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Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy

Page 30

by Jennifer Collins

  Syney frowned down at the book and opened it. There were so many words that she almost gave up after a few minutes, but she pushed herself a little. She was curious about the whole blood thing, giving and receiving it. She flipped through it until she found the entries on both. The healing was just as Gabe had described it the first time he had used it. It was her own body that had healed her; his blood had just supercharged it to do so. The book talked about the idea of life forces and how the Vampire's blood is their life force.

  "Do we have a life force?" Syney asked, looking up from the book.

  "Of course. Everyone does. It's what makes us alive. Like our souls. Some believe that a Magic User's life force is tied into their magic as well. But now that our magics are so limited, I don't know if that's really true," Helen said.

  "Huh," Syney said, looking back at the book. The taking of blood by a Vampire was in there as well. A Magic User must have written the book, because it talked about the process in a very negative light. All of the things Gabe had told her were there, along with some warnings about the addictive power of Vampire bites. But the addiction was the only negative side effect, which meant that Gabe had lied to her. She didn't have to question why as she read further.

  The Vampire venom released through the fangs provides a euphoric feeling that lasts for hours afterward. The euphoria is a result of endorphins and pheromones pushing into the body. These chemicals can cause a pleasurable feeling and encourage sexual contact. The euphoric feeling is increased during sexual intercourse, causing many to seek out Vampires to achieve this feeling. This can be more addicting than most drugs and alcohol.

  Syney bit her lip. This whole process wasn't something to be messed with, but after having had that feeling of euphoria, she couldn't imagine how it could be increased. She curled her hands into fists and the stretched them out. She was getting antsy just thinking about it. Being intimate with Gabe would be crossing a line, though. She adored him as a friend. He had saved her life at least four times, so he cared for her. He was also flirty all the time, but he was like that with most women. Syney was pretty sure he was attracted to her, although she didn't really know why. She was a mess in more ways than one. She sighed. If she threw herself at him, they wouldn't be friends anymore. And if Hunter found out, she probably wouldn't have him anymore either. But looking at her life at the moment, she realized she didn't have much to lose. A couple of times over the past few days, she had thought about killing herself, but she couldn't muster the energy to go through with it. Gabe had promised it would pass, but it hadn't. This was the only thing she could think of.

  After her lesson she returned to her room. She thought about it for a while; she wasn't sure she was that person, that girl who could use sex as a means to get something and not as an act of love. She thought about how good she had felt the other day and decided she had to go through with it. It was the only way to feel something other than pain and nothingness. She was sitting on the couch when he came in. He was alone, which made it easier for her.

  "Princess," Gabe said, lazily sitting down next to her.

  "You know I hate that," she said, her nerves getting the best of her as she sat up straighter. "Is Hunter outside?"

  "No, Reed is."

  Syney nodded, debating how to go about this. She could just strip, but being sexy wasn't her strong suit, so she settled on being honest. "I read a book on Vampires today. Well, I didn't read the whole thing, just a few pages." She turned to face him. "You lied to me."

  He stared at her. "If you really read them, you would know why."

  "I'm guessing it's the addiction thing."

  "That's part of it."

  "And the sex thing."

  "That's the other part."

  She took a deep breath. "Am I not good enough for you?"

  Gabe shook his head and stood up. He paced in front of her bed. "Stop whatever you are doing or are planning to do." He looked at her. "It would be wrong."

  "But if it's my own choice, it isn't wrong."

  "You're not in a position to make a rational decision. You're not that woman, Syney. You're strong and independent. And in love with someone else."

  "Someone I can't be with," she said, tears coming to her eyes. She walked over to him. "It wouldn't mean anything. Just sex and biting. That sounds horrible, but I don't care."

  "You shouldn't have a relationship just based on sex."

  "And I shouldn't be a secret either. You know, I'm sick of you guys deciding what I can and can't be." She walked to within inches of him. "I want you. It doesn't matter what my reasons are."

  He looked down at her for a moment before grabbing the back of her neck and kissing her hard.

  She didn't like the roughness of it and pushed back on his chest.

  He stepped back. "I thought you wanted me."

  She narrowed her eyes. "You're an ass, you know that?"

  "I do actually." He gave her the most frustrated look.

  She stepped back to him and kissed him softly on the lips. "Stop trying to scare me."

  Gabe stared down at her for a while. She could almost see the internal battle he was fighting. Finally he walked over to the door, placed his hand on it, and whispered something.

  "What are you doing?"

  He turned around and pulled off his shirt while kicking off his shoes. "Locking the door."

  Syney smiled as he walked over to her and kissed her again, this time softer and more sensually. It wasn't like it had been with Hunter. Things were moving much more quickly. Gabe also seemed more experienced, which made sense, considering he had to be hundreds of years old. Syney was feeling things she never had before, and then he kissed his way down her neck and stopped over what she assumed was her main vein.

  "Are you sure?" he asked.

  The question seemed funny to Syney, and she nearly laughed at him. "Yes," she breathed, and closed her eyes as the most amazing feeling in the world enveloped her. When everything was over, she lay back in bed and sighed. She felt tingly all over, but there was no pain or darkness. "I could get used to this," she said with a smile.

  "Don't. It doesn't last, and I won't do it again," Gabe said, getting out of bed and sliding into his black pants.

  Syney sat up. "What? Why?"

  He gave her an exasperated look. "Because I shouldn't have done it now." He grabbed his shirt.

  "Wait! Come here," she said, patting the bed next to her.

  Gabe shook his head but walked over to her and sat down. He placed a hand on either side of her face. "When whatever this thing is passes, you're going to regret this and hate me for it."

  "I won't hate you. You're helping me. I'm not sure what I'm going through. Maybe everything is just hitting me now. I don't know. What I do know is that you're the best friend I could ask for right now. And I love you."

  He stared at her for a moment before kissing her.

  Syney felt something deep inside her turn around. She really did mean it when she said she loved him. It wasn't the way she loved Hunter, though. She was pretty sure nothing could be like that. But she could see herself romantically with Gabe, and it wasn't just for what he offered her bite wise. Suddenly the image of a woman entered her mind. She had seen her before she had woken up after the attack. She was connected to Gabe somehow; she knew it. "Who... the woman with the black hair... Who is she?"

  Gabe let his hands drop. "What?"

  "I saw her in my head—and you were there too—after you healed me. She had really long black hair, pin straight."

  Gabe seemed to withdraw. He looked off into thin air. "You saw her?"


  The muscles in his jaw twitched as he closed his eyes. "That was Faye."

  "You loved her."

  He nodded. "She was my wife," he said, looking back at her.

  "She died?"

  He didn't need to say anything. The answer was written on his face.

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. It was a very, very long time ag

  "But she's still in your mind," Syney said. "Just like Hunter's in mine."

  "What are you getting at?"

  Syney intertwined her fingers with his. "We'll forget about them together." She leaned forward and kissed him.

  Gabe finally relaxed into her kiss and touch. That's when Syney knew she had him.


  Two hours had passed, and their search hadn't produced anything of value. Grass tossed clothes out of the drawer of a Guard and sighed. He didn't want to return to the queen empty handed. He had to find something, if only for his sake. He hadn't become her Protector by sitting around and not getting results. He needed to remain as her Protector if he wanted her to give him the gift of immortality. He wasn't sure how she would do it, but he had learned a long time ago that Mellisandrianna always delivered on her promises.

  The monthly service would be getting out soon, and he needed to find something fast. He left the room and went to the next, where he started to pulled things out of drawers and closets. Nothing. He got frustrated and pulled out his sword. Most Guards didn't have swords, preferring small knives that were easy to hide and maneuver, but Grass didn't particularly like hand-to-hand combat and preferred the distance the sword gave. He swung the blade through the air with frustration and hit one of the walls. One of the stones moved as he hit it, which was odd. All of the walls in the palace were very sturdy. They were made to withstand an attack much more powerful than the strike of a single sword. He stepped closer. The stone was loose in the wall and not from his strike. He pulled it out and looked into the small hiding place. He smiled. Here were his results. He would be rewarded for this; he just knew it.


  "Due to the numerous attacks, I want to make a change to protocol for the master alarm," Leaf said sitting in his chair at the Council table.

  Helen stared at him, feeling a little lost. She was following everything he was saying. It was his eyes she was getting lost in, which wasn't a good thing. But it felt good. She found herself smiling and immediately stopped. She looked around the rest of the council table but didn't think anyone saw her. She looked to the empty chair next to her. Cass had been so distracted lately that Helen wasn't very surprised by her absence. Their mother was upset about it; Helen could tell. But lately everything seemed to upset her mother. She sighed and returned her attention to Leaf.

  "I propose we designate a few rooms in the basements, in the unused sections of the palace, as safe rooms. When the master alarm is raised, all Protectors should get to their charges and bring them to a designated room. That way they will be doubly protected by the extra guards, and there will be a better system to verify that all royals are safe."

  The queen nodded. "It makes sense. Is there a second to the motion?"

  "I second," Thomas said, nodding. "It's always better to be safe than sorry."

  "Motion to change the master alarm protocol is presented and seconded. I will call the roll. Pass with 'yea' and fail with 'nay,' " Justice said, as he wrote on a piece of parchment. All motions had to be written down and voted upon. Every council member had a vote, but not all votes had to be unanimous to be passed. "Princess Helendrianna of House Crystallianna."


  "Princess Adandrianna of House Crystallianna."


  "Princess Cassandrianna of House Crystallianna. Abstention due to absence. Queen Lilith, Head of House Grendalin."


  "Princess Syney of House Vilori."

  Helen glanced at Syney. She looked as pale and withdrawn as ever but seemed a little more upbeat than the last time she had seen her.

  "Yea," Syney said, not looking up from her doodling.

  Helen shook her head and suppressed a laugh.

  "Leaf of House Fall, Head of the Royal Guard."

  "Yea," Leaf said, leaning over and pulling the paper away from Syney. She looked at him for a moment before rolling her eyes.

  That time Helen couldn't help laughing. She tried to cover it up with a cough but still received a cold stare from her mother.

  "Elder Thomas of House Crystallianna."


  "Elder Lawrence of House Crystallianna."


  "Elder Warren of House Grendalin."


  "Elder Josephina of House Grendalin."


  "Queen Mellisandrianna of House Crystallianna, Head of House and Ruler of the Village."


  Justice made a notation on the parchment. "Motion passes with ten yeas and one abstention."

  "Commander, I assume you will be willing to write the new protocol?" the queen asked.

  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  "Good. No need to vote. I'm sure we are all one hundred percent behind the commander writing it."

  Most everyone nodded in agreement.

  "Very good. There is only one more piece of business we must take care of today. A bit of distasteful business, to be honest." The queen sat up in her chair. "As most of you have heard already, this morning, during the monthly service, I ordered a secret search of all the rooms in the palace. I'm sure there is objection over it from all of you. However, I felt it was necessary for our safety. The Daemons were released, as we are all painfully aware—none more than you, Syney. And this is not something that should be treated lightly. The spell that sent them to sleep is in a book that also contains the spell to wake them up. That book was locked up in the secured section of the library, here in the Village. The individual responsible for bringing them back should be charged with treason, for which the punishment is death." She paused and looked around the room to make sure she had everyone's attention. Helen looked with her. Even Syney was paying attention now. "The search was made to find that book, and while it wasn't found, other books were. These books also came from the secured section. It stands to reason that the person in possession of those books also has knowledge of the others.

  "I want to bring this person up on charges of treason publicly later today. I do, however, want a motion passed on the death sentence from all of you first so there is no delay. It pains me to have a snake in our midst, and the faster its head is cut off, the safer we'll all feel."

  "Will there be a trial?" Warren asked.

  "I see no need. Not only were books found in the possession of the person in question but also many different magical paraphernalia. It seems clear this person is guilty and has yet to deny it." She paused. "I will be showing some kind of lenience. I doubt this person worked alone. If they are willing to give up who they are helping, I will offer life imprisonment instead of death. It is a fair deal."

  "It does sound fair," Queen Lilith said with a nod. "The sooner all of this mess is over with, the better I'll feel."

  "I agree. Motion seconded," Adanna said.

  Helen shook her head. "Wait. You're not going to tell us who it is?"

  Mellisandrianna raised her eyebrows. "Does it really matter?"

  She swallowed. "If we're going to decide on the fate of a person, we should at least know who they are."

  The queen stared at her for a moment.

  "I agree," Syney said.

  "And the vote should be unanimous," Leaf chimed in. "It is a life in question."

  Mellisandrianna's icy stare turned colder, and for the first time, Helen was almost scared of her own mother. "Fine, on all accounts." She sat back. "Protector Raine of House Oak was taken into custody after services this morning. He is being held in detention in the dungeon."

  A hush fell over the table. Helen dared a look at Leaf. His face gave nothing away, but his hands had formed fists on the table.

  "Are you sure?" Syney asked, breaking the silence.

  "Yes, I am. It was all found in a secret hideaway in the wall of his room. He also has not denied any of the accusations. Now I motion to bring the death penalty as punishment," Mellisandrianna said, sitting back up. "And I remind all of you that the Daemons wiped out the whole Blocadrian
line and the last Vilori queen. Anyone who helped bring them back must be dealt with harshly." She looked to Justice. "Call the roll."

  "The motion hasn't been seconded," he said quietly.

  "I seconded it already," Adanna said, giving him a nasty look.

  "Right." He wrote down the motion on parchment. "Princess Helendrianna of House Crystallianna."

  Helen looked at her mother and received an icy stare in return. She looked over to Leaf, needing something. She had known Raine her whole life. He was like a brother to Cass. Leaf looked back at her, his eyes turning sad. Helen took a deep breath. There was only one thing to say, she knew. Raine was too close to her, and to Cass. If she voted "nay," she would be investigated as an accomplice, she knew. "Yea," she said, her voice shaking.

  "Princess Adandrianna of House Crystallianna."


  "Princess Cassandrianna of House Crystallianna. Abstention due to absence. Queen Lilith, Head of House Grendalin."


  "Princess Syney of House Vilori."

  Helen looked at Syney. Her lips were thinned into a straight line. She opened her mouth to speak when Leaf slipped her paper back to her. She read it and looked at him for a moment before responding. "Yea," she said, barely above a whisper.

  "Leaf of House Fall, Head of the Royal Guard."

  He swallowed and looked pointedly at Mellisandrianna. "Yea."

  Elder Thomas of House Crystallianna."


  "Elder Lawrence of House Crystallianna."


  "Elder Warren of House Grendalin."


  "Elder Josephina of House Grendalin."


  "Queen Mellisandrianna of House Crystallianna, Head of House and Ruler of the Village."


  Justice made a notation on the parchment, this time with a shaking hand. "Motion passed with ten yeas and one abstention."

  Mellisandrianna stood. "Good. Now I will prepare for the sentencing. The bell for a public meeting will ring in one hour. I will see you all there."


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