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Gemini Rain

Page 17

by Lj McEvoy

  Quietly opening the front door he sneaked out only to be confronted with Lauren and Jean-Pierre, both knew what he was doing because of the guilty look on his face.

  Jean-Pierre smiled, ‘would you like your jacket, son?’ delighted he caught David.

  Not responding immediately, David just stared at them deciding his best option was to use his familiar excuse, ‘I needed some air.’

  Jean-Pierre laughed, ‘Again!’

  Lauren tut-tutted and looked away smiling. Feeling embarrassed at being caught, David took her up wrong again storming away towards the woods.

  Jean-Pierre’s eyes followed David as he said to Lauren, ‘I think you better get after him before he disappears.’

  ‘Don’t worry,’ she responded as she casually walked after David, ‘I know exactly where he’s off to.’

  ‘David, stop going so quickly I’m in high heels!’ Lauren joked.

  David swung around angrily ‘why are you following me?’

  Lauren bumped into him not realising he stopped as she was struggling over the rough terrain. ‘I want my present, Jean-Pierre said you forgot to give it to me,’ she giggled.

  David just stared at her, ‘What!’

  ‘I can’t believe we were born on the same day,’ she thought the sympathetic approach might work on him better than it did on Jean-Pierre, ‘I mean, you could’ve told me now I don’t have a present for you,’ looking at the ground then up to him sideways. Smiling Lauren knew it was working and apologised for her earlier snub, ‘can I make up for it now?’ she asked softly caressing his arm, moving closer.

  David gave a big wide smile with his temper now easing, ‘And how do you propose to do that?’

  ‘Watch,’ Lauren reached up on her tiptoes immediately beginning to kiss him. It was a long lingering kiss; no mistakes perfect in every way. David felt her soft lips touch his not believing this was finally happening, just when he gave up all hope of ever having a loving relationship with her, she comes along and does this.

  He wrapped his arms around her small waist lifting her up, she responded by embracing tighter, her hand gently stroking the nape of his neck. A light misty rain was still falling, they both felt their hair and clothes dampening, but it was of no concern to them. Neither wanted to finish but regretfully did.

  He smiled to her mischievously licking his lips, ‘You taste of brandy,’ he said referring to the cognac she was sipping all night.

  Lauren wasn’t letting him away with that remark, ‘You taste of wine!’

  Both thought of the same drink and chorused ‘Pineau!’ laughing.

  David put his head onto her shoulder swinging her around, ‘Ahh, je t’aime Lauren Connolly I love you!’ he shouted.

  Heading back to the house, they were arm in arm and noticed Jean-Pierre still waiting outside. ‘I thought it was best if I waited for you. We can then all enter together and no suspicions will be raised,’ knowing the answer by the joy in their faces he smiled, ‘Happy now?’

  The night too quickly drew into morning, Lauren was exhausted as she went to get more wine in the kitchen, Veronique came out and they nearly collided into each other.

  ‘He’s in there,’ Veronique said excitedly as she nodded back to the kitchen. Lauren was surprised and Veronique knew what Lauren was thinking, ‘The Corvasieur Grapevine,’ she whispered, ‘Go on, I’ll keep guard for you and I’ll knock once if someone approaches.’

  Although at first, Veronique didn’t think it was a good idea about David and Lauren being together, now like Gabrielle she was cautiously beginning to change her mind, she wished Lauren good luck pushing her into the kitchen. In the other room, Pat started playing the Jimi Hendrix song ‘Fly Little Wing’ on his guitar with Siobhan singing the words. David didn’t know Lauren was there continuing to prepare some drinks, she sneaked up behind him sliding her arms around his waist, ‘This is my favourite song, would you like a dance mister?’

  Turning he immediately kissed her then they danced slowly to the song. Lauren lay her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, David lay his head on hers, closing his eyes. ‘This is perfect, just perfect,’ he beamed. Not feeling this content and happy for so long, like the song they both felt they were riding with the wind.

  It was 4am when Lauren’s cell phone started to ring, the party was over and all had retired to bed. She couldn’t sleep answering it quickly so as not to wake the others.

  ‘I knew you’d still be awake!’ it was David, he knew she always kept her phone by her bedside, ‘listen, can you meet me tomorrow morning at our rock, I’ve got to see you.’

  Not hesitating she asked what time.

  ‘How about 9am?’ he laughed, Lauren groaned. ‘Okay, 9.30 and remember I love you,’ he hung up with Lauren collapsing into a deep sleep confident that Emma and Keith would wake her up on time.

  Chapter 26

  Lying on the thick blanket David felt the summer morning sun refresh his skin gently easing away any tiredness he felt. Looking at his watch he remarked aloud that Lauren was late.

  ‘Oh no I’m not,’ as she plonked herself down starting to tickle him, the situation soon reversed with Lauren surrendering. David stopped, looking at her he softly brushed away some loose hair from her face; silent they could read each other’s thoughts and kissed.

  Lauren pulled away, ‘Where’s my present?’

  David smiled raising one of his eyebrows, ‘In my pocket,’ he said lightly. Looking up at his jacket lying on the rock she stretched out, ‘I presume you mean in your jacket pocket.’

  He laughed sitting up, ‘but of course, Mon Amie,’ taking out a small velvet box he opened it up but held it up higher than Lauren so she couldn’t see.

  ‘Let me see!’ she protested.

  ‘Ah, Ah, Ah!’ he sang, knowing if she tried to battle for it she’d lose again.

  ‘David it’s my present, let me see,’ she pouted.

  David said she was being childish so she huffed even more. He showed the contents of the box; it was a beautiful gold chain with one single pearl centred, Lauren gasped with delight holding the pearl aloft.

  ‘It’s Pearl Alexandrite, our birthstone,’ whispering into her ear as he placed it around her neck he lightly kissed her ear.

  ‘This guy’s a real charmer,’ Lauren conceded.

  ‘I have another present for you but not until next week, when is everybody leaving to go back to Ireland?’

  ‘Oh you’re enjoying their company that much!’ she joked, ‘on Saturday morning.’

  ‘No, I didn’t mean it that way,’ he laughed, ‘it’s just that Claude and Helene are staying at my apartment in Paris next week and I have a small bit of business to attend to also because I’m retiring, so will you join us?’ He didn’t look at her as he said it wondering if she missed the retiring bit.

  ‘You’re what?’ Lauren was uncertain if she heard him right, ‘what did you say?’

  David repeated but this time left out the piece she wanted to hear again.

  ‘No, not that of course I’d love to go but did you say you were retiring, Christ you’re only forty David!’

  David explained his line of thinking, how he missed everybody, the life here, he was tired of travelling and acting, maybe it was time to start anew, ‘I’ve no passion for it anymore. The Colombian film if it goes ahead is going to be my last,’ he added he had made the decision and nothing would change his mind.

  ‘You’ll get bored,’ Lauren said solemnly.

  David half expected her reaction knowing how to the point and honest she was. He sighed adding, ‘but you could help me and I could work on the farm with Papa and Joel, it’s not what I’m used to but I help out when I’m here anyhow,’ he scratched his head, waiting for a response.

  ‘All I can say David is think about it. I’d love you to be here, I’d never worry about you wandering everywhere but I don’t know,’ she let out a sigh. ‘Maybe you could change like I did, but this is what I wanted, are you sure it’s what you want? Thi
nk strongly before you make the final decision.’ Lauren was worried, when did he make such a resolve? Last night, last week, deciding her best option was not to mention the subject again to see if he truly meant it or was it just another one of his fads, a hasty decision. Knowing it wasn’t what he wanted to hear Lauren took his hand holding it up to her cheek tenderly assuring him, ‘No matter what you do, I’ll be there beside you either physically or just in your thoughts.’

  David relaxed, they kissed intensely lying back on the blanket, he wanted to make love to her but she made him agree last night to take things slowly, ‘time has no meaning,’ she tried to persuade him. Movement and feelings became more rapid, David held her tightly with one hand letting the other run wildly all over her body, wanting to discover every part of her wanting to know what pleased her. Lauren responded he knew she felt the same, putting his hand under her light T-shirt touching her soft skin, warm and inviting he craved for more. She smelled of lavender, it was like she always belonged here. His hand caressed her breast then slowly moved around to her back in an attempt to open her bra, kissing the side of her neck.

  ‘David,’ she spoke softly but he didn’t respond, ‘eh mister,’ she nudged him, innocently he looked up one eyebrow raised, she laughed affectionately calling him a pup.

  ‘I checked that in a dictionary, I’m not an arrogant man!’ he objected.

  ‘No, but you’re a cheeky charmer and in Dublin that’s what people sometimes mean when we call boys or men a pup, checked it up did you,’ putting her hand to her forehead, ‘crikey you were thinking of me while you were enjoying yourself in Italy,’ she eyed him so he would understand her meaning.

  ‘I wasn’t with that actress,’ he laughed, ‘it’s called publicity.’

  Quickly Lauren changed her tone, ‘seriously David, we can’t make love not yet anyhow,’ she hesitated, ‘and I don’t know if you’ll agree to what I’m going to ask you,’ looking at him she wondered if he was going to give a typical male reaction, ‘I can’t use the pill, will you use a condom?’

  ‘No problem but why can’t you use the pill?’ he asked casually.

  Lauren couldn’t believe her ears, a man who doesn’t object and a French man too! ‘I suffer from high blood pressure, my doctor said both didn’t mix very well and I smoke and I don’t like other types of contraception,’ she cringed as she said it knowing what was coming next.

  David sat up rubbing his hand over his face in disbelief. Turning to her she could read his face like a book Lauren sighed ‘lecture time’, she said.

  ‘You smoke, you jog, you lose your temper very easily, especially with me,’ he decided to add, ‘and you suffer from high blood pressure, Lauren what are you trying to do kill yourself?’ he reprimanded.

  ‘You jog and lose your temper just as easily as I do!’ Lauren protested looking away unable to face him, she expected him to finish off his last sentence with ‘like your husband’ but thankfully he didn’t.

  ‘I don’t have the medical problem,’ softly he pulled her closer, gratefully she accepted the hug, ‘you’re giving up smoking and I’ll help you in every way I can. But the first step is for you to agree, yes?’ being calm but authoritative at the same time.

  ‘It’s hard, you know,’ Lauren remembered the last time she tried to give up the cancer-sticks, the depression and the feeling of being the only person in the world who didn’t smoke, utter desolation was how she described it. She sighed again, ‘Yes,’ with David hugging her supportively.

  ‘Now come on, this blanket is getting damp,’ he helped her up, ‘and I promised your nephew I’d show him my collection of motorbikes, but first Maman said she would collect your bread for you so we must go there. Are you ready for the reception?’ he grinned cheekily.

  The week passed quicker than they expected, they met at what now became their Rock and Lauren admitted to breaking her promise to him twice. On the Saturday, Lauren drove everybody to the Airport with Pat carefully following in the mini-bus; he was still unused to driving on what he considered was the wrong side of the road. As they checked in Lauren said her good-byes with a few tears shed, feeling silly knowing they would meet up again next week they laughed and cried at their stupidity. Approaching the boarding gate, Lauren felt a tug of guilt because of her secret rendezvous with David. As everybody went through she gave Emma and Keith big hugs and kisses galore.

  Then Debbie hugged her whispering, ‘We know about you and David…’ Lauren froze and as Debbie fixed her with a friendly stare she blushed.

  ‘Your children like to tell tales and did you honestly think you could hide that fresh flush of love when you came back from your so called jog?’ she laughed adding, ‘but Lauren honey it’s okay with all of us, your life doesn’t stop just because Peter’s did. We all wish you both every happiness.’

  Lauren could see tears welling up in Debbie’s eyes and hugged her again, ‘you don’t know how much I appreciate you saying that to me, thank you. I’ll never, never forget this,’ looking at the others Lauren understood why Debbie held back until last, she was the official spokesperson for them all, as Debbie walked through the boarding gate everybody smiled and waved approval. Lauren waved once more turning away the tears were welling up in her eyes she quickly walked away.

  Arriving back at her house, she could see David lying on the grass, taking in the summer sun, he rose as soon as he heard the car.

  ‘It’s only 10am David, what are you doing here?’ she enquired, ‘we’re not leaving until 4pm, I said I’d get down to you as soon as I could.’

  Ignoring her comments he asked his own question, ‘Have you packed yet?’ Lauren responded no, ‘Oh good, I can help.’

  ‘I can pack my own clothes, you know!’ she said indignantly.

  ‘Yep, I know. Now temper, temper,’ he corrected her, ‘I just want to make sure you bring no black clothes with you, you still wear too much black it’s time for a change in style.’ Putting his arms around her waist he swung her around, ‘Paris is full of bright colours and joy, time to change!’

  Lauren screamed with delight ‘and romance!’ she added.

  ‘But of course, Mon Amie,’ as he kissed her.

  As the plane took off from the runway each couple held hands, silent in their own thoughts of what lay ahead for the coming week. Helene easily changed Lauren’s Dublin flight next week from Marseille to Paris so there was no need for her to return, thankfully she didn’t have that hassle to look forward to. Helene and Claude only had eyes for each other and David kept jesting with them every time an airhostess interrupted them with food or drinks. Turning to Lauren he noticed how quiet she was asking if she was okay, Lauren smiled but her stomach was killing her she forgot to take some painkillers, why the hell did she have to get her periods today, just her luck. David fully understood when she told him, but of course he’s been married before. Sometimes it’s only married or attached men who can understand and be patient with that monthly terror, she felt. Rarely keeping track of them these days, she didn’t realise she was due until yesterday, typically getting back into her old routine she noted the date in her diary, ‘must keep track of my dates now,’ she smiled.

  David’s apartment was beautiful with a unique combination of old and new furniture, Helene and Lauren were impressed how he combined both worlds so tastefully. As they unpacked, David noticed Lauren sneaked in a few black items, her leather trousers that she wore at her birthday party, one black blouse and some underwear. He grabbed the underwear starting to tease but she became miffed at his teasing so he hugged her, ‘don’t be annoyed, they won’t last forever and then…’ he kissed her.

  Paris was as enchanting as David and Claude said it would be, for both Helene and Lauren it was their first visit and the men took delight in showing the sights to them. Lauren couldn’t believe how she had missed one of the most romantic cities in the world, when she was a teenager she vowed that she would touch every corner of the world nearly achieving that ambition but to miss this one,
how? The only thing Lauren didn’t like was the traffic; crazy was putting it mildly. When David found out he decided to drive around the Arc de Triomphe at rush hour, Lauren nearly had a heart attack wanting to get out of the car in the middle of driving around it, Claude and Helene were howling with excitement. Stopping the car at a park by the river Seine, the Eiffel Tower was in full view, Lauren quickly got out walking away. David and Claude looked at each other; maybe they went too far this time.

  ‘Go out to her, David,’ Helene was concerned, suddenly it wasn’t funny anymore. They watched as David casually walked after Lauren and put his arm around her shoulders, they were still walking. Unexpectedly Lauren tripped David up he landed on the ground, laughing she sat on his stomach managing to get his arms stuck under her legs, he couldn’t move so she started to tickle him, poking and prodding, making him promise never to do that again. Claude and Helene relaxed quickly getting out of the car, running to join in the fun and help Lauren as David was starting to win the battle.

  Chapter 27

  Dublin - Sitting in his car, Paul eyed the small corner second-hand phone shop, with the telecom sign clearly marked in its window. Knowing he couldn’t make his call on his mobile or in his office, he needed to get a pay as you go cell phone, ‘Christ, Paul you’ve purchased things before, what the hell is the problem?’ But he knew what the problem was, if there’s anybody’s in the shop that recognizes him, they’ll be wondering what on earth was a Minister doing buying a cheap cell phone in a back street corner shop. He laughed, ‘but then maybe they won’t even think twice about it.’

  Nervously walking into the small shop Paul kept his head down, but the expected typically happened, he accidentally bumped into an exiting elderly customer, their newspaper falling from under their arm to the ground, ‘Sorry, here I’ve got it,’ he bent down.


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