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Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy

Page 42

by Jennifer Collins

  "It'll be easier for her this way. It's best for everyone," Hunter said, dropping his head.

  "If it's what you want."

  "It is."

  Leaf nodded and headed out of the dungeon.

  Fern slipped her fingers through the bars. "This is the right thing to do."

  Hunter nodded. "I know."

  "I'll see you tomorrow then," she said, backing away from the cell.

  He nodded again and turned to walk farther into the cell.

  There wasn't much she could ask for. Even though she had said that what had gone on between him and Syney didn't bother her, somewhere deep inside it did. She also believed every word she had said to Hunter. It was less about them and more about the Realm. She had come to see Hunter as a great man, and he shouldn't have to be humiliated for doing something so stupid. She was very glad he had made the right decision.


  Noelle knocked once more on Gabe's door before heading away. He had been distant since they had returned to the Village; he was frequently gone, and quiet when he was around. She didn't like it. When Gabe wasn't being snarky, something was wrong. She glanced at the large clock in the Great Hall. It was almost time for the coronation. Syney had asked to sleep in a little, seeing as it was a big day, which meant Noelle hadn't seen her since the day before. The dress was pretty complicated, but Syney had insisted that Hunter could help her into it. Noelle was happy for the two of them. They had been spending a lot of time together lately. Syney had tried to hide it at first but gave that up once Noelle had walked in with breakfast one morning and gotten a good view of Hunter without his shirt on. And Noelle had to admit, after seeing that she realized Hunter's appeal.

  Reed almost knocked her over as she passed the chapels. He took a breath. "I'm so sorry. I'm just so late."

  "The coronation isn't for another hour," Noelle said with a laugh.

  "Oh, I know. I wanted to make it to Hunter and Fern's Joining, but I was helping my mother settle in."

  "What?" Noelle asked.

  "They let her come because I'm Syney's Protector and all."

  "Not that. The other thing."

  "Uh, Hunter and Fern? They pushed forward their Joining, seeing as they're both leaving for the front-line mission right after the crowning." He glanced toward the chapel. "Listen, I've got to go. But tell Syney that I'll be there as soon as I can." He took off, leaving Noelle staring wide eyed after him.

  There was no way this was happening. Or maybe Syney knew about this, and that was why she didn't want Noelle there this morning. One more amazing night with Hunter before he left. She shook her head. That just didn't seem like him, or her for that matter. She walked over to the Lycin chapel and poked her head in. She saw Hunter and Fern standing up front as the priestess was tying the Joining band around their arms. She backed out of chapel and stopped. It's really happening, she thought with a frown. She sighed and hurried to Syney's room. Even if Syney did know about it, it didn't mean she wouldn't be upset.

  Noelle walked right into Syney's room, but no one was there. She wondered whether Syney was actually at the Joining when Syney came rushing out of the bathroom.

  "Hunter?" Syney asked. She looked at Noelle. "Oh, hey. What's up?"

  "You're not dressed," Noelle said, eyeing Syney's black leather ensemble.

  Syney looked toward the door. "Yeah. Have you seen Hunter around? He was supposed to be here earlier."

  Noelle's heart sank as she nodded.

  Syney eyed her curiously. "What's wrong?"

  She didn't want to be the one to break the news, but she didn't really have a choice. "I did see him. He was in the chapel...with Fern."

  "Oh, um, I guess they had to go over some stuff for the Joining."

  "Actually they were having their Joining," Noelle said.

  If Syney was trying to hide any of her emotions, it wasn't working. Her entire face fell, and tears invaded her eyes. "What?" she asked quietly, her voice shaking.

  Noelle sighed. She was about to explain how she had come across Reed when there was a knock at the door.

  Syney rushed over, throwing the door wide open. Reed smiled at her and walked into the room. "We're almost late. You aren't ready, though," he said, shooting a look at Noelle.

  Syney looked back and forth between the two of them. "What the hell is going on? Why isn't Hunter here?"

  Reed's eyes grew wide. "I thought you knew."

  "Knew what?" Syney whined. "Someone has to explain this to me, because I'm freaking out right now!"

  "Hunter stepped down as your Protector last night," Reed said. "He's leaving with the front-line mission. He's the commander."

  Noelle grabbed Syney before she fell to the floor and sat her down on the edge of the bed. "Hey, it's OK."

  "Did I miss something?" Reed asked, concerned.

  "No, she just missed breakfast. I'll get her dressed. Just give us some time."

  Reed nodded. "Just not too long. All I need is Commander Leaf on my case my first day as a first Protector." He left the two of them, closing the door behind him.

  Syney closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  Noelle knelt in front of her and took Syney's hands in her own. "Tell me everything."

  Syney opened her eyes. The tears were gone, but her eyes didn't have their usual glow. "We were leaving."

  It all made sense. Syney and Hunter had been so secretive lately and had avoided Gabe like the plague. That was why she hadn't wanted Noelle there that morning. That was their escape plan.

  "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you."

  Noelle shook her head. "This isn't about me."

  "I gave him a choice a while ago. He could step down, or we would be together. I guess he just chose."

  "But you said you were leaving."

  Syney bit her lip. "I don't know. I guess...I...I'm not worth it," she said softly.

  Noelle felt tears coming to her own eyes as she sat down next to Syney and put her arm around her. "He's not worth it."

  Syney nodded and took a deep breath. "I didn't think this would hurt so much."

  Noelle squeezed her closer, expecting some tears, but nothing came. They sat like that for a while before Syney pulled back and stood up.

  "Will you help me with my dress?"

  Noelle nodded and pulled the dress out of the closet. Syney stayed silent the whole time, her stare blank. Once Noelle had finished with Syney's hair, she looked at her friend with a sad smile. "It's going to be OK."

  Syney nodded. "I know." She took a breath and opened the door.

  Reed was out there, looking even more anxious than before. Syney followed him down the hall while Noelle stared after them. She was pretty sure Syney was in shock, which didn't surprise her at all. The way Syney and Hunter looked at each other—there was no mistaking true love. And the way Syney had just stared at her—there was no mistaking heartache. She sighed and headed down to the Great Throne Room. She snuck up the side and slid into the front row next to Helen. Syney had asked Noelle to be one of her witnesses, which in itself was an honor.

  "Is it about to start?" Noelle asked.

  Helen shrugged. "My mother still isn't here. She didn't look well this morning. And we're short one witness."

  "I'm not surprised," Noelle said, as Hunter sat next to her. "OK, maybe I am." She frowned over at him and shook her head, but he wouldn't even look at her. Figures, she thought. He knows he's being an ass.

  Noelle pulled out the stone she was giving to Syney as her witness. It was a spirit stone her mother had given her before she had left home. She always had loved the simple green stone, more for its meaning than its looks. It didn't only represent the person who possessed its spirit; it also connected the person to those who had passed before him or her. She looked down the line of witnesses and smiled. Each person's stone matched them so well. It was nice when the witnesses put so much thought into what they gave. She looked at Hunter, and her smile fell. She wanted to slap him right there.

"You can't give that to her," she whispered to him.

  He finally looked over at her but didn't say anything. After a moment he looked away.

  Noelle shook her head and prayed that Syney was still in shock and wouldn't break down in the middle of her own coronation.


  "I could get another girl."

  Mellisandrianna looked over at Grass and shook her head. "It wasn't as effective last time." She flexed her hand. She was getting weaker and weaker. It shouldn't come as quickly as it was. Her plan was disappearing in front of her eyes. She stood up and brushed her skirts down. "We must be going."

  "We could—I mean, you could—adjust the plan."

  She narrowed her eyes at Grass. "How?"

  He stood up to his full height. "I know you wanted to use Princess Adanna, but Syney is being crowned today instead."

  "I know that," she spat out.

  He shrunk down a little. "Then use her."

  She sighed. She had thought of that already. The whole idea left a bad taste in her mouth. There was a reason she had chosen the Crystallianna line. They had always been headstrong but also easily manipulated and gullible. They never knew what was happening until it was all over. "I don't think I could stand to stare at those violet eyes for the rest of my life."

  "But you would still be in control."

  Mellisandrianna nodded slowly. "Let's think about it after the coronation, shall we?" She began to walk out of the room but stopped and looked back at him. "And a girl would be nice—very young if we can." She started out again, hiding any weakness she was feeling, just as she had been taught.


  Reed looked over at Syney. "Are you ready?"

  Syney looked up from the floor. "Sure." She didn't know what else to say. Was she ready for a lifetime of competing with a woman who hated her? Was she ready to lead people she didn't even care about at this moment? Was she ready to live a life without Hunter? No, she wasn't. Everything that had happened had come as a surprise, and not a very good one. At first she thought that maybe Hunter had been caught sneaking into the chapel, but Leaf would have come to her and told her. The only reasonable conclusion was that he had changed his mind and realized that giving up everything in his life wasn't worth just having her. She felt her body go numb again. She took a deep breath and tried to breathe some life into her body. She needed to be alive and awake for this damn coronation.

  The two large wooden doors opened in front of them. Syney looked in and felt her fear creep up. The very large throne room was filled. Syney had been in this room only once, when Helen had taken her here while planning the coronation. Helen had said the room was only used for coronations because of its size. When Syney had been in it then, it didn't seem so intimidating, but now with all of these people, she felt her heart speed up.

  A loud thumping echoed through the room. "Attention! Princess Syney of House Vilori!" a loud voice announced.

  Reed put out his arm, his left arm sticking out, palm down. Syney placed her arm over his as Helen had taught her, her hand resting on top of his. They started down the aisle this way. Syney kept her eyes straight ahead, not making eye contact with any of the people. The queen stood at the end. The two curtsied to each other once Syney had stopped a few feet away. Syney moved to the end and stood in front of a chair to Mellisandrianna's right. She finally looked out over the crowd. Hundreds of faces stared back at her, most filled with joy and awe. She looked over at the first row, where her witnesses sat—all of her witnesses. Syney looked away quickly, but there was no way she was going to get the sight of the new black tattoo running up Hunter's left arm out of her mind. She had seen that tattoo many times. It was the sign of someone who was Joined. She took a jagged breath and fell into the numbness. It was better than crying in front of everyone.

  The queen spread out her arms. "It is a joyous day in our Village!" Everyone cheered. "Every coronation is special. But this one in particular warms my heart. The Vilori were a line of great women and leaders. It is a beautiful day when one of them is seated back in the royal court." Applause. "And Princess Syney... what an already amazing woman and leader. The witnesses she brings before you are not only diverse but also unique. I do believe our new seated queen will be bringing some interesting changes to our city, as well as her prophesized ability to bring peace to our Realm." More applause. "And now I call forth the witnesses, who will present stones for our new queen." Mellisandrianna took a seat, and Syney and the rest of the crowd followed suit.

  Cass, Leaf, Helen, Noelle, and Hunter filed out of their row and lined up in front of the queen and Syney, only a few steps lower than them.

  Cass stepped forward and handed a small blue stone to Justice, who pushed it into Syney's crown, which sat on a pedestal between Syney and Mellisandrianna. "The hope stone," Cass said loudly. "You now hold the hopes and dreams of our people. Goddesses bless our future queen." She stepped back and moved back to her seat. Syney watched her go. Cass looked paler than usual and even a little shaky.

  Leaf stepped forward and handed Justice a small black stone. "The stone of strength," he said. "You possess the strength of a warrior. May it grow even stronger as you grow into your new role. Gods bless our future queen." He kept eye contact with Syney the whole time. Syney almost smiled at him, if she could have mustered it. She mouthed a thank-you before he stepped back.

  Helen was next. She also looked a little rundown, but she at least managed a large smile, unlike Cass. "The faith stone," she said handing the white stone to Justice. "You not only have our hopes but our faith as well. As your faith grows in our great religion, may our goddesses guide you to all the right choices. Goddesses bless our future queen."

  Noelle hopped forward and smirked at Mellisandrianna before turning to Syney. Funny enough, Noelle had been the one witness Syney had had to work for with the queen. Mellisandrianna had scoffed at the idea of a handmaiden being involved in a royal ceremony. The wolves she rolled her eyes at as well but didn't fight. Noelle handed Justice a small green stone. "The spirit stone. You possess an incomparable spirit that will help lead you to any adventure or situation you may desire. Goddesses bless our future queen." She gave Syney a large smile before stepping back and eyed Hunter before heading back to her seat.

  Syney's gaze followed Noelle back to her seat and held the other girls' eyes once she was seated again. Noelle nodded and mouthed, "It's OK." Syney nodded and turned to stare out in front of her, just to the side of Hunter. She couldn't look at him. There was no way she could handle that. He handed a red stone to Justice but paused before speaking. "The heart stone. You possess the heart of a fighter, a friend, a leader. You also have a place in all of our hearts. May you keep that in mind and hold the knowledge that you are loved close to your heart. Gods bless our future queen."

  Syney took a jagged breath and dared a look, only a small one. She met his soft brown eyes and felt everything inside her break into tiny bits. She bit her lip and looked away. He stepped back and joined the others in the front row.

  Mellissandrianna stood again, and Syney followed suit, moving to stand down where the others had stood. "In the name of Juno and Jupiter, I crown you Seated Queen of all of Magic User Lands."

  Syney felt her place the crown on her head. It felt much heavier than when she had tried it on with Helen.

  The crowds clapped hurriedly for their future queen.


  Gabe leaned onto the railing of the balcony as hundreds of people cheered Syney on. She looked amazingly beautiful with that crown on her head. "That's her," he said with a smile. "Think you can handle this, Adam?"

  A young handsome blond man leaned down next to him, his brown eyes looking straight ahead. He gave Gabe a playful smile. "Not a problem."

  Gabe nodded. Step eighty-nine complete. His plan was working just fine.




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