Gemini Rain

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Gemini Rain Page 15

by Lj McEvoy

  ‘Not yet,’ Jean-Pierre got in the last word on the subject.

  David began to strip off, flinging his clothes and shoes on the floor, with each item thrown he cursed. What do they all take me for, a fool! Regretting now that he lost his temper so quickly with Lauren he took it out on his clothes, then he heard Claude and Helene giggling in the bedroom next door he threw one of his shoes at the wall.

  ‘Are you having a problem finding your wardrobe, my dear brother?’ Claude shouted.

  David plopped down on the edge of his bed bursting into embarrassed laughter, how he loved returning home, being with his family. Having the elite choice of living in Paris and here, two totally different lives and he enjoyed the variety. It suited his character both public and private, although he admitted that while in Italy he missed everybody so much he was considering making the Colombian film his last.

  Lying back on his bed he thought about retiring, working on the farm with his family maybe writing his autobiography, Lauren could help him. Working with Lauren now that was an option he would greatly love, but now he didn’t know where he stood with her. Was she leaving, who was this ex-boyfriend from Ireland? Did he give her an opportunity she couldn’t resist and now she felt guilty because of her friendship with us? Earlier he heard her comment to Helene about flights back to Ireland. Maybe he should phone her abruptly he sat up ‘Shit! My jacket! My phone!’ realising he left his jacket and cell phone in Lauren’s. He thought for a minute, ‘ahh well,’ as he lay back down, ‘I’ll just have to call to the house very early in the morning, maybe she won’t have a headache then,’ he chuckled, his temper now abated and his mischievous sense of humour returning.

  Lauren twisted and turned all night, now she could hear Emma and Keith talking downstairs. Turning her head to look at the clock she groaned, ‘It’s 6.45am, why the hell can’t they get up this early on their school days!’ Putting the pillow over her head she decided they could get their own breakfast, watch some TV or play until she was ready to get up. Suddenly she felt a weight on one side of her bed and somebody lifting the pillow off her head.

  ‘Ca va!’ David said cheerfully.

  ‘Christ, I don’t believe this, David what are you doing here at this ungodly hour and you’re wet, is it raining?’ Lauren didn’t move as she was naked under her quilt, she rarely slept with clothes on.

  ‘Oh, I forgot my jacket last night,’ he tried to gently lift the quilt to take a peek, but she smacked his hand away, a difficult procedure as she was lying on her stomach but she managed.

  ‘Ouch! And I thought I should say sorry for leaving the way I did last night, it was wrong of me,’ he tried his apologetic look. ‘Do you forgive me?’ he went down on his knees leaning across the bed his face close to hers.

  ‘I’m deducting the price of a new coffee cup from your rent. You could’ve just got your jacket and apologised by phone, and surely you have more than one jacket’ she responded.

  ‘Ah, but it’s not the same over the phone is it?’ he moved in closer knowing she was afraid to move in case some part of her body was revealed, caressing the back of her neck he smiled, ‘feeling any better mon amie?’

  ‘Oh David I’m sorry too, but please don’t tease I really can’t handle it at the moment,’ Lauren felt that tightness in her throat again and David saw the tears well up in her eyes, she tried to turn away but he stopped her.

  ‘Mon Amie what happened, why won’t you tell me?’ David pulled her closer to him feeling her resist but knowing he was stronger he won the struggle. ‘Please tell me! Are you leaving, what did your friends from Ireland say to you? If it’s love, no matter what I can better it, don’t leave Lauren.’ Holding her tightly, the cover was now only around her waist she could feel the wetness of his shirt, but neither cared, he wasn’t teasing anymore.

  Lauren cried, ‘No, you’ve misunderstood the situation and honestly I can’t tell you,’ she looked up to him caressing his face, ‘it’s something I’ve got to deal with myself, please believe me. Let me sort it out, please.’

  He knew by the look on her face and by her voice it was something she had to do alone, a ghost still haunting her, reluctantly he agreed but made her promise to tell him if she did need help or when it was over. Lauren promised.

  ‘I’ll be here for you, I promise too,’ he said softly kissing her on the forehead, ‘now you lie back there and rest, I’ll take care of the children…’

  ‘David you have a flight to catch, remember?’ Lauren said dryly.

  ‘Oh Mon Dieu, the time!’ Lauren nearly fell out of the bed as he jumped up but he caught her arm on time. They both laughed as she covered herself quickly. ‘Too late! I could see every delight’ he grinned.

  ‘When will you be back?’ Lauren murmured. Sitting back on the bed he looked sad for a change, ‘Not until the 15May,’ he sighed continuing, ‘it’s…’

  Lauren interrupted, ‘Great!’ she was delighted, but David was surprised. ‘Oh I don’t mean it that way,’ she chuckled drying her tears at the same time, ‘you’ll be back on time for my birthday! It’s on the 18June, I’m having a small party because Debbie, Pat, their family and Peter’s two other sisters will be here, they’re brilliant musicians and singers, it’ll be wonderful!’

  ‘Your birthday’s on the 18?’ he couldn’t believe what he just heard, ‘the 18 June,’ he sat back down on the bed.

  Lauren tapped him on the head, ‘Eh, hello in there. Is that not what I just said? Is there a problem?’ she started to laugh again pointing her finger at him, ‘just don’t ask me how old I’ll be, ‘cause I’m not telling it’s depressing enough without you joking or teasing about it too.’

  ‘No problem,’ he rose looking at his watch, ‘I won’t ask a lady such a personal question. I have to go I’m sorry the taxi will be waiting.’

  Truthfully the taxi wasn’t due for another half hour, but he couldn’t wait to get back to the farm, he had a plan and needed to talk to his parents, he hugged and kissed her quickly on her forehead again, ‘I’ll phone tonight, no more surprise dates please, I don’t want Veronique telling me the details.’

  Lauren coyly smiled, ‘she told me about that, were you upset?’ pretending to be sympathetic.

  Not answering he put his head up in the air and turned saying goodbye.

  Hugging Emma and Keith he asked them how old would their Mammy be on her next birthday.

  ‘She’s hitting the big 4 - 0,’ Emma stated informatively.

  David was delighted; this is getting better by the minute.

  Chapter 22

  Paul arrived back at his house based on the now disappearing rural part of Northside County Dublin just before midnight. He felt exhausted not only from the return journey from Marseille and although the plane landed at 4.30pm, he still needed to go directly to Dail Eireann to leave in papers to his secretary and collect any outstanding work and messages that he had to set aside for the past four days.

  Knowing by the stressed and annoyed look on his secretary’s face, a holiday, at this time or at any time while Dail Eireann’s doors were still open was not what she expected from him. Not even the present he brought back for her sufficed, so he volunteered to stay back with her and attempt to get the backlog sorted into matters of importance first. Longing to include her and tell her the true reason for his trip to France, he felt Mairead deserved much more for her loyalty, but he knew it would place her in a too dangerous and volatile position.

  So nearly six hours later, he finally reached his destination of home taking delight when he saw a welcoming light shining through the sitting room window. The pleasure of having someone to come home to after so many years of emptiness made him feel refreshed, in his mind’s eye he could hear the bath water running and the cork popping out from the wine bottle. It was a tradition they carried out whenever they were separated for more than a day or two, ‘then,’ he thought wryly, knowing Marc, ‘he’ll ensure its French wine as a joke because of where I’ve been for the past four days
- the git.’

  Turning off the engine, he sat in his car for a minute contemplating; he longed to just go straight in and see those beautiful hazel eyes once more but dreaded the barrage of questions he was going to get too. Closing his own eyes he tried to clear his mind but one tearful face kept returning, he couldn’t cope with it and quickly got out of the car rushing towards the front door. Entering he could smell the wonderful aroma drifting from the kitchen and on hearing the bath water running headed straight for the stairs. Getting his foot on the first step a familiar voice called out from the kitchen, ‘Good evening Mr. Minister for Justice, I’m preparing something light for you, the bath’s running and I’ll call you when its ready.’

  Paul smiled no questions yet, but that thought was interrupted.

  ‘But I just want to know one thing,’ the voice sounded sympathetic and gentle, ‘did she take the bait?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Paul replied hoarsely, his lips tightened into a thin line, ‘not now please.’

  Marc popped out from the kitchen, ‘Are you okay?’

  But Paul looked grey and tired beneath his light tan, turning he sat down on one of the stairs, ‘I don’t know,’ he felt confused, frustrated, annoyed and scared, really scared. ‘I don’t know if she took the bait and I don’t know what I’m going to do next and,’ he struggled to hold back the tears, ‘I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing. I’m scared for Lauren, I’m scared for her children, scared for us.’

  ‘Hey, calm down,’ strong firm arms were placed around his shoulders as Marc sat down on the stairway beside him, ‘of course we’re doing the right thing and it is a we remember not an I, you’re not alone in this mess remember.’

  Paul got some reassuring strength from the hug and those wonderful eyes.

  ‘I’ve got the morning off would you prefer if we talked about it then?’

  ‘No,’ Paul simply replied, ‘I’ll go have my bath it’s probably close to overflowing at this stage and you finish whatever culinary delight you’re preparing for me and then we’ll talk. We need to talk, unfortunately I haven’t got the morning off,’ he smiled but it was a strained smile, ‘I’ve to go jogging at 7.30 to make my report to An Taoiseach.’

  ‘Now don’t you just hate that,’ Marc pulled Paul in closer, ‘I’ll think of you when I’m on my second dream,’ he teased.

  Chapter 23

  Veronique was growing impatient, she was sitting in her kitchen with nothing to do but wait. Only a few days into her sick leave because of her blood pressure and another two weeks before D-day, what on earth was she going to do with herself, she was so used to a busy work and home life but now nobody would let her make a cup of coffee, never mind anything else. Attempting to read the book Helene kindly bought her wasn’t helping. It was good but she could only read two or three chapters before she needed to walk around again. Welcoming the sound of a car pulling up outside she looked out the window it was Lauren and Gabrielle.

  ‘We’ve decided to let Jean-Pierre struggle with the children,’ Gabrielle chortled, ‘would you like a shopping trip into Marseille?’

  Veronique didn’t hesitate, ‘Let me leave a note for Joel.’

  The women spent a fortune and nearly all afternoon in the city. La Canebiere was in the heart of Marseille and the centre for shopping, south of La Canebiere was Rue St. Ferrol, a walking street lined with boutiques, department stores, no shop was left untouched by the women. In the Centre Bourse shopping mall they decided to take a breather in one of the centre many cafés and got talking on pregnancy. Lauren was amazed the small amount of Maternity Leave women got in France, ‘16 weeks in all! Christ in Ireland its 6 months but I do think shorter in other countries.’

  ‘Extremely short I think,’ Veronique admitted, ‘and I was so looking forward to it, I don’t know why now. I’m so bored with the waiting and rethinking about giving up work altogether maybe I should continue part-time.’

  ‘Believe me,’ Gabrielle interrupted, ‘you’ll know why after the child is born.’

  But Lauren understood Veronique’s misgivings, thankfully Lauren had her studies and work on the Internet, otherwise she’d go crazy with boredom.

  ‘How was it for you Lauren?’ Gabrielle asked.

  ‘When I had Emma and Keith I didn’t give up work, ignoring doctor’s orders of course. Peter nearly had a nervous breakdown with me,’ she laughed remembering the arguments, ‘I tried to stop one week before Emma’s due date but then she was fifteen days late so my waters broke in my office.’ They all burst out laughing drawing the attention of others in the café.

  ‘But fifteen days late,’ Veronique sounded disappointed.

  ‘Ah, the midwife is forgetting all her training,’ Lauren nudged Gabrielle, ‘don’t worry about it, enjoy it while you can. I didn’t appreciate the time that was handed to me on a plate and anyhow just to cheer you up, Keith was three weeks early, that was another soaking of the office floor!’

  The women returned loaded down with shopping bags, baby’s clothes and toys and made an agreement to try to make it a weekly venture.

  ‘Just not as much shopping the next time, please!’ Joel said as he scratched his head in amazement at all the shopping bags. As he took them out of Lauren’s boot he quietly said thank you to both Gabrielle and Lauren.

  The following week the day out consisted of a walk along the one of the many pedestrianized zones Cours Julien near the Music Conservatory but Veronique was more tired than usual. Lauren regretted bringing Emma and Keith the children were in a rush to see everything. A beautiful dress caught her eye and she held back to view it in the shop window.

  ‘Mammy!’ Emma cried out, ‘Mammy there’s something wrong with Veronique!’ Veronique was bent over holding onto Emma’s shoulder; she waved to them her face half in pain, half-smiling.

  ‘Oh Mon Dieu,’ Gabrielle held her hands up in the air, ‘she’s in labour!’


  ‘Oh David, it was so funny,’ Lauren laughed down the line, ‘Joel was at the hospital before we were and he practically carried Veronique into the labour ward! But she’s gorgeous and My God! She’s got a mass of thick jet black hair, I never seen so much on a new born before.’

  David half-laughed asking how Veronique was, in her excitement Lauren didn’t notice his mood, ‘Oh she’s still flying high on the gas they gave her, I’ll be visiting again tomorrow. Do you want to give her and Joel a message?’

  ‘No, I’ll telephone Joel now, I presume he’s having dinner with Maman and Papa,’ he said despondently.

  Lauren then noticed his lack of enthusiasm, ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Nothing,’ he said lightly.

  ‘David, what’s wrong?’ she insisted, that detested little voice in her head started niggling at her.

  ‘I’m missing everybody that’s all,’ he half-lied, ‘don’t mind me, I guess I’m counting the days ‘til I finish this hell trip, the delays are ridiculous, they keep changing the script and I’m not concentrating the way I should.’ Deciding to cut the conversation short he could feel his throat tighten, ‘I’ll phone Joel now, I’m sorry Mon Amie I’m not much for conversation this evening.’

  ‘Hey that’s ok,’ Lauren replied, ‘listen we’ll talk soon yeah? Take care mister.’

  Chapter 24

  Lauren woke up to silence, rubbing her eyes she strained to see what time it was.

  ‘Christ, what’s going on, its 10am?’ she looked around, no Emma and Keith jumping on the bed to wake her up and no sound from the others too. Getting up she heard a familiar giggle and the sound of little footsteps running away from her door. Ah yes, she forgot it wasn’t just another day, smiling she popped into her bathroom for a quick shower.

  Keith was given the responsibility of watching out for his mum, a task he carried out as Action Man, spy camera ready. Seeing Lauren’s feet starting to descend the stairs, he reported into his walkie-talkie to Emma ‘that the subject was coming down the stairway and nearly at HQ!’ Wan
ting to be the first to greet her, he jumped out from his hiding place, ‘Happy Birthday Mammy!’

  ‘Keith, no!’ Emma came stomping out from the kitchen, ‘That’s not fair! He wasn’t supposed to do that, Mammy!’

  Keith playfully slapped his forehead, ‘I forgot.’

  ‘No harm done,’ Lauren winked at Emma and patted Keith’s head, kneeling down she asked ‘am I going to get a birthday hug from the best boy and girl in the whole wide world?’ She nearly fell over as they battled to get the first hug of the day. Everybody was waiting and cheered as she entered the kitchen, hugs, kisses, cards and presents from everybody, Lauren blushed and said they were all being ridiculous, ‘after all it’s only another birthday.’

  ‘Isn’t it terrible when people want to call it just another birthday,’ Pat said aloud, ‘you always know they’ve just hit that oh God I’m forty milestone in their life.’

  ‘Oh you remember back that far, dear Patrick!’ Lauren joked not letting him get away with that remark even if he’s was only forty-one.

  Breakfast was quickly eaten and preparations were already beginning for the evening ahead. Opening her presents with the aid of Emma and Keith, Lauren felt extremely content; the most wonderful people she could ever want to celebrate her birthday with were here. When she picked them up from the airport there was so much luggage and musical instruments they needed to hire a mini-bus and for the past week every night was a musical night.

  Peter’s family were blessed with the talent of music and song, not only could they sing they were naturals to every instrument they chose to play. Even though her parent’s knew the Connolly family it was how Lauren first met them, Peter’s mother taught piano lessons and it was one of the many hobbies Lauren attempted; thankfully she was good continuing for two years but then trailed onto something new. But she remained close with the family because of Debbie and her sister Siobhan; they were in the same school, eventually Peter came onto the scene. And now, Debbie, Pat, their three sons, two daughters and Peter’s two other sisters, Margaret and Siobhan were here for holiday, yes it was a holiday she appreciated, it was precious to her.


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