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Daddies of the Castle

Page 25

by Adaline Raine

  Addi’s stomach began to hurt. “I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to be rude. I’ve just never seen a human pony and really wanted to meet one.”

  “I can understand your curiosity. My Greystone is a beauty to behold, but again, that doesn’t excuse the fact that you were neither chaperoned nor invited. I am going to have your Daddy paged, and you are going to sit right there on that hay bale and wait for me to return. Is that understood?”

  Addi nodded. After sitting on the hay bale, she looked at Greystone and was shocked to see he had not moved. He stayed as still and regal as he had before she’d walked in. She just knew she’d never have that level of self-control.

  A few minutes later, Miss Amy returned and walked over to Greystone, rubbing his back and kissing his forehead. “You may go to your stall and rest, or go out and lie in the sun. Little Penny and I are going to wait here for her Daddy.”

  Greystone neighed happily and trotted outside.

  Miss Amy came and sat next to her. “He loves to lie about in the sunshine. His usual discipline is over not wanting to work.”

  Addi bit her lip. “May I ask some questions?”

  Miss Amy nodded. “Yes, you may. Anything you like.”

  “What kind of work does he do? And, if he doesn’t like it, then why is he here?”

  Miss Amy chuckled. “His work is winning the chariot races. He and I will be racing against the other ponies in three days. He is here because, while I often have to discipline him to be less lazy, he loves it. He loves the discipline and the work itself. There is something about the humbling of taking his role that fulfills something very deep in him. Why are you here dressed in pigtails and overalls with easy access to your little bottom? There is something about taking the role of a little girl that excites you, correct?”

  Addi nodded. “Yes, Ma’am. It does. It makes me happy and feel safe.”

  “It is the same for my Greystone. Would it surprise you to know that in our everyday lives, we are a completely egalitarian married couple? He’s a doctor at a prominent hospital, and I write and illustrate children’s books.”

  Addi’s mouth fell open. “Really?”

  Miss Amy laughed. “Yep. We come to the Castle when we can to let off steam, but for the day to day, we live like most other couples.”

  “Wow. I guess I never thought about how other people did stuff. I am always my Mommy and Daddy’s little girl. I’m kind of spoiled, honestly. They have been so good to me.”

  Miss Amy smiled and then nodded to the door. “I’m guessing that is them now?”

  Addi looked up to see Daddy fully decked out like ‘Pop’ and squealed to see Mommy looking like June Cleaver.

  She leapt up and raced over to throw her arms around her. “Mommy! I’ve missed you so badly! Please don’t leave again!”

  Mommy hugged her tightly. “Don’t worry, sweet girl. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Daddy joined in their long embrace and when they all let go, he looked at her quizzically. “What are you doing down here? I thought you were in school.”

  “I was, but it’s been over forever, and I couldn’t find you! They called you a lot of times to come pick me up, but you never answered. Then, you weren’t in the room, so I went exploring on my own.”

  He tilted his head. “They called me to pick you up? Are you sick, little one? What happened?”

  She blushed. “I’ll explain later, but this is Miss Amy, and I think I was rude to her and her husb—pony, Greystone.”

  Miss Amy stood up and held out her hand with a smile. “Ambrosia Grace. I’m not offended, but as I was explaining to little Penny here, you should get permission before watching a private scene. Also, I was concerned about her being so far away from the rest of the Littles’ program without an escort.”

  Daddy stuck out his hand as well. “Ward Cleaver, and this is my wife, June.”

  Mommy shook hands as well.

  Addi giggled. She didn’t know they’d actually chosen the Cleavers’ names.

  He looked sternly at her. “I apologize for Penny’s behavior, and I assure you she will be punished. Actually…”

  He leaned towards Miss Amy, whispered something, and she smiled broadly and nodded.

  “Penny, come here.” He grabbed her arm and walked her back towards the bench she and Miss Amy had been sitting on.

  “I think, since you eavesdropped on a private scene between Miss Amy and Greystone, they deserve to see you punished for it.”

  Addi looked at him, shocked. “You’re gonna spank me in front of them?”

  “Yes, and since I don’t have any of my normal implements available, I think a crop is quite appropriate. Miss Amy, if you’d be so kind as to get Greystone, I’ll make sure Penny is ready.”

  Miss Amy walked outside to get Greystone, and Addi looked at Daddy in trepidation.

  “You’ve never cropped me before, or spanked me in front of anyone ’cept Mommy before! This isn’t fair! The only reason I came down here is because you ignored me all day. You were probably too busy with stupid Mommy to even notice I was gone!”

  Daddy looked at her sternly. “You will curb your tongue, right now, Adaline Katherine! You deserve to be angry at both me and Mommy, and we can discuss that later, civilly. But, you will not yell at either of us, or use words like ‘stupid’. Is that fully understood?”

  Addi was so angry at both of them it was hard to bite her tongue, but self-preservation won out. “Fine. Yes. Sir.”

  “Hands on the bench, bottom out.”

  She obeyed, making fists as she held on to the bench. She felt equally angry and scared, but it was easier to show the anger.

  Daddy unbuttoned the flap on her overalls. Addi wished she had put on several pairs of underwear, but she hadn’t put on any because a part of her knew she’d just have had to remove the overalls then, and at least now she had some protection on her thighs.

  The air on her naked bottom gave her goosebumps all over her body. She wondered how badly the crop was going to hurt. She knew that she deserved to be punished for running off, but she did feel like it was mildly unfair that she was getting punished and Mommy and Daddy were getting off scot-free. She’d felt so betrayed when Daddy didn’t show up for her. Mommy didn’t deserve any positive attention, since she’d abandoned them. Everything was so messed up. This trip was supposed to be about dreams coming true and so far, she’d gotten one spanking she didn’t plan for, and another was on its way.

  Hearing the footsteps behind her as Miss Amy and Greystone approached caused Addi’s face to flush in embarrassment. At this rate, the whole Castle would see her bare ass. In her moment of embarrassment, she forgot that Master Emerson had spared her both baring her bottom and an audience.

  “I would like to formally apologize to both of you. Our little girl knows better than to interrupt someone else’s scene, and spying is definitely not something we condone.”

  Addi did feel ashamed about spying.

  “I spoke with Greystone outside, and if Penny would like to watch us practice or come to the race on Saturday, she is more than welcome. It wasn’t the company that was unwelcome. We just like to know that we have an audience,” Miss Amy said.

  “Fully understandable, and thank you. So, please observe as I remind my girl of her manners.”

  Addi clenched as Daddy swished the crop through the air a few times. Even knowing it was coming, the severe sting as the crop came down across her bottom shocked her. She was determined not to further embarrass herself by crying, but it was not going to be easy.

  “Little one, I know that your desire is never to cause others discomfort by watching their intimate moments without their consent. But you did, so this discipline is to make sure that you don’t repeat that in the future.”

  His words were harder to bear than the pain, but as the crop came down again and again, she felt like her bottom was being painted with wasp stings.

  “I know that having others see your little bottom punished is not fun f
or you, but it is only fair. These welts will remind you to be more respectful, and will also show those you offended that you are being adequately chastised.”

  The shame and pain and embarrassment proved too much, and Addi began to sob.

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy! I’m sorry, Miss Amy! I’m sorry, Greystone! I didn’t mean to hurt anyone or be bad!”

  Daddy laid the crop on the bench, pulled her to standing, and held her in his arms.

  “I know, sweet girl, you’re usually so respectful of others. I’m not mad. And I’m sure Miss Amy and Greystone will forgive you as well.”

  Addi threw herself into Miss Amy’s arms. “I’m so sorry! Please don’t hate me!”

  Miss Amy hugged her close and kissed her head. “All is forgiven, little Penny. I think Greystone would appreciate a hug as well.”

  Greystone neighed and nuzzled Addi’s shoulder.

  Addi hugged him and kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry, Greystone. I think you’re a beautiful pony, and I hope you win the race!”

  Miss Amy gave Addi a sugar cube. “Would you like to give him a treat?”

  Addi grinned and nodded. “Yes, please!”

  She held the sugar up to Greystone’s mouth and he delicately ate it out of the palm of her hand.

  Mommy came up behind Addi and wrapped her arms around the girl, hugging her tightly.

  “I’m so sorry I hurt you, Addi-girl,” she whispered in her ear. “Let’s go for a walk with Daddy and we can talk about all of it. You can be as angry as you like. I can take it.”

  Addi twirled around and clung to Mommy. “I missed you so much! I thought you didn’t want us anymore. I was so scared!”

  “I’m so sorry, baby! I was selfish. I know that now.”

  Daddy covertly buttoned up Addi’s overalls as she and Mommy hugged.

  Chapter 6

  “ H igher! Higher!” Addi squealed as Mommy pushed her on the swing.

  “Smile!” Daddy held up his phone and caught the gleeful duo, then quickly secreted it back into his pocket before anyone could catch him. Phones weren’t allowed in the Castle, but Addi was too happy right now to remind him he was breaking the rules.

  Getting everything out in the open had made everything better. She was excited that the next time Mommy needed to go out of town, she and Daddy would be stowing along.

  “I wanna build a sand castle. Will you two help me?” Addi jumped off the swing and landed on her feet.

  “Sure!” Mommy raced her to the sandbox and plopped right down. There was a small stream of water surrounding the giant sandbox. Addi assumed it was for collecting water to make the sand damp, and for rinsing off after they were done playing. She had never seen so many sand toys or shovels in her life. This was Little heaven!

  Trying not to make a sound, Addi cupped some of the water in her hand and threw it at Mommy’s face.

  “What the—” Mommy wiped off her face and shook her head. “Funny joke, but not in the face, okay?”

  Addi bit her lip and tossed a little bit more, hitting Mommy on the cheek.

  “Penny!” Daddy shouted at her from the other side of the box where he was collecting molds.

  “No, it’s okay, I’ve got this.” Mommy waved her hand in Daddy’s direction. “Penny, come here please.”

  Addi smiled a little and shook her head.


  Addi scooted further away.


  Addi stood up, braced to run.

  “Three.” Mommy grabbed Addi’s arm and pulled her down over her knees in the sand. “Somebody has gone too long without Mommy spanks, I see.”

  Addi wiggled her bottom a little as Mommy unbuttoned the flap.

  “I don’t like these overalls. Tomorrow, I want you back in a skirt. Those allow easier access to all your little parts, and also, there’s something special about flipping up your skirt. Oh dear, these welts on your bottom from the crop are going to sting as I spank them, but it can’t be helped.”

  Addi felt warm swirly feelings in her belly as Mommy spoke. Speaking of ‘all her little parts’, she wanted some not-little time soon, but for right now, she just wanted to feel Mommy’s hand on her bottom. Even if it was gonna hurt.

  Mommy started the spanking off lightly, almost caressing her.

  “It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten to do this, but that doesn’t mean you can disobey Mommy. When I give you directions, you need to heed them.”

  “Mmmhmm…” Addi took in the feelings.

  “That doesn’t sound like a ‘Yes, Ma’am’ to me, little girl.” Mommy upped the ante, reigniting some of the fire Daddy had left earlier.

  “Oh, yes, Ma’am! Sorry, Mommy!” Addi dug into the sand with her toes to keep from kicking.

  “Now that I’m back, we are going to have a lot of fun, but I’m still your Mommy and you’ll show me obedience and respect.” Her spanks landed hard on Addi’s bottom.

  This was getting less fun by the swat.

  “Yes, Mommy! I’ll behave!”

  Just as Mommy seemed to be finishing up, a harsh laugh and singsong voice filled the air.

  “Penny’s getti’ her butt spanked! Penny’s getti’ her butt spanked!” Cindy chanted and pointed.

  Addi pushed herself to standing and glared at Cindy. “Hey! What gives? You’re not even supposed to be down here. Master Emerson told you to stay in your room. Besides, it’s rude to make fun of me for getting in trouble.”

  Cindy stuck her nose in the air. “Whatever. It’s none of your beeswax where I’m ’sposed to be, and if you didn’t want people to comment on it, you shouldn’t’a gotten spanked in the middle of the sandbox. Kinda stupid if you ask me.”

  Addi lurched at the girl. “Well, I didn’t ask you!”

  Daddy grabbed the back of Addi’s overalls so she couldn’t actually attack Cindy. “That’s enough, girls. Penny, calm down. Little girl, where are your guardians?”

  Cindy squinted at him. “Don’t got none. I’m a free elf!”

  “We should throw a sock at her, then maybe she’ll leave us alone,” Addi muttered. Out loud, she said, “She’s in the boarding school program, Daddy. And she got into trouble in class today and Master Emerson sent her to her room. I dunno how she got out.”

  Mommy grabbed Cindy’s hand. “Let’s all go to Master Emerson’s office and sort this out. If you’re under his authority, than he should really know where you are.”

  Cindy’s eyes widened in what appeared to be fear, but she quickly masked it. “Whatever. He don’t scare me.”

  Addi wondered why her grammar had gotten so bad. She’d seen Littles get more into baby talk when they were nervous, so maybe this was the same thing.

  “Well, whether he scares you or not, we should all go speak with him,” Daddy announced.

  Cindy grudgingly followed.

  They made it to the elevator before Cindy screeched, “I can see your butt and it’s all red!”

  Addi bit her tongue hard not to respond, and turned so Daddy could redo the flap.

  “I know I’m not your Mommy, but if I were, I’d take a switch to you, little girl. You’re being very unkind and rude.” Mommy looked at Cindy reproachfully.

  Cindy looked cowed for a moment, but then just stared at the wall, appearing to ignore Mommy’s words.

  Coming to the door after they knocked, Master Emerson looked surprised to see them all standing there.

  “Hello, I’m Bill Emerson. I take it you’re Penny’s parents?”

  “Yes, we are, and I take it this little girl belongs to you?” Daddy gestured towards Cindy.

  Master Emerson stared at Cindy with a piercing glare. “She is under my protection and authority for this week, yes. Please come in, let’s sort all of this out.”

  He led them into his office. There was dark mahogany furniture; a desk, bookshelves, chairs, and hanging on the wall were paddles and canes of various shapes and sizes.

  “Please sit, can I offer you anything to drink?”

  Daddy silently checked with Natalie and Addi. “No, I think we are okay. Thank you. We are here for a couple of reasons. Originally, we were going to check in with you today to apologize for not answering your call this morning. In my haste to retrieve my wife from the airport, I neglected to leave word with anyone of my whereabouts. I sincerely apologize.”

  Master Emerson waved his hand. “Consider it forgiven. We’ve all had those moments of forgetfulness. It all worked out though, wouldn’t you say, Penny?”

  Addi nodded her head bashfully.

  Cindy snickered. “Yeah, she got her butt beat.”

  Master Emerson snapped his fingers and spoke sharply. “You may go stand in the corner, skirt up, panties down. You obviously have nothing worthwhile to add to this discussion.”

  Cindy sputtered. “That’s not fair!”

  Master Emerson stood and physically picked her up and put in the corner, roughly tucking her skirt into her waistband and pulling her panties to her ankles.

  “If I hear another peep out of you, it’ll be ten with the cane on top of whatever else you’ve earned yourself.”

  Cindy whimpered, put her hands on her head, and leaned against the wall.

  After putting a set of noise canceling headphones on her, Master Emerson came back and sat down. “Now it is my turn to apologize for the interruption. Like I said, nothing to forgive. Penny and I have a clean slate between us, and I harbor no ill will towards you, Mr. Cleaver.”

  Daddy smiled and nodded.

  “Now, what was the other matter? I assume it had something to do with how Cindy came to be in your possession?”

  “Yes, we were having some family time in the park, and Penny earned herself a spanking. Not a big deal, but once she and my wife were finishing, Cindy popped up, loudly teasing Penny for getting spanked, and then was quite rude to my wife and me. Penny was under the impression that Cindy was confined to quarters? We just wanted to bring this to your attention as she doesn’t seem to have another guardian here.”


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