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Mahabharata Vol. 1 (Penguin Translated Texts)

Page 54

by Debroy, Bibek

  69 Purochana.

  70 Kunti.

  71 Purochana.

  72 Purochana.

  73 Yudhishthira and Arjuna.

  74 Bhishma.

  75 Dhritarashtra.

  76Shukra and shuchi mean the summer season. Specifically, shukra is the month of Jyeshtha. Shuchi is a general term for the hot season, the months of Jyeshtha and Ashada.

  77 The word used for large tree is vanaspati, which means lord of the forest.

  78 That is, the others.

  79 Duryodhana.

  80Nyagrodha. Can also be translated as banyan tree.

  81 He was speaking to Yudhishthira.

  82 Arjuna.

  1 The Pandavas.

  2 A very tall and stately tree.

  3 Kunti.

  4 From the tree.

  5 This is the sister, not named thus far. The avoidance of diacritical marks makes it difficult to differentiate the brother from the sister. The brother is Hidimba, while the sister is Hidimbaa. In the translation, Hidimba will be used for both, since the context will make it clear which one is meant, and Hidimbaa seems forced.

  6 Kama, the god of love. He has no body because he was burnt to ashes by Shiva.

  7 The god of love.

  8 His sister.

  9 The Pandavas.

  10 The Pandavas.

  11 The god of love.

  12 Arjuna.

  13 Bhima. As a son of Pritha, Bhima is also Partha.

  14 The time of daybreak.

  15 Maya.

  16 Bhima.

  17 Bhima.

  18 Duryodhana.

  19 The Pandavas.

  20 Maya.

  21 The god of love.

  22 The implication of this statement is that Hidimba would not survive if she did not get Bhima.

  23 Sacred lake near Mount Kailasha.


  25 This probably means that Hidimba made the kind of agreement that Ghatotkacha did, that she would return whenever they needed her.

  26 Indra. Indra gave Karna a weapon that was later used to kill Ghatotkacha and could therefore not be used against Arjuna, since the weapon could only be used once.

  27 The Pandavas.

  28 They hastened when their disguise was threatened and travelled slowly when there was no danger.

  29 Texts about morals and ethics.

  30 Vedavyasa.

  31 The Pandavas.

  32 The sons of Pritha, that is, the Pandavas.

  33 Vyasa.

  34 Royal sacrifice.

  35 Horse-sacrifice.

  36 The eldest, Yudhishthira.

  1 Kunti.

  2 Kunti.

  3 The distress, caused by the terror of a rakshasa.

  4 The name of a famous cow, in particular the cow which grants all that one desires (kamadhenu).

  5 The Brahmana’s wife.

  6 The wife, the son or the daughter.

  7 There is a hell (naraka) named punnama. Those who do not have offspring are destined to go there. It is because a child (son) saves the ancestors from going to punnama that the name putra is given.

  8 To the rakshasa.

  9 The ancestors. That is, by surviving.

  10 In this context, relatives means the immediate family.

  11 This is an argument to explain why the Brahmana did not go and live somewhere else.

  12 Wishing to learn the secret of the power.

  13 Kunti.

  14 In the sense of restoring life.

  15 Bhima. Anila is the wind-god.

  16 The other Pandavas had gone out, in search of alms. From the subsequent conversation, Yudhishthira had not gone out either. It was only Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva who were absent.

  17 Bhima’s.

  18 Bhima.

  19 Bhima.

  20 Ayuta; can also be translated as many.

  21 Indra’s weapon.

  22 The rakshasa.

  23 The rakshasa’s.

  24 Baka.

  25 Yudhishthira.

  1 Ceremony where the bride chooses her own groom. He told them that the svayamvara was being planned.

  2 Yajnasena is one of Drupada’s names.

  3 Droupadi.

  4 The Pandavas.

  5 The visiting Brahmana.

  6 Dhrishtadyumna.

  7 Drona and Drupada.

  8 A brahmachari. Because he had been a brahmachari, he had immense powers.

  9Drona. A drona was used to carry water and can also be translated as a vessel, rather than cup.

  10 The son of Prishata, hence Drupada.

  11 Parashurama.

  12 That is, going away to the forest after giving away all his wealth.

  13 Parashurama.

  14 Drona.

  15 Another name for Hastinapura.

  16 Chhatravati is another name for Ahichhatra, which was the capital of the kingdom of Panchala.

  17 Drupada.

  18 As will become evident later, Drupada’s wife accompanied him on his travels.

  19 That is, his sons.

  20 The word snataka has many nuances. Here it means a Brahmana who has completed his first course of study.

  21 Drupada.

  22 Arbuda, which means 100 million.

  23 Jamadagni’s son is Parashurama.

  24 This inconsistency in the number of cows offered to Yaja exists in the text.

  25 Drupada.

  26 A qualification is needed for this translation. The word used is mithuna, and what seems to be suggested is an act of intercourse between the queen and Yaja. One can also translate this sentence as, ‘The time for the twins has arrived’, meaning the births of Droupadi and Dhrishtadyumna, but this doesn’t seem to be very natural as a translation.

  27 Krosha, a little over 2 miles.

  28Dhrishtata means courage and confidence, and dyumna means splendour, glory or lustre.

  29 Drona.

  30 In an earlier life.

  31 Another name for Shankara.

  32 Vyasa.

  33 Arjuna.

  34 The sound of their footsteps.

  35 Muhurta.

  36 Of the night.

  37Kunapa. This can also mean those who smell like corpses and is therefore also used as a contemptuous term for those who are alive.

  38 Shatakratu is a performer of 100 sacrifices and is one of Indra’s names.

  39 There was no danger from this revelation of identity, since it wouldn’t have reached the Kouravas.

  40 One with an adorned chariot; ratha is chariot.

  41 One whose chariot has been burnt.

  42Chakshu means eye. That is the reason the knowledge is called chakshushi.

  43 The word used in the text is yaviyasa, which means Shudra.

  44 The word vadava means a mare.

  45 This is now a reference to the horses the gandharva is giving.

  46 Bibhatsu is one of Arjuna’s names.

  47 An explanation is needed about the giving of a weapon. This act of giving doesn’t involve the physical act of giving something and has more to do with teaching the mantras required to release and withdraw a weapon. Therefore, giving a weapon away did not mean that the giver ceased to possess it. What was being given was the knowledge.

  48 Keep fire burning in the household.

  49 Indra.

  50 Descendant of Tapati’s lineage.

  51 The next sentence makes it clear that this is the sun-god.

  52 The sun.

  53 The one with many rays; a name for the sun.

  54 A name for the sun.

  55 Another name for Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.

  56 The word used is rambha, which means a plantain tree. Thus, one with thighs like a plantain tree. However, Rambha is also the name of a beautiful apsara and one can also translate this as one with thighs like those of Rambha.

  57 A name for the sun.

  58 This can mean different things. It can mean a rainbow, described as Indra’s bow (Shakra is another name
for Indra), when the time is right for a rainbow. Alternatively, it can mean a flag erected when the time is right for Indra’s festival.

  59 Vashishtha.

  60 The sun.

  61 A name for the sun.

  62 A name for the sun.

  63 A name for the sun.

  64 A name for the sun.

  65 Gopati means lord of cows and is another name for the sun.

  66 Samvarana.

  67 Indra.

  68 Samvarana.

  69 Indra.

  70 Indra.

  71 Vashishtha’s.

  72 Vishvamitra and his sons are known as the Kushikas. Kushika was Vishvamitra’s grandfather. According to some accounts, Kushika was Vishvamitra’s father.

  73 The six different tastes are katu (pungent), amla (sour), madhur (sweet), lavana (salty), tikta (bitter) and kashaya (astringent).

  74 Vishvamitra.

  75 In this shloka, the cow’s name is given as Nandi. However, Nandini is more common and subsequent shlokas say Nandini.

  76 Vishvamitra.

  77 Vashishtha.

  78 The vow of being forgiving.

  79 Often used as a term for the Persians.

  80 Mountain-dwelling barbarians.

  81 Often identified with Scythians.

  82 Often identified with Greeks.

  83 Mountainous tribes who lived through hunting.

  84 Inhabitants from the south.

  85 Identified with the inhabitants of Sri Lanka.

  86 Barbarians.

  87 Inhabitants of a country to the north.

  88 Barbarians, non-Aryans, those who did not speak Sanskrit.

  89 Vishvamitra.

  90 Nectar, ambrosia, the beverage of the gods.

  91 In the sense that the king should have yielded the way to a Brahmana.

  92 Officiating priest to King Kalmashapada.

  93 Vishvamitra.

  94 Shakti.

  95 Kalmashapada.

  96Mitrasaha can also be translated as ‘with his friends’. However, no friends have been mentioned. So Mitrasaha is more likely to be one of Kalmashapada’s names.

  97Pasha means noose or bond and Vipasha is something that frees one from a bond. Vipasha is identified with the river Beas.

  98 Himavati can be the specific name for a river. Alternatively, it can also be a general term for any river descending from the Himalayas.

  99 Shatadru is a river with a hundred streams and is identified as the river Sutlej.

  100 This is a reference to the six Vedangas.

  101 To his hermitage. The unblemished one is Vashishtha.

  102 Vashishtha.

  103 Kalmashapada.

  104 Rahu.

  105 The word used is sandhya, which can mean dawn, as well as dusk.

  106 This story is taken up later, and we learn why Kalmashapada requested Vashishtha to impregnate the queen.

  107 The king.

  108 Meaning the king, who had now been freed from the curse of the rakshasa.

  109 One of the twenty-seven nakshatras.

  110 Indra’s capital.

  111Parasu means lifeless or dead.

  112 Shakti’s son Parashara.

  113 The Brahmanas.

  114 There are fourteen lokas (worlds). Seven are above the ground and seven are below. This is a reference to the seven that are above the ground—bhurloka, bhuvarloka, svarloka, maharloka, janarloka, taparloka and brahmaloka (satyaloka).

  115 That is, unless something is done about the anger.

  116 Of dharma, artha and kama.

  117 A horse is vadava and a horse’s head is called vadavamukha, mukha meaning face. This submarine fire is thus called vadavamukha. Since anala means fire, it is also called vadavanala.

  118 Shakti’s son Parashara.

  119 Because they had nothing to do with Shakti’s death.

  120 Kalmashapada.

  1 Victory interpreted as winning Droupadi’s hand.

  2 Droupadi.

  3 One of Arjuna’s names.


  5 Agallochum, a soft, resinous wood with an aromatic smell burnt as perfume.

  6 That is, those of the lunar dynasty, an epithet for the Panchalas.

  7 Kandarpa, one of the names of the god of love.

  8 Droupadi.

  9 Kubera.

  10 The giant birds in general.

  11 The nagas.

  12 Semi-divine species.

  13 Celestial singers.

  14 Halayudha is one of Balarama’s names. Hala means plough, ayudha means weapon. Halayudha is one with the plough as one’s weapon.

  15 Krishna.

  16 Krishna.

  17 Balarama.

  18 Another name of Arjuna’s.

  19 Therefore, they did not notice the Pandavas.

  20 Pritha is Kunti’s name and only Yudhishthira, Bhima and Arjuna were Kunti’s sons. Nakula and Sahadeva were Madri’s sons.


  22 The science of archery. In general, the knowledge of arms.

  23 Varnas; the Shudras are not mentioned here.

  24 Indra.

  25 Bhima and Arjuna, who had not left the assembly. Arjuna had only left the arena.

  26 Krishna.

  27 Bhima.

  28 Usually a name used for Krishna, but here used for Balarama.

  29Karaka, more specifically, water pots made out of coconut shells.

  30 One of Karna’s names.

  31 Radha’s son, that is, Karna.

  32 In the shower of arrows, because they were swiftly shooting arrows at each other.

  33 Parashurama.

  34 Dhanur Veda.

  35 Indra.

  36 Indra.

  37 Arjuna.

  38 Arjuna.

  39 Purandara is Indra’s name. Hence, Indra’s weapon.

  40 With this wonderful feat.

  41 Kripa was Sharadvata’s son.

  42 It is not very clear who this Brahmana leading the way is, and must be a reference to Dhoumya.

  43 Krishna.

  44 Balarama.

  45 One without enemies, Yudhishthira’s epithet.

  46 One of Yudhishthira’s names.

  47 Kunti.

  48 Meaning, the south. This is a reference to the sage Agastya’s journey to the south.

  49 In the morning.

  50 The own varna means a Kshatriya. The higher varna means a Brahmana.

  51 The word used is vama, which means left, as well as lower being. In this context, lower being seems best.

  52 The word ‘sons’ is used here in the sense of descendants.

  53 The daityas. Although the word Indra isn’t directly used, the suggestion is clearly that he resembled Indra.

  54 The kings.

  55 Yudhishthira, Nakula and Sahadeva, who had returned earlier.

  56 Synonym for kusha grass.

  57 Yudhishthira.

  58 The priest.


  60 Tribe, family or race, for want of a better word.

  1 The messenger.

  2 The Pandavas.

  3 Drupada.

  4 That is, to find out the caste they belonged to.

  5 Drupada.

  6 Semi-divine species.

  7 Droupadi.

  8 The arrangement for the marriage would depend on what caste the Pandavas came from.

  9 Drupada.

  10 Drupada.

  11 The Pandavas. Drupada assured them that he would help them get back their kingdom.

  12 Varanavata.

  13 Yudhishthira.

  14 Drupada.

  15 The Pandavas.

  16 Arjuna.

  17 Arjuna.

  18 Dhrishtadyumna. The text is such that it could also mean Drupada, ruler of Panchala.

  19 Krishna Dvaipayana.

  20 The text actually says bipeds.

  21 Meaning probably Drupada. Parshata is a family name, used for both Drupada and Dhrishtadyumna.

  22 Kunti’s so
n, Yudhishthira.

  23 Drupada’s.

  24 Yama.

  25 Meaning, human beings.

  26 Indra.

  27 Brahma.

  28 The gods.

  29Pundarika, usually a white lotus.

  30 The river Ganga.

  31 Indra, the vajra is Indra’s weapon.

  32 Indra.

  33 Indra.

  34 The king of mountains (giriraja) means high and lofty mountains, but is also a name for the Himalayas.

  35 Indra.

  36 The other god. As will become clear, this other god was none other than Shiva or Mahadeva.

  37 Indra.

  38 Shiva or Mahadeva; literally the lord of the mountains.

  39 One of Indra’s names; literally the performer of a hundred sacrifices.

  40 Indra.

  41 Shiva.

  42 Indra.

  43 Shiva.

  44 Lakshmi.

  45 The five Indras.

  46 Shiva.

  47 Narayana.

  48 Narayana.

  49 The white hair.

  50 Arjuna.

  51 Shiva.

  52 Shiva.

  53 Parshata is one of Drupada’s names.

  54 Brahma.

  55 Of many husbands.

  56 Vyasa.

  57 Drupada.

  58 Dhoumya.

  59 Yudhishthira.

  60 That is, Bhima got married on the next day, Arjuna on the next, and so on.

  61 Vyasa.


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