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Unchained (Hogan Brother's Book 3)

Page 13

by KL Donn

  “You can have all of that without marriage, though. I know you, Sage. I know you’ll be in it for life. Can you say the same for him?” Her gaze implored understanding on Sage’s part. “I don’t want you to regret doing this.”

  The doors dinged open as they reached the lobby and more patrons entered the small space. Sage was rooted to the spot, and they wound up going back up. “I know you’ve been hurt in so many ways and can sympathize. My hurt has gone beyond anything I could have imagined, though, and I choose to look past the pain and to the future. Whatever that may bring.” Drawing in a shallow breath, she felt more eyes on her. “And in it, I see Lochlan. Do you remember the first time I told you about him? My heart fluttered, and I had butterflies in my belly.”

  “I remember, Sage.”

  “It’s ten times that now. We both want the same things; we want the babies and marriage. A picket fence and a dog. Church on Sundays, football on Fridays. Everything in between. We talked the entire way here. There isn’t a single thing I don’t know about him, and he, I. We are meant for each other; I feel in my heart of hearts. Deep in the recesses of my soul. He is mine, and I am his. Unequivocally. Without question.”

  “Damn, girl,” one woman interjected causing Sage to blush a deep crimson. “Marry that man.”

  “He’s a keeper,” another said wistfully.

  “There isn’t even a sliver of doubt?” Ashley asked, ignoring the other women.

  “Not for a second.” She smiled wide.

  “Wedding’s at nine in the chapel, ladies!” Ashley called as the two women disembarked the elevator.

  “We’ll be there!” one called out.

  Shocked, Sage turned wide eyes to Ashley. “What did you do that for?”

  “Honey, with that kind of love, it needs to be witnessed.”

  “If you say so,” Sage replied as Ashley drug her to a fancy boutique with high-end clothes she would never dream of buying for herself. The dresses were too short, or the necklines plunged. Pants were too tight, skirts looked like scraps of fabric. She couldn’t possibly wear any of it.

  “Good afternoon ladies, and welcome to the Grand Canal Shoppes. How may I help you today?” An exuberant woman from one of the specialty stores greeted them. She was dressed demurely in a skirt and blazer suit, her long red hair curled into ringlets.

  “Girl, have we got a job for you,” Ashley exclaimed. “She is getting married in just a few hours. We need a gorgeous, knock her man out of his socks wedding dress that isn’t slutty. Something with lace to her knuckles, no back, long, flowy. Oh, and a veil. Definitely a veil.”

  “There has to be a back.” Sage was horrified at the suggestion.

  “No back,” Ashley insisted.

  “Oh, this is so exciting, I actually have the perfect dress in mind. You’re not too busty so no back will be wonderful.” The employee led them to the perfect store and into a curtained-off area.

  “She’s going to need something elegant yet sexy for the night, too. Her fiancé—oops, husband—needs to be wowed.” Her friend smiled brightly at Sage’s open mouth.

  “Heels or flats?” the woman asked.

  “Flats,” Ashley answered before Sage could.

  “Do I get any say in this?” Sage asked.

  “Are you going to listen to my suggestions?” They both stared at her.


  “Then I get the decisions for now. When it comes to lingerie, you can help.”

  Speechless, she sat on a bench and waited to be wowed as Ashley said.

  “She wants me to talk to you about this.” Declan looked to Loch.

  “Oh yeah?” He wasn’t shocked. From what Loch had heard, Sage’s friend was very protective of her. He liked that.

  “I figure you’re old enough to know what you want, and your brothers have probably already tried and failed at having this conversation.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Congrats then, man.” He held out his hand for Loch to shake. “Don’t hurt her, though. Because if my girl hurts, there’ll be hell to pay.”

  “Not going to happen.” The man was intense. But no more so than his own brothers. His threat didn’t worry Loch.

  Nodding his head, Declan asked, “Everyone still coming?”

  Loch had planned to surprise Sage by getting his mother and brothers to fly out. Braxton was also working on getting her siblings to come, too. He knew she wouldn’t complain about them not being there, which would make the surprise sweeter.

  “Should be here in an hour or so. I just hope Braxton was able to get her brothers and sister out in time.”

  “You need help with that mess just call. Between Landon and I, we have enough resources to get them squared away for a while.”

  “Thanks, man, I appreciate it.”

  “See you in a while.”

  As they parted ways, Loch had a lot of things to take care of. Most importantly, getting ahold of Braxton. Even his brothers didn’t know what he’d asked of the other man.

  Hitting the speed dial button on his cell assigned to Brax, he waited until the ringing ceased and voicemail kicked in. “Hey man, give me a call when you can. Ceremony’s at nine. She doesn’t know anything.”

  After hanging up, he set to work readying the room for the night. Placing candles around the open space. A chilled bottle of non-alcoholic champagne was being sent up along with a light dinner around ten.

  Opening the curtains of the room, the view was incredible, and he had a feeling Sage would love it as soon as she saw it. Center stage was the replica of St. Mark’s Campanile Tower from Venice, Italy. Below was the Grand Canal with bridges, boat gondolas, and enough lights to keep their room lit all night. It was a remarkable sight to see for sure.

  One day, Loch would take her to the historical St. Mark’s Campanile Tower in Italy. He had a feeling that her faith in God would allow her to experience the wonder in peace.

  A knock at the door distracted him from his pondering of their future. “Come on, man, open the door!” Levi called. He could hear their mother telling him to shut it that they were in a classy place.

  Pulling the door open, Soph and Hayes immediately hugged him. “We are so happy for you, Loch.”

  Hayes grinned at him. Levi darted around them saying, “Sorry, kid, gotta take a leak.”

  “Can’t take him anywhere.” His better half laughed.

  “Fancy place, Loch.” Nox pulled him in for a hug.

  He grinned. “She’s worth every penny.”

  Nox drew away, his eyes on Soph. “They are, aren’t they?”

  “I can’t believe my baby’s getting married!” Their mother had tears in her eyes as she hugged him tight like when he was a child.

  “She’s it for me, Ma.”

  “I want you to have this.” She held out her wedding band—the one their father had given her on their wedding day. A family heirloom. It was a thin white gold band with a ruby red stone set in the middle, surrounded by small white diamonds.

  “Ma.” He tried to protest.

  “No, baby.”

  “But Nox?” He looked to his brother who stood with a smile worthy of the Joker.

  “Nah, kid, this one is all you. Sage is going to appreciate this ring more than anything else you’ll find her. Besides, first to marry gets it.”

  “Lev?” Loch turned to him.

  “Like Nox said, first to marry.”

  “Thanks, Ma.” He hugged her again.

  “Lochlan?” Sophia called to him. “Have you thought about vows?”


  “Have you thought about writing your own vows? I know this was spur of the moment, and you likely haven’t, but Sage is so special. She deserves something from your heart.”

  Looking around the suite they were in, he thought he’d accomplished that with the resort. “I didn’t do that already?”

  Coming to him, she gripped his hand. “I know to you, this hotel, the meaning behind it, her faith, it’s all tied t
ogether. She’s eighteen, Lochlan. I’m willing to bet that even though she wants all of this as much as you do, she’ll want some treasured words from your heart even more.”

  “She’s right,” Hayes chimed in. “Sharing with her how you feel will mean so much to her. I realize I’ve only met her briefly, but there’s something distinctive about her. She’s not like anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “I know that. She’s gentle, kind. She’s perfect in ways I’ve never imagined. When I’m with her, there’s nothing else around us. She makes my pulse pound louder, and my heart beat stronger.”

  “Tell her that,” Soph implored.

  “She knows all that.”

  “Trust me, Loch, we never tire of hearing about what we make you feel.” Hayes shot a sarcastic look to Levi.

  “Sugar, I show you as often as I can get betwe–”

  “Levi!” Their mother scolded.

  “Sorry, Ma.” He didn’t look it.

  “Fine. Get out so I can get this done then.”

  Loch wasn’t opposed to writing his own vows. He was more nervous that he wouldn’t be able to convey everything he felt for her in a few short words.

  It couldn’t be denied. As reserved as Sage had felt at first, the backless gown was elegant and sensual in a beautiful way. She felt classy yet sexy.

  She was ready to say her vows.

  “You look stunning, Sage.” Ashley hugged her from behind after fixing her veil to hide as much of her back as possible.

  “I feel it.” Her own voice was full of awe.

  “Are you ready?” Ash whispered.

  Sage was more than ready. She was excited, nervous, had butterflies in her tummy, and her heart was racing out of control. Ashley and the woman from the Grand Canal Shoppes had gotten her ready right there in the store after she’d gone to a salon to have her hair curled and circled around her head to look like a halo. Light pink peonies and babies’ breath had been weaved throughout to finish off her innocent look. With a light makeup application, she’d been declared ready.

  Now, as she stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror, her dress made of lace encasing her body, Sage was thrilled with where her life was going. Having once feared a marriage she couldn’t commit herself to and being given one she craved, was a miracle.

  “Could I have a minute?” Sage asked Ashley.

  “Of course, hon, I’ll be right outside.”

  As Ashley left, Sage walked to the small pew in the corner of the dressing room in the back of the chapel she’d been shown to. A small cross and bible were sitting next to it. The calling would never be free of her. She was too connected to her faith to ever let it go.

  Lighting the small candle, she said a prayer. “Bless me, oh Lord, as I say my vows. As I take to a life I’ve been dreaming of since I was a little girl. Please, Lord, bless our union with grace and care. Amen.”

  Feeling lighter in her heart, Sage walked to the door, opening it just as Braxton was about to knock. “Hi!” She was thrilled to see him. He might come off as cold and quiet, but he made her feel at ease. “What are you doing here?”

  “Loch had a surprise for you.” Stepping out the way, she looked behind him, and there were the two men who had spent their lives trying to protect her.

  “Porter, Trusen.” The air was stolen from her lungs as her brothers walked forward. Dressed in matching tuxedoes to Braxton’s, they looked as handsome as she’d ever seen them. “How?”

  Placing a hand on her cheek, Porter spoke. “I called Lochlan’s shop yesterday asking about you. We’ve been worried. He asked if we were ready to leave. The answer was obvious after everything that’s happened. Father has gotten stricter and more severe with his punishments. We’re working with Frank and his department to put an end to his tyranny amongst the congregation.”

  “What happened, Porter?” She was glad they were out, but it was all she could focus on.

  He shared a look with Trusen before he spoke. “Jossilyn is missing.”

  Gasping, her hands flew to her mouth in shock. “Missing? How? When?”

  “I’ve got a lead on her. You worry about getting married, Sage.” Braxton gripped her shoulder tightly.

  “Does Loch know?” He couldn’t know and not tell her, could he?

  “No. We knew he’d tell you, and we wanted to find out more first. Braxton came to get us last night. We filled him in then. He’s been working tirelessly ever since to find her,” Tru explained.

  “Thank you, Braxton.” She hugged him briefly. Worry for her sister now overshadowing her excitement to marry the man of her dreams.

  “Hey, none of that,” Ashley scolded.” It’s your wedding day. Braxton looks like a hard ass that won’t quit; I’m sure he’ll find her. Focus on you today, Sage.”

  “But Joss, she must be so scared.”

  “She’s strong, Sage. More than any of us thought. You enjoy your night, and when we get home, I promise to tell you everything.” Porter smirked like he had secrets.

  “Fine. But only because I’m getting married.” It really hit her then. “I’m getting married.” She took a deep breath.

  “Don’t freak out now. You have a very handsome man waiting to tie his life to yours,” Ash teased her.

  “Not freaking out. Nerves are hitting, I think.”

  “Drink this.” Brax handed her a bottled water. “I’ll see you out there.” He walked away leaving Ashley and her two brothers.

  “I’m so proud of you, Sage.” Trusen hugged her tight again.

  “Will you walk me down the aisle?” she asked. “Both of you?”

  “Of course.” They grinned in unison.

  Everything was rushed after that. She was taken to a set of double doors just as music began to play. Ashley pushed them open. Turning, she pulled the veil over Sage’s head and whispered, “Good luck,” before settling in her seat in the front row.

  “Oh my gosh!” She couldn’t hold back the hushed exclamation at seeing not only Lochlan’s family there, but also the two women from the elevator, and the sales lady that helped with her gown.

  Her brothers each took an arm and began walking her down the aisle. Lochlan looked so handsome in his white tux with a light pink tie the exact color of the flowers in Sage’s hair. His hair was combed neatly rather than the normal messy, rolled out of bed look he usually sported. He shaved the stubble from his jaw that she loved scraping her nails against.

  It was his eyes that stole her attention, however. They were filled with so much love and possessiveness. There wasn’t an ounce of doubt in them. He wanted her and all that she brought—crazy family and all.

  Words were spoken, and she was handed off to him, but she didn’t hear any of it. Loch stole her complete attention.

  “Stunning,” he breathed out as he took her hands in his.

  A blush worked up her cheek as the minister began to speak. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in the bonds of Holy Matrimony. Before we begin, I would like to say a prayer of blessing to our Lord. If you could please bow your heads.” The room quieted, peace overtook her, and his prayer began. “God bless this marriage with hope that is sure, with faith that is steady, and love that endures. Bless this couple as they gift each other with your precious love. Amen.” A collective Amen filled the room as Sage’s gaze met Lochlan’s once again.

  “Lochlan, like many grooms, has asked that I make this short and sweet, with his impatience to claim his bride. So, we shall begin. Your marriage starts off with the vows and promises you speak to one another today. The marriage vow is a promise of fidelity and honesty. Lochlan, you may begin.” Shocked he wrote his own vows, she waited.

  “Sage.” His hand reached for a stray piece of hair, tucking it behind her ear and cupping her cheek. “I can’t begin to tell you what you mean to me.” He stepped closer to her. “I saw your crystal blues and fell to the deepest depths of devotion for you. Not a single word, only stolen breaths, and I belonged to you. Each sear
ing glance, every shy smile, you pocketed a small piece of my heart. Without you, there is no me.” He paused to clear his throat. “I’ve told you before, what I feel is much bigger than love, and that’s never going to change. You and me, we’re it.” He stopped again to wipe a lone tear from beneath her eye. “I’ll love you until my dying day and every moment after.”

  “Breathe, Sage,” Ashley whispered from the front row.

  Blushing, she gripped his hands cupping her cheeks. When the minister nodded to her, she spoke. “Lochlan, when I was a little girl, I dreamed of this day. I would bug my sisters and sometimes my brothers to plan it, to hope and pray I got the future I envisioned.” She had to swallow around the lump in her throat. “When I lost faith, or I was scared…when I would cry late at night, it was you who gave me hope. I didn’t realize then that the person I would be sent was the man you are. I didn’t know you would save me in such monumental ways or that our love would be so complete. From the day we met, I’ve known we were exceptional. The way we talk and laugh together is so much different than anyone else. I didn’t expect that I would meet someone I could trust so absolutely. I think most people search their whole lives for the love we’ve found and embraced so quickly. I love you, Lochlan, with my entire heart and soul.” Tears streamed steadily down her face as she finished speaking.

  “Wonderful.” The minister picked up again. “Rings, please?” Sage and Lochlan were both handed the bands. She didn’t get time to look at the one Levi handed her before he spoke again. “Do you, Lochlan, welcome Sage as your wife, offering her your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?”

  “I do.” His words were steadfast as he placed a ring on her finger. The ruby shining brightly.

  “Do you, Sage, welcome Lochlan as your husband, offering him your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?”

  “I do.” She slipped a matching band onto his own finger, wondering briefly where they’d come from.


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