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Sir’s Rise

Page 9

by Red Phoenix

  I can’t help chuckling, thinking she is trying to flatter me. “You think so?”

  “I do. Just like some Doms can tell when they run across a submissive, I can sense a Dominant a mile away.” She blushes and adds, “Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe a half-mile.”

  I laugh out loud, which seems incongruous with all the screaming and moaning going on around me.

  According to her, some of her most memorable experiences have been with Dominants she’s not collared to—including Rytsar Durov.

  The idea of that type of relationship is a new concept to me, but it gives me hope. After the death of my father and the horrific scandal that followed, I swore off committed relationships and have satisfied my sexual desire by seeking random encounters to avoid entangling myself in something I cannot emotionally commit to.

  But this…this is a profound exchange between a Dominant and submissive, built on a foundation of respect and trust. Emotional commitment is not a required element in the exchange.

  Better yet, I would have control over their pleasure, which I plan to explore extensively.

  “Do you mind if I touch your marks?” I ask her.

  “Please, Master.”

  I balk at being called Master and tell her, “I’d prefer it if you simply call me sir.”

  She blushes. “Yes, Sir.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “I am called glee.”

  I smile, liking the name. It suits her well.

  Reaching out, I tentatively caress the angry red marks on her skin. “These wounds…how long do they last, glee?”

  She shudders under my gentle caress, looking at me with affection. “It depends. Most only last a few days.” She runs her finger over one. “But each is cherished by me.”

  “Why?” I ask, circling the outer edge of a raise portion on her skin.

  She trembles, her attention now solely focused on my touch. “They are physical reminders of the connection I shared with my Dom. I suppose it’s kind of like the hickeys you get as a teenager.”

  “Ah…” I lightly trail my finger up her back to her neck. Testing my power over her, I demand, “Kiss me, glee.”

  She turns her head and leans forward, pressing her soft lips against mine. I instinctively flick my tongue against those tempting lips and feel the blood rush to my groin when she parts them for me.

  Exploring the contours of her mouth, I begin imagining the things I would like to do to her body. Breaking the kiss, I stare at her for a few moments before asking, “Have you ever had an encounter here with a Dom who didn’t use a whip or some kind of instrument?”

  She giggles. “No, Sir.”

  “Would you like to try?”

  At first, she smiles with amusement, but I watch as her eyes grow wider the moment she realizes that I’m serious. “With you, I might.”

  “We’ll consider it a date, then.”

  “Not tonight?” she asks, sounding disappointed.

  “No. As Rytsar Durov has so crassly indicated, I’m new at this dynamic and would like to do a little research before I scene with you.”

  “You are wise to do so, Sir.” She bows, saying, “I would be honored to be your first when you return, if Rytsar wishes it.”

  When I hear a couple seriously going at it, I scan the dungeon. I’m surprised to see it’s my roommate. Anderson appears to have found a woman who can take that massive shaft because he’s balls deep in the woman, pounding away.

  I’m happy for the guy. It’s only taken him the entire fall semester to find her.

  I notice Durov standing back, watching them. I have a sneaking suspicion he is the matchmaker, based on the pleased expression on his face.

  My eyes drift over to glee. “So, Rytsar isn’t your Master?”

  She giggles. “No.” Glee points to another man who is using a cane to pleasure an older woman. “That’s my Master. He has given Rytsar free reign over me.”

  I frown. “But won’t your Master mind if I scene with you, instead?”

  “Not if Rytsar has ordered me to.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “There’s a hell of a lot for me to learn.”

  Durov walks over and slaps me hard on the back. “Da, you have much to learn, but it’s time we leave.”

  I take glee’s hand and kiss it. “Until my return…”

  She giggles again, blushing profusely.

  Durov tsks in mock disgust. “There is no need for such niceties, comrade. You are missing the whole point if you think you must abide by vanilla rules.”

  “I disagree,” I answer as I watch glee return to her Master. “I believe a woman deserves to be worshipped—especially when I plan to use her body solely for my pleasure.”


  Anderson can’t stop grinning as we make our way out of the warehouse.

  Once outside, Durov abruptly stops us and warns, “You are not allowed to speak of this place or what happens here to anyone. I’m sure that now you can appreciate the dynamic, you understand why it must remain a secret.”

  “I could certainly see jail time happening if we weren’t careful,” I agree.

  “Da, there are many who do not understand what BDSM is and what it is not.”

  “Well, I have to admit I had no idea until tonight,” Anderson states, his grin growing bigger. “If I had, I wouldn’t have wasted the entire semester looking for what I found right here.”

  “Your cock will prove a real asset here,” Rytsar states.

  Anderson sweeps back his hair. “Unbelievable. After all these years of having my cock sucked because I was too big to fuck a girl, I cannot express how incredibly satisfied I am right now.”

  “You do look like a man who’s just had a good lay,” I tell him with amusement.

  “Good? It was fantastic! She took it all, and begged me to fuck her harder. I have never had a woman do that before.”

  Rytsar says proudly, “You will be very popular—and you are welcome.”

  Anderson holds out his hand to Durov. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you, man.”

  “I’m sure I can find a way,” the Russian replies, grinning mischievously.

  We come across a payphone as we’re walking back to the campus, and Anderson asks us to stop for a minute. “There’s something I need to do.”

  He throws a bunch of change into the phone, and dials.

  After a few seconds, we hear, “Hey, Ma? I know it’s late, but do you mind shipping me the old bullwhip? I think it’s still hanging in the barn.” He pauses for a moment. “Yeah, yeah, that’s the one. If you could send it Priority Mail, that would be great.” After another extended pause, he asks, “Why do I need it?”

  Looking over at us, he smiles. “Well…Ma, it’s like this. I’ve been stressing over finals and thought a little bullwhip practice might take my mind off things.”

  He nods as he listens to her while gesturing to us to be patient.

  “Sure, a batch of peanut butter cookies would be perfect.” Anderson glances at me and says, “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, Ma.” He cups the phone and asks, “My mom wants to send you cookies, too, and is wondering what kind you like.”

  I work hard to hide the foolish smile that threatens to overtake my face. I’m deeply touched that his mother thought of me. “I have no idea, to be honest.”

  Anderson whispers, “She makes killer Toll House cookies, man.”

  “Fine. Toll House it is, then.”

  Anderson speaks into the phone again. “Chocolate chip would be great, Ma. But I need you to get the package out tomorrow, if you can. I’m dying over here.”

  After he hangs up, Durov elbows me. “You’re sharing those cookies with me, comrade.”

  I laugh at him. “That’s a small price to pay for such an enlightening evening.”

  As we continue to walk, I grow silent, thinking back over the events of the night.

  “Are you glad you came?” Durov asks, adding with an impish grin, “Desp
ite the torture you were a witness to?”

  I stop and put my hand on his shoulder, answering truthfully, “It’s been a rare gift—this night.”

  “Do not squander it,” he states before walking away.

  I am filled with a hope I’ve never known before. The idea that I might be able to overcome the scars I carry inside…

  To lead the semblance of a normal life—that would be a miracle.

  I look at Anderson and smirk. “I never would have guessed, waking up this morning, that this is how the night would end.”

  “Me either, buddy. This has been one fucking crazy night.”

  Looking at my watch, I smile at him. “And, it looks like I can still get in a few hours of study.”

  I fully expect him to give me shit about it, but I’m surprised when he opens the door to the building, stating, “Yeah, I think I’ll join you tonight…”

  Once finals are over, everyone starts heading home to spend Winter Break with their families, including Anderson.

  I stay behind, wanting to be alone for the holidays, but Durov insists I stay with him at a beach house he’s rented over the long break. It turns out his family has money—and lots of it.

  “Are you sure? I don’t have money to chip in for rent. Someday I will have more money than I need but, right now, I’m flat broke.”

  “Not a problem, comrade. Money is the least of my worries.”

  “Interesting, since money is the sole reason I’m here. I need to earn enough so I will never be vulnerable to anyone ever again.”

  “I understand that sentiment, but money doesn’t solve everything.” By the tortured look in his eyes, I know he is thinking of the person he lost.

  I hope that over this long break, Durov and I will have the opportunity to share that darker side of ourselves. I have yet to find anyone who understands my pain, but I’m certain Durov will.

  “Just so we’re on the same page, you’re not expecting Christmas gifts from me?” I ask him.

  “God no,” he says in his thick Russian accent. “I have no heart to celebrate this year.”

  Yes…there’s no doubt Durov is the perfect person to spend this unwanted holiday with. I have come to despise Christmas, seeing it as only a painful reminder of everything I once knew. If I never see another Christmas tree or hear another holiday song, I will consider myself lucky.

  “So, comrade, now that finals are over are you ready to return to the dungeon?”

  In preparation, I have spent countless hours studying BDSM. My desire is to give glee an experience she won’t forget. “Yes, but I have to admit I already feel the nerves setting in.”

  Durov scoffs. “Why?”

  “It’s my first time playing the role of a Dominant.”

  “Stop right there,” he says sternly. “You can’t walk into a scene with that attitude and expect to earn her respect. You are not playing a role, you are a Dominant.”

  “But, I’m completely inexperienced…”

  “Dominance comes from here,” he tells me, pressing the palm if his hand against my chest.

  “What was your first time like?” I ask him.

  Durov smiles, thinking back on it. “It was…extremely gratifying.”

  “And you were not nervous at all?”

  “Nyet. I grew up watching my father dominate women, so I was not nervous my first time.”

  “Without having the benefit of your background, I’m unsure how my scene with glee will play out.”

  “Do you have a goal in mind?”

  “I do.”

  Do you have experience with the instrument you will use?”

  “I do.”

  “And, you have a safeword prepared?”


  “Then stop fretting, comrade! Glee has been instructed to top you, if necessary. A successful scene is guaranteed.”

  “Top me?”

  “Da. To take charge of the scene if she needs to guide you through it.”

  “I don’t want to be topped.”

  Durov chuckles. “Most Dominants don’t. But she has been ordered to, if needed.”

  While I see the wisdom of his plan, I’m determined to make sure glee will not have to guide me. I want the interaction between us to be a true D/s dynamic.

  “Shall I let her know to meet us there tonight?”

  The thought of dominating her sends a shiver of excitement through me, overriding my uncertainty. “Yes.”

  Durov’s snorts in satisfaction. “Good. Tonight, we shall see what you are made of, comrade.”

  “Don’t worry about me. You concentrate on your own submissive tonight,” I tell him.

  He laughs. “What? You don’t want me standing on the sidelines, critiquing you?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “That’s what happened to me my first time.”

  “Who critiqued you?” I ask, fascinated.

  “My father.”

  “Holy shit, and you still claim you weren’t nervous?”

  “I knew I would be a better Dom than he was, so his opinion didn’t matter.”

  I have to say Durov’s level of confidence is something to admire. It doesn’t seem to come out of a false sense of bravado, but from a sincere belief in himself.

  I hope to harness that level of confidence while scening with glee tonight. My primary goal is to explore her body with complete freedom while leaving her quivering with multiple orgasms.

  The thought of having free reign over her body already has my cock hard…

  Virgin Territory

  I dress up for the evening. Although I noticed during my last visit to the dungeon that the majority of the Doms wear black leather, I decide to wear my best Italian suit.

  I always dress up for important events.

  “Is that really how you’re going, comrade?” Durov asks with a bemused smirk.

  “Indeed,” I tell him, straightening my tie.

  “But a suit is impractical when wielding a whip.”

  “I know.”

  Durov’s lips curl into a smile. “Well, tonight should prove entertaining.”

  When we arrive, the men in the dungeon eye me in silence as Durov and I enter the room. I’m sure they’re convinced I have no clue what I’m doing, but they would be wrong. I stride through the dungeon and up to my submissive with confidence.

  The minute glee sees me, her mouth opens in surprise and her cheeks blush a pretty shade of pink. “Sir…” she says in an awe-filled voice as she lowers herself to the floor and bows.

  That is the response I am looking for.

  Now that I have her attention, I command, “Stand and serve me.”

  Glee keeps her gaze glued to the floor as she stands up. I understand that not making eye contact is considered a sign of respect for submissives here but, as her Dominant, my will takes precedence.

  “Undress with your eyes on me.”

  Meeting my gaze, glee begins to strip. First exposing her small, pert breasts before revealing her smooth, shaved pussy. I slowly circle her, admiring her firm, round buttocks, and the butterfly tattoo on the small of her back.

  She is a masochist by nature, so I understand what she is expecting from this session, but I plan to expand her horizons just as she is going to expand mine.

  “Do you wish to be challenged?” I ask her.

  Her face lights up. “Oh, yes. Please!”

  Wanting to build her anticipation further, I add, “Tonight your safeword is mercy.”

  “Oh, that is a sexy word, Sir,” she purrs.

  It’s my belief that the mind is as much a playground as the physical body. I not only want my touch to linger on her body, but I want it to remain in her mind long after the evening is over.

  I look around the room and choose an unoccupied spanking bench. When I go to help her onto it, she naturally lays on her stomach so her ass is exposed.

  I tell her, “I want you to lie on your back, and place your feet on either side where your knees would normally

  She gives me a surprised look, but quickly changes position.

  I hear some of the men snickering in the background, certain my inexperience is already getting the best of me.

  The restraints attached to the bench are not made for this position, so I grab some rope off the extensive wall display. While binding her ankles to the leg rest, I ask her, “Do you want your arms bound to your sides or above your head?”

  “Above my head, Sir.”

  “Good. I like the way this position emphasizes your breasts,” I reply lustfully as I take her wrists and move them above her head before binding them together.

  My hands slowly trail from her bound wrists, down her arms, to her chest. Pinching her erect nipples between my fingers, I am rewarded with her soft moans. I tug on them, but get little response, so I pinch them and pull harder.

  Glee cries out in pleasure to my much more aggressive caress.

  Leaning in close to her ear, I ask as I pull on her nipples again, “So you like it when I do this?”

  “Oh, yes…I do, Sir.”

  Grasping both breasts in my hands, I squeeze them hard before bending over to take a nipple in to my mouth. Sucking, I pull away with her nipple still clenched in my teeth. I hear her squeak as she writhes on the spanking bench. Finally, I release her nipple. She moans with pleasure, begging me to do it again.

  This time, as I take her nipple into my mouth, I place my hand on her bare mound. Glee is wet, obviously enjoying our session so far.

  Little does she know what’s in store for her…

  I take off my jacket and lay it on a table. I then begin rolling up my sleeves as I stare at her hungrily.

  Glee meets my gaze, her eyes wide with anticipation as I slip my finger into her pussy. I feel for her G-spot and begin circling it with my middle finger to stimulate it.

  Once it begins to swell, I change tactics. With one hand pressed against her pelvis, I begin thrusting my finger into her as if I am fucking her with my cock. I am very purposeful in my rhythm and timing.

  She instinctively stiffens in response to having her G-spot rubbed repeatedly.

  “Relax,” I command, stopping momentarily as I bend down and suck on a nipple before continuing.


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