Gemini Rain

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Gemini Rain Page 14

by Lj McEvoy

  Lauren sat down again, ‘And my Dad?’ her head was spinning as she attempted to take some water but her hands were shaking too much.

  Paul took the glass pouring some water into it and gave it to her, ‘no your father as far as we can see was and is not involved but there was definitely someone else and after nearly a year of investigation, the police were still uncertain who.’

  ‘I’m sorry I don’t know what other information I can give you, I’ve told you all I know and you seem to know a hell of a lot more than I do,’ she pointed to the folder on the coffee table. ‘What do you want me to do? Obviously you want something more from me than I can give. I mean it’s not just pure chance that you are both here to tell me this, is it?’

  ‘No Lauren,’ Paul looked at her sympathetically, ‘we want you to be a State Witness if the need arises.’

  Lauren’s mouth dropped with the glass of water, ‘you’re joking Paul!’ but she knew by the look on his face he was deadly serious, ‘you want me to be a witness against my mother! Christ, I know my family isn’t close but do you want me to lose them all together? I can’t believe you’re asking me to do this.’

  Paul grimaced and looked away.

  O’Reilly decided he should take control of the situation by trying his own form of persuasion. ‘Mrs. Connolly, your mother hasn’t shown any compassion towards you or your children especially if she was the one who ordered your husband’s death.’

  ‘You don’t know that!’ Lauren shouted, ‘and from what I heard so far you have no case that would stand up in a court of law.’ It was the first time since coming to France she had lost her temper, she felt dizzy and faint.

  ‘Take it easy, Lauren remember your blood pressure,’ Paul was getting concerned.

  ‘How the hell do you know about that?’ then she remembered her home was bugged. ‘Did you listen to all the tapes Paul?’ she was close to tears, she looked away closing her eyes, ‘I can’t help you, I’m sorry.’

  Paul looked at O’Reilly asking him firmly to leave. After the detective left, he held her in his arms and they both cried, but for Lauren it was tears of anger and betrayal. ‘You’ve got to believe me Paul I can’t do what you want, it would kill Dad. If what you say is true, murder or suicide, I’ve already got one loved one’s death on my hands, I couldn’t handle another.’

  Paul was despondent; he never dreamt this could happen in his line of work.

  Chapter 21

  As Lauren drove home she was silent and the children although delighted with their presents from Paul, knew something was wrong. Emma asked was there bad news from Ireland, did they have to go back. Lauren didn’t respond, she was trying to stop herself from crying again and concentrating on the traffic. Emma asked again, this time shouting out, ‘Mammy!’

  ‘What? Sorry love I can’t hear you with the radio and traffic,’ Lauren’s voice was shaky, ‘what did you say?’

  Emma repeated her question sounding impatient this time, ‘she never calls me love,’ Emma thought.

  ‘No, I got a bit of bad news about a friend but we don’t have to return,’ Lauren tried to make herself sound calm, nervously laughing, ‘I often wonder what goes on in that little head of yours, do you know that? Don’t mind me, I know it’s hard to understand me sometimes but I’m just thinking about old times, play with your presents there’s a good boy and girl.’

  Emma and Keith gave each other a knowing glance deciding it was best not to ask anymore questions.

  Lauren felt as if she was learning how to drive all over again, she crunched the gears a dozen times, the Landcruiser cut out twice and on the last engine cut she didn’t think it was going to start again. Her mind was racing – ‘asking me to give evidence against my own mother, offering new identity for me and the kids, who the hell do they think I am? Patricia might do something like that to save her own neck, but what would my brothers’ think and then Daddy! Oh, Christ, poor Daddy. If this all comes out it’ll kill him; he’ll drink himself to death if he doesn’t have a heart attack first.’ Lauren’s thoughts turned to her brothers, was this why they kept away from the business? ‘Did they know? No they couldn’t, how could they?’ Declan, the eldest was a rally driver and charity worker, although only slightly successful with the rallying he was forever fundraising, working voluntarily for charities and community schemes where he lived in Dublin. Never marrying Lauren often wondered where he got his income; he couldn’t survive solely on the sponsorship deals he got for car rallying. Then she caught Daddy writing several cheques for him, boy was that one hell of an argument. From that day on they rarely kept in touch, meeting only for Christmas, birthdays, etc. always being carefully polite to each other in front of family and friends. He didn’t even stay long in her house after Peter’s funeral, ‘brotherly love,’ she sarcastically thought. Although he did try once to get involved in the business he soon lost his patience with his parent’s line of thinking and quit. Then she and Peter soon stepped into the fold. Lauren often wondered was he jealous of the fact that they were more successful in turning the business around.

  Then there was Carl. Dear soft-hearted Carl, she must call him but it was so hard to keep in touch regularly with he and his family living in the US. With the run of twins on her mother’s side of the family he was one but unfortunately the other twin died at birth. How he cried down the ‘phone line when she told him of Peter’s death, he wanted to get a flight back to Ireland immediately but Lauren wouldn’t hear of it, he had enough troubles of his own both with his marriage and finances. His garage business was in trouble with the economic downturn hitting America hard and both Lauren and her father wanted to bail him out with financial help but he wouldn’t hear of it, he showed a family trait within Lauren’s family - too proud for that sort of help. Secretly after the sale of the business back to her parents Lauren sent him over a cheque for the amount he needed, she knew it was cashed, she hoped it was Carl’s wife made him see sense about that. The last time she spoke to him on Skype, although no mention of the cheque arose, she knew he appreciated the gesture and sounded happier and more secure than in previous conversations.

  ‘No, that’s definite,’ Lauren felt assured, ‘Declan and Carl couldn’t know anything about the drug dealings.’

  At last the three arrived home, the children couldn’t wait to get to some food and Lauren dazedly picked up the trail of jackets and shoes as she followed them. She needed some water and a cigarette, trying to cut down on smoking at the moment but unfortunately the cancer sticks were winning. ‘My doctor in Ireland won’t be too pleased with me when I visit him,’ she thought as she inhaled deeply. ‘Ireland,’ closing her eyes as she said the name of her homeland, going back in July was going to be torturous but she knew she had to. How else could Emma and Keith return from their visit to Debbie and Pat and of course she had appointments with her doctor and solicitor. ‘No,’ admitting she couldn’t avoid that brief week.

  Before today’s event she was looking forward to the holiday, what with Debbie and her family coming over here for two weeks, then Emma and Keith returning to Ireland with them then Lauren was joining them the following week. It was going to be a wonderfully hectic four weeks of summer but now she dreaded it. How could she face Debbie and Pat? If they knew the truth about Peter and her mother they would be devastated and probably cut off all connections with Lauren and the children.

  Then there was her appointment with her solicitor, mainly it was to sign her Will and finish off a few other legal matters regarding some investments but she knew he would bring up the subject of that sealed file she left with him just before Peter’s death. ‘Should I now take it back or leave it with him. Thank God I had the common sense to pretend to Peter it was destroyed,’ now it could be her protection if something threatening to her and the children did arise. Of course it doesn’t mention anybody other than Peter being involved, she only found out about her mother’s participation when Lauren overheard them arguing.

  Several USB keys and
CDs in that file contained all the details, the methods of importing, distribution, everything, the only piece missing and now it was a vital piece, was who it was distributed to. Was it one person or a group? One thing Lauren was certain of, no way was she handing that file over to Paul or the competent Detective Inspector O’Reilly. When the shit did hit the fan and she knew it eventually would, she wanted that file for protection albeit against her mother or the Irish justice system.

  ‘And Paul, bloody hell, why on earth did he tell me last night he was a homosexual? What sort of fool is he, knowing full well what he had planned for today! I could easily hold his little secret as a bargaining point if he tries to force me to stand as a witness,’ she couldn’t understand his line of thinking.

  Her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the telephone, she didn’t want to answer it but Keith got to it before she could say anything. Standing there waiting for Keith to finishing rabbiting on in French, she got curious as to who was on the other end and she gently called his name enquiring if he was going to tell her who he was talking to.

  ‘Oops, sorry I forgot,’ he giggled, ‘it’s Claude.’ He asked Claude would he like to talk to his mum and disappointedly said goodbye as he handed over the phone. Claude sounded like his old self - happily excited to tell her of his conversation with both David first and then Jean-Pierre. ‘We’re coming up for the weekend and Papa promised me that under no circumstances would Maman bring up the subject of marriage. He was so understanding, Lauren I couldn’t believe it. It was as if he already knew like he was waiting for me to finally tell him, it was a bit weird actually. But Lauren thanks for everything.’

  ‘I had nothing to do with it Claude,’ Lauren insisted. ‘If you didn’t generate the courage to ask my advice in the first place you would still be in a muddle, wouldn’t you?’

  Claude disagreed but wouldn’t argue the point; he noticed something wrong in her voice - ‘is everything okay?’

  Lying she said it was a headache but added that she couldn’t wait for Saturday when she would have the opportunity to meet Helene once more, ‘She’s beautiful, Claude.’

  ‘Thanks so are you,’ Claude said.

  Lauren felt warmth in his voice. ‘Boy he wouldn’t believe how much I needed to hear those words,’ she thought as she felt a sharpness coming to her throat. ‘A Samedi, Claude’ she was close to tears again thanking God the children were now playing outside.

  ‘Until Saturday,’ he responded in English as he hung up.

  Wondering if David was teaching Claude some English words, she wiped away her tears.

  Saturday couldn’t come quicker for Lauren; she needed to be distracted and knew the Corvasieur household with their wonderful debates and conversations was the place to forget all her troubles. Gabrielle noticed on Thursday and Friday when they met that something was wrong and enquired but Lauren quickly changed the subject on each occasion not wanting to involve the family, she didn’t want to risk that.

  When she entered the house the usual greetings commenced then David entered the scene;

  Lauren was surprised and a bit confused, ‘are you still not filming in Italy?’

  Claude put his arm across David’s shoulders whispering to her that his quick visit was for moral support.

  ‘Brotherly love, eh!’ she whispered back to him as she kissed David’s cheek.

  The night was exactly as she hoped it would be and soon feeling relaxed she joined in the discussions of the night, laughing and teasing.

  ‘I believe,’ David looked across to Lauren, ‘our baker boy has taken a liking to you, Mon Amie.’

  Jean-Pierre interrupted him saying that Lauren should not be teased about it but she reassured him that she was getting used to David and his little attempts at trying to embarrass her. With that comment there was a cheer from everybody at the table.

  ‘Well I’m glad you refused him,’ David continued as he scratched his head and grinning.

  ‘Oh yeah, why?’ Lauren didn’t know what he was going to say next while at the same time she gave Gabrielle a soft disapproving look for telling tales.

  ‘Why? You mean you didn’t tell her Maman? Oh La La!’ he leaned across the table whispering in Lauren’s ear, ‘he’s married.’

  Everybody knew exactly what David said and burst out laughing. With Emma and Keith the only ones left out they barraged Lauren with questions, she just covered her eyes with her hand knowing David once again had one up on her.

  ‘I’ll find a way to get my own back,’ she pointed her finger at him and smiled saying, ‘one day mister, one day.’

  Helene was as beautiful as Lauren thought noticing how Gabrielle was pleased with Claude.

  Lauren was also delighted when Helene started talking English to her, ‘it’s essential for my work being in the travel agency business, I deal with the executive sector,’ Helene informed her.

  ‘You’ll be handy to know for flights back to Ireland and maybe you can help me with my French!’ Lauren laughed nodding over in David’s direction, ‘he won’t help at all, teases too much.’

  As the evening ended Lauren was in the hallway putting jackets on Emma and Keith and then stood up to get her own, David was standing there wearing his and holding Lauren’s.

  ‘And where do you think you’re going at this hour?’ she sternly asked him in English.

  He was taken aback not expecting her to say anything like that, ‘I thought I would walk you home, it’s very late Mon Amie.’

  ‘Yes, I know it is and you have a flight back to Italy at 10am. I think its bed you should be thinking about not walking me home and take that grin off your face David Corvasieur, your own bed!’ she blushed.

  The children went back into the dining room to say their good-byes, David put his arm around her waist, serious for a change, ‘Maman is concerned for you she said you haven’t been yourself the past couple of days, is everything alright?’

  ‘Yes of course I’m alright!’ she snapped, pulling away from him.

  David held his hands up in resignation saying ‘okay, okay,’ but insisted he was walking her home, determined that he was going to get to the bottom of it before the night was out, this was not the Lauren he knew and he had a feeling it was her dead husband causing this mood, it was similar to the night before he left for Italy.

  As they walked up the hill, he made small talk but Lauren only responded with the odd word or two. When they got to the house he invited himself in for coffee as Lauren didn’t extend an invitation. Getting the coffee, he heard her snapping at the children as they were getting ready in their bedrooms. ‘Yep, something’s definitely up,’ he said aloud as he flipped the spoon in the air.

  ‘There is nothing wrong, David!’ Lauren was standing at the kitchen door and looking extremely tired and annoyed. He was ruining her plans and the last thing she wanted to do was talk to him, fearing she was going to give in telling him everything. He was developing a talent for worming information from her it would’ve been easier to refuse him any details over the phone. Walking across to the fridge, she informed him that she didn’t want coffee or tea and lied saying ‘I’m getting a few headaches lately, nothing more.’

  Not looking at him as she spoke, David knew she was lying and was now losing his patience, he hated secrets feeling that if he could share everything with her why the hell couldn’t she do the same. Why did she have to be so bloody independent! What was so wrong with sharing, she thrived on interacting with people and yet now was acting so self-contained, so bloody cautious.

  Attempting to persuade her to talk again he got nowhere, Lauren casually shrugged repeating she was tired as she pottered around the room tidying up and simply moving items from one corner to another.

  David lost his cool, ‘right if you’re not prepared to accept my help; I’m not going to keep offering.’ Throwing the coffee cup in the sink, he stormed out not even saying goodbye.

  As he stomped down the road he concluded that she would never open up to h
im, it wasn’t worth the chase after all he could have any pick of the crop. ‘It’s not as if she was the only woman left in this world, why should I continue!’ he shouted to no one in particular. As usual he entered his parent’s house through the back door, this time both Jean-Pierre and Gabrielle were waiting for him. By the surprised look on their faces he knew they weren’t expecting him back so quickly.

  ‘Well?’ Gabrielle asked.

  ‘Well what!’ he sounded frustrated and pointed in the direction of Lauren’s house, ‘That woman, that crazy Irish woman…’ he turned back to his parents they were staring at him astounded. ‘What am I doing, what am I going to say to them? Admit defeat!’ He thought for a second, there was an awkward silence, in the end he threw his hands up in the air telling them to forget about it, promptly leaving the kitchen for his bed.

  Gabrielle and Jean-Pierre stared after him then at each other and burst out laughing. He was in love again they knew, but this time and probably for the first time he had a challenge on his hands, they were going to enjoy watching him do the chasing for a change.

  ‘Maybe this will make him appreciate their relationship more,’ Gabrielle was wiping away tears of laughter.

  ‘If it ever gets off the ground,’ Jean-Pierre chuckled.

  ‘It will,’ she replied, ‘I know it will.’ At first Gabrielle didn’t want anything to develop between David and Lauren, but now knowing how good they were for each other, how they were thriving, she changed her mind and would do anything to encourage it.

  Jean-Pierre knew his wife’s thoughts, ‘now Gabrielle, you should know better I hope there are no plans running around in that mischievous mind of yours.’

  ‘What? I haven’t done anything!’ she responded indignantly.


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