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Gemini Rain

Page 26

by Lj McEvoy

  He cried out but nobody answered, he was alone. Not even Pierre and Chantal joined him in bed anymore, not after his first nightmare. Lauren called it post traumatic stress advising him to seek counselling but he just laughed at the suggestion, he could handle it! He wanted to prove to her he could. His door opening once more disturbed his trains of thoughts.

  ‘Lauren hasn’t collected Chantal for school, you must bring her in,’ Gabrielle was standing at the door antagonism expressed in every word she said, ‘and then your father wants to talk to you.’

  David rose from the bed despairingly looking at his mother she knew he was in no condition to drive, slamming the door once more she telephoned Joel to see if he could bring Chantal to school.

  Lauren stood in her kitchen making a cup of coffee, her mind was recounting the past week and especially yesterday. Emma and Keith were at the breakfast table moaning because she wouldn’t bring them to school. Screaming at them to shut up, both just stared blankly at her. This wasn’t Mammy; this was wasn’t even the Mammy before they moved to France, why was this happening? Their young minds almost telepathic.

  Lauren rubbed her face it was burning; her chest was on fire too. She could feel pins and needles in her arms and legs, she stretched up to the medicine shelf for her blood pressure tablets but stars started to appear in her vision. Using the counter top for support she called out, ‘Emma telephone…’ but before she could finish everything went black.

  Gabrielle answered the telephone just as Veronique and Joel arrived at the house, Veronique was in the middle of asking what was going on when Gabrielle hushed her abruptly, ‘It’s okay Emma we’re on our way, good girl. Have you phoned for an ambulance?’ Gabrielle could hear Keith crying for Lauren in the background; she turned to Veronique, ‘Get up to Lauren’s straightaway, she’s collapsed! Joel go get Jean-Pierre and David they’re up in the far field letting the goats out to graze! I’ll mind the children and telephone for an ambulance.’ Both were gone in an instant.

  Jean-Pierre spoke to David abruptly, ‘you had no right to attack Lauren like that! Why did you do it?’

  David couldn’t respond even if he didn’t have a hangover he couldn’t explain his actions.

  ‘And then there’s this!’ Jean-Pierre pulled the magazine from inside his jacket sharply hitting David’s chest with it.

  For the first time since Jean-Pierre started his lecture David looked at him then the magazine.

  On the front was a photograph of Jaqueline Orliac, in another one of her seductive pouting poses. Inset was a small photograph of David, when he read the headline his whole world crumbled - ‘How We Made Love Under the Threat of Death.’

  His heart was racing, now understanding why Lauren wanted to talk to him yesterday, why she was so angry, why she said those words. His life wasn’t worth the risk she had taken.

  ‘Papa it’s not true,’ his voice croaked.

  Jean-Pierre turned away unconvinced, ‘I asked Lauren to go to Ireland,’ he confessed, ‘she has given up everything for you, for this family and this is how you repay her. Go away David, I’ve tolerated a lot of the stupid ideas you had but this is it, go away. I can’t talk to you, not now, not ever,’ he was close to tears.

  David turned to walk away, totally dejected but then he stopped, Joel was running towards them waving his arms and shouting to them. David felt his heart come to a full stop, ‘Papa,’ he croaked, ‘I think there’s something wrong.’

  They arrived at Lauren’s to find the ambulance already there; Veronique was holding both Emma and Keith the three possessed pale faces of shock. The children’s little eyes showed confusion, worry and their cries were now big hiccupping sobs, Emma was holding a large brown envelope when she noticed Jean-Pierre was there she turned to him, ‘This is a copy of Mammy’s medical records,’ each word was slowly spoken with a hic-up.

  As he took it he tightly hugged her, ‘Everything’s going to be alright, I promise you.’

  Keith then hugged him but wouldn’t let go. David put his hand on Emma’s shoulder but she recoiled returning to Veronique. Everybody stood there in disbelief watching as the ambulance crew rushed the stretcher with Lauren to their car continuing giving her heart massage treatment.

  As the ambulance drove away Jean-Pierre turned to Veronique and Joel, ‘Veronique take the children to Gabrielle and stay there until I phone, Joel you come with me to the hospital.’

  ‘Papa, I’ll go with you,’ David started to get into to the car.

  ‘No!’ Jean-Pierre bellowed, ‘You’ve done enough!’ but then he thought for a minute adding, ‘As you are the only English speaking member of this family, you have the task of telephoning what’s left of her family to see if they care what happens to her.’

  David didn’t argue immediately returning to the house and going directly to Lauren’s office. He quickly found her personal telephone directory and began searching for telephone numbers. Coming across Paul’s number he wondered should he telephone him too but opted to leave him until last. Trying Gerard’s number first, he just got an answering machine. He winced as he heard Patricia’s voice. Telephoning Debbie and Pat, he took a deep breath as his call was answered, ‘Hello Debbie this is David Corvasieur. I’m calling about Lauren…’

  Debbie immediately agreed to telephone everybody in the family David said he would call Helene to see if she could arrange for them to fly over as soon as possible.

  ‘But what about Lauren’s father?’ David asked her, ‘I’m just getting an answering machine, can you or somebody call to his house?’

  ‘No problem, I know exactly what to do. Oh God David I cut her short when we last spoke on the phone, it was only because I couldn’t speak with crying.’

  ‘I’m sure she knew that Debbie. Lauren would understand.’

  They agreed David would call back with flight details at 12pm.

  As David hung up he noticed a letter sitting in Lauren’s printer, it was addressed to his solicitor Jacques, as he couldn’t resist taking it from the machine he then noticed there were other pages underneath which were addressed to him.

  Reading Jacques’s letter first it was notice to quit the house, he threw it to the side of the desk, ‘I’m not letting you send that Lauren Connolly!’ then he commenced reading the second. By the time he finished he was devastated, ‘how wrong could I be!’

  Inside the letter Lauren explained everything - her life was laid bare, what she was feeling, her sense of loss for him and for Peter, even apologising because he didn’t agree with her actions. It ended, ‘By the time you get this letter, I’ll be gone. Get on with your life for you and your family, don’t bother trying to find us I don’t know where we’re going! Take Care mister, I love you.’ David looked at the date of the letter, it was dated tomorrow she would have left by then.

  Chapter 47

  Veronique entered Lauren’s house, the front door was ajar and she called out to David, he was upstairs so she followed his voice as he answered her. Finding him packing one of Lauren’s small weekend cases she explained, ‘Gabrielle is worried for you, it’s nearly two hours since the ambulance left.’

  David didn’t look at her but continued packing, Veronique took his expression as guilt having being informed of the magazine feature, ‘Jean-Pierre telephoned, I think you should go in as soon as possible David.’ He didn’t respond as he closed the case. ‘I don’t think that’s needed David,’ she cried softly.

  Immediately he turned to her, ‘Are you willing to give up on her that easily?’

  Veronique gasped remembering Lauren saying those words about David on hearing they were refused bail, when she told him this she hugged him closely saying, ‘Go to her David, tell her you love her. You live for each other, you’re soul mates.’

  As the nurse directed David to the hospital room she informed him that Jean-Pierre and Joel were gone for coffee in one of the canteens, ‘will I inform them you are here?’

  ‘No,’ David whispered, he was staring at the
machines and the ventilator now attached to Lauren. Turning to the nurse, her face answered the question he dared not to ask her.

  ‘Your father was talking to the doctor, he will inform you of everything,’ she said sympathetically leaving the room.

  David walked over to Lauren’s bed, pulling the chair closer it scrapped along the tiled floor he winced, afraid the loud noise might disturb her and the machines gently beeping in the background. Wanting to touch her, to hold her hand he hesitated but then checked himself, ‘I’ve got to let her know I’m here.’

  Gently he took her hand, placing the Claddagh engagement ring back on her finger. Holding her hand to his cheek he started to talk to her, everything poured from him, everything he held back from her for the past week and why. Admitting he read her letter and asking her forgiveness he promised to protect her from her mother and anybody else who tried to harm her. Crying and laughing at the same time he said, ‘yes, I still don’t agree with what you did but I now understand why, I love you too Mon Amie.’

  As he said those words he felt a hand resting on his shoulder it was Jean-Pierre, ‘It’s going to be alright son,’ he said reassuringly, ‘but you still don’t know the full truth, do you?’ David looked at him baffled as Jean-Pierre commenced telling him of the events in Dublin and where Patricia, Declan and their Colombian counterparts were now residing. ‘She’s safe David. And she’s with a family who loves and cares for her dearly, we’ve just got to get her to realise that.’

  Chapter 48

  Debbie and Paul arrived at the Maguire family residence, as the door opened they could see Gerard was drunk, ‘What the hell do you two want?’ he slurred beginning to close the door again.

  Paul put his foot in the way so Gerard couldn’t close the door, ‘Its Lauren Mr Maguire, you got to come to Marseille with us.’

  As Gerard drank some coffee, Debbie volunteered to pack his suitcase as Paul explained all that happened since Patricia and Declan were arrested. Gerard sneered as Paul explained Lauren’s actions, ‘She took the risk of losing everything, Mr. Maguire but was still willing to put herself in danger can you not comprehend what your daughter has achieved!’ Paul was shocked at Gerard’s lack of concern for Lauren he needed to persuade this idiot how important it was for him to go to Marseille he needed to do this for Lauren.

  ‘Patricia told me everything! She caught Peter and Declan in the act, Lauren was just protecting Peter’s so-called good name. Lauren set her own mother up! What sort of child could do that to its own parent? Why should I bother going to Marseille?’

  Paul stood up leaning across the table, ‘You’re a fool Mr. Maguire,’ he retorted, ‘do you honestly think we would just take Lauren’s word against Patricia. We have everything, the tapes, the signatures, names and addresses of contacts, everything! Lauren gave the information to us, she got it from your wife’s computer, Patricia’s computer!’ he shouted angrily.

  Gerard was taken aback, finally fully comprehending what was being said to him, he was silent for a while, then he dejectedly asked, ‘When is the plane leaving?’

  The private jet landed at Marseille airport late that evening, Claude and Helene were waiting to bring the five concerned visitors directly to the hospital. Debbie instantly recognised them, ‘What’s the latest?’ she asked as she introduced Gerard, Paul and Marc.

  Helene nodded negatively, tears beginning to form once more in her eyes, ‘the doctors are saying that the machines are keeping her alive, she’s incredibly weak and they can’t understand why.’

  Debbie looked at her husband sadly both knew a decision had to be made.

  As they followed Helene and Claude into the hospital room, David and Jean-Pierre greeted them quietly. David informed them of all information and tests the doctors were performing.

  ‘They’re baffled as to why she’s so weak,’ he said then he turned away as he added, ‘they’re suggesting maybe turning off the ventilator tomorrow to see if she’ll breathe without it.’

  Debbie once more looked at Pat then clasped David’s hand, ‘Lauren has a Living Will.’

  ‘I know that!’ he gritted.

  ‘Well then respect her wishes as she would respect yours,’ she urged.

  David closed his eyes as he told his family of Lauren’s Will.

  Jean-Pierre thought for a moment wisely asking, ‘has she stated a time frame in the Will?’

  David was unsure checking with Debbie and Pat, seven days they responded.

  ‘Then we will wait for the doctor tomorrow, Mr. Maguire will tell them to go ahead with removing the ventilator and Lauren will make the decision for us. Each person must now let her know that her family and close ones are here for her.’

  David arrived back at the farm the following afternoon, Joel and Veronique forcing him to leave the hospital, ‘you’ve got to eat, freshen up and prepare Emma and Keith, you’ve got to tell them,’ they persuaded him. He didn’t want to leave but knew Emma and Keith were now his responsibility. Debbie and Pat agreed to go with him he knew Lauren would want them with the children too.

  Everybody was silent eating lunch afraid to speak; afraid the telephone would ring. Once the chore of refuelling was finished David rose bringing Emma and Keith to his bedroom. Sitting them on his bed he looked at them both, ‘what am I going to say? How will I start?’ Thinking back to when Francoise died Pierre and Chantal already knew their mother was dead by the time he arrived in Barcelona. He experienced consoling them but now it was different. ‘How am I going to explain to these two young children that the doctors were going to do a test that could mean life or death to their mother?’

  He took a deep breath speaking in English to them, ‘Emma, Keith you know your Mammy loves you very much but at the moment she’s not well and the doctors,’ he hesitated, ‘the doctors are going to try a test…’

  Everybody was sitting silently in the kitchen Jean-Pierre was telling Chantal and Pierre what was happening. Pierre suddenly stood up running to the bedroom to find David hugging a now crying Emma and Keith, Debbie followed him. Both children let David go, Keith ran to Debbie, Emma to Pierre holding her he screamed at David, ‘This is all your fault! Why can’t you think of others, just this once Papa think of what we want and not of your own selfish needs?’

  Jean-Pierre stood at the doorway nodding his head in disagreement but as David looked at his son then his father he determinedly vowed, ‘things are going to change, and I’m going to change for the better, for everybody.’

  Chapter 49

  Gerard signed the papers and sighed, the doctor thanked him in English Gerard just blankly stared at him, a weak nod was the only response he could give. As he was returning to the hospital room where his daughter now rested he recounted to Debbie, his earlier call to Carl in America telling her of his son’s objections.

  ‘Are you now having reservations Gerard?’ she stopped him before they entered the room.

  ‘Do you think I would have signed those forms?’ answering her with another question but then explaining, ‘Lauren has always known what she wanted and she always succeeded. I’ve never objected to her dreams and ambitions in life, up to recently I’ve been extremely proud of her, the one time I wasn’t I was in the wrong and foolish to think otherwise.’ Debbie opened the door but he stopped her from entering, ‘Jean-Pierre is right, if Lauren wants to live now she will, that’s why I didn’t hesitate in signing.’

  Debbie smiled, tears were beginning to well up in her eyes but she took a deep breath, she had to be strong Lauren would want that too. But today’s date kept haunting her, ‘are we doing the right thing? Am I the only one to know its Peter and Lauren wedding anniversary?’

  David was talking quietly to Paul and Marc both were updating him, filling in the gaps Jean-Pierre didn’t know about the investigation. The three men turned as Debbie and Gerard entered the room.

  ‘We’re just waiting on the doctor to return,’ Gerard choked, Debbie put her arms around him as they both sat down. Joel put his han
d on David’s shoulder as the doctor entered the room he walked silently over to the machines checking once more with Gerard.

  Gerard gestured a yes to him and the young doctor switch off the ventilator machine; gently he removed the tube from Lauren’s mouth.

  David held her hand to his cheek again, ‘Breathe Lauren, breathe!’ he said silently as he stared at her face. But slowly the beeping sound from the heart and pulse monitor was decreasing from a steady beat. David closed his eyes afraid to look at the monitors. All was silent except for the music coming from the Emma’s i-pod in the corner; it was playing Lauren’s favourite song, The Corr’s version of Fly Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix. It brought back a wonderful memory to him of a birthday party it felt so long ago now.

  Lauren looked down into the room bemused as she watched everybody sitting there, Debbie, Pat, Paul and Marc, Veronique, Joel and David and Daddy! ‘What the hell is everybody doing here? What are they waiting for?’ she asked herself. Feeling great warmth and sunlight shining at the back of her, she turned stretching out to touch it, it was tempting her to reach out to it, but then a shadow appeared in the light, it started to walk through the light to her, ‘Peter!’ she cried, totally confused.

  ‘Hello Lauren,’ he said softly, ‘listen they’re playing your favourite song,’ he smiled.

  She turned back to the hospital room, frustration wrote all over her face.

  Peter laughed, ‘Come on let’s pay a visit to the kids,’ as he put his arm around her waist. Suddenly Lauren could feel herself flying through the air over Marseille, entwining her body with Peter she looked at him as he gently kissed her forehead.

  ‘I’m sorry Peter, I did, I mean I do love you.’

  ‘Ah, yes I know that and it’s about time you realised I love you too!’ he softly scorned her, ‘but we’ve got to be honest, love can wane under pressure and we never gave each other a chance, did we? Now there are others and I’m just a memory, don’t live on that alone Lauren.’


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