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Sir’s Rise

Page 18

by Red Phoenix

  “I never would have guessed,” I tell him, but smile inwardly, silently congratulating myself that my subtle nudges throughout the year have finally led him to this realization.

  Rather than tell him that was my plan all along, I let him have the win.

  Anderson glances at his watch and his eyes dart to the bus stop. “We gotta go. The bus will be here any minute.”

  “Let me get your check, too.”

  “Nah, you don’t have to cover for me. I brought cash.”

  “I want to.”

  Anderson slaps me on the back. “Thanks, buddy!” As he starts for the door, he warns me, “You better hurry, though. We can’t miss the bus or we’ll miss the start of exams.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” I assure him. “And, if I don’t make it, tell the bus driver to wait.”

  “I’ll be damned if I’m holding the bus for your slow ass, even if you are buying lunch,” he answers with a grin, pushing the door open as he heads out.

  I go to the counter and give the waitress the cash for our two checks. While I wait for the change, I notice the little girl with the pigtails standing beside me. She’s small, not more than seven, and is having a heck of a time trying to grab a container of catsup from the counter. Her tongue is sticking out from the effort as she stands on tiptoes with her arm fully extended, trying to grab the bottle. Despite her determination, it remains just out of the reach of her grasping fingers.

  I slide the bottle over to her and give her a friendly wink.

  She grabs it, clutching the bottle to her chest as she grins up at me. “Thank you, Mister!”

  The kid’s smile is infectious and I chuckle kindly. “No problem, kid.”

  “Guess where I’m going.”

  I shake my head, charmed by the little brunette’s enthusiasm.

  Her hazel eyes sparkle with childish delight when she tells me, “I’m going to Disneyland for the first time. Have you ever been?”

  “Can’t say I have.”

  “You should, you know! They have Mickey and Minnie…and Pluto. I love, love, love Pluto,” she tells me in a singsong voice.

  “Well, with Pluto there, I’m sure you’re bound to have a good time.”

  I hear her father’s stern voice from the table as he barks, “Get back here, young lady.” I glance over to see her overprotective father glaring at me again.

  “Yes, Daddy,” the tiny brunette answers, skipping over to the table with the catsup bottle still clutched to her chest.

  As I watch the young girl slide into the booth, I overhear her mother say, “How many times have we told you not to talk to strangers?”

  I can feel the heat of the father’s distrustful stare burning a hole in my back as I turn to face the waitress while she counts back my change. I lay the four bucks on the counter as a tip, thrusting the coins into my jeans pocket.

  As I pass by the family on my way out, the little girl chirps, “Thanks for the ’sup, Mister.”

  I smile. “Anytime, kid.”

  “Not another word, Brianna Renee Bennett,” the father barks angrily.

  I chuckle to myself, shaking my head as I push the door open and head out.

  You really need to chill, man. It’s not like I’m going to molest your little girl…

  One Door Closes

  As I watch everyone packing up to move out for the summer, I feel an ache of genuine sadness. Although I thrive on the challenge of classes and will miss that over the summer months, it’s the interactions with my friends I realize I will miss more.

  It’s hard to believe it’s only been a year, when I look at the changes in me. When I started, I never imagined I would find myself in this position—not wanting to leave this small, cramped dorm room.

  I look at my desk which I had strategically placed next to the tiny window. I thought that desk would become my whole world. I had no idea then what was in store for me. I run my fingers over the words I love Sherry carved into the wood.

  I’m going to miss this old desk…

  “What are you looking all misty-eyed for?” Anderson asks, pulling out his storage trunk from under the bed.

  I shrug. “Just feeling nostalgic.”

  “I’ve got some nostalgia for ya.” He opens his trunk and takes out the partially empty bottle of whiskey he’s kept hidden all this time and sets it down on his desk.

  “Remember this?”

  I smile. “I certainly do.”

  “Well, I think we should finish it. What do you say?”

  “By all means.”

  Anderson gets out two glasses and pours a generous amount into each, finishing off the last of his grandfather’s whiskey.

  “To good friends,” he says, holding up his glass.

  “The best,” I reply, clinking my glass against his.

  We both take a sip and sigh in pleasure at the same time. Anderson points at me. “We’ve become like an old couple.”

  “Maybe it’s good we’re taking a break, before we start finishing each other’s sentences.”

  He slaps his thigh. “That’s exactly what I was thinking. Scary…”

  I laugh as I take a long draught of the smooth whiskey. “Someday, I’ll repay you for sharing your grandfather’s whiskey with me.”

  “No need to. I told Granddad about you, and he said that’s how he wanted it to be used. He’s sending me back here with another bottle next year.”

  “Can I be your roommate?” I joke.

  “That was never a question, buddy. I’ll need your help with that Advanced Calc class.

  “Oh, so I’m just being used for my math abilities.”

  “Why else would I put up with you?”

  I laugh. “Why, indeed?”

  “So, what are your plans over the summer?”

  “My uncle wants to do some renovations with their house, so I volunteered to assist him since he’s fronting the money for my education. What about you?”

  “Like you, I’m going to be helping my dad with chores on the ranch.”

  “And tickling cows?”

  He winks at me. “I’m sure old Betsy wouldn’t mind, but I have my sights set on a few girls I knew in high school. I’m thinking this summer might prove interesting.”

  “I’m jealous.”

  “Right…says the guy who can visit the dungeon every night of the week.”

  “Yeah, I’m thinking of staying with Durov over the weekends. He told me his family plans on buying that beach house he’s renting.”

  “Shit…to have that kind of money would be amazing.”

  “Agreed, but Durov tells me it doesn’t make the kind of difference you would think. With money comes a lot of pressure.”

  “I’d like to know what that pressure feels like,” he chuckles, taking another sip of the whiskey.

  “And there’s no reason you can’t. With a head for business, you could go far.”

  “I’ll drink to that!” he says, clinking his glass against mine before downing the last of his whiskey. “Maybe we’ll even work together, you and me.”

  “Who knows? Stranger things have happened.”

  There’s a light knock on the door.

  I quickly finish the last of my drink while Anderson shoves the bottle and glasses into his trunk before shutting it. He walks over to door and calls out in a humorous voice, “Who is it?”

  The person on the other side hesitates for a moment before answering. “The Reynolds, We’re Davis’s uncle and aunt.”

  Anderson immediately throws the door open as I stand up.

  “Welcome, and please come in,” he tells them, taking my uncle’s hand and shaking it. “You have helped raise a fine boy here.” To my aunt, he says, “And, you, Mrs. Reynolds. You make the best darn brownies I’ve ever had.”

  She blushes. “Why thank you, young man.”

  I walk over and hug them both before formally introducing them to Anderson.

  “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Anderson,” my au
nt gushes.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” Anderson says, giving her a wink.

  My aunt’s giggles fill the room.

  “So, Davis, are you ready to go or do you need some more time?” my uncle asks.

  “You can call me Thane, Unc.” I nod my head toward Anderson. “He’s cool.”

  “Oh, that’s a relief,” my aunt exclaims. “It’s so hard to remember to call you Davis. I’m always bound to mess it up if I try.”

  I give her another hug. “Thankfully, it’s not an issue anymore, Auntie.”

  “Why’s that?” my uncle asks, sounding interested.

  Neither of them knows about my mother’s presence on campus, and I would like to keep it that way. They’ve been through enough because of me.

  “Nobody cares who this big knucklehead is,” Anderson answers for me, rubbing the top of my head. And, with that, the question is dropped without the need for further explanation.

  My aunt’s eyes twinkle with delight. “I just love seeing you happy, honey.”

  I nod to her, realizing how much I owe her for sticking by me through those dark days. I didn’t make it easy on her—on either of them.

  “So, I’m pretty much packed, Unc. I didn’t bring much to begin with.”

  He chuckles. “I know. I remember you took it up yourself with no help from us.”

  “Well, I don’t mind a little help these days,” I tell him, handing him the garment bag with all my suits.

  “Do you have anything for me?” my aunt asks hopefully.

  I look around my spare room and shrug, having only the large suitcase.

  “I might have something, Auntie Reynolds,” Anderson tells her.

  I can’t believe it when he grabs his cowboy hat from his closet and puts it on his head before pulling out his miniature bullwhip. “Thane, buddy, you don’t mind keeping Myrtle while I’m gone, do ya?”

  My aunt’s eyes grow wide when he hands her the bullwhip.

  “Wow. I’ve never seen one of these in real life before, much less touched one.”

  “I’d be mighty obliged if you would help Thane keep her safe for me.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  “Thank you, kindly,” he says, giving her another wink.

  I cannot believe how thick Anderson can lay on the cowboy charm. He has my aunt eating out of his hand.

  “Hey, Unc. Anderson and I need to have a quick meet up with friends. After we get this stuff in the car, do you mind if I cut out for a few?”

  “Not at all, Thane. Take as much time as you need.”

  I look around the room wistfully. “I’m going to miss this place.”

  “But, remember,” my aunt says, smiling at me, “when one door closes, another one opens.”

  “True enough, Auntie.”

  Durov is already there waiting for us in the commons area.

  “So, this is the big farewell for the cowboy. Are you off to play with the cows in Colorado?” he laughs, flicking Anderson’s hat.

  “Watch it,” Anderson growls good-naturedly.

  “A big farewell and an introduction,” I tell Durov. “I want you to meet Samantha before she heads out, since you were the one who suggested I start training her.”

  “How is that going, comrade?”

  “It’s going well, but we’ve only had the one session so far because of the whole Beast incident. However, I’ve planned out several more to do over the summer since she lives in the area.”

  “I’m glad it is working out for you.”

  I think I see Samantha in the distance and wave at the woman.

  When she starts in our direction, I tell Durov, “Be on your best behavior. She told me she’s nervous about meeting you.”

  As she draws near, I’m surprised to see she’s wearing a tight, red A-line skirt and tall stilettos. Confidence oozes from Samantha as she walks over to us, her strides long. Her stilettos echo seductively with each step.

  Anderson growls under his breath, “Well, hello, beautiful…”

  Durov says nothing as she approaches, but I can see he’s captivated by her.

  After I make the introductions, I’m totally unprepared for it when the Russian takes her hand and brings it to his lips.

  “So, we finally meet…”

  I look over at Anderson, who looks as shocked as I feel. Hell, he and I might as well not be there, the two are that intense as they gaze into each other’s eyes.

  Cracking a joke at Durov’s expense, Anderson asks, “So, tell me. Why do you shave your head? Is it a Russian thing, or is it because you’re losing your hair?”

  Durov glances at me briefly before answering. “Actually, I lost someone recently and shaved it off in mourning.”

  Anderson looks embarrassed and quickly mutters, “Sorry for your loss, man. I didn’t know…”

  “I’m sorry, too,” Samantha says, finally breaking her silence. “However, I think you look incredibly sexy without hair.”

  Durov rubs his hand over his smooth head and smirks at her. “So, you like bald Russians, do you?”

  I see a blush rush to Samantha’s cheeks. “Perhaps,” she answers as a seductive smile plays across her blood-red lips.

  The chemistry between the two is so intense, it’s as if I can see sparks flying off them as they continue to stare at each other.

  However, I know Samantha hates cocky alphas and Durov has zero interest in partnering with a Dominant. Yet, the level of their chemistry is off the charts.

  There is no possible way it can work between them.

  And all I can think is:

  Let the fireworks begin…

  I hope you enjoyed Sir’s Rise!

  Coming next—Master’s Fate: Rise of the Dominants Book Two, the 2nd of the trilogy

  The story of these young Doms has just begun!

  Find out what happens to Master Anderson, Sir, Rytsar and Samantha as they start their second year of college.


  Click here to read the next book!

  (Release Date – March 19, 2019)

  Or, if you are new to Brie and the gang, you can begin the journey with the 1st Box Set of

  Brie’s Submission which is FREE!

  Click here to read the 1st box set


  Master’s Fate:

  Rise of the Dominants Book Two

  Available for Preorder

  Reviews mean the world to me!

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  If you could leave a review on both Goodreads and the site where you purchased this eBook from, I would be so grateful. Sincerely, ~Red

  Don’t miss the stories of the Sir, Rytsar, Master Anderson, and Samantha that you read about in Sir’s Rise.

  You can begin the journey with the 1st Box Set of Brie’s Submission which is FREE!

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  Over Two Million readers have enjoyed Red’s stories

  Red Phoenix – USA Today Bestselling Author

  Winner of 8 Readers’ Choice Awards

  Hey Everyone!

  I’m Red Phoenix, an author who also happens to be a submissive in real life. I wrote the Brie’s Submission series because I wanted people everywhere to know just how much fun BDSM can be.

  There is a huge cast of characters who are part of Brie’s journey. The further you read into the story the more you learn about each one. I hope you grow to love Brie and the gang as much as I do.

  They’ve become like family.

  When I’m not writing, you can find me online with readers.

  I heart my fans! ~Red

  To find out more visit my Website

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  How exciting writing this story has been.

  So I want to dedicate Sir’s Rise to all of you, my fans!

  We get to delve into Sir’s life when he was just beginning as a Dom, and this story only happened because of your enthusiastic support of Brie’s journey all these years.

  This peek into Sir’s life when he was a young man

  is my gift to you.

  I hope you love his story as much as I do!

  You, dear friends, make writing a beautiful experience.

  A special dedication to MrRed’s father. He passed away while I was writing this book. He was a good man and I loved him very much! He was so proud and supportive of me and my work. My heart is heavy knowing he’s no longer in the world—but the love he poured into our family lives on.

  All the love for MrRed, as our family mourns the loss of his father.

  Red Phoenix is the author of:

  Brie’s Submission Series:

  Teach Me #1

  Love Me #2

  Catch Me #3

  Try Me #4

  Protect Me #5

  Hold Me #6

  Surprise Me #7

  Trust Me #8

  Claim Me #9

  Enchant Me #10

  A Cowboy’s Heart #11

  Breathe with Me #12

  Her Russian Knight #13

  Under His Protection #14

  Her Russian Returns #15

  In Sir’s Arms #16

  Bound by Love #17

  *You can also purchase the AUDIO BOOK Versions

  Also part of the Submissive Training Center world:

  Captain’s Duet

  Safe Haven #1

  Destined to Dominate #2

  Rise of the Dominates Trilogy

  Sir’s Rise #1

  Master’s Fate #2

  Book Three Coming Summer ’19

  Other Books by Red Phoenix


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