Shiela Stewart - [Darkness 04]
Page 4
“So I told my mother I would come out here and see if I could get any information for her and aunty. Hey…I just thought of something.” Her eyes brightened as she spoke. “Maybe running into you was fate.”
“Come again?”
“Well, I came to Jacob’s Cove to find out about the ritual that cast the darkness over the city. Maybe the Goddess was helping me by having us crash into one another.”
“You ran into me, remember?”
“Semantics. This is so cool! Thank you, Goddess,” she chanted, head tilted to the ceiling.
She was an interesting creature that was for sure. “Okay, so you have all the time in the world to wait for me to give you information on the ritual, but do those people your goddess wants to try to protect have time?” He jabbed hoping he’d hit the right spot.
She lifted a shoulder, let it fall. “I don’t think you’ll be able to hold out for long. I like this part.” She pointed at the TV, and when the cat jumped up on the sofa she pulled it into her arms and snuggled him while watching the movie.
Danny stayed silent while she watched. He could care less about the show. His mind was solely on that delectable body of hers. He watched each breath she took, her breasts rising and falling and envied the cat. He wished his face was the one buried in those round mounds of hers. When he saw her eyes drooping, he felt his chance at escaping near. To his calculations, it took her only moments before she drifted off to sleep.
Yet he remained frozen.
How the hell was that possible?
She rolled over, her back facing him, and the t-shirt rode up her back, giving him a perfect view of her thong clad backside. Like a deer caught in the headlights, he just couldn’t pull his eyes free. Her cheeks were so smooth, so milky white. And the more he stared at her ass, the more his dick throbbed.
He may be thirty-three in human years but he had the libido of a seventeen year old and right now that seventeen-year-old libido wanted to get fucked.
He sat helplessly while Starla slept only feet away from him.
Why was life so cruel?
Chapter 5
On a cot in the center of the room, head against the wall, Chaos lay comatose, hooked up to an IV that fed him a steady concoction of fluids. He’d been that way for the better part of four months now and he wasn’t waking up anytime soon.
At least not as long as Fritz had his way.
When he’d boldly taken Chaos out he’d put himself at risk. It had surprised him just how many of Chaos’ men had grown tired of his plan to kill Trinity and Basil and were willing to defect. Now Fritz was in charge of his race and, so far, he was doing a bang-up job. There were few demands of his men, other than to go out once a week, scoping different highways and capturing humans for nourishment.
Okay, maybe not just for food.
His people needed some fun after all.
In the past few months since he’d taken over, they’d scooped up more than fifty humans from various areas. Since they’d taken up residence in Chaos’ old quarters, the very place he had once held the young women used in the ritual to bring on the darkness, there was plenty of room for that fifty and many more. And in that fifty that had been captured, ten had been turned, three of which were females. He always loved watching a timid female find her inner self after becoming a vampire.
And then there were those that went mad.
He kept those locked up in a cell, chained down and used only for feeding. What other use were they?
Standing over Chaos, Fritz watched him sleep. Everyone was better off with Chaos gone, even Trinity and Basil, despite their argument otherwise. They were vampires after all. The darkness should be welcomed by them, but no, they wanted to end it. Thankfully, newcomers had come to the city and they too were more than eager to stop Trinity and Basil from finding Chaos and ending the darkness.
No one would find him because Fritz was the only one who knew where Chaos was.
Lifting the needle he’d brought along, filled with a heavy-duty sleeping agent, Fritz injected it into the battery powered I.V.. He stood back and watched Chaos for a moment as he slept, then stepped out of the plastic dome tent encasing Chaos and zipped it back up. The last thing he needed was some rodent chewing through the I.V. and waking Chaos up. The heavy plastic dome kept them out and kept Chaos safely tucked inside.
Leaving the room, Fritz climbed his way to the top of the dirt and rock stairway to the top of what had once been his boyhood hideout. Pushing the steel door—which he’d put up in place of the wooden one—Fritz stepped up to the surface. He secured the lock and pulled the dried tree limbs and leaves over the door. No one would know it was there and he meant to keep it that way.
He walked the mile to his car—never could be too careful—and as he climbed in behind the wheel he checked the fuel gage. Whoever had taken his car last had forgotten to fill it up. He’d be sure to remind his men of the consequences of borrowing his vehicle and not filling the tank. At least he didn’t have far to drive.
Pulling up to the compound, Fritz parked the car and pocketed the keys. When he heard the sound of gravel spitting behind him, he turned and watched the black van with its windows tinted speeding up the lane towards him. They hammered on the brakes, kicking up a dust cloud of gravel, making the tires squeal.
He waited while the occupants piled out of the van. With them were three humans, tied, gagged and looking a little worse for wear. His guess was, they’d put up a struggle.
Good for them. Don’t make it easy.
“What have we here?”
“These two were taken on Highway 121 and this one,” the vampire jerked the young man forward, his face bloody, his left eye already swelling shut, “nearly got away twice.”
Smiling, Fritz walked up to the young man with a head full of sandy curls and pulled the gag from his mouth. “What’s your name, son?”
“I’m not your son,” the young man spat through swollen lips.
“True enough. Let’s try this again.” Using the back of his hand, Fritz snapped it across the young man’s face. “What is your name?” Pulling out a handkerchief, Fritz casually wiped the blood from his knuckles.
“Dusty…Dusty Ryder,” the young man stammered, slumping slightly in his captor’s grasp.
“Welcome to the fold, Dusty. Take him away boys. Oh, which one of you borrowed my car?”
“Wasn’t us, Fritz. I think Garret used it last.” One of the vamps shouted out as he carted his victims to the compound.
“Tell him I wish to see him in my office.” He tucked the handkerchief in his pants’ pocket as he made his way into the compound. One vampire wouldn’t be missed.
How long was the woman going to sleep and how the hell could she keep him frozen to his spot while she was sleeping? It was damn irritating. Not to mention, he had to take a wicked piss. And then there was his best friend who had dissed him for the comfort of the very woman Danny was lusting after.
“Traitor,” Danny grumbled to the cat who only stretched out his front paws, then curled right back up into Starla’s stomach. She’d moved several times since she’d first fallen asleep and with each shift her t-shirt had ridden up even more. Not only did he get a perfect view of her soft, round, milky white ass, but her crotch as well. Okay, not in the flesh, but through the white cotton panties he saw enough to know she shaved.
He wondered what she would taste like.
She stretched her arms above her head as she slowly came awake and the t-shirt rode even higher, teasing him with what was hidden beneath.
Killer let out a moan in protest, then leapt off the sofa and sauntered from the room.
“Oh…wow…I guess I fell asleep.”
And much to his regret, she yanked her t-shirt down.
“Crap. I should have grabbed a
“I didn’t mind the view. It was better than that crap you were watching on TV.” Even though it made his loins ache.
Her brown eyes narrowed in response. “I bet you did. Pervert!”
“Hey, I’m a helpless victim. I couldn’t exactly get up and leave the room, now, could I?”
Those big eyes of her narrowed even more. “I think I’ll put my suitcase away and see if my clothes are dry in the bathroom yet.”
“You know, there is a dryer in the basement,” he informed her with a wicked smile. He rather liked the way her eyes narrowed when she was pissed off.
“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?”
“What? And miss out on seeing that scrumptious ass of yours? I think not.”
“You did it to yourself by keeping me frozen. And on that note, how the hell can you keep me like this while you’re sleeping?”
“It’s a spell, and until I break it, you don’t move. I’m going to change.”
“Break the damn spell already,” he hollered out to her as she left the room. “I have to take a piss.”
She came out no more than two minutes later, dressed in jean shorts and a red striped sleeveless t-shirt, and he couldn’t have been more disappointed.
“I’ll help you to the washroom,” she stated on her way toward him.
“Excuse me?” Here was his opportunity to break away from her and she was telling him she’d help him to the washroom. I think not!
“I’ll take you to the washroom so you can do your duty.”
She slipped her arms under him, sliding him from the chair. Then she slid in around him, hooked her arms under his, and began dragging him to the washroom.
“How the hell am I going to take a piss if I’m frozen like a board?”
“Don’t worry. I have it all figured out.”
“If you think I’m letting you hold my willy while I piss, you’ve got another thing coming, woman.” He’d piss his pants before he let her help him pee. A man had to have some dignity.
“Please! Like I would. Ew!” She shuddered, then came to a stop by the bathroom door. “You can take care of your own business.” She plunked him on the floor then stepped from the room, closing the door.
He heard her chanting something but couldn’t make it out through the closed door. Then like a lead weight had been lifted off of him, he felt his body come to life.
About damn time!
He got to his feet, a little unstable, and went right for the door. But grabbing the door knob wasn’t such a good idea. The jolt he felt was like a bolt of lightning entering his fingertips and it coursed through his entire body. It was a good thing no one could see him because the little dance he did was not becoming of him.
And to boot, he pissed his pants.
The door opened and a pair of jeans came flying at him. He lunged for the opened door only to have it slam shut on him. Fool me once. He yanked his hand back before grabbing the doorknob.
“You’re welcome. Why don’t you take a nice hot shower while you’re in there? Oh, and if you’re thinking of sneaking out of the bathroom window, I put a spell on that as well. I’d be careful not to touch it while you’re wet.”
“Goddamn fucking bitch! I am going to kill her,” he grumbled to himself as he stripped out of his soiled jeans. Tossing them on the floor, he pulled the button up shirt he wore off and dropped it beside his damp jeans. Reaching out to turn the hot water on, his eyes darted to the tiny window and he thought…what the hell. Standing up on the edge of the tub, he reached out to the window, and was zapped just as hard as when he’d grabbed the door. His body twitched, slipped, and fell into the tub with a thud.
“I warned you,” she snickered from behind the door.
Danny lay panting in the tub, his body tingling from the high voltage zaps he’d just received, water spraying his face.
Oh yeah, she was going to pay.
Chapter 6
Trinity longed desperately to get outside, to feel fresh air on her face, to have some freedom to move about…and kick some ass. She seriously missed fighting. It had been five months since she’d done some serious ass kicking and she couldn’t wait to be able to get back to it after the baby was born.
It wouldn’t be long now, she reassured herself.
According to both Raven and Cooper, the baby was approaching the final stages of pregnancy and had dropped to get ready for birth.
And because the baby was so low, she had to pee all the time.
Coming out of the washroom, Trinity saw Raven flipping through a magazine while lounging on the sofa. She really was good for Jonah. Trinity had been skeptical of the relationship, given the fact that Jonah had fallen for her so soon after his wife’s death. But they seemed genuinely happy, and Raven knew how to make Jonah smile. That was the most important part.
“I thought maybe we could drive out to the castle and check out the baby’s room and see if there’s anything else we need to get before the birth,” Raven stated as she looked up from her magazine.
“I want to know the sex of the baby.”
“Okay.” Raven drawled, setting the magazine down as she stood. “What brought that on?”
“I don’t know. I just feel a strong need to know the sex before it’s born.” She couldn’t explain it to herself let alone to Raven. It was just a sudden need to know.
“Okay. We can do that. I’ll set up the sonogram so you can see.”
“You already know what it is so just tell me.”
Raven hesitated. “Shouldn’t Basil be here when you find out?”
“He doesn’t want to know. I do. Just tell me.”
Raven let out a long breath before responding. “You’re having a girl.”
Trinity could feel her face lighten as her heart did. “A girl? I’m having a girl?”
Raven’s face lit with a wide smile. “You’re having a girl.”
Wrapping her arms around her swollen belly, Trinity smiled. “It’s a girl.” She looked down at her belly. “You’re a girl, Felicity Rose.” And she couldn’t be happier.
“That is such a pretty name, and so sweet to name her after both your mother and sister. I’m sure they would have been proud.”
Yeah, they would have been, if they’d lived to see the day. Her heart didn’t ache like it once had when she’d lost her family in that horrible car accident. But she did still miss them and, at times like this, she wished they were here to meet their granddaughter and niece.
“Are you going to tell Basil he’s going to have a daughter?”
“I don’t know. Probably not. I wish she could have my red hair.”
“She can, if you dye it.” Raven laughed, giving Trinity’s long, red dyed pony tail a tug. “What was your natural hair color?”
“Kind of a tree bark brown. I hated it all my life but I never had the nerve to dye it. Until Basil sired me.” She smiled fondly, remembering that lovely night she gave not only her virginity to him, but her life as well.
“Well, since Basil’s hair is black, and you had dark brown hair, I’d have to guess her hair will be dark. Anyone in your family have fair hair?”
“My father had black hair and my mother had light brown. My sister’s hair was a shade lighter than mine. Guess you’ll have dark hair, baby.” As if she understood her mother, the baby began to kick about in Trinity’s belly. “It’s almost like she understands me.”
“Maybe she does.” When Trinity lifted her eyes to Raven, she expounded. “Well, you are a superior being now, since the queen gave you new powers. And Basil is the only blood heir of the two original vampires. With both of you having powerful blood, it stands to reason your child would as well. She may ve
ry well be linked to you through your blood in more ways that just for survival.”
Was it possible that her daughter could understand her? If that was true, had she sensed her fear in the beginning when she’d first learned of her pregnancy? Trinity hoped not.
When the apartment door opened and Basil walked in, everything inside of her lit up. He was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. His black hair hung past his shoulders like silk, framing a face that was built with strength and devastatingly gorgeous. He was the love of her life and every moment they were together was the best of her life.
And now they were going to have a child.
“I know what we’re having,” she blurted out, giggling.
Basil’s crystalline blue eyes shifted to Raven. “You told her?”
“She begged me to.”
“I’m sure she did.” His eyes shifted back to Trinity. “I thought we both agreed not to find out the sex.”
“We did, but…” She walked to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, her full belly pressing between them. “I just had to know.”
“Why all of a sudden?” He nipped at her lips three times before taking her in a full blown kiss.
“I’ll just leave the two of you now. Congrats!” Raven whispered to Trinity before she left.
“I don’t know,” Trinity began, running her fingers through all that gorgeous black silk. “I just feel the need to know.”
Basil ran his index finger along her face, stopping when he reached her chin. Then, slowly, he tipped her face up until her eyes met his. “It’s the dream again, isn’t it?”
For three months she’d had the same nightmare that the moment she gave birth to their child, it was taken from her by some unseen force. It was always the same and she always woke feeling as if her heart had been ripped from her chest.
Until she felt her child moving inside of her.
Her daughter.
“I’m trying not to think about it, but…” she sighed.
“I know. And like Cooper and I have both stated, it’s normal for a mother-to-be to have fears of losing her child.” He cupped her face in his palm and kissed her nose. “I won’t let anything happen to her.”