gone on a sight seeing tour and no, they definitely did not know. He told them he had some work to catch up on, ‘Well, I didn’t lie to them, did I? Dail Eireann is still open for business you know.’

  When they entered Paul’s room a large man dressed in a dark grey suit quickly put the newspaper he was reading on the side table and stood up. Lauren recognised him straight away, the competent Detective Inspector O’Reilly – ‘how thorough you did your job,’ she sarcastically thought as she shook his hand.

  They all sat down, Lauren in an armchair and each man on either side of her on small two seat settees, a small coffee table was in the centre and Lauren noticed an overstuffed but closed folder on it.

  ‘Christ Peter, what mess have you left for me to clean up now?’ Lauren felt she was about to scream.

  Paul read her perfectly and suggested ordering some water or tea he looked at O’Reilly nodding towards the telephone. O’Reilly got up again and Paul commenced.

  ‘Did you know there was a small cabinet reshuffle a few months ago, Lauren?’ Lauren nodded no; she didn’t take her eyes off the folder, ‘I got a promotion…’

  ‘Congratulations,’ she didn’t look at him.

  ‘Lauren,’ he took her hands, he could feel they were moist with nervous sweat, ‘Look at me, you’re not in trouble. Please relax.’

  She sarcastically laughed and turned to him, ‘So what are you now, An Taoiseach!’

  ‘No, the Minister for Justice.’

  ‘Oh, Christ,’ she closed her eyes wanting this to end. He was perfect for the job and she knew it, what with his law degree and experience before he left his father’s firm to take up politics full time. Opening her eyes, she felt lost, out of control, ‘Am I
really not in trouble?’

  ‘No you’re not but unfortunately some of your family are.’

  ‘Did you know your house, your parent’s house and the business was under surveillance for the six months prior to your husband’s death?’ O’Reilly now rejoined them and asked her the question.

  ‘I’ll handle this, Detective if you don’t mind,’ Paul was stern with him and showed his annoyance at the interruption. He turned his attention again to Lauren and spoke softly to her, explaining how the drugs were still being smuggled into Ireland through her parent’s shipping business. Whoever, he said, is organising the ring were covering their tracks better than ever because of Lauren’s discovery and her confrontation with Peter and her mother. It was currently one of the biggest drug operations in Ireland. Knowing Lauren was innocent because of the arguments she had with Peter, he reassured her again she wasn’t in trouble, but they needed her help, did she have any documentation or evidence to show who else was involved. Paul was becoming insistent which made her uneasy again.

  ‘Peter told me he was working alone, Mother knew but just turned a blind eye, we destroyed all the evidence,’ she lied.

  Paul looked at O’Reilly it was now his time to join in.

  ‘Do you think your husband committed suicide, Mrs. Connolly?’

  ‘What are you suggesting,’ her voice was low but vehement as she glared at him.

  ‘We have reason to believe he was murdered,’ he was point blank, unemotional, ‘did you not have those suspicions yourself when I first interviewed you.’

  ‘You know full well I did, but you never acted on those suspicions, did you?’ she accused him, ‘I thought it was paramilitaries and when Peter stopped their supply, they decided to get revenge but you didn’t get the hint, did you?’

  ‘I knew exactly what you were indicating but the time wasn’t right to open that part of the investigation,’ O’Reilly responded.

  Paul took her hand again but there was a knock on the door and tea and coffee was served. Once the waiter left, they started their questioning again, but Lauren had enough she got up to leave when Paul decided it was time to drop the bombshell, by informing her that they believed it was her mother behind the whole organisation and not paramilitaries.


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