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Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father

Page 20

by Laveen, Tiana

  I better just say it all now, get it all out in the open…

  “You looked good on his arm, he saw you as a trophy. And he hates me for the fact he did end up having to deal with the guys that were after him and now you tell me he thinks I ratted him out.” He shrugged. “They fucked him up, Xenia… He spent two months in the hospital, almost died twice and then he had to do some jail time, then prison after sentencing and no tellin’ what happened in there. Sinclair isn’t built for incarceration. I could look at him and see that. He probably went a little crazy in there.”

  “I’d have to agree. He was something else, but I would never describe him as crazy, until now. He is ten times worse than he ever was. Jesus…and you picked all of this up? Read him like that?”

  “Yes, his energy was crystal clear. When you hate someone that much, you can’t mask it. He’s got a thing for me now, a jones. I had to protect you from this, but I know how it went down wasn’t right. I’m sorry, Xenia.” It was a heartfelt apology, he now had to come clean, but the worse of it was that he wouldn’t change a thing about how’d he handled the situation. He had not left the woman’s side in spirit. He plugged into her at work since the first incident buzzed, feeling her vibration, checking around. Today, he’d been busy with other tasks and like the slithering serpent Sinclair was, he struck when the king’s head was turned. He didn’t ask Xenia about every single thing Sinclair said to her. What did it matter? He had the gist of the situation and he didn’t feel inclined. He’d had enough of this motherfucker’s shit and it was time to put an end to it.

  I’m going to have to settle this once and for all before it gets even worse…

  “So, what do we do now?”

  “You do nothing. You sit tight and do your job. This is your gig. That man isn’t getting away with a damn thing. I’ve been working some things out; I needed a little more time. Being rational at this point doesn’t work with him, because he wants revenge. I’m going to have to hurt him where it counts.”

  “Saint…” There was a warning in her voice, not for his safety, but for what she knew her husband was capable of. She didn’t want him in some brawl, or worse yet, a murder that would cause him to be incarcerated. “Look. He said a lot of people hate you and he has help. I don’t know what he is up too, but you have to watch him. Please, just—”

  “I got this baby, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it, now.” He smiled as he swiveled back toward the window, taking note of the way the sun set so pretty in streaks of gold and dark orange. “I do have some good news despite all this bullshit. But, you can’t tell anyone, Xenia.”

  “I could use some good news. What is it?”

  “Donna is pregnant.”

  “Oh my God!” Saint heard her voice muffle, get distant, as if she’d almost lost the phone in the excitement. “I just spoke to her. She didn’t mention one word.”

  “Well, that’s because she doesn’t know yet. I can’t tell her and Lawrence, that would ruin the surprise of them finding out on their own. So now I have to stand around here looking stupid. He knows I know something, and I’m sure he will try to get Jagger to help him pick my mind. I have had to put everything on lock down until they find out on their own.”

  “Oh, no.” Xenia giggled. “That is going to be hard! Both of them teaming up on you like that.”

  “I know, and I’ve been open with them but because of this, I have to pull my energy back. I’m really happy for them though. I know they’ve been trying for a while.”

  “Do you know what sex it is?” Xenia whispered, as if someone were nearby.

  “Yes, but I’m not telling you!” He laughed.

  “Oh, come on, Saint!”

  “No ma’am. You will start talking to someone, it will spill out, and then everyone will know. You’ve got fast lips, Xenia,” he teased.

  “What ya tryna say? I’m a gossip?”

  “Somethin’ like that.” He grinned as he relaxed, his mind and body at ease. “I shouldn’t have even told you about this, but I couldn’t keep it to myself. I’m just so happy for them.”

  “Mum’s the word! I promise to not leak this. Well, honey, I have to go. Thank you for explaining to me what happened. I wish you had told me sooner, but now I know. This way at least I know what I’m dealing with.”

  “…And that is why I didn’t tell you. You aren’t dealing with anything, Xenia, I am. Act natural; don’t say one damned word to him. I don’t know what went down today to spur this on, and I don’t care. He has used his last lifeline. Like I said, just concentrate on your show, being the best you can be at it, and let me take care of this.”

  “Saint, listen to me. Sometimes you just rush into stuff! Promise me you won’t do something that lands you in prison.”

  “I’m not going any damn where, but his ass is. I gave him a chance, and now he has run out of opportunities. Most of the guys I grew up with would have slashed his goddamn throat at the first offense.” His eyes turned to slits and his pupils burned. He was certain they were bright, China red as the anger inside of him multiplied like deadly cells from an incurable virus until he was eyeballs deep in the shit, fiery rage burning inside of his veins, from head to toe.

  Try to give mothafuckas a chance, try to let them walk the fuck away and this is the thanks you get. I could’ve called those mothafuckas that were after him and let them know his whereabouts. I could have fucked him up right then and there before Xenia’s ass even made it down the damn steps! You’ve mistaken my kindness for weakness. Others have done the same and lived to regret it. Sinclair, your ass is mine. You’ve fucked up one too many times, got my wife calling me in damn near tears because of your bullshit. You’ve fucked with the wrong woman — because that woman is Mrs. Aknaten…


  “Traci, shit! Whew!” Xenia cackled as she kicked her feet up by their pool. It was a gorgeous, mellow and warm Californian day. Not a cloud in the sky and the two ladies lay side by side on white and blue striped pool chairs that leaned back, allowing them to soak in some sunny rays. The muted sounds of Gerald Levert played in the background, an orchestra to the ruckus of the rainbow colored plastic cups Isis kept trying to stack to no avail as she sat happily on a soft pink towel nearby. The gentle breeze blew on the water surface, rippling it, and peace reigned until Hassani came running at top speed, his bare, wet feet smacking the stone tile. Screaming at the top of his lungs, his arms out in front of him and his skinny, long tan legs moving at the speed of light, he made his grand entrance and did a cannon ball, causing a mammoth splash. Dakarai shrieked, taking issue with this repeated aquatic performance.

  “Maaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeee!” the little boy wailed, his golden arms bobbing about in the shallow end of the pool, dark waves of damp hair now straight and flat against his peach shaped face. “’Sani is—”

  “I know, baby. Dakarai, I can’t make your brother stop playing in the pool, sweetie. He is just having fun. Hey, why don’t you move farther down so he doesn’t splash you as badly?” Darkarai looked vexed. He shot his mother a look of contempt, dramatic like his father. He then stared his big brother up and down as if he were the reason why Hell existed. Those golden eyes vowed revenge, no doubt. The boys were getting older, their personalities getting stronger, and Dakarai was still a mama’s boy, with a dark side. Incredible intelligence and sneakiness dwelled within him, creating the perfect cocktail for a parental nightmare. He was not a good swimmer as of yet, so he wasn’t allowed to be on the deeper end where Hassani frolicked happily, enjoying the fact that his little brother couldn’t cross the bobbling white line and clung to his swimming noodle as he bobbed about.

  “Your children are adorable! I know I tell you that all the time, Xenia, but I just can’t get over how handsome the boys are and how beautiful Isis is. I don’t care what anyone says, you spit this little girl out.”

  Xenia laughed happily, taking a slow slip from her glass of champagne and juice with a strawberry floating about inside of it.
  “Thank you. They are something, I tell ya.” She sighed, pulling her red sun visor down over her eyes. “Keep me on my toes. I wouldn’t trade them for the world though. They mean everything to me. You know, I used to work with a woman named Traci, coincidentally. You actually remind me a bit of her…a very nice woman,” Xenia complimented.

  “Awww, thanks, Xenia.” Traci looked back out at the pool.“ One day…” Traci smiled, a bit of sorrow in her tone. “I will have this one day.”

  “You’re damn straight you will. I think you and Jagger will get married.” As she spoke, Xenia continued to watch her sons moving about in the water.

  “Do you?” Traci asked in surprise. “I don’t know, Xenia.” She shook her head in disbelief. “His ex-wife really did a doozy on him. I believe if it weren’t for that, he’d propose in a heartbeat, but, God bless him, it is really hard for him.”

  “But he got a tattoo of you,” Xenia offered with a wide grin, half joking and half serious.

  “Can you believe that?” Traci burst out laughing, setting her mimosa glass down beside her. “He called me over to his place and showed me. I couldn’t believe it. Speaking of which, did you get a call from Donna? She kind of chewed me out.”

  Xenia burst out laughing. “Girl, yes! I like Donna, but damn…she is a bit high strung. I don’t know about Lawrence, but with Saint, if you want him to do something or not do something, act like you don’t care either way. All that screaming, nagging and carrying on will not move him. He will stand like a mountain. Donna hasn’t learned the art of feminine persuasion.”

  Traci laughed and shook her head. “I know. Lawrence is kind of soft spoken, but something about him,” she shook her head, “I don’t know. That woman might push too hard and come home to an empty house.”

  “Girl, we are on the same damn page. Lawrence is an absolute sweetheart, but I can see it too. There’s just something about him, and it’s like, if you push him too far, there could be hell to pay. I don’t know what Donna expected me to do about it. He is a grown ass man. We can’t tell them what to do!”

  “I know. Besides, I think some tattoos are kinda sexy. I think Jagger has gone a little overboard with them, though. If he gets any more, his face will be covered too.”

  Xenia burst out laughing. “I hope not. Mike Tyson looked like a damn fool with that crap on the side of his face.”

  “I know.” Traci shook her head. “Donna called me talkin’ about, ‘your boyfriend is a bad influence on my husband.’ I mean, hell, Lawrence and Jagger have been friends since they were kids. She needs to leave that man alone. And what is the big deal? She acts like he got his ass cheeks pierced together or something. My goodness, it’s just an eagle. Not a big tit drawn on his back.”

  Xenia spurt champagne out of her mouth. The two women burst out laughing again.

  “Girl, I don’t know,” Xenia said after she composed herself. “I like Donna, maybe it is her hor— I mean, just her nature.”

  Damn! Almost let the cat out of the bag. Saint would never tell me anything again.

  “Well,” Traci nodded, “Jagger and Saint always get into trouble when we aren’t around, like two little kids. I’ll admit, I always feel better when Lawrence is with them. He is like their caretaker…a much needed one!”

  “Tell me about it! I tell my husband that all the time. I thank God for Lawrence, I really do because Saint is a mess! I could tell you some stories, girl! But you know how Angel Children are, they have the hearts of kids it seems, always trying to look at things on the bright side, and their behavior sometimes shows that they—”

  “Angel Children? What do you mean?” Traci asked, a slight smile on her confused face.

  Xenia gulped.

  Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit! She doesn’t know! How could Jagger date her this long and not tell her?!

  “Uh, it’s just slang for men that are great, like angels but act like kids.”

  I don’t believe this!

  “Oh, okay.” Traci relaxed. “I’ve never heard of that before. Looks like I need to buy me an urban dictionary.”

  The two laughed at that, though Xenia’s laugh was forced, manufactured and served up like a slice of prop cake—pretty to look at, but totally inedible.

  “Um, Traci, can you do me a quick favor? I need to go inside for a second, can you watch the boys? I’ll take Isis in with me.”

  “Sure! No problem, take your time.”

  Xenia rose from her seat, grabbed her daughter and slid the glass doors open to enter her kitchen. Isis whined, on the verge of crying as they passed a plate of freshly baked maple cookies.

  “Isis, you already had one cookie! You aren’t supposed to be eating this. Besides, you didn’t finish your peas. Oh hell!” She grabbed the cookie and raced to the study, closing the door behind her. “Here you go, baby.” She sat her daughter on the ground, watching her eat the gooey thing with sheer delight. Snatching the cordless phone off of Saint’s desk, she immediately dialed his number.

  “Hello, my delicious little diva,” he said suavely. “This is your mista lovuh man, otherwise known as Saint, the dick slanger. What you gonna wear for me tonight, huh? I’m gonna eat that muff right through the damn—”

  “Saint, baby.” Xenia stifled a laugh. “Look, be serious for a minute. You are not going to believe this.”

  “What’s wrong? Hold on, let me make sure my office door is locked.” She waited for what felt like an eternity for him to return to his desk. “Okay, what’s up?”

  “Jagger hasn’t told Traci a damn thing!”

  “What do you mean? About what?”

  “About him being an Angel Child, Saint.”

  “Are you serious?” His booming voice made her ear vibrate.

  “Yes, I’m serious! I called you two Angel Children and she didn’t know what the hell I was talking about. Why would he do something like this?”

  Saint sighed on the other end. “I guess he is scared of losing her, Xenia. It’s not exactly the type of thing we look forward to discussing. Nevertheless, this is still unacceptable.”

  “I’m sorry if he is scared, but I feel just terrible for her now. I mean, she’s obviously in love with the man, wants to get married and have kids. This is downright deceitful.”

  “Yeah, by omission, it is a lie in that respect.” He sighed as if a heavy burden had fallen on him. “Shit! I can’t believe he did this… I just assumed he had. That isn’t something we should hide from a woman we are serious about. Besides, if we get really upset, or super excited, hell, even sexually aroused, things tend to happen, they show up. I’m surprised she hasn’t noticed anything strange about him, well, not strange but—”

  “Yes, I know what you mean but maybe she already has. Maybe she just dismissed it.”

  “Yeah, that could be. Look, I’ll talk to him. We have a meeting in, like, fifteen minutes, and after that, I’ll bring him into my office.”

  “Okay.” Xenia relaxed a bit. “Please do because if the man is getting her name tattooed on his body, and he is in love with her, then he has to tell her. It isn’t my job and she’d just run out of here thinking I was crazy, anyway.”

  “Probably. No one would believe it if we only declared it. I had to prove it to you, and he will have to do the same. Damn… Anyway, how is she? How are the kids?”

  “Everyone is fine. Isis is sitting here devouring a cookie. Most of it is on the floor.” Xenia grinned and waved at her daughter whose mouth was covered in crumbs.

  “Oh, so you can give her another cookie, but when I gave the kids chocolate cake then—”

  “Uh, you can stop right there.” Xenia put her hand up and grinned. “This is different. It isn’t her first meal of the day, and it wasn’t done two days in a row…unlike someone I know!” She laughed. “Well, I better get back out there to them. When will you be home for dinner?”

  “As fast as you want me to be,” he murmured, the nastiness slicked over each word. “I plan to eat a buffet between your leg
s. All-you-can-eat pussy, my favorite.”

  “Sex fiend,” she whispered into the phone as she pushed her bare foot into the soft white carpet—Saint’s beloved new shag carpet he’d recently got installed, the same carpet his daughter was now decorating with saliva-covered sweet morsels… Oh, there would be hell to pay.

  “And you love it. Wear that red number with the nipples cut out, and the open slit over your pussy. I like that one, haven’t seen it in a while. It’s fishnet.”

  “And what about what I want?” She smiled shyly into the phone and glanced at Isis again, slightly ashamed of the conversation she was having with her sweetheart in front of the tiny tot.

  “Oh you know I’ll deliver, baby…you’ve been such a nasty little girl, I’ll make sure you get exactly what you deserve tonight. I think after I eat you, I’ll turn you over on your stomach and shove my cock nice ’nd slow inside of you and then I want you to ride that mothafucka, slide all the way down on it…and I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, woman…make you feel that shit, fuck you like I mean it.”

  Xenia’s pussy throbbed at the perverted words, and she felt the blood rush to her face. She looked down and noticed her chest flushing with reddened tones as heat pulsated up and down her body.

  “You’re getting wet, aren’t you?” he asked breathlessly on the other end, almost as if his hand was wrapped around his dick. It was Saint after all, she wouldn’t doubt it. She remained quiet.

  “You are,” he said, laughing. “It’s rainin’, ain’t it, baby?” he teased.

  All she could offer was a laugh, for he’d caught on to the truth.

  “Where are you in the house right now?”

  “In your office, why?”

  “Don’t get my new chair saturated with pussy juice, Xenia!” he said in a teasing tone, no doubt enjoying this conversation. “That’s premium leather!”

  She caught herself, almost cursing him out before abruptly hanging up the phone in embarrassment. Retrieving her daughter, she made her jaunt back out the house, returning to Traci who now stood at the side of the pool, jumping up and down.


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