Pig's Foot
Page 1
Para Berta y tía Lucía,
ambas victimas de la misma enfermedad.
Y para Charlotte y Aila
To the roots goes the honest man. A radical is simply this:
a man who goes to the roots
José Martí
There is beauty in the breakdown
Frou Frou
Author’s Note
Part One
A Few Important Details About Me
Oscar and José
Betina and Malena
Oscar’s Nightmare
11 April 1898
Melecio is Different
A Trip to El Cobre
Ignacio’s Idea
The Village Schoolteacher
Three Years Pass
How to Conquer a Woman According to María
The Transformation
Further News of Melecio
The Broken Family
Ester’s Confession
The Long-awaited Confrontation
Part Two
The Road to Lawton
How People Marry
The Homecoming
Gunned Down
The Biggest Maggot in the World
To the Roots
Atanasio’s Story
The Interrogation
The Crazy and the Sane
A Note on the Author
A Note on the Translator
By the Same Author
Author’s Note
Pig’s Foot is set in a fantastical alternate version of Cuba inspired by the landscapes, the different cultures, the rough magic and the turbulent history of my country. Inevitably it is peopled by historical figures – politicians, dictators, boxers, architects and philanthropists – whom I have taken the liberty of treating as fictional characters. Just as I have Melecio create the Bacardí Building in Havana (actually designed by architects Rafael Fernández Ruenes, Esteban Rodríguez Castells and José Menéndez), so too I have him spontaneously declaiming verses, among them ‘Deseos’ by Salvador Díaz Mirón. I am indebted to him, to all the authors I have read and to all those who have inspired me.
Carlos Acosta
Part One
The Village
A Few Important Details About Me
Bueno . . . OK . . . the first thing you need to know about me is I never knew my mother or my father, in fact I only found out their names a couple of months ago. My memories begin on the day I came home from primary school dragging a dead cat by the scruff of the neck. I must have been about seven at the time, and I remember the cat had eaten my lunch. My grandma grounded me – obviously – and I wasn’t allowed out to play for a week. She told me it was no reason to go round strangling things. I tossed the remains of the cat on the ground, then punched the front door so hard I fractured my wrist. All this stuff I remember as clear as day. But before that is like an empty space inside my head. Sorry, maybe I’m not making much sense; what I mean is I don’t have any memories of what happened before. I was a pretty normal kid, just like the other chiquillos in Barrio Lawton as far as I remember, though my grandparents always insisted I was different. They told me I had been born in a place called Pig’s Foot – Pata de Puerco – in the deep south of Cuba on the far side of El Cobre. According to them, I slid down my mother’s legs into the mud like a slug. Can you imagine? Like a slug. And that as soon as my mother plucked me up out of the muck, I started howling like I’d been stuck with a fistful of needles. Pig’s Foot sounds to me like one of the weird recipes Grandma used to concoct, but from what I was told both my grandparents and the parents I never knew were born there and one day I would have to go back.
‘Mark my words,’ my grandpa used to tell me all the time, ‘no man knows who he is until he knows his past, his history, the history of his country.’ ‘The old guy’s losing his marbles,’ I thought, ‘the first sign of old age!’ But then one day I suddenly found myself utterly alone. It’s impossible to imagine the man you will become when you find yourself alone. I don’t know if you understand what I’m saying. Take me, for example: years ago it would never have occurred to me to set foot in Santiago, let alone to hang on every word I ever heard my grandpa say, as though somehow his words might be the cure for my affliction. That’s how I came to build a world around a tiny village called Pata de Puerco, a place I’ve never been but one I inhabited through the memories of that poor old man, the memories Commissioner Clemente wheedled out of me in the course of a long and painful interrogation, the memories I’m happy to relate to you now, no hard feelings.
Before we get started, I should point out that Clemente, the short, bald prick with the big ’tache who calls himself a doctor, is actually Grand Wizard of the Cuban branch of the Ku Klux Klan. I suppose you think I’m making this stuff up, but I swear to you that even in 1995 there are evil people in Cuba. And Commissioner Clemente, with his gang of whiteshirts, is one of them – whenever I see him it’s like I have a rock in my stomach. That’s why when he asked, instead of telling him my real name – it’s Oscar Mandinga, in case you’re wondering – I said: /. I answered the son of a bitch in Arabic. After that, what happened, happened; Commissioner Clemente brought the darkness, hammering me with questions until he literally split my skull in two.
So like I said, my name’s Oscar Mandinga – pleased to meet you – now, back to the hazy past that was my childhood. The only thing I knew about my grandparents was that years earlier they’d moved from Santiago de Cuba to a barrio called Lawton in the city of Havana and opened a laundry business that brought in just enough to put food on the table. I have no problems remembering ‘El Buen Vivir’ – The Good Life laundromat – since I worked there as a kid, but even back then, I never heard any stories about my grandparents, never saw any photos of them when they were young. As far as I knew my grandparents had been born old, because the day I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was a tall, black, toothless old man – my grandpa – and a little grey-haired old woman with shy, sandy eyes – my grandma. They were sweet, affectionate old things for the most part and I’ve got to say they brought me up well. At The Good Life they taught me the meaning of hard work and thanks to them when I was little I learned to cook, to clean, to take out the trash, in short to be methodical and reliable. But that’s no use to me now because that bald bastard Commissioner Clemente won’t give me any work. Though what with the ‘special economic period’ in force these days in Cuba, no one’s got any work.
For all I know you’re one of those ignorant morons who thinks books are for timewasters. If so, let me tell you straight up that I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think because I love reading the classics – though to be honest, I’ll read pretty much anything from Sputnik magazine to the cartoons in La revista pionero. Art is my life, and it’s such a pity that in Cuba it’s gone to the dogs in the ’90s. Round here, people say that when you’ve made enough good art you’ve earned the right to turn out bad art. Bullshit! You used to be able to go to the theatre in Havana, but these days there’s bound to be a power cut right in the middle of the ballet or the operetta. Everyone’s permanently worried and constantly complaining – everyone, that is, except my grandparents, who still insist the Revolution – power cuts, rationing, shortages and all – is the best thing that ever happened to this country. When I say it, I sound like a fruit loop.
Anyway, back to the important stuff, to Pata de Puerco and its origins. This is the story of my ancestors exactly as I told it to Commissioner chrome-dome Clemente before his band of whiteshirts turned up and took the sun away for ever.
Oscar and José
In the 1800s, Pata de Puerco was just one small corner of a sweeping plain with a few scattered
shacks between the Sierra Maestra mountains of Santiago de Cuba and the copper mines of El Cobre. My grandpa used to say a passing stranger would have thought the tocororos in the trees had just learned to sing. The Accursed Forest and the surrounding swampland teemed with crocodiles that roamed around like tame dogs, having not yet decided that mud was their favourite place to wallow. It was a lush, green place surrounded by picturesque bowers of twisted trees and jungle creepers, which created grottoes where it was possible to walk for miles without seeing a ray of sunlight. The earth was so red people said it was not soil, but the spilled blood of Indians dried by the sun. Deer and hutias scuttered through the grasslands and wild dogs had learned to live in harmony with man, whose numbers were so scant in this far-flung corner of Cuba it seemed like the last place God made.
The Santisteban family arrived here in 1850. They were looking for a place to live, an idyllic, out-of-the-way place far from the metropolis. As everyone knows, the Santistebans were a powerful slave-trading family who, with the Aldamas and the Terrys, controlled the sugar trade the length and breadth of the island. They owned a workforce of more than fifteen thousand slaves, in addition to the railroads, the stores and the credit houses they possessed.
It was here in Pata de Puerco that Don Manuel Santisteban decided to live out the rest of his days. There are many stories about how he came to build his house, but the way my grandpa told it to me, one day Don Manuel stopped by the ruins of the oldest sugar plantation on the island, a ruined mansion that had once belonged to the conquistador Hernán Cortés back when Santiago de Cuba was the capital of the colony. ‘Here shall I die,’ announced the powerful slave trader and, without wasting a minute, ordered a new plantation house be built over the crumbling ruins. No crocodile was ever seen in the area again after Doña Isabel Santisteban ordered that all the lush vegetation be hacked down. Cuba, she insisted, was a country of sunshine and not a single ray could pierce the shade of the towering trees. And so the parrots, the hummingbirds and the tocororos also vanished for ever from this beautiful place.
A number of small squat, rustic houses were planted like sombreros around a vast estate measuring some twenty caballerías. Between these houses rose the majestic residence of Don Manuel, his señora and their two children, a mansion with tall windows and labyrinthine corridors. The slave quarters, situated 200 metres from the main house, were built of brick and tiles and had a single door and a lone, barred window on one side which allowed in scarcely enough air to breathe. A watchtower, used to keep a lookout for runaways and to keep an eye on the workers, was erected between the slave quarters and the sugar mill and from the top you could see all the way to the stables and the canebrakes.
Among the seven thousand slaves living on the plantation itself was Oscar Kortico, who came from a long line of Korticos: Negroes barely four feet tall who were shipped to Cuba in small numbers and in time vanished from the face of the earth leaving no sign that they had ever existed. A pygmy race from East Africa, from a land as cracked and barren as the surface of the planet Mars, the Korticos were expert hunters and knew the secret ways of plants. Too late did Don Manuel realise just how strong these people were, for when he tried to order a new consignment of Korticos, he was told there were none to be found on or off the island – the earth had opened up and swallowed them. He had been planning to replace the Mandingas – the tallest Negroes and those most suited to forced labour – with Korticos whose appearance belied not only their strength, but the laws of physics. Despite their height, they were as strong and sturdy as the Mandingas and much cheaper to keep, since they ate half as much as other Negroes. But after the shipment that brought Oscar, his mother and his father to Pata de Puerco, no Kortico ever came to Cuba again.
To his dying day, my namesake Oscar Kortico had the same diminutive body, the same thin, slightly elongated childlike face, the same round, black eyes, the same prominent cheekbones that looked like runnels for those tears he never shed. This is how my grandpa described him to me, adding that although Oscar Kortico was a bitter man (something many people confirm) he had known happiness (something many more deny) if only as a child; this inexplicable, elusive feeling was embodied by his mother, the creature he most adored and who returned his great, his boundless love.
Her name was Macuta Dos and she worked on the plantation feeding the animals, cleaning the grounds and drawing water from the well. Since she was a strong, muscular Negress, they set her to cutting cane with the menfolk and gave her so many backbreaking chores that often she worked twenty-two hours a day. The two hours she had to herself, she devoted to her son Oscar who had learned never to complain, though already in his heart he sensed that something was amiss with the world. Those two hours were enough for Oscar: shrugging off her tiredness, his mother would play with him and sometimes tell him stories and fables, like the legend of Yusi the Warrior, a God of the Kortico pantheon, a creature gifted with exceptional powers who, it was said, could lift a cow with just one hand.
After much insistence from Oscar – an insistence that involved howls and wails but never tears – Macuta Dos explained to him that his grandparents had died of old age; that one of his uncles had been shot as a runaway slave and the other carried off by a terrible disease – some curse, some horrifying thing that had caused first his ears and then his testicles to swell. She told him that his father had escaped into the mountains at dawn one morning only to be dragged back that same afternoon dead, the skin flayed from his body, his face unrecognisable. Her only legacy, she told him, was an ancient amulet, a leather necklet strung with a shrivelled pig’s foot. Oscar and this amulet were her only fortune.
Oscar Kortico immediately rushed to tell this story to his best friend José Mandinga, who clapped his hand to his mouth in horror. José tried to cheer him, saying that what had happened was destined to happen and that surely now his luck would change for the better. But one night the overseer came to the slave quarters to take Oscar’s mother to a small dark room where she was to be bred with one of the tall, brawny Negro bucks because, by Don Manuel’s reckoning, such a pairing would produce a good litter of whelps. The boy clung to his mother like a tick to a dog. Macuta Dos pressed the pig’s-foot amulet into his hand and told him she would never forget him. Oscar begged to know why she was being taken from him.
‘Because such is the lot of a slave.’
‘What is a slave?’
‘An animal, hijo, an animal.’
With a vicious tug, two men wrenched the pair apart and took Macuta Dos from Oscar’s side for ever.
In this moment was the wellspring of Oscar Kortico’s bitterness. For a whole month, he murmured the story of Yusi the Warrior to himself and refused to play with his friend José. He looked for his mother only in the darkness, expecting that she would suddenly appear through a wall or that at least the men might come and take him to be with her in that small dark cell. Every day he pressed the amulet to his chest, trying to lose himself in the scent of pig’s foot that reminded him of his mother. He could not imagine he would never see her again. Six months later, he was sold to an Italian merchant named Giacomo Benvenuto, who lived some ten miles from El Cobre. There, Oscar was given the surname Benvenuto and set to work as a houseboy in the kitchen and doing chores around the residence.
Though they dressed him in finery, still the other children called him ‘the black flea’ because of his diminutive stature and treated him like a circus freak. It was here that Oscar truly learned what it meant to be a slave. Little by little there blossomed within him a hatred of the world and most especially of children; a hatred he would carry with him to his grave. He felt as though there was no one he could trust; that he had been forsaken by love, by friendship, by peace. By everything, in fact, but the bitterness that burned like an eternal flame in his chest, reminding him of his miserable existence. He brooded about the meaning of the word slave. ‘You are an animal.’ This was how he felt, like a brute beast, something confirmed one day when, while he was fixi
ng some kitchen shelves that had been eaten away by termites, he found himself surrounded by a gang of children led by the plantation owner’s son. Striking the pose of a lion tamer, the Italian boy informed his entourage that Oscar was living proof of simian intelligence.
‘As you can see,’ said Giacomo, ‘a monkey can fix shelves. He doesn’t feel anything inside because he’s an animal, but he can talk, he can even read if you teach him. And see – he’s proved he knows how to use a hammer. Let’s give this magnificent creature a round of applause.’
‘Oscar, Oscar, Oscar the orang-utan,’ chanted the other children.
Suddenly, Oscar saw black. His teeth drew blood from the Italian boy. Not enough blood to warrant the death sentence, but enough to have him put in the stocks and given several lashes, then locked up in a dark cell for a week.
On his release, he was relieved of his domestic chores and set to work in the fields; it was here that he spent his adolescence and grew to become a man. In all that time he never met a woman who made him happy. He believed that no woman would ever be able to love his diminutive stature, or the bleak pessimism that had become his distinguishing trait. And so he had no choice but to lose his virginity to a sow. It happened one day when Benvenuto’s overseer ordered Oscar to work in the barnyard. After the sow came a boss-eyed nanny goat that wouldn’t stop bleating. Before long, Oscar Kortico’s fame had spread to nanny goats, sows and mares for miles around.
Then came the war of independence which, as I’m sure you know, began in 1868 (10 October, if I’m not mistaken . . .). By now, Oscar had turned eighteen. Giacomo Benvenuto and his family had fled back to the country they’d come from. It was Oscar who brandished the torch that set the sugar mill ablaze. The following day, he set off for the Santisteban plantation in search of his mother. He found only a heap of ashes and charred bricks. It was then that he joined forces with the Mambí Liberation Army under the command of General Maceo at their camp east of Baracoa.