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The Huntsmen

Page 14

by Honor James

  “I am. It’s been so very long since I’ve seen them.” She moved to Dierk, wrapped her arms around his middle, and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’ve missed them so much and seeing them is like seeing my father again.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “They’ll help me regain the throne. They’ll help me bring her tyranny to an end.”

  “Good,” he gave her a squeeze and pressed his cheek to her hair. “Because we need them to get past all the men she’s been gathering. Adam let us know there’s been a conscript put into place in your kingdom. All men between certain ages have been drafted to her army, no choice given if they can hold a sword.”

  “What?” Snow growled as she rose to her feet. “No. She can’t do that to my people!” She was shouting, but she couldn’t help herself. “We have to do something. They can’t be hurt because of something they don’t want to do. We’ll give them the choice, even if she can’t we will.”

  “She’s already done it. All males over the age of ten and two summers have been drafted into her army,” Niklaus said quietly. “They’ve been given swords and will be tossed out to face whatever force we bring to bear. We spoke with Adam and we’re all in agreement that only men who actually attack us shall bear the weight of our steel. All those that lay down arms or flee shall not be harmed.”

  “How can we get word to them that I’m alive? If they think we’re a rebel force they would attack but if they knew it was me, that I was riding under my father’s flag, they wouldn’t.” Just how do they tell the people she was alive without the Queen learning of where she was in the meantime?

  “We can’t send word until you’re on the move,” Baldric pointed out. “If we say anything to anyone before you and an army is on the way, she’ll get wind. Even then, we’re going to have to play it out to a degree. Make them nervous, make them rethink everything and make them run away. We’ll have to weaken her ranks from within with rumor and myth, something even she can’t combat.”

  Snow sighed and rubbed her temples. “Goodness,” she murmured. “We have to ensure the children, the young ones that aren’t certain who I am, understand just exactly who it is they might raise their swords to.”

  “We’ll see they know, Snow,” Baldric told her softly. “We’ll find a way to ensure they all know you’re coming home. They need to lay down arms and go home. Those who stay will be viewed as enemies to the Crown, traitors. Traitor usually get to the young ones, the connotations of the term scares them more than knowing what it actually means.”

  “True enough,” she took a deep breath and sighed. “We’ll work it out somehow, right? We’ll regain my Crown somehow, right?” she asked softly. “Because it’s truly something we must do. We must save my people.”

  “We’ll get your Crown and we’ll see the Queen removed, permanently. We’ll ensure your people are safe and remain that way,” Dierk said, holding her close. Pressing a kiss to her temple, he stroked his lips down her cheek. “You aren’t in this alone, darling. We’ll be with you the entire way.”

  “I know, my King,” she teased him with a smile. “I know you’ll all be there at my side. I love you, Dierk,” she sighed and rested her shoulder on his. “I love you all so very much. I’m so very happy you’re in my life. So very happy you, Niklaus, and Baldrick, and my uncles love me as you do.”

  “Always,” he whispered softly.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Two days, Snow,” Dierk told her as he stared down into her eyes. “In two days you’ll ride for the palace, you’ll beat her army back and you’ll dethrone the bitch taking your rightful place. In two days we’ll see you again,” he whispered, three days after their arrival at her uncle’s home. “It’s not long in the grand scheme. You did make us swear we’d stay out of the way of you kicking her ass, we’re just keeping the promise we made.”

  “Thank you, honey,” she took a deep breath and swallowed hard. “I don’t want to leave you though. The fight with her is mine yes, but I don’t want to have you away from me for any length of time.” She hesitated then said, “I also need you close because I’m not sure how much I can take from her.” Snow’s monthly blood was late, three days late.

  Frowning, he shook his head clearly not understanding. “We have to get to the people and make sure the messages we sent were received. We need to ensure as many innocents are away from the field of battle before you arrive as possible. If you want we can join you for the final couple of miles but you know we have to do this, Snow. You agreed to this plan when we made it with your uncles.” His gaze flicked over her shoulder to where the uncles waited to see the three Huntsmen off for their portion of the plan. Looking at her again, he cupped her face, “But if you want me to stay I will. I just don’t like sending Baldric and Nik out alone, they tend to get into trouble.”

  Snow nodded and took a breath. “You’re right,” she whispered. “No, you should go, Dierk.” She told him and gave him another hug. “I trust you. I know you’ll ensure they will lay down their arms.” She pulled back and touched his cheek once more. “I’d like for you to be there at the end if you can please?”

  “I’ll be there,” he said quietly, a promise. Kissing her slowly, he drew back, “Are you sure there’s nothing more?” he asked. When Baldric called to him he turned and held up a hand, “Be there in a moment,” he said to his friend. Looking back to her, Dierk lifted a brow, “Snow, is there anything more you need to tell me?”

  “I’ll tell you later,” she said quietly, looking up into his face, “If I tell you now you won’t let me in the fight.” She really didn’t want to be in it, but she had to see this to the end. She couldn’t ask anyone to fight a fight she couldn’t fight herself.

  He stared at her for a long time before he nodded, understanding suddenly glinting. “You’re right. If you say the words, I wouldn’t let you fight. As long as you don’t say it until afterwards then I can’t really be too upset. Unless you get hurt then there will be untold amounts of hell to pay, Snow. So don’t you get hurt so I won’t have to beat your ass black and blue.” Kissing her, he put a hand to her belly, “Be safe, love.”

  “I will,” she laid her hand over his and nodded, “I love you too, Dierk.” She leaned in close, her forehead to his. “I’ll be as safe as I can be. Just know that no matter what I’ll take care.” She had more than just her life to worry about. She had the life of their unborn child to worry about as well. “Go, darling.” She leaned in and nipped his lips again. “Before I can’t let you go.”

  Kissing her deeply, he pulled back and strode away. Climbing onto his horse, he turned as they rode off and lifted a hand to her.

  “Is all well, Snow?” Adam asked, stepping up to her side. Digging out a handkerchief, he held it to her without looking her way. “They’re certainly very sure of themselves, aren’t they?”

  “They have every reason to be sure of themselves. They’re the best of the best,” she told him quietly. “Yes all is well. I’m just very nervous,” she told him and leaned against her uncle. “Alright, let’s find me a sword and shield so we can get our move on as well.”

  “As you say, niece,” he nodded and led her off.


  Two days later, Dierk was waiting for her as she crested the hill. Smiling at her, he looked relieved, all signs of anxiety melting from his features. Moving his horse forward, he joined up with her and the knights. “We’ll meet Nik and Baldric in another couple of miles. They were helping some of the people get out at the last minute.”

  “Good. The sooner we get this done the better.” Her stomach was roiling; she had already thrown up twice in the last hour and prayed she didn’t throw up again. “Let’s just get this done, please? The sooner we’re able to make it into the castle the sooner I can face that bitch and take our lives back.”

  “We still have about a hundred men, soldiers loyal to her or stuck in her magic, between us and the palace. We’re going to have to work at it, love,” Dierk warned as they rode along. Frowning over at her,
he tipped his head, “Are you feeling alright? You look very pale, Snow.”

  “Just my stomach,” she said quietly as she felt the urge to be ill again.

  “She has lost the contents of her stomach twice in less than an hour,” Adam told him. “Snow is ill. Perhaps the weather has gotten to her. I’m trying to talk her into letting us take the castle but she will not listen.”

  Shooting her a knowing look, Dierk nodded, “She will take the palace. She needs to do it, but we’ll stop for a few minutes so we can get her stomach settled. It’s likely just nerves,” he commented loudly. “After all, she is facing off against the woman who made her life hell. I’d be more worried if she wasn’t a little nervous about it all.”

  Snow shot him a thankful look, feeling like she would cry at any given moment. “Thank you,” she whispered to him and took a breath. “Alright, please help me down so I can have a few moments to calm my stomach.”

  Guiding her horse to the side as Adam called a halt, Dierk jumped off his. Moving around the horse, he caught her in his arms. “Easy, love, I’ve got you,” he whispered against her temple. Setting her on her feet, he walked with her off the road to a tree stump. Sitting, he pulled her into his lap and just held her.

  Curling into him, Snow began to pet him slowly, her eyes closed as she tried to get a hold on her stomach. “I love you,” she whispered. “But I’m so sick to my stomach at the moment,” she admitted. “I just hope this will pass fairly quickly.” She had a fight to get to.

  “Shh,” he murmured stroking her hair. Pulling out a pouch, he held it to her, “They’re spearmint leaves. Put a couple in your mouth and lightly crush the leaves with your teeth. Then press the pulp into your cheek and hold it there. Don’t swallow the leaf itself just the juices. It should help to calm your belly a little.”

  “Thank you,” she told him and did as instructed. Laying her head on his shoulder once more, she sighed. “How did I get so lucky as to have you as mine?” she asked with a smile. “The others haven’t clued in yet have they?” If so she would have to fight all of them in order to battle the Queen the way she needed to.

  “No,” he whispered against her hair. “I’ve not said anything to either of them. They suspect nothing. I also laid the groundwork that you’d be nervous with them as well. So if they tell you not to worry so much you’ll know why. It seemed a sound reason should you be showing signs of illness on the trip. I only wish I’d thought of it before I’d left and made comments to your uncles as well.”

  “Yes, because Uncle Adam is watching me far too closely, asking me how long I’ve been with you men,” she yawned and cuddled in closer. “Can I nap for a few minutes before we have to storm the castle?”

  “Absolutely,” he said softly. Holding her, close he rocked her back and forth lightly. “Just let go, Snow, rest. I’ll wake you in a little bit then we’ll go smack around the Queen. Just dream about what you want to do first after we retake the palace and you’re crowned Queen.”

  “Clean out every fucking thing she put in there,” she said softly and yawned. “I’m thinking the second thing will be to burn everything she touched and simply start fresh.”

  “Whatever you want, love,” he said softly to her. Pressing a kiss to her hair, he gave her a light squeeze. “We’ll make it our home, a place that’s safe and what we want. A place that’s welcoming and a symbol of all you want for your people.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll like to have our home together, as we want it, and ensure the people know they’re free.” She yawned again and rubbed her cheek to his chest lightly. “I do love you, Dierk, so very much.”

  “I love you, Princess,” he whispered. Seconds later she was sound asleep in his arms.


  Nodding to Niklaus and Baldric when they joined up with the party riding for the palace, he lifted a brow. “Any troubles?”

  “Not a single one,” Nik said, moving up on Snow’s other side. “Hello, darling,” he grinned at her. “You’re looking remarkably well rested for having traveled so far. Whatever is the secret to such a magnificent feat?”

  “Taking a nap in Dierk’s arms,” she said with a grin. “I love being able to sleep in any of your arms. It’s something I very greatly enjoy just so you know,” she said with a smile. “Then he fed me, so why wouldn’t I look rested?”

  “Sounds like a damned fine reason to me,” Baldric said, moving up next to Dierk. “I’d look rested too but Nik isn’t big on cuddling and he never feeds me,” he complained with a grin. “If only he’d feed me now and again.”

  Snow laughed and shook her head, “You’re too funny,” she teased with a smile. “Well it’s very good and I’m ready to get myself into this fight.” She looked up at the castle and nodded, “Alright, let’s go do what we need to do to stop her as soon as possible.”

  “We’ll see the first line of defense as soon as we get beyond the bend,” Niklaus said. “They rode out about an hour ago, someone apparently warned them you were coming. They’re already waiting, but they’re much thinned given we managed to get nearly all the innocents away, even some of the men, with the rumors we started.”

  “Well then we’ll do whatever we have to do in order to free my kingdom and the people,” she said softly. “I’ll ride at the front of the line as well so I can be one of the first people inside of the castle when we storm it.” She had to be a part of the front lines, needed to be a part of them so she could be one of the first ones inside of her home.

  “You can ride up front, but we’re going with you,” Dierk said quietly. “No arguments, Snow, not on this one, not today. We’re family and as family we’re doing this together. It’s not just your home and kingdom but ours as well. Besides, it’s a serious hit to the male ego to let you kick all their asses.”

  “Alright but you boys had better take care of yourselves. Make sure you don’t get hurt or I’m going to be very, very pissed off at you,” she said simply. “I love you all and need you all to be safe, to be able to be able to talk to me once we get our home back. We have some serious stuff to discuss as soon as we can alright?”

  “Absolutely,” they all agreed and smiled at her. Dierk nodded slightly and winked, “Don’t worry, Snow. We’ll gladly run about like madmen to ensure we don’t get hurt. But for now,” he looked around, “we need to get serious. They aren’t going to be amused by us, they’re going to try to kill us.”

  “This is true,” which sucked. “Alright, I’m as ready as I’m going to be. We should move up to the front of the lines so we can be there with my uncles as we take the castle.” Thankfully, a great deal of the men and boys had run as soon as they realized it was truly Snow, the rightful Queen, returning to take her crown.

  “After you, love,” Niklaus said with a smile. “We’ll be right on your ass. You’re tight, perky, adorable ass. Yup, right on it.”

  “We’ll be keeping our eyes up,” Dierk said, glaring at his friend around her. “Where the men with swords bent on killing us will be. Eyes on her ass could get you run through then she’ll be very, very pissed off at you.”

  “Yes I’d be very, very pissed off if one of you were hurt. So keeping yourself safe would be a good idea. Especially if you boys want to have me after we’ve won back our home,” Snow said without hesitation.

  “I plan on hiding behind the largest knight I can find,” Baldric offered with a huge grin. Seeing the others look at him, he shrugged, “I fully plan on being ready for whatever she has planned. Unlike you two thrill seekers I’m not about to get on her bad side.”

  “I appreciate that,” Snow murmured. She looked toward the castle, the long black banners of the Queen’s own crest hung from the ramparts. “Those we will burn,” she said softly. “We’ll have our people choose her fate.” It seemed only fair. While Snow wanted to kill her, she understood that she needed to give her people a chance to see her death as well.

  They came over the crest of the hill and looked down. “Lads,” Dierk looked at his
friends, “Princess,” he smiled at her. “Let’s go kick her ass,” he said, drawing his sword.

  “Well said,” Nik drew his blade and lifted it high. “Down with the Black Queen!” he yelled. A cry soon carried from front to back of the ranks of knights as they all surged forward.

  Chapter Twelve

  Many Hours Later…

  The battle had been hard fought but win they did. There were casualties on both sides, numerous injured, but they had been victorious. Some said it was merely because their true Queen had been in the forefront leading the surge. Others claimed their numbers outweighed the Black Queen’s own army. In reality, it was luck with a small amount of skill and sheer perseverance.

  The Queen’s men had fought hard for a time but Snow’s group had been the more determined. They’d been fighting for all the people and not just a single person. Yes, they’d been fighting for Snow but they’d been fighting also for every child, woman, and man that lived in the kingdom. More than a few of the Queen’s men had figured that out and run off, dropping their swords and turning tail. The rest had continued to fight while the Queen had slunk off to hide.

  Not that she’d been able to hide for long. Snow had found her cowering in a room with only two guards, she’d been screeching at the top of her lungs for the guards to kill Snow White. But the men hadn’t, they’d been taken without a fight and Snow had gone right up to the Queen and decked her. It hadn’t been a pretty punch but it had been effective in putting the Queen on her ass, where she belonged. One of Snow’s uncles had then grabbed the bawling woman and hauled her off, presumably for the dungeon where she so rightly belongs.

  “Snow is going to kick your fucking ass,” Niklaus said, shaking his head.

  Looking up from where one of the women of the palace, now freed from under the Black Queen’s reign of terror, was binding his arm. “It was either this or let that bastard kill the woman. I’m hoping she’ll be understanding and not beat me too badly.”


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