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Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Former: Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Books 1-5)

Page 116

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Okay, Luke. My friend. I have an idea!” Merv said, clearly nervous and trying to appease me.

  “What is that?” I asked flatly, not interested in negotiating.

  “Well, we’re just about 10 miles off. If I drive the rest of the way and get out then, you can have the truck!” He said with excitement, as though it was the greatest plan in the world. “You can drive to Sun Valley tonight.”

  I stopped to consider this. I never liked making compromises when it came to what I wanted, but I also knew that having the truck would get me to Sun Valley much faster. It was better than wandering in the desert - although I would do that without reservations - and it was better than leaving Merv in the desert and stealing the truck. I was a gentleman, after all.

  “This idea works for me,” I replied after a quiet pause.

  Merv audibly exhaled as though he had just escaped death.

  “Luke - Arias - you’re my hero.” He said. This made me smile.

  “Where are we headed to?” I asked, taking a seat on the passenger’s side.

  “It’s the richest town for miles around!” Merv said with glee. “It’s called Boulder Park, and we’re going to make a fortune.” He chomped again on his cigar.

  “Boulder Park. Never heard of it.” I replied.



  “I’m not going to lie, I’ve wanted to come to this restaurant for a long time,” Christian said.

  Since entering Boulder Park there had been a lot to see, and I was just trying to take it all in through the car window. The resort town seemed to come to life at night with its various gorgeous fountains, parks, walkways, lanterns twinkling in the darkness, and bustling restaurants. There were some fancy cars shuttling people that were here on holiday from the richest neighborhoods on the west coast. This was truly a destination town.

  “What’s the place called?” I asked, looking out my window.

  “It’s called Le Jardin de Plaisir,” Christian said. I could already tell that the doctor was going to prove to be a man of rich tastes.

  “French food,” I said with approval.

  “Yes, and outside under the stars. It’s really like a French garden. I read about it in a magazine.” He said.

  “Sounds nice,” I replied. Now that I was no longer tipsy, I was beginning to wonder if this was the right decision, after all. At the time, the choice was made when my flight response was in full-gear, but now that I had calmed down I was already thinking about the long drive home. I was tired.

  “There it is,” Christian said, pointing at a very beautiful establishment that illuminates the night. Inside the garden, I could see Parisian tables and chairs and lights strung overhead. There were fountains and waiters in white button-up shirts and black pants.

  “Wow!” I said, my energy coming back to me. Maybe this would be fun, after all.

  As the maitre escorted us to our table, I marveled at all the elegant patrons in nice dresses and suits. Clearly, the fact that I was still wearing my uniform from the diner was something that was earning me looks of disapproval. What’s a girl to do?

  “I can’t believe I’m still wearing this. Why didn’t you tell me it was fancy?” I asked.

  “Sorry, it was so last-minute. I think you look great.” He said.

  “Yes, if bacon grease is your kind of thing.” I joked, looking down at the little stain near my hip.

  “It most definitely is my kind of thing.” Christian joked. I didn’t want to say that this guy was growing on me because it was just way too soon for that sort of thing, but I did appreciate how kind he was to me.

  “Voila! Your table.” The maître said, and placed our menus on the table.

  “Thank you,” Christian said, and pulled out my chair for me.

  “Thanks,” I replied as I sat down. It was considerably warmer at night in Boulder Park. I remembered leaving the diner this evening and being cold, but here in the Jardin de Plaisir, I felt perfectly comfortable.

  Looking at the menu finally gave me a considerable appetite. I loved traditional French faire, and the options were endless.

  “Look at that, over there.” Christian pointed out. I turned my head and at the other end of the garden there seemed to be some kind of event. “What do you think it is?” He asked.

  “It looks like a wedding party,” I replied, seeing a happy couple holding hands and toasts being given.

  “That’s the richest family in Arizona.” I heard a woman at the table next to us say. “They’re staying at the best hotel. I hear they’re going to be married next to a waterfall.” She added with a wink.

  “How romantic,” I replied. “They appear to be quite happy.”

  “They’re having a special show tonight.” The woman went on, leaning in as though this were the best town gossip. “And I think we’re going to have front row seats!” She added with glee.

  “What great timing,” Christian said.

  He ordered a fine bottle of wine and we made selections from the menu. I decided to go with a cup of onion soup with Croque Tartine Parisienne, and Christian ordered the Coq Au Vin.

  There was an awkward moment where Christian tried to take my hand in his. I manage to gracefully decline, and the awkward silence that followed didn’t last long enough to make the night a total disaster. The wedding party got louder and more boisterous, and it gave us a good distraction when we ran out of things to talk about.

  “Dessert?” Christian asked. His eyes were flickering in the candlelight, and I was reminded that he was a good looking guy, but I tried not to look into his eyes for too long.

  “Sure. Maybe just so we can stick around to see that show.” I replied, checking my watch. It was getting late, and by the time we drove home, it might be close to midnight. I sighed. I shouldn’t be out this late.

  “Mesdames et Messieurs, may I present to you zis evening, a group of talented performers who would like to entertain you!” The maître said. The crowd cheered and I joined in the applause, looking over at Christian with delight. I loved a good show, and this one was a great way to end the evening.

  “For ze first act of ze night, allow me to introduce you to…” He lifted up his hand with a flourish. “Twisted Leona!”

  I froze, my hands were still suspended in air. Leona came out and began to contort her body to the oohs and aahs of the crowd. I couldn’t move.

  Is he here? Is Luke here?

  Slowly, as if in a dream, I turned back to Christian….

  I found him suspended in the air, being held by Luke’s fist.


  Yes. It had become abundantly clear that it was time for the doctor to go. I was not going to kill him and make a scene, I was just going to relocate him. I could see the horror on Candice’s face, and I did not like to be the cause for it, but at the same time, the doctor needed to be removed. In many ways.

  I thanked all the Gods of the universe that Candice was here, safe, and not within Grim’s clutches. The holographic image turned out to have been a fabrication, after all.

  Very clever, Grim.

  “Luke?” I head her say, almost inaudibly.

  It turned out to be a blessing as well that Merv got out of the truck and started running. He had refused to give me the keys, and he would have felt the repercussions of that had I not spotted Candice sitting in the outdoor cafe, just near to where the truck was parked. Seeing her there sent waves of warmth down my spine. Until I saw the doctor.

  “I’m going to take him elsewhere,” I said, still holding him in my hand as if he were a wet rag. “And then we’ll talk.” I walked out of the garden still holding him tight, and I couldn’t even tell if he was putting up a fight or not.

  “You’re sick, do you know that?” Christian said after I dropped him on a patch of grass.

  “I’m not sick,” I replied coolly. “I just like things to be a certain way. My way.” I added.

  “And your way is following Candice around like a psycho?” He asked,
rubbing the back of his neck in pain.

  “Hm. Let me think about that.” I replied, pondering whether or not I was a psycho. I supposed my behavior could come off as being so, but the good doctor didn’t know the truth about Candice and I. There was no time to explain it to him. “Sure. Fine. I’m a psycho.” I replied and started to walk back to the garden where hopefully Candice was still seated at her table.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Christian yelled at my back.

  “To talk to Candice,” I say, not turning to him.

  “And what if I say that I’m going to prevent that?” Christian said, attempting to be courageous in spite of his obvious fear.

  “I would say that you’re going to sit on that patch of grass there until I tell you to move.” I pointed to the grass and Christian stayed frozen. When I left, I didn’t actually see him sit on the grass like a defeated little boy, but my intuition was strong enough to know that that was just what he did.

  I saw her still sitting there at the table, anxious and wringing her hands. I hoped she sould feel calmer. I wantd her to relax.

  “Candice,” I said as I sat in the chair across from her. What transpired between Christian and me, was quiet enough to not draw attention, and I could see my Carnival colleagues performing in the background.

  There was a long, loaded silence where we had just looked at one another. I smiled. She smiled, and then looked away. The feeling of being this close to her again, and seeing her perfect face — hopefully, I wouldn’t get pulled through the Gate from the pleasure of it. I wanted to talk to her first.

  “You look beautiful, as always,” I said.

  “Luke, I can’t condone this kind of behavior.” She said.

  “I didn’t hurt him. He’s just sitting on a patch of grass.” I said in my defense.

  “Still, it’s not nice,” Candice said, giving me a scolding look.

  “I’m not a nice person. I just pretend to be in front of you.” I said with a smile.

  “You’re terrible.” She said, joining my smile. “Why are you here?”

  “Because I need you,” I said. I knew that this was blunt, but it was the truth.

  “To get through the Gate.” She said, looking down.

  “Of course, but I also need you nearby. I need to know that you’re safe at all times. It’s been bothering me.” I said. She needed to understand how important her safety was to me.

  Music was now playing in the background. I recognized it as coming from the Carnival band. Couples were getting up from tables, and I rose from my seat to take Candice by the hand.

  “Come,” I said, reaching out for her. She paused to contemplate my request, but I did not move. I wouldn’t move until she put her hand in mine.

  “Okay.” She finally said. I led her to the dance floor and took her in my arms. I reasoned with myself that touching her like this was safe because I would be discussing serious matters and this would keep me focused on other things aside from the pleasure of feeling her skin.

  “I missed this.” She said, and my heart soared with rapture. Hearing her say these words made me plunge right into what I needed to say before I disappeared.

  “The Corin are in great danger,” I said. “The Krill are potentially joining forces with a civilization called the Argyles, and they have enough destructive technology to send the whole planet into ruin. It would be the end of the war for us.” I said, putting my cheek next to hers. The way she smelled was extraordinary.

  “Oh, Luke. That’s awful.” She replied, distress on her face.

  “Yes, I will need to return as soon as possible,” I said.

  She pulled away from me, and I immediately pulled her back. She was not going to run away that easily.

  “I can’t send you back.” She said.

  “And I can’t demand that you do. I know how incredibly hard this is for you.” I said, pulling her closer. “But I believe that I can convince the Argyles to fight on the side of the Corin, and this would be the end of the war. I would be free.”

  “I want you to be free, but—“ She tried to say.

  “When I am free I choose on which side of the Gate I will remain,” I said, then held her cheek in my hand.

  Her eyes open wide with expectancy and hope.

  “I will choose Earth, Candice,” I said, seeing a tear form in her eye. “If it will make you happy.”



  Nothing would make me happier, I thought to myself. But I had trouble forming any words. Here I was. He was holding me in his arms again, and the feeling was so wonderful that I really did hope that he would never let go.

  “Say something.” He said. How does Luke had this amazing ability to tell me to do something without feeling like he was ordering me to do it? I scrambled for the right words.

  “This time that we’ve spent away—“ I began to form my thoughts. It was difficult to do while feeling his chest against mine. I saw him looking down at me with those gorgeous, intent blue eyes. I definitely was on the spot. “The time has been harder than I thought that it would be,” I said. It was not poetry, but it was a start.

  “For me, too.” He said, still rocking me from side to side.

  “I thought that I would be able to move on more easily,” I added.

  Luke’s brow tightens, and I felt his body stiffen a bit. His jaw clenched.

  “Did you try to move on with him?” He asked, referring to Christian.

  “No, I did not. He was trying to be nice, and I was just looking for a bit of distraction.” I said. It was the truth, and I deeply hoped that he would believe me. I would hate to see the consequences of him not trusting me. Luke had never been a violent person on Earth, but his behavior on Hecate was like a killing machine.

  “If you say so.” He replied, but I couldn’t tell he was trying to keep his cool.

  “Luke, I think that if you were killed in that war, it would kill me.” I finally said. It was the closest to the truth that I had managed to get. “In the time that we spent apart, it’s almost like my feelings got more intense, and that means that seeing you fall through the Gate again is almost impossible for me. That is if I’m the cause.” I said. This time, I was really worried what his response would be.

  He was silent. He didn’t say anything, and it almost made it worse. Luke even span me slowly on the dance floor, still not giving any reply to what I had just said. Did he not hear me? Is he choosing not to hear me? It’s driving me kind of crazy. I felt anxious.

  “What are you thinking?” I finally asked. Is he tense, angry, worried? Sometimes it’s so hard to read this guy it is absurd. That steely warrior exterior manages to cover up what he is feeling, and it’s not helping me at this moment one bit.

  “Come here.” He said, and took me by the hand. He was walking me off the dance floor and to another corner of the garden.

  “Where are we going?” I asked. Still, he was giving me no reply.

  The next thing I knew, Luke whirled me around a corner where it was silent and empty. No people, no sparkly lights, just darkness. He gently pinned me against the wall with his body and placed his lips on mine.

  Oh my God, this felt so good. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was worried that we would never be this close - feeling our lips on one another’s and our bodies touching - ever again. It was so pleasurable that it was almost painful. Instantly, I became worried that we were going to get pulled through the Gate.

  “I don’t think this is smart,” I said.

  I finally realize that Luke had his Curse, but this was my Curse. Reveling in his touch, but always at the back of my mind worried that it was not Luke that was kissing me so passionately, but Arias, trying to return to his war. If he was, in fact, two different people, then it was Luke that I wanted to protect, and Arias - God help me - that I wanted to thwart.

  “Everything about this makes sense. Us, together like this.” Luke said with a pained expression.

  “I cannot be the
key to your destruction,” I said, placing my hand on his face.

  “You’re the key to my bliss.” He said, putting my hand over his heart. “Before, I was just a soldier, and now I’m beginning to understand what it feels like to be a man.” He said with a smile. “I have one last victory to accomplish on Hecate. One more push. When victory is mine, I will become fully human. And I will be devoted to you.” He said, clearing a piece of hair from my face.

  The idea of it was intoxicating. Having Luke be a real, normal human, living our lives together in our home. Growing old together, dying together a quiet death, instead of being slain on a battlefield off in some distant galaxy. The dream of it brought a smile to my face.


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