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Selling Grace: A Light Romance Novel (Art of Grace Book 1)

Page 22

by Samantha Westlake

  "And you would be willing to work on some of these articles?" Winston asked, capturing the contents of the entire mansion with a wave of his hands.

  I tried not to nod too eagerly. "I've got a bit of an opening for the next few days," I said in the understatement of the century. "Of course, we'd need to work out some sort of payment schedule, and my fees would depend on how many items are in the house, but I'm sure that we could find a price that works..."

  I held my breath, hoping that this elderly manservant wouldn't decide that I didn't deserve what could end up being the biggest paycheck of my career. If Sanford wanted to get rid of the contents of the mansion... Dollar signs danced in front of my eyes at the thought of my commission on selling everything.

  Finally, Winston nodded. "I will need to speak with Mister Welles, of course, but I suspect that you are exactly what he's looking for," he said. "Do you perhaps have a card so that we can contact you?"

  I reached down for my purse, but stopped as I realized that I'd come over to the Winterhearst mansion dressed in nothing but my bathrobe pulled over my pajamas! Oh god, no wonder I had to work harder than usual to project an air of respectability! "Er, I'll run one over after I bring my cat back home," I said, lamely aware that this didn't sound particularly professional.

  But Winston just nodded. "Very good, Miss Dean. And now, let's go retrieve your errant feline."

  I followed after him as he led me to the mansion's back door, still trying to resist the urge to rub my hands together and cackle wildly at the thought of my potential profit on this job. This was exactly what I needed! If this came through, all of my money problems would be solved. Heck, I could probably even afford to take a vacation!

  In the backyard, Whiskers still lay just where he'd flopped down, his eyes closed in ecstasy as his body drank in the warmth of the sun. I reached down and scooped him up, and he was so relaxed and warm that he didn't even put up any resistance. He just sighed a little and turned his face into me, an utterly pliable lump of fur.

  "Can I offer you some coffee, Miss Dean?" Winston asked me as I picked up my feline companion. "It's freshly ground, and really quite good."

  "I probably ought to get my cat back before he gets away again," I said apologetically, although some freshly brewed coffee that didn't come from freeze-dried crystals really sounded amazing. "But maybe you can bring a fresh cup up to Sanford when you tell him that I can appraise his furniture. It might help win him over."

  Winston hesitated for a moment as he walked over to open up the gate back out of the Winterhearst mansion's backyard. "Mister Welles can sometimes present an intimidating front, but he's not as bad as he appears," he said, sounding very reluctant to share anything about his employer.

  "Really? He's not a mean old jerk, like he seems?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I could pull them back, but Winston just sighed.

  "On the contrary, he can be quite charming when he's in a better mood, and if you got to know him a bit better," he replied mournfully, as if sad that I wouldn't ever see his master through the same rose-tinted glasses that he wore. "Perhaps as you work over here, you can come to see that he's kinder than his first impression suggests."

  "Maybe," I said doubtfully, not wanting to disappoint the old butler, but fairly certain that Sanford and I would never see eye to eye.

  Whiskers squirmed a little in my arms, and I remembered that I needed to get him back to my house. "Anyway, I'll come back over and drop off a business card," I said, once again moving towards my house before Whiskers slipped out of my grasp again. "I've got references, too, if you - er, Sanford - needs them. Really, I'm quite good, and I promise that I'll get a great deal on everything I sell for you."

  "Not to worry, I have full and total confidence in you, young lady," Winston replied, giving me a little bow as he held the gate open for me. "I shall speak with Mister Welles, and shall get back to you as soon as possible with his answer."

  I nodded, and headed off to my own house before I managed to say anything else to put my foot in my mouth and possibly ruin what could be the biggest job of my career.

  Sipping at my coffee once I'd returned Whiskers safely back to the prison of my house interior, I looked out through my kitchen window, up at the Winterhearst mansion. This time, however, instead of just looking at the gloomy exterior of the building, I tried to think about how many rooms were in the interior, and how many treasures might be hidden under dusty old tarps and sheets inside those rooms.

  Yes, this could help pay off my growing credit card bills, restore my flagging bank balance, and even more. If I played my cards right, if I managed to convince Sanford to sell some of the dusty old pieces of furniture in there that he didn't want, I could make this my meal ticket.

  Even the man's scowl, just as fierce in my memory, wasn't enough to dissuade me. If it got me commission for selling an entire Queen Anne dining room set, as well as maybe some gorgeous china pieces and some classic Louis XVI furniture, I could put up with any number of angry glares and dark huffs.

  Or maybe, if he didn't want to deal with any of the stuff at all, he might just let me cart it all off, so that I could sell it on my own... dollar signs danced in front of my eyes.

  "This could be it - just what I've needed!" I said to Whiskers, momentarily forgetting that I was angry at him for pulling his escape act two days in a row.

  He just flicked his eyes and ears at me before strolling away, probably heading off to find a quiet corner to doze, or maybe a windowsill where he could balance and stare out at the chirping birds and frolicking squirrels.

  Chapter Seven


  Once I'd pulled on some actual clothes, dressing in what Della referred to as my "slutty real estate agent" outfit, I headed back over to the Winterhearst mansion to hand over a business card to Winston. The butler greeted me at the door, thanked me sincerely for the card, but gave no indication of whether he'd spoken to Sanford yet, or if the master of the house had shown any inclination towards hiring me. I went back home feeling frustrated and already sweating a little bit in my professional blouse, jacket, and pencil skirt (although on my hips, the thing was more like a fat-tipped marker skirt).

  I peeled off the clothes as soon as I got home and, spurred by a sudden burst of energy and drive, changed into my workout gear. Normally, I'd just spend fifteen minutes on the stair climber in my basement, maybe while watching Dr. Phil yell at some woman on daytime television, but I was filled with energy, and didn't want to lock myself up in my basement.

  Besides, it was a beautiful day outside! A gorgeous, sunny day, made even brighter by the possibility of a job. No wonder Whiskers wanted to get out and lay in the sunbeam.

  I tugged a sports bra over my chest, found a pair of leggings that didn't seem to have any overly large holes in awkward locations, and laced up my running shoes. I popped my earbuds into my ears, cranked up some motivating tunes, and headed out to jog around the neighborhood.

  "The judge pulled me aside, said se la vie," I sang out loud as I settled into my run, feeling the comforting thud of my shoes hitting the pavement. "Shut up, shut up, it's a kangaroo court..."

  Up ahead of me, I saw a jogger headed towards me, coming down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. I frowned at him. He was taking up the whole sidewalk, and he wasn't moving aside! Besides, he was dressed all in black, which looked ridiculous on a jogger, even if he was clearly buff underneath it...

  My mouth dropped open. That was Sanford, jogging towards me! I froze for a moment, trying to figure out which way he'd zig-zag around me, but he seemed to have his thoughts turned inward, not even looking forward. I saw his eyes finally dart up and widen as he spotted me, squarely in his path, but it was too late for either of us to dodge.

  "Oof!" I grunted as we collided, and he let out a similar exhalation as the air was knocked out of his lungs. My hand, flailing about, closed on his shirt, and before I could release him, we both tumbled off the sidewalk and onto the grass beside the pa
th. My earbuds slipped out of my ears as we fell, and my Capital Cities music cut off halfway through the song.

  "What the hell?" Sanford was trying to sit up, but I'd fallen across him, holding him down. He pushed at me, even as I still struggled to catch my breath. Man, he was in good shape. I saw a slight sheen of sweat glistening on his exposed arms and around his neck, shimmering in the sun and distracting me a little. "Elaine? What are you doing?"

  "Jogging, same as you!" I retorted, once I'd drawn breath. "At least, I was jogging before you came along, hogging all the sidewalk!"

  "Let me up, you're lying right on top of me!" Sanford's hand reached down, presumably to push me off, but his palm instead landed right on top of my ass. He pulled his hand away immediately, as if touching a hot surface.

  Finally, after a bit of fruitless attempting to gain traction against the slick grass, I managed to roll off of him, and he climbed up to his feet. "Ugh. Unbelievable," I heard him mutter, presumably to himself.

  "Hey, you're at fault here!" I fired back. "What are you doing, running down the middle of the sidewalk and not even looking where you're going?"

  "I'm trying to focus on running!" Sanford looked down at me, and I saw the now almost familiar scowl dance around his face. After a moment, however, he held out his hand to me. I would have felt a little better if he didn't roll his eyes as he did so.

  Still, practicality won out over my injured pride, and I accepted the helping hand. The man pulled me easily up to my feet, and I dusted myself off, checking surreptitiously to make sure there weren't any new rips in my leggings. Fortunately, all the sensitive areas still felt covered.

  "So, uh, did Winston get a chance to talk to you?" I asked, figuring that I might as well take advantage of the chance meeting.

  He raised an eyebrow at me, but didn't say anything.

  "About looking at all of the old furniture in your mansion," I went on, filling up the silence. "I'm a furniture appraiser, although I also do some other stuff. When I was passing through this morning-"

  "You were in my house this morning?" Another thunderous scowl at me. Just smile and push through it, Elaine, I told myself.

  "Whiskers got into your backyard again," I said, as if this was a valid excuse. "Your butler was kind enough to let me in-"

  "He's not my butler-"

  "-but as I was passing through, I noticed that you've got some decent furniture covered up with those sheets," I kept speaking, not letting him interrupt me again. "Winston mentioned that you wanted him to catalog the contents of the house-"

  "I wanted him to throw the junk out-"

  "-and I could help out," I finished. "I have very reasonable rates."

  Sanford kept on glaring down at me. It was horrendously intimidating, but a little part of me wondered if he ever smiled, if he even had the capability to feel joy. Maybe he was an evil robot, just here to look distractingly handsome and glare at young women who hadn't done anything wrong. I forced myself to look back, not to break my gaze and pull away like every fiber of my being wanted to do.

  Finally, just as my courage felt about to give out, Sanford sighed and dropped his angry look. "Can you come over later this afternoon to take a closer look, give me a quote on what this whole thing will cost me?" he asked.

  I nodded so energetically that I probably looked like a bobblehead. "Oh, yes. Just let me know what time you want me there, and I'll show up!" I glanced down at my outfit. "And I'll dress more professionally than this," I added.

  Sandford looked at my outfit, and for just a second, I could have sworn that he was off balance. What, hadn't he seen a woman in a sports bra and leggings before? An instant later, I remembered how he was fabulously loaded, and guessed that he probably wasn't used to seeing someone who wasn't a size zero.

  Well, screw him. It wasn't my fault that I sometimes needed a big bowlful of ice cream after a stressful day. At least Whiskers didn't judge me.

  "Come over after dinner," Sanford said, after spending just a second too long looking at my outfit. I nodded again, doing my best to ignore any judgment in his eyes. "Just a quick walk-through, and I don't want this getting spread all over town," he warned.

  "Spread all over town?" I did my best to look innocent. "What do you mean?"

  He sighed, reaching up and massaging the bridge of his nose between his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. For some reason, the gesture made his big, muscular forearm flex, and I nearly went cross-eyed as my vision shot right to it.

  "I know that the people in this town love to gossip, and that no secret stays that way for long," he said after lowering his arm. "While I don't expect anything I do to truly stay secret, I'd appreciate if you tried to keep down any rumors about me, based on whatever belongings might have been left in the house before I moved in." His eyes glittered at me. "Understand?"

  I wasn't sure that I did, not really, but I still nodded. It sounded like I might actually manage to get hired, and I didn't want to trip on my face after getting this far. "Well, I'll see you tonight, then," I offered. "Enjoy your run!"

  "Yeah, right," he grunted, but at least he wasn't needling me about my thighs or my appearance. He gave his head a little shake, and then moved over to the side so I could resume running.

  I did so, but as I resumed jogging away, I could have sworn that I felt his eyes lingering on me, watching me from behind as I ran. He wasn't staring at me, was he? Could Sanford Welles, mysterious man of stormy dark glares and unreasonable anger, be checking out my ass?

  I risked a glance back over my shoulder, just in time to see him running. I could have sworn that I saw him turning back to face away from me, but it might have just been my imagination. Probably was, I decided. No way that wealthy, dark and stormy Sanford was bothering to check me out.

  Slipping my earbuds back into my ears, I hit "play" on my music again. "Love in the middle of a firefight," I called out to myself, continuing my jog around the neighborhood, slowly circling back towards my house.

  I arrived back home, sweaty and exhausted but feeling a little better about myself. Sanford hadn't said no, after all! He might have glared at me, but I figured that he did that to everyone he met, and he still seemed willing to give me a chance to appraise the stuff in his house. And from the sound of it, he didn't want most of the items - which meant that I could hopefully persuade him to let me sell the valuable pieces. It would net him some quick cash, not that he needed it - and, more importantly, it would net me a fat commission!

  "A good workout, overall!" I told Whiskers, as he sat on top of my bed and dozed in and out of consciousness. "And Sanford might give us a job so that we can afford to keep you in the fancy cat food!"

  He blinked at me to signal his understanding before putting his head back down and blissfully closing his eyes.

  I peeled off my workout clothes and stepped into the shower. Hopefully, my professional outfit hadn't gotten too sweaty during its brief usage this morning, and I could wear it again this evening. I hummed a few more bars of the last song playing on my music before I got home as I stepped into the steaming, streaming water.

  Alone in the hot water, thoughts of Sanford crept, unbidden, back into my head. I hesitated for a second, picturing that angry glare, but then I thought instead about his broad shoulders, about that momentary feel of his hard muscles when I fell on top of him. About his hand, resting on my ass and curling around me like it belonged there.

  I definitely ought not to be fantasizing about this man, especially when he might be my future employer. Still, the hot water on my sore muscles felt so good after that run, and why not indulge myself for a minute?

  As long as I didn't have to listen to the actual Sanford saying anything, I thought to myself.

  Chapter Eight


  That evening, dressed once again in my most professional outfit, I did my best to calm my nerves as they grew increasingly frayed with each second of standing on the front porch of the Winterhearst mansion. I bounced up and down on the
balls of my feet, trying to listen for footsteps on the other side of the heavy front door and wondering if I should push the doorbell again, if it even worked.

  Just as I started to stretch my finger out towards the buzzer button again, however, Winston drew the door open, giving me his professional little smile. "Ah, Miss Dean, right on time. Please, come in."

  I stepped into the front hall of the big house. Winston closed the door behind me, and I gulped as I heard the deadbolt slide shut. I tried not to think about how I felt locked inside this mansion, locked in with Sanford.

  "Mister Welles will be right out to meet you," Winston informed me with another little half-bow, and then he turned and ducked around a corner before I could respond. I stood there, waiting, in the hall, all on my own.

  Of course, I didn't sit still for long. I glanced off to the side, and saw a room filled with covered furniture, just waiting for me to take a look. Heck, those covered pieces practically called out to me, urging me to walk over and take a quick little peek under their sheets!

  I didn't see any sign of Sanford, so why not take a quick little look? Besides, he wanted me to go around and look at all the stuff anyway, so why not get started while I waited for him to appear?

  I strolled casually into the dusty room, wondering what it had been before someone pushed all the furniture against the wall and covered them with sheets. Maybe a sitting room of some sort, I decided, looking at the big windows that looked out onto the street. I bent forward, grabbing a corner of the big sheet draped over the furniture, and lifted it up.

  "Getting started without me?" asked a voice behind me, and I nearly hit my head on a lamp as I jerked up and spun around.

  And there stood Sanford, his arms crossed as he frowned at me. I tried to tell myself that I hadn't been doing anything wrong, but my heart still beat faster at how he had snuck up on me. I took in his dark jeans and buttoned white shirt. Along with his black curls and strong jawline, he looked like a pirate captain, stepping straight off the cover of some old paperback romance novel.


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