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A Vampire's Wicked Hunger: An Edgy Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance featuring Sexy Vampires, Werewolves, Wicked Witches and Shapeshifters (Love on the Edge Book 4)

Page 12

by Chloe Adler

  “Your office. Please.”

  I followed him up the stairs near the front door of the club and into his spacious office. He motioned for me to sit in the chair facing away from the monitors, then sat down opposite and tilted his head at me.

  “How well do you know the new shifter on the Council?”


  I nodded.

  “Not well. He moved here recently, why?”

  “Did he get a blood test?”

  “A Signum blood test?”


  “Of course. We wouldn't allow a Signum on the Council without testing them first.”

  “And he passed as a shifter?”

  “Yes.” He cocked his head again. “Why?”

  “There was nothing out of the ordinary with his test?”

  Benedict took in a deep breath and held it, his brows pulling tight. “There was an anomaly. Our Signum doctor said it's a mutation that shows up sometimes. He's seen it before and assured me it was nothing to be concerned about. But now that you're asking, I'm getting concerned.”

  I waved my hand about. “I'm sure it's nothing. I'm not a geneticist, after all.” I laughed. “Did you know that Elijah is his brother?”

  “I did, yes. Why?”

  “Just wondering.” I flashed him a placating smile, one that didn't reach my eyes, and stood up. “Thanks for the chat.”

  “That's it?”

  “That's it.” I made my way back to the bar where Jared was saving my seat.

  “Perfect timing,” he said loudly, the music drowning out his voice. He pointed to the stage where Alec was entering.

  A few minutes later, we were so engrossed in Alec's set that I barely registered Amber running out from the back and zooming out the front door. I found it strange that she didn't stop to say goodbye, but she must have been in a hurry to get somewhere. Then my father emerged from the back as well, a strange look on his face. Anger? He approached me and grabbed my arm, hard.

  “What's going on?” I said crossly.

  “You tell me,” he growled.

  “Excuse me?” I tried to pull my arm away but he held onto it tightly, leaning into my ear.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “What the fuck is what?”

  “That thing you had me drink from?”


  “Obviously, Maria. What the fuck is it?”

  “I'm not following, Dad.”

  “That's no woman.”

  Whoa. “What?”

  “That thing is a man.”

  I wrenched my arm free. “First of all, she's not a thing. She's a person, and second of all, she's all woman.”

  “Not with a dick she's not.”

  “And how would you know she has a dick?”

  “You disgust me. You know that? I did not raise you to be a stripper. I did not raise you to talk back to me. I did not raise you to be friends with she-males,” he spat. “Margery was right about you after all.”

  After my father stormed out, I sat on the barstool in shock. Jared turned to me after Alec left the stage.

  “Burgundy, what's wrong? You're white as bone.”

  “I . . . I'll be right back.” I slid off the stool and went to the room my dad and Amber had been in. Sitting down on the bed, I called her. She didn't answer. I texted. What happened with my dad? You ok?

  No response. Shit. What the hell had happened? I looked around the room and then got up and looked in the trashcan. Discarded used condoms and wrappers. Could be from anyone. Setting my jaw, I made my way back to Benedict's office and knocked lightly on the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Me, Burgundy.”

  “Come in.”

  I entered to see a folder spread open on his desk. He looked up, closing it. “Is everything all right?”

  “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Depends on what it is.”

  “I know you run video in the sex rooms. I need to look at one.”

  “That's overstepping policy. Those tapes are kept for the police, only to be viewed by law enforcement in cases of an alleged forced encounter or drug use.” He sounded like he was reciting from a manual.

  “I know, Ben. But I need this. There may have been a forced encounter that someone isn't going to report.”


  I took a very deep, long breath. “My father.”

  He shook his head quickly. “What?”

  “My father and Amber, in the blue room. Twenty minutes ago. Please.”

  Benedict rolled to his monitors and punched in several codes on a keypad. A minute later, a black and white video popped up and there they were, talking. It looked like right after I had left. Amber was still seated in the chair and Dad was standing. “Do you need the sound?”


  He turned a knob and brought it up.

  “I didn't think you'd be calling me again so soon, Mr. Rosales.”

  “Well, I liked what I drank and I want another taste. Can you blame me?”

  She laughed nervously. “And you're fine with paying the same amount?”

  “Five hundred, correct?”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you.” She held out her hand and my father counted out five one-hundred-dollar bills.

  It was a standard rate for multiple drinks within a month from a high-quality donor. And I knew Amber needed the money for her surgery.

  “Were would you like me?”

  My father looked around the room. “Would you be comfortable on the bed?”

  Amber looked anything but. “Of course.” Her voice was higher pitched than usual. She crossed over and sat down on the edge.

  My father sat next to her and gently moved her hair back from her neck, then moved forward to bite her. When his fangs sank into her throat, she gasped and threw her head back. He wrapped his hands around her shoulders and held her there, drinking. The whites of her eyes showed and she let out a moan. Immediately one of his hands moved down to her breast. Not cool at all. She didn't move and I watched as my own father groped my friend and lover. I wanted to look away but I couldn't.

  “She can report that,” Benedict bit out. “If she didn't want him to do that, he can be prosecuted.”

  I didn't respond and we kept watching as my father's hands moved over her body, grabbing her other breast, and then down to her waist and back up again. Finally he cradled the side of her face and detached, licking his lips.

  “You are delicious.” He smiled at her.

  “Thank you.” She reddened and stood up.

  “Wait. Please.” He pulled on her arm and she sat down again, looking over at him.

  “Yes? Is there something else?”

  My father removed his wallet and pulled out several more hundreds. “I was wondering if you'd be interested in making some more money?”

  She eyed the wad. “What do I have to do for it?”

  His eyes moved to her mouth and he pointed at his crotch. Eww. No fucking way. I mean, I knew my dad was a pervert, but . . .

  “I can't watch this.”

  “Turn around, I'll watch.”

  “Is your wife okay with this?” Amber asked.

  “What she doesn't know won't hurt her. Besides,” his voice was soft, cajoling, “oral sex isn't cheating.”

  Really? I gagged at the sounds that soon followed. “Turn it down or off, please. Or fast-forward. Or something,” I begged.

  “Sorry, sorry.” Benedict turned off the volume as I grabbed a nearby trashcan and vomited into it.

  “Shit,” he said a few minutes later.


  “I have to rewind and turn up the volume. Do you want to leave?”

  “Is his dick back in his pants?”


  I turned around as Benedict rewound several frames and played the tape. He was zipping up and they both stood, my father's gaze moving down to Amber's crotch. “I bet that got you all wet.”

  She didn't meet
his eye. “It was hot, sir, yes.” Her cheeks reddened and my father pulled out his wallet and took out several more bills.

  “I want to touch your pussy.” He handed her the money but she didn't take it.

  “No, sir, thank you. I'd rather not.”

  With lightning vampire speed, my father had her on her back on the bed, his palm over her crotch, pushing. “What's this?”

  “Get off me!” She twisted and screamed but he was much stronger and had forced her dress up.

  “You're shy. How sweet.” He pulled at the bindings between her legs, holding her down with his other hand.

  “Stop it,” she cried as he worked the fabric free.

  The look on his face was grotesque as her penis, semi-hard, sprang free.

  “What the hell is this?” he yelled. “What the fuck are you?”

  Amber turned her head away, tears spilling from her eyes.

  “You disgust me,” he hissed.

  I was about to look away and insist that Benedict stop the tape when Amber stood up. She teetered for only a moment. Regaining her balance, she fixed her outfit and stood her ground, jaw set, head held high. Good for her.

  “You're the one who's disgusting.” The rumble of her voice was low, menacing.

  He held his hand out. “Give me back my money . . . man-whore.”

  “I earned this money.” She turned toward the door but my father grabbed her arm, and from the shriek she let out, I knew it was as hard as he often grabbed mine. Spinning her back around to face him, his other hand shot out, presumably to take the money from her. But Amber was trained in self-defense. With all the homophobes in the Edge, she'd told me, she had no choice. And in one beautiful, balletic movement, her knee met his crotch.

  My father bellowed and doubled over, and Amber ran out the door.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I sat in my bedroom, crying into Rex's fur. Amber wouldn't answer any of my texts, and why would she? How could he? Was this the kind of man my father had always been and I'd just been too blind to see it? Too blinded with love? Daddy's girl rang in my ears. The words that used to make me beam with pride now made me cringe in disgust. What if this had been a one-off? You're obviously skilled at lying to yourself, Burg, but that's too ridiculous even for you to believe. And why would that matter anyway? One time was once too many. Fuck. I couldn't even protect my favorite human donor. From my own father.

  My phone buzzed with a text and I lunged for it, hoping it was Amber. It was Tiyah.

  We need to see you. Please. Elijah told me what happened today. Can we talk? Or just cuddle?

  Shit, I could use a cuddle. Come over, I'm at home.

  I got up, unlocked the front door for them and then forced myself to shower. When I stepped out of the bathroom in a robe, the house smelled like vanilla, and Tiyah was walking out of the kitchen carrying a tray of tea.

  “Hi.” She grinned. “You look good enough to eat.”

  I forced a smile in return and her eyes widened.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing. I'm glad you're here.”

  “Something's wrong. I can tell but I won't push it. Elijah's waiting in the living room.”

  “Thank you, and you're right, but I don't want to talk about it yet.” She knew me almost as well as my besties, which scared the blood right out of me. I followed her, finding her husband sitting on the couch reading a magazine. A surge of warmth coursed through me. They'd made themselves comfortable here. In my house.

  “Burgundy,” he said when we entered and rose to kiss my cheek, taking the tray from his lady and putting it down on the coffee table. He motioned for me to sit next to him and she sat on my other side. “What's wrong?” he asked, concerned.

  Geez, I obviously could not hide my anguish from these two.

  “She doesn't want to talk about it,” Tiyah said.

  “Is it us?” he asked.

  “No. No, it's something else. Look. I'm happy to see you two but I'm not really in a talking place.”

  “Oh?” said Elijah. “I thought you wanted us to come over. Did we misunderstand?”

  “Tiyah offered a cuddle,” I said. “And that I could definitely use.”

  They both broke into smiles and put their arms around me.

  “Let's go into the bedroom.” I stood, motioning for them to follow me. “And grab the tea.”

  In my room we disrobed and climbed into my bed to sip our tea without talking. Then, keeping me in the middle they both wrapped their bodies around me like a cocoon. That, I could get used to. I hadn't felt this safe since Sadie and Jared had found their mates.

  The next morning burst through my eyelids as bright sunlight glinted through the windows. I'd forgotten to draw my curtains. Again. Tiyah and Elijah still held me wrapped up between them and I studied their faces basked in the light. My breath caught at the way it highlighted Tiyah's lovely dark hair and shimmered off Elijah's stark-white curls. The rays caressed both of my lovers and like magic hour, it made them look as though they were movie stars just stepping onto a set. Their sheer beauty overwhelmed even me. These two had become more than mere lovers, people who occasionally graced my bed. Somehow, without my vigilance, they had found their way into my heart. It was one of the many reasons I rarely slept with anyone more than twice, besides my donors, Sadie or Ryder. Jared and I used to be intimate at times, but when he'd bonded to Alec it had stopped and I respected that. Plus he wasn't bisexual and had only done it to please me, which had sometimes seemed forced.

  But these two. Tiyah, with her full lips and sepia-toned skin, completely unblemished, those long, dark lashes resting on her cheeks. Turning my head the other way, I was met with the contrast of Elijah's ruddy skin and tight, blond curls. I didn't enjoy one more than the other. They were the perfect pair. Yin and yang. But could they be my yin and yang? And what did that make me? Ying? Yan? Yiang? Or maybe not defining it was okay too. Elijah's eyes flitted open and he smiled widely, pulling himself toward me and burying his face in my neck. His top arm, which was lying over my chest, reached for Tiyah and he stroked her over me. She stirred and did the same, nuzzling into my neck and petting him over me.

  “Why don't I go make us all some coffee,” she said, sleep lacing her voice.

  “That'd be great, babe,” he said.

  She got up and leaned down to kiss both of us on the lips, first me and then him, her hand disappearing under the sheets.

  He groaned a moment later, closing his eyes, and she leaned back down to kiss me while fisting his cock. Her lips were soft and warm as they parted my mouth.

  “You know what I'd like to happen while I'm making coffee?” she whispered, pulling away from my lips.

  No one said anything as she hovered above me, her hand still on him.

  “I want you two to make love while I'm not here. I want to walk in on you with the coffee already made and either watch you fucking or see you both satiated.”

  He kept groaning as she played with him. Watching for signs of duress or upset, I asked, “Why?”

  “Shhh.” She leaned down and kissed me again. “If this is going to work the way I want it to, the way I know Elijah wants it to, we have to have sex with you without one another. I love the idea of it but I need it to happen to be sure. Does that make sense?”

  His eyes popped open and he sucked in his bottom lip. “It does to me.”

  I had to admit that it made sense to me too. In a proper triad it was rarely all three people all the time; I didn't know anyone who had ever done that. A threesome now and again, yes, but a triad was different. It meant we were all equal lovers, one big “thruple,” and for that to happen, every party had to be fine with sex between the others. I nodded at her.

  “Good.” Her smile warmed me. She kissed each of us, let go of him, grabbed one of my robes and traipsed out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  Elijah rolled on his side, facing me. “How does this work? You're a Domme and I'm a Dom.”

  “I c
an swing both ways and I know you can too. Would you prefer I take the lead?”

  “Whatever makes you—”

  I rolled my body on top of his, stopping his words with my mouth, grinding myself into his hardness. His hands wandered over my body, tugging at my breasts, pulling one into his mouth and sucking on my nipple. Biting and teasing it with his teeth and tongue. I thrust against him, then sat up, popping my tit out of us mouth. I swung my leg over the bed, taking his hand and pulling him with me.

  “Let's make sure she can see us when she comes back.” I moved to the end of the bed, got down on my knees and kneeled over the mattress, ass in the air.

  “Yes,” he hissed, dropping on all fours behind me where he buried his face in my ass and pussy, licking and probing me with his tongue.

  I rocked back into him as he spread me open, plunging two fingers inside of me and pumping them deep. With his other hand, he pinched and rolled my clit between thumb and forefinger.

  “Fuck me, Elijah,” I moaned into the comforter. My head turned to the side, my entire body rigid. “Give me that cock.”

  “In your pussy or in your ass?”

  Ohh, choices . . .

  “Condom,” I gurgled and he jumped up to grab one from my dresser drawer, returning with lube and a dildo.

  “You took too long to answer so the decision is mine,” he said playfully, positioning himself over me and squirting lube onto my ass. He massaged it in and pressed at my gate while alternately fingering me and playing with my clit.

  I tried to press my ass back, to force him inside, but he held me still with surprisingly strong hands—one on either side of my ass.

  I jolted forward as his cock breached my ring, just the tip of it, but he buried his fingers inside of me, stroking until I relaxed. Then he replaced his fingers with a large dildo that worked my pussy while hitting my clit.

  “Oh fuck yes,” I groaned and he pressed his cock in further as I bucked back into him, taking it all. My pleasure grew quickly as his cock pumped inside my ass and the dildo filled my pussy. “Fuck me, Elijah, yes like that,” I screamed, more so Tiyah could hear than for him or myself. The thought of her listening outside the door threw me over the edge and my orgasm gushed from deep inside my core, radiating outward in heated convulsions. While I bucked and squirmed like a wild horse, Elijah held his ground, driving into me and screaming out my name as he came inside of me. I thrashed and screamed, garbled words and he did the same, holding onto me, riding me hard until I collapsed forward and he collapsed on top of me, sweaty and panting.


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