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The Stranger Trilogy Box Set

Page 55

by Isadora Brown

  When she realized this, every other thought disappeared. Her mind quieted so the only thing she could hear was the little patter of the shower water hitting her body and the floor. She was overwhelmed. Her whole life had changed completely in the past three months, and she was handling it as best she could. This gave her ... relief. And oddly enough, she realized she could take on more than she thought she could.

  She stepped out of the shower after turning the water off and dried herself. Unlike every other time she showered, she let the towel linger on her skin, making sure to get the moisture off. For whatever reason, she was more aware of feeling things, more aware of touch. She couldn't make sense of her conflicting emotions, but her connection to her environment was evident.

  Once she was dry and changed into a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, she decided to head up to Will's flat. She couldn't help but wish Jane were here. Not only because it would mean her safety, but because she needed someone to talk to. This whole Will thing was amazing and thrilling and scary, and she didn't have anyone to share it with yet. She knew if Jason would be alleviated in part, she could unburden herself from the guilt she felt, and as much as she loved Will, he probably wasn't the best person. And the offer to stay and teach here … She h’dn't even begun to think about that. But she wanted to, desperately.

  Will answered the door in nothing but a pair of jeans. His hair was more unruly than normal, which was definitely saying something, and Sophie realized he had probably just woken up. She had no idea why she was here, cou’dn't remember. He was beautiful and sexy and exhausted, and without warning, she stepped forward and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

  Sophie changed her mind. She d’dn't want to talk. Not right now.

  "What's been going on with you, kid?"

  Sophie looked over at Will through nodded sapphire eyes. Her red—now bruised—lips were curled into a tired smile she couldn't get rid of if she tried. He looked back at her with his hazel eyes and the flecks of green sprinkled in the irises. Funny how she noticed more details when it was dark and shadows were out.

  The two were lying in Will's bed, breathless and blissful. She was surprised he spoke, usually he kept to himself while clinging to her, and they both lost themselves in their thoughts after losing themselves in each other. Sophie didn't mind the silence and actually preferred it. She liked to remember the feelings Will sparked in her, both emotionally and physically. Sometimes, she would doze off, especially if her head rested on his chest. The up and down motion if his breathing had a calming effect on her and she never felt more safe than she ever had than with him in those moments.

  "What do you mean?" she asked. Her words came out in a mumble, and she smiled because of it. Will had the talent to wear her out, even when she wasn't tired.

  "Don't play stupid," he told her. "You're quiet. Aloof. You're withdrawing from us. From me. I know we're all handling Jane's disappearance differently. Hell, Depogare is bent out of shape over the whole thing, and that's saying a lot. But you heard Marvin. We're going to get her back. Soon. I just don't want anything to affect you and me."

  Sophie paused, letting Will's words sink in. Her eyes never left his as she asked, "What are you worried about?"

  "I just—" Will cut himself off and rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. Sophie felt him tense up, clearly uncomfortable to this direct line of questioning. "I just don't want anything to change us. I don't mean you or me as individuals; I mean you and me in our relationship. I've never felt this way about anyone. I'm crazy about you, kid. I've experienced love and loss in my long life, but the feelings I have for you are new and exciting. But I'd be lying if I said they didn't scare me. Not because I'd get cold feet or I'm afraid to commit or be monogamous or any other bullshit another guy might tell you. It scares me because now that I have you, I have something to lose. And if I lost you—" He shook his head, looking out of his window at the overcast sky. "I can't even think about it. When Michael had you, I was furious with you for letting yourself get caught. But I was more furious with me for not being there to protect you, for not being someone you trust enough with your feelings and whatever shit you're going through. I know I react quickly. I know my mouth moves before my brain does. I'm blunt and honest and mean. I'm sorry, but it's just who I am. And I know I'm a hard guy to trust because of my temper and because of my reactions. But I'm willing to try to be different. For you. For us. I'm just ... I'm scared to lose you, kid, whether someone takes you from me or if you choose to leave."

  Sophie felt herself blush. Her skin turned pink, and she looked away, instead burying herself in Will's shoulder and wrapping her arm around his torso. His words caught her off-guard. Will was the last person to be romantic, yet she believed every word. He was just as vulnerable as anyone; he just hid it behind big muscles and plaid shirts.

  "I love you, too," she told him, her lips touching his skin, causing the hair on his chest to stand erect. She liked that she had power over someone as powerful as Will. "Nothing is going to change how I feel about you, Will. I’m just ... I'm just going through a bunch of things at once, and I have no idea what I want or how to handle them."

  She felt him nod his head. "I know," he said. "I'm here for you, kid. You know that, right? Just tell me what you need and I'll do it. But I'm not a mind reader. I'm not a mental. I need your help."

  Sophie dropped her hand from his chest to his hand. She squeezed.

  "Just be with me right now," she murmured. "You're all I need in this moment."


  The phone hadn't finished its first ring when Daryl snatched it up and slid right to answer. Daryl had never been obsessed with technology, but for some inexplicable reason, he had this burning desire to have the latest gadget as soon as it was released. It was one of the rare, irrational qualities no one knew about him, save for himself.

  He frowned inwardly at the thought. No one knew much about him, he realized. No one knew that his favorite color was yellow or that he liked to go on a nightly walk just as the sun set so he could watch the water sparkle. No one knew that he wanted children or that his favorite part of a woman was her back. No one knew he liked technology and loved to read self-help books on his tablet at night. No one knew he had a crossbow and knew how to build a fire, hunt wild animals, and track those animals or even humans if it was ever required of him. No one knew these things except himself. Because he made it that way.

  Daryl was adamant no one get too close to him. He kept everyone at arm's length, including his family. He didn't have many friends. Now, he only had his brother. He wasn't particularly fond of people, didn't think the faculty had the kind of intelligence he would actually be entertained with on a daily basis, so he refrained from being social. When he was required to attend meetings or events, he stayed until the bare minimum amount of time and left not a second later. He was hermit, isolated in his flat. He hadn't had a girlfriend in so long, couldn't remember what it felt like to be in love. He was experienced in the art of seduction, but not in a long while. The women he met had no respect for themselves, which made them desperate and dull. He refused to waste his time on anyone subpar. However, Daryl wasn't ignorant of his own shortcomings. He knew he wasn't the most pleasant person to look at. He knew that while he could recite facts on everything, he might not be the optimum choice for procreation. If there was one thing Daryl was not, it was a fool.

  And yet, someone like Jane Cabot loved him. Someone like her found him attractive and wanted to kiss him and dress up for him and impress him. It boggles his mind. Even now, waiting for his brother's call, he couldn't wrap his head around it. It didn't make sense. She didn't make sense. How could someone as beautiful, pure, and yes, intelligent as she was love someone like him?

  And she would never know him. Never know the real him. For whatever reason, that, more than anything, gutted him. Straight to his core. He wanted Jane to know who he was. He wanted to know Jane in that same way. He wanted to build a relationship with her and learn everything a
bout her. He wanted to know what she smelled like after a shower or what she looked like when she woke up in the middle of the night. He wanted to know if she talked in her sleep or snored or both. He wanted to know what she read for fun and if she turned into a different person during a hockey game—though, he did know the answer to the last question was a surprising yes. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair and kiss her neck and breathe in the scent on her skin.

  As he reflected on their past, he didn't know why he had pushed her away. After she escaped death, he punished himself for it, blaming himself for her injuries. Why would he reject her when all he wanted to do was pull her close and never let her go?

  None of this made sense to Daryl, and each time he thought about it, he started to get a headache. At least now, he would get her back. He could rectify everything. They could be together.

  "Did you find her?"

  Laughter met his ears. "Hello to you, too, baby brother," Marvin said, amused as usual. "To answer your question, because I know you can appreciate a direct answer and not some bullshit, I may have your lover in my possession. Thirty-six hours early, I might add. Might that be worth extra to you?"

  "You son of a bitch—" Daryl began, causing Marvin to burst out into laughter.

  "Come on, Daryl. You know I'm a businessman, if nothing else. Say, you got an extra hundred g's?"

  Daryl hung up the phone and tossed it on his bed. If he could have slammed it, he would have. His brother was blood and he respected that, but that didn't mean Daryl didn't hate Marvin with a passion. Marvin was everything wrong with the world. The guy was a drug lord, an occasional pimp, and used his mental abilities for the highest bidder. He hated being indebted to Marvin for a cup of milk, let alone a nameless favor to be collected at Marvin's discretion. But he also knew he would do anything if it meant Jane would be returned, which meant he would pay the extra one hundred grand Marvin requested. And Daryl knew Marvin knew it too, which made it even worse.

  He ran his fingers through his hair. Marvin had Jane, which meant he’d be here with her soon. Daryl wasn’t sure how to describe his feelings regarding the sentiment, but ecstatic seemed to cover it. Which was odd, considering Daryl was hardly ecstatic about anything. The word wasn’t even in his immediate vocabulary.

  He all but dashed to his closet and changed into his typical black suit with a matching silk black tie. His combed his hair back, and then started to pace up and down the hall, hands behind his back, chest puffed out, stature rigid. He needed to pass the time. What could he do to pass the time?

  Before he could contemplate that, his phone chirped with a text.

  Get your band of fools together in the dean’s office. I got your little birdie and her friend.

  Daryl’s brow furrowed at the last part. What friend? Who was Marvin referencing?

  It didn’t matter. He had to get Will, get that red head, and then they could reconvene in Ethan’s office. Jane would be back, and pieces from this extraordinary jigsaw puzzle would finally fit into place.

  Getting to the Ignis Dorm was easier than Daryl anticipated. He must have broken records at the speed it took him to reach Will's flat. When he pounded on the door, he expected an immediate response. Instead, he heard some shuffling and a muffled growl that sounded like, “Just a minute!” Daryl rolled his eyes and refrained from scanning the occupants'—because it sounded as though there was more than one in there—minds.

  Will opened the door in a plaid shirt buttoned the wrong way, hair as unruly as ever, and made sure the door kept his secret hidden.

  "What's happened?" Will asked when he saw who it was, his tone filled with genuine curiosity.

  "Jane is back," Daryl said. "Marvin called. We need to get to Ethan's office. Now. Can you get the red head?"

  "My name is Sophie," a voice said from behind Will.

  Will rolled his eyes and opened the door to reveal the red head in nothing but one of Will's t-shirts. Her straight hair was messy as well. Daryl looked at Will with a flat face. He refused to comment on the inappropriateness of the situation. All he cared about was Jane. Just Jane.

  “Hurry up, will you?” Daryl asked, and all but stormed off.

  "So," Marvin said, looking at Jane from the corner of his eyes. Jane stared straight back at him, not flinching. She had no idea who this guy was, but after her dream encounter with Daryl, had a sneaking suspicion this was his infamous brother, Marvin. "Who are you to my baby brother, girlie?"

  Jane wanted nothing more than to sink her body into a hot bath. Her physical body was still sore thanks to Dianna's attack last week, and her mind was still reeling from being kept unconscious for ... She didn't know how long she's been out, to be honest.

  All she knew was that she was exhausted.

  "I'm his student," she told him. She leaned her head back in his Lincoln Town Car rental, closing her eyes. She had no capacity to think right now. If she did, her headache would only worsen, and she loathed headaches with a passion.

  "No, no, no," Marvin said, shaking his head, a gleeful smile on his round but sunken face. Jane had no idea how Marvin and Daryl came from the same womb; they looked so different. And acted so different. And their powers were so different. She didn't know why he was helping her escape from Michael—she had no idea why Michael took her in the first place—but she had a feeling it had nothing to do with the kindness of his heart. "He's crazy about you. He's not crazy about anyone. What's with you?"

  Jane shrugged. "Why don't you ask him?" she asked.

  Marvin smirked. "Cheeky," he said. "I like you."

  "Why are we sitting out here?" Jane asked. Her eyes sprung open. She could see the academy from their parked position on the side of the road. The car was hidden by trees and shade. No one could see them, but they could see everything. Marvin had clearly done this before. "Can't we go in there?"

  "We will, we will." He gave her a look. "My, aren't we hasty? And whiney. I hate whining, you hear me? Now, listen, I just want to know who you are to my baby brother, then I'll take you up myself. Your little friend should already be there."

  "Yeah, speaking of which, why couldn't Brielle come with us?" Jane asked. The veins on the sides of her head were starting to throb.

  "Because it goes with our story," Marvin said. "If she doesn't go with the story, she's going to be in a shit boat worth of trouble. Now." He grinned that salacious grin. If Jane didn't know it was Daryl's brother, a shiver of disgust would have slid down her back. "Don't change the subject. Who are you to my baby brother?"

  "I told you," Jane said, clearly annoyed. She didn't want the continuous reminder of the last conversation she had with Daryl about the status of their relationship. She especially did not want to speak to his older brother about it. "I'm his student. He's my professor. That's it."


  "Like I said," Jane said, her green eyes narrowing. "Go talk to him about it. He made it very clear the nature of our relationship."

  Marvin started chuckling, and Jane almost punched him. "So there is something going on," he said, his pale blue eyes triumphant. "You have the hots for him too? Can I ask why? I mean—"

  Before Marvin could continue, four different trucks pulled up, surrounding Marvin's Lincoln. Immediately, Marvin tensed, and Jane straightened. His pale eyes glazed over and Jane knew he was using his abilities. To do what, she didn't know. But she did know Marvin had no idea what was going on.

  "They can't see us," Marvin assured her. "They don't even see the car."

  "Who are they?" Jane asked.

  And then she saw him exit the vehicle. This car was black, sleek. It screamed power. Money.

  General Titus Arbuckle's eyes locked on the academy entrance. He, along with his armed men, started heading toward the gate, their guns slung across their chests. It looked as though they were preparing for a battle, if not a war.


  To say Sophie was mortified would be an understatement. The fact that Daryl Depogare had caught her and Will
in a compromising position was just ... She couldn't even wrap her head around it because she never thought, in a million years, that this would ever happen to her. She knew he knew about them being together to some degree. Will would touch her in front of him, casually, on the hand or the knee. It didn't even mean anything intimate; he was just a physical guy and couldn't seem to keep his hands off of her. This, of course, was part of his physical nature, but she refused to complain about it just because of how good it made her feel. However, that did not mean Depogare had to have it thrust in his face the way he had when Will opened his door and she had her outburst.

  Sophie could admit the whole thing was her fault. She had spoken without thinking, and it revealed her presence with Will. Her face was still on fire just thinking about it. When he saw her, his black eyes were flat, almost expectant. As though she was the type of girl to end up in bed with her professor. She didn’t get a judgmental vibe from him, but that almost made it worse. For some reason, she wanted his approval. Maybe it was because her best friend held him in such high regard or maybe it was because she cared about people’s opinions of her, but she wanted to be the type of woman people respected. Not one they judged.

  However, she didn't appreciate the fact that he referred to her as “the red head” when her name had been said multiple times in front of Depogare. He just purposefully chose not to remember it. Even if he didn’t agree with her being with Will, she didn’t deserve to be blatantly disrespected by it.

  What a dick.

  At least he hadn't made a comment about the two of them being indisposed. Not that he needed to, what with those black eyes as he took the sight of them in. They were sharp and calculating, probably didn't miss any detail, no matter how tiny. She wondered if he read their minds, but then, immediately banished the thought. Depogare was a dick, but he wasn't a mean one. He respected privacy, and most likely didn't want to know what the couple was thinking anyway.


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