Gemini Rain

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by Lj McEvoy

  Even the Corvasieur family were delighted when she invited them to her party, Gabrielle even volunteered to bake the birthday cake, Lauren warned them to be prepared for a night of song and dance and Jean-Pierre promised to bring his violin and accordion. Her only disappointment came from David, filming was constantly being delayed, he didn’t know if he could make it back on time, pretending she didn’t mind she told him that maybe they could celebrate it another time. But she was bitterly disappointed thinking how he could fly over and just stay the night like he did for Claude; everybody would be here tonight except for him.

  After the call her mind started to play dirty tricks on her, maybe he’s with that actress he was so friendly with on the TV. ‘Typical of him,’ she fumed, ‘Veronique was right all he wanted was a woman waiting for him here and then he could waltz off to the next attractive actress he worked with.’ Lauren decided that the next time they met up it was going to be a very cool and casual greeting.

  Peter junior, Debbie and Pat’s eldest came in from the sitting room, ‘Who’s the guy coming up on the Harley?’ he asked Lauren excitedly. Peter jnr. loved bikes, his parents were always amazed how his mind contained the knowledge of every model and make going, ‘now why couldn’t he do that with his schoolwork,’ Debbie would often complain.

  Lauren didn’t know anybody with a motor bike except for David and all his bikes were locked up in the second garage.

  ‘It must be a courier or somebody like that,’ curiously she got up heading for the front door with nearly everybody following suit.

  Even though he still had his helmet on Lauren recognised David straight away; he was still sitting on the bike as he took his helmet off, grinning and waving to his audience.

  ‘Oh, this is one of my neighbours everybody, David.’ Lauren turned to her family, ‘Remember, I’ve told you about him and his constant teasing and he’s my landlord,’ nervously she laughed as suddenly she felt a little tense; it was only now she realised the awkwardness of the situation. This was her husband’s family and with Peter only a little over year gone, the idea of her and David being together in front of them was unthinkable. Walking down to him, she gave David a warning look, he copped it straight away.

  After introductions were made, he proudly displayed the new toy he just bought himself.

  ‘Oh wow, a Harley Davidson Softail FXSTB Night Train,’ Peter couldn’t believe his eyes, immediately bending down to view the engine. ‘Is the engine a Twin Cam 88B?’ he looked up at David a realisation suddenly dawning on him, ‘Uh Lauren does he speak English?’

  David chuckled, ‘Yes to your first question and yes to your second.’

  ‘Hmm,’ Lauren’s eyes viewed the bike, deciding this was her chance to get him back, lightly whispering, ‘I’ve never seen something so powerful between your legs before David.’

  David knew she got him for all the teasing he inflicted on her, it was now his turn to go red faced.

  Asking the assembled if it was okay to take the birthday girl for a ride he offered Lauren the spare helmet. Lauren was hesitant; she was scared of bikes and the vulnerability of one’s body when riding on them, but Debbie jokingly pushed her forward, ‘Go on, you’re only in the way of our preparations!’

  Waving goodbye, she held on tightly closing her eyes, keeping them closed for the whole journey, not knowing where he was taking her. Finally the bike slowed down coming to a halt, Lauren looked up gasping, ‘Oh Christ What a view!’ walking forward to the edge; it was nearly the highest point in the region. The view displayed before her was like two different windows, in one was the city of Marseille with it’s metropolitan expanse leading out to the sea, then the other window was the rural life of France, she could see neighbouring villages and the hill of Cassis. The rural scene reminded her of a view in the mountains of County Kerry and a poem she learned in school, ‘The Eagle’ by Lord Tennyson. She began to recite it in her head remembering how Peter thought she was crazy as she recited it aloud when they visited that beautiful region on their honeymoon.

  David knowingly laughed, the last person he brought here was Francoise and the reaction was the same, foolishly he informed Lauren of this.

  Not looking at him Lauren returned to reality with a big hard thump, with grim determination she reminded herself of her promise not to fall into his little trap, ‘So how come you’re back, I thought filming was delayed.’

  ‘I lied, well kind of. We did fall behind schedule but I wanted to surprise you,’ David put his arm across her shoulders, ‘do you like the view and the surprise?’ he asked softly.

  ‘It’s fantastic, I never dreamt this was here, I must venture more afar,’ knowing he was waiting for more she walked away to see another vantage point.

  David watched her, ‘now what’s happening?’ he wondered as he scratched his head, he knew the cold shoulder treatment when he got it.

  Deciding to change the subject he asked was her previous problem sorted. Lauren looked at him angrily, why the hell did he have to bring up that subject today of all days, ‘I promised you I’d tell you when its over, didn’t I!’ Turning away, ‘how could you remind me David!’ she wanted to forget the predicament Peter left her in for these holidays and although it niggling interrupted her thoughts as she lay alone in bed at night, she did successfully put it at the back of her mind for this holiday. ‘Now he brings up the subject as if it was of no importance knowing full well how much it upset me, what is he trying to do now?’

  David couldn’t understand, ‘Mon Dieu, can I say anything right today?’

  They glared at each other.

  ‘Well maybe if you stop comparing me to your ex-wife and reminding me of my problems, you might actually cheer me up!’ she retorted.

  ‘I didn’t compare you to Francoise! And you looked so happy I thought…Ah, forget it!’ he got back on the Harley. ‘Come on, I’ll take you back you’re obviously in no humour for what I hoped would be a nice birthday morning for you.’ Starting up the engine he offered her the helmet, she turned away to look at the view one last time and sighed.

  Misreading her actions David lost his temper, ‘Right, have it your way!’ driving off as quickly as he could.

  ‘Jesus! The git!’ Lauren was gobsmacked, she stood there watching him driving away disappearing down around the bend, ‘what the hell am I supposed to do now?’

  David continued down the road, ‘I’ve lost it again, why can’t I keep my temper under wraps, why does she keep doing this to me?’ He wanted today to be perfect for her and for him.

  Okay, so we can’t be together because of Peter’s family, that’s understandable and he expected that but did she have to react this way. He cringed, ‘did it really sound as if I was comparing her to Francoise?’ Stopping the bike, he thought for a while, ‘Lauren is nothing like Francoise, they were complete opposites in fact. Lauren was so dependant of others, so determined and when she’s angry she soon lets me know.’

  ‘On the other hand there was Francoise, until recently she believed and agreed with everything I said, at least that’s the impression she gave me.’ Francoise advised him on a lot of the films he chose but the only time in their marriage she showed any strength was when she told him she was leaving for Barcelona and starting divorce proceedings against him. But he knew that was coming, in the last year of their marriage it was nothing except for a certificate and the children. ‘Pierre and Chantal,’ he sighed, how he wanted to have them here for today but Francoise once again wouldn’t agree to a visit using the excuse that they were still in school.

  He closed his eyes and faced the sky, ‘I should go back to her and apologise,’ turning the bike around he headed back for Lauren. It didn’t take long to meet her walking along the road, he stopped the bike but she kept walking.

  ‘Lauren please, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to compare you with anyone and for everything else.’

  But she continued walking so he followed her, the bike just rolling down slowly beside her. Seeing her face
and how close to tears she was it made him regret his temper even more. ‘Lauren please, it’ll take you an hour to get back if you keep walking, get on the bike,’ offering the helmet once more. Not looking at David she grabbed it from him and sat on the bike, they didn’t say anything for the rest of the journey.

  Approaching the entrance to her driveway, Lauren hit him on the arm signalling for him to stop. Practically jumping from the bike and taking the helmet off she slammed it into his chest; she didn’t look at him resisting the urge to turn back as she walked up the driveway. David knew not to push it any further, looking down to his parents house he went pale, ‘Christ, what am I going to tell them? I doubt if she’ll let me into the house tonight.’

  Lauren continued up towards the house, ‘how could he, how could he just leave me there?’ speaking aloud to no-one in particular. She gritted her teeth, ‘I was wrong, pup wasn’t the right name for him as she called him every other name that would come into her head.

  ‘Right, you’ve got that out of your system Lauren, now control yourself.’ Acting as if nothing happened and how she spent a wonderful hour touring the local sights, she entered the house smiling.

  Siobhan came out to greet her, ‘Where did he take you?’

  Lauren began her cover story, ‘Oh it was beautiful, I have to take you all there!’

  Chapter 25

  Gabrielle checked the cake in its box once more, ‘Now be careful with it and for goodness sake don’t drop it as you’re carrying it up the hill!’

  ‘Maman, I won’t,’ Claude looked at Helene throwing his eyes up to heaven, she giggled and Gabrielle caught it straight away.

  ‘I’m serious, Claude and remember don’t let…’

  ‘I know, I know don’t let Lauren see it, Maman please!’ he lifted the box, ‘is everybody ready?’ He couldn’t wait to eat it and then all the hassle and warnings that were being levied on him would be worth it, ‘Where’s David?’

  All were assembled and ready to leave except David, Jean-Pierre went to get him as he was down in the studio. Jean-Pierre knew something was on his son’s mind, he was hovering around like a lost soul since he came back from Laurens, walking down the stairs they both looked at each other, David wasn’t ready, ‘Is there a problem son?’

  ‘I’m not going,’ David started to sketch again.

  Jean-Pierre was taken aback, ‘but this was all your idea! Stop joking David and get ready, everybody’s waiting and if Claude doesn’t loose the responsibility of that cake soon, he’ll start eating it here and now!’ he laughed but David just continued sketching. Reading David’s face he knew something happened this morning, ‘Did Lauren’s family react badly to you being here, should any of us go?’

  David panicked the last thing he wanted to do was ruin Lauren’s party as well. ‘No, it was nothing like that you have to go! I’m just too tired what with the travel and the….’

  Jean-Pierre took the pencil from David’s hand, ‘What happened?’ he glared at his son, no way was he getting out of this one after all the whole idea was his.

  David blurted out the events of the morning, ‘My chest still hurts she hit me so hard with the helmet!’

  Jean-Pierre burst out laughing, ‘You’re like a spoilt child. Is that all that hurts?’

  ‘Papa, it not funny how can I go up now after this morning’s carry on?’ but David couldn’t help but chuckle, the thoughts of someone the size of Lauren hurting him was comical to him too.

  ‘It’s a case of burying your pride and accepting whatever happens.’

  ‘She won’t let me in,’ David was looking for sympathetic support but Jean-Pierre read him well.

  ‘Go and get ready, Lauren would never do that to any of her friends.’

  David grinned, he wasn’t going to win this one he conceded and immediately ran upstairs to change.

  Everybody looked at Jean-Pierre curiously when he re-entered the kitchen, ‘The children had a tiff,’ he shrugged.

  ‘Who won?’ Joel asked immediately getting an elbow in the ribs from Veronique.

  ‘Nobody yet, but there will be a victor by the end of the night, believe me,’ Jean-Pierre had plans of his own and he knew he would win not David or Lauren. He had enough of the chasing it was time to get down to serious business.

  As they all walked up, Gabrielle checked Claude again and then David, ‘Have you got the present?’ she was looking forward to tonight, her first experience of an Irish party. Helene told her earlier of when she stayed with an Irish family living in England for her studies; ‘they know how to celebrate,’ Helene enthusiastically informed her.

  David tapped the top pocket of his jacket and stopped with a worried look, she gasped but then he smiled to her, ‘Of course I have Maman.’ Gabrielle gently scolded him hitting him on the arm; he laughed and thought, ‘maybe it won’t be as bad as I expect.’

  Keith was Action Man again keeping watch for the visitors but when he saw them approaching he jumped excitedly shouting, ‘They’re here, they’re here everybody!’ forgetting all about his soldier training and ran towards Jean-Pierre, who in turn gladly lifted him into his arms for a bear hug.

  Everybody came out to greet the visitors with Lauren and Emma making introductions, handshakes all round. David was lingering behind the crowd he didn’t hear his name mentioned then came the kisses with everybody wishing Lauren all the best for her birthday. Slowly everybody entered the house, chatting as Emma and Helene worked as interpreters. Jean-Pierre turned around to see where David was. Joel and Veronique were kissing Lauren, David behind them. David bent down to kiss both her cheeks, Lauren let him kiss one and as he went to kiss the other side she turned away to start talking again to Veronique. Both Joel and Veronique gasped; David closed his eyes dejection wrote all over his face. Jean-Pierre frowned, ‘she shouldn’t have done that and I’m going to say so but that’s for later,’ he thought.

  As with an Irish party drinks, food, chat and song were all served at the same time, the music especially was flowing then it came time for presentation of the cake. Gabrielle nodded to both Debbie and Helene to follow her into the kitchen. When she took it from the box Debbie couldn’t believe her eyes it was huge and when she read the inscription all was revealed, ‘I’ll get Emma and Keith they have to see this!’

  The lights went out and suddenly there was a glare from forty small candles being carried into the room, everybody started singing Happy Birthday both in French and English. Lauren was watching her children carrying the cake with both Gabrielle and Debbie closely following them she didn’t notice David was standing behind her. As the lights went on she read the inscription, there was a big 40 in the middle, on one side it read ‘Happy Birthday Lauren’ then she read the other side ‘Bon Anniversaire David.’

  Her faced dropped as she searched around the room, ‘where is he?’ Feeling his hand on her shoulder she turned to look up to him, ‘why didn’t you tell me, is it today or around this time?’ Lauren felt terrible obviously he had this planned since the day she invited him.

  ‘Today, we could be twins you know,’ he quietly said.

  ‘I don’t think so,’ she laughed.

  Helene immediately told the Irish guests about how they kept the secret since David told them of his discovery nearly three months ago. ‘It’s an amazing co-incidence, don’t you think?’

  Everybody agreed with cheers and cameras to the ready, Lauren stood up and loosely hugged him. ‘It’s an awkward hug,’ Jean-Pierre noted, ‘but it’s a start.’

  ‘Could one of you please blow out these candles,’ Emma shouted over the cheers, ‘this thing’s bloomin’ heavy!’ Debbie aided in the task of holding the cake; David and Lauren bent down made their wish and blew.

  The musical evening turned into a musical night, with a mixture of music to suit everybody, some Irish both modern and traditional and Jean-Pierre played his accordion with the French not wanting to be outdone in the singing. Eventually Jean-Pierre decided it was time to take out his pipe, he
noticed David was deep into conversation with one of Debbie’s sons Peter, they were talking about motorbikes. He looked around for Lauren walking towards her, ‘As none of your wonderful singers and musicians smoke, will you keep me company outside while I smoke my pipe?’

  Although Lauren didn’t have any thoughts for a cigarette she knew not to refuse him as he took her arm and led the way. ‘I’m in for a lecture,’ she informed herself.

  ‘It’s a beautiful night thank you for inviting us, Lauren,’ he observed she was a little uneasy. As a misty light rain was falling he deliberately took David’s jacket, as a just in case his son got any disappearing ideas. Lauren lit up a cigarette as he commenced, she took it all in knowing exactly what he was saying. Jean-Pierre was not surprised when she apologised agreeing with him that her snub when David was kissing her earlier was wrong.

  ‘If I knew what surprise you had in store for me, it wouldn’t have happened,’ she spoke almost childlike hoping for sympathy.

  Jean-Pierre warm-heartedly chuckled remembering David’s attempt earlier, ‘Like earlier with David the sympathy act won’t work on me, young lady!’ then he added softly, ‘he wasn’t going to come tonight he felt so guilty, you know.’

  Lauren bit her lip and looked at the ground, sincerely regretting this morning and her actions tonight.

  David eyes darted around the room, both his father and Lauren were missing probably gone out back to the kitchen for a smoke, now was his chance to get away. He felt lousy all night, apart from the brief few words and hug when the cake was presented Lauren ignored him all evening. He thought about how wonderfully sexy she looked tonight she radiated happiness from having her friends and family around her. With her hair loosely tied back in a French braid and those black leather trousers and ankle boots, she shined. But David wanted to get as far away from here as possible prepared to face the repercussions tomorrow, he slipped out of the room as they were all singing. He knew exactly where his jacket was but when he went into Lauren’s office, it was gone. Scratching his head he consoled himself that it was only misty rain falling.


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