One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1) Page 6

by Yumoyori Wilson

She turned back to continue where she left off with her blow job, and I left the room as silently as I could.

  When the door clicked shut, I stayed where I was, still trying to process what had just happened. He can't be serious. He didn't just give me the freedom to do what I want? What I...Me...Xia...wants to do? No. This is a trap. Must be.

  I hadn't realized I'd begun walking back to our room until I bumped into someone.

  "Xia?" Minsu asked.

  "Xia? Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

  Crying? Who? Me? Lifting my hand to my face, I felt the wetness on my warm cheeks and a droplet fell on my finger.

  I didn't even know I was crying and acknowledging it only made more tears fall as I stared at Minsu and Minso in disbelief.

  "I...I'm.." Words wouldn't justify how lost I felt. It was weird to say I didn't know what to do.

  Was this a punishment? Was he letting go of me? Does he not want me anymore? That's why he's letting me go, right? What if he's doing all of this to give me a taste of freedom just to take it all away from me? What do I do? What should I do?

  The sisters exchanged a glance and slipped their hands into my free ones to pull me into our bedroom. When the door was closed and locked, they moved me to the bed to sit.

  "Xia, breathe. What's wrong?" Minsu asked while Minso gently rubbed my back.

  "Master...Master said I can...can be a Reaper without being here in the shrine. I- I can live outside these walls and come and go as I please. I'll be summoned when I'm needed. That's my new role."

  Just saying the words were making it hard to breathe, and I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself.

  Why panic? He's not going to kill me, is he? Should I be worried to sleep, or even eat? Is he going to cut me off? What should I possibly do?

  "Xia, calm down," Minso soothed, pulling me into her arms as I rested my head on her shoulder.

  "I feel lost. So lost. What do I do? Is this real? He can't seriously be okay with this? For me to be an independent Reaper. I can get a place of my own and be called upon when I'm needed. A privilege he's giving to me because I've been loyal to How, how, how?" I asked through sobs.

  My whole life revolved around this world. The dark, tainted world of a Reaper of Beauty. The ugly truth about women being used to lie, track, and kill anyone who dares bother Master. We were his puppets, sex slaves, and the ones who'd die by his hands if we disobeyed him.

  Now that I was given "freedom" I didn't know what to do. To stay or to follow his new command and opportunity to live a double life. Would I want to live outside these walls?

  "Xia, calm down. This is good news. Don't cry." I could feel Minsu’s hand stroke my head while Minso rubbed my back as I continued to cry.

  I felt a bit stupid for feeling like a lost puppy who'd been abandoned by their Master, but this had been my life. It still was, and the uncertainty of whether I would be killed later sent spikes of anxiety through me.

  The two were quiet for a bit, allowing me to sob which I was grateful for. I just needed a few minutes to cry and think about all of this. To determine whether I could even handle the real world outside these walls.

  Money wasn't a problem, and finding a place would be easy. It was the sheer reality that this was finally happening that was making me doubt if this were even real. If I was still dreaming and I'd wake up to realize it was all just my imagination.

  There were days where I'd look at a condo building and wonder if I'd ever get to experience what it felt like to live in one. To be able to go on dates or to late night parties and clubs on my own schedule and not after killing a group of people and asking Master for permission.

  Twenty-five years of taking orders and I may have finally been giving the opportunity to enjoy how it was to be a normal person.

  When I finally calmed, I pulled away to see the sisters’ wide smiles. I had a hunch that Minju had telepathically told them what happened.

  "Did Minju explain?" I asked.

  They both nodded. "Yup."

  Minso hugged me tightly. "You're free, Xia! You shouldn't be crying."

  "But it could be a trap. It has to be. He wouldn't let me go free."

  "I think it's legit," Minsu whispered. Minso and I pulled back to look at Minsu.

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Last week, a man had come by saying he was going to be bringing some new women in to become Reapers and also proposed the idea that Master starts having Reapers live as double agents. I only got a bit of the conversation after that, but the man must have known Master for a long time. He knows Xia is his daughter."

  I frowned. "See? This is a trap."

  Minso stroked her chin as she looked deep in thought. "Maybe he's protecting you."

  "Huh?" I replied.

  "Protecting Xia by letting her live outside the shrine?" Minsu questioned, looking just as confused as me. "Sorry, Sis. You're the smart one, but that doesn't sound right."

  "No, it makes sense. Think about it. New Reapers could potentially put Xia at risk. They'll want to sabotage or even get rid of Xia to be Master's favorite. We haven't had new women in a long time. He could be doing this to protect his precious Reaper who has never failed him. Xia's like a diamond in a field of rocks, and he's technically her dad. Even if he's somewhat evil, would he want to kill his daughter who's been able to achieve 1000 Lies? I think not," Minso justified.

  " don't think he's getting rid of me?" I asked.

  Minso shook her head. "Nope. Not a chance. You're too valuable to him. We rarely have any Reapers at 1000 Lies or more. They've either died or are dealing with health problems. You’re his best bet and he'll totally keep you."

  "That kinda makes sense, and having a few Reapers outside of the shrine could have some benefits. Giving Master a chance to retrieve information regarding what's happening in the outside world," Minsu replied.

  "What should I do now, then? And I'm sorry, you two should be heading to your assignment," I admitted.

  "We're fine. We’ve still got some time." Minsu shrugged.

  "We need at least a shot together to celebrate your success!" Minso declared and hugged me. "GROUP HUG!' she cheered with glee.

  I felt Minsu squish me from the other side, and I laughed while more tears ran down my cheeks. "I love you guys so much."

  "We love you more, silly." Minso hummed.

  Minsu sighed. "Now stop crying. You rarely show emotion. It's making me wonder if you're broken."

  "404 ERROR- CRYING OVERLOAD. 404 ERROR," I said in a robotic tone, and they laughed at my antics.

  "Don't you two have a mission?" I reminded.

  "And leave our Xia crying in the hall, looking like a lost soul? Uh, no thanks."

  "Our mission can wait a few minutes. We always go early anyway. Wipe those tears away and text Xander."

  "Wait, WHAT?! Why would I text him?" I exclaimed, pulling back to look at them.

  They grinned in unison. "Xia, you are FREE and off tonight. Go get fucking laid by a man who looks at you like a damn pop tart!" Minsu declared.

  "I don't know if I like pop tarts," I mumbled.

  "Jeez, fine! A chocolate fountain of strawberries with wine on the side. Happy?" Minso rolled her eyes, but her grin broke out into a gleaming white-toothed smile.

  "THAT sounds much better." I giggled. Getting the night off to enjoy a man who knows which hole to put his cock in? Totally worth it.

  "Wouldn't he think I'm weird to text him?" I asked, feeling more like a lost teenager than a 25-year-old woman.

  I never dated someone unless it was for some benefit. What am I supposed to ask him? Also, would he even want to see me?

  "Just ask if he's free tonight," they said together.

  I pouted my lips but slid off the bed to get my phone that was on the charging dock next to my bed. I reached out and unlocked the screen, my fingers tapping "Contacts" and pressed the message icon under Xander's name.


  "Hey. You free tonight?"
/>   "Alright, I did it. You two should go. It's not like he's going to reply immed-" The ding sound went off, cutting my sentence off. I returned my gaze to my phone,


  "Can be. You're free?"

  I gawked at the screen, unsure what I should say. Minso and Minsu shuffled over to where I was, putting their heads on my shoulders.

  "Xia! Type back!" Minsu exclaimed.

  "Right!! Tell him, yes sugar daddy I'm all yours!" Minso purred.

  "I'm not saying that." I huffed but began to type a reply.


  "Yes. No plans. Can we meet?"

  * * *


  "Of course. Say when and where and I'll be there."

  I bit my lip, unsure where we'd even go. I wasn't hungry yet, or in the mood to dance.

  "What do I say? I don't feel like doing anything," I admitted to the others.

  "Anything but sex!" Minsu exclaimed.

  "His place!" Minso replied.

  "He's NOT going to let me come over to HIS place. I'm a stranger," I countered.

  "You're a stranger that he was grinding up against the wall and kissing like it was our last moment on earth. Ask him!" Minsu ordered.

  With a groan, I typed away, hoping this wasn't going to screw me over.


  "Your place?"

  I gulped as I watched the three dotted bubble, knowing he was typing something.


  "Sure. White or red wine?"

  "HE SAID YESSS!" Minso and Minsu squealed, moving back to jump up and down and gave each other high fives.

  "He....said sure? Oh shit. What wine do I like?" I asked, feeling like a teenager. He wants to see me. Do I bring a gun? Would I need weapons? I wonder if that would be a turnoff?

  "You like both, but red is perfect before sex," Minsu revealed.

  "What if it's after sex?" I asked.

  "White," Minso declared.

  "Do I bring weapons?" I asked. "Oh...what do I wear?!"

  "Answer him back fool. Wear something sexy," Minso and Minsu answered.

  "Right!" I replied.


  "Surprise me."

  * * *


  "Will do. See you soon.”

  A grin formed on my lips as the sisters squealed and rushed over to the closet to find something for me to wear. "You two have a MISSION!" I reminded.

  "And YOU have a hot date!" they hollered back, which made me grin in delight.

  Just this once, I'll enjoy tonight like it's my last.

  I took a deep breath, staring up at the five-story condo complex. Xander had sent me a text with his address and said he’d be home by the time I got there.

  I decided to Uber it and had to endure the far too many security checkpoints to reach this point. With a slight nod, I made my way up the stairs towards the entrance.

  Two security guards stood in front of the entrance, both of them watching my every step as my heels ensured my presence was known.

  When I reached the rotating doors, one of the guards raised his hand out. "This is a restricted building for invited guests only."

  I raised an eyebrow at him. "That's not what Google states."

  The other security guard moved to stand before me, blocking my path to the entrance. "Google is a stupid website that doesn't update shit. Invited guest only."

  I crossed my arms and tilted my head, giving the best innocent look I could muster with my lack of patience. "Google is the reason why people can even find this place with all the security measures you and your team have instituted, and I was informed by the search engine that there would be three different security checks upon entry. I suggest you update your website and add 'Invites Only' for the fourth check in so people like me are aware," I said with a strict tone, narrowing my red eyes on the two of them.

  Security my ass. I could have knocked both of them out in two seconds.

  "Why don't you take your cheeky ass-"

  "Insults don't pay my bills, nor are they going to make me move from this spot. Play nice boys. I can take both of you out with my eyes closed," I threatened.

  "What did you-"

  "Xia, babe."

  I shifted my attention from the security guard who stood on my right with his hand raised, to see Xander leaning against the glass door to my right. He wore black sweatpants that clung to his muscled legs, and his top half was bare. Droplets of sweat rolled down his sculpted body like he'd just returned from an intense workout session. Probably a run, but a girl who loves martial arts could dream he’d been kicking ass.

  I knew he had some muscle, but he hid it well with the fitted clothing he'd been wearing the last time I saw him. His rock hard abs were a sight to see, and the V that snuck out from his waistband made me a little excited to get away from these security guards and head up to have a passionate session of hard fucking.

  My gaze lifted to meet his silver ones which moments ago were black; my heart just loved the way those orbs changed color in a similar fashion to mine.

  Both security guards turned toward Xander and immediately straightened. "Mr. Zhou! Welcome back from your run. We're dealing with some interference. Please don't worry about it."

  "She's my guest," Xander announced. A sly grin formed on my lips as the two security guards blushed and looked between Xander and me. "Sir...she didn't have an invite."

  "There's only four of us who live here. Why would I need to give my guests an invite to visit me? I didn't add that as a security measure on Google."

  The tall 6'8" men looked flustered by Xander's comment, and my confident grin widened.

  "You need stronger security guards. They're weak," I declared. Xander lifted an eyebrow at me, and the two guards glared at me like I'd insulted their manhood. Bet they have small cocks, too.

  "Excuse me?"

  "We are PROFESSIONALLY trained."

  With an eye roll, I moved so quickly neither realized my plans until the guard on the left was on the floor with my heel against the side of his face, and the other had his hands behind his back with my arm around his neck, ready to finish the blow.

  "Fuck." The guard on the ground cursed, trying to move, but my heel was inches away from his jugular vein and with one wrong move, he'd be in a pool of his blood and dead by the time the ambulance found this place and made it past the three security checks.

  "Let go. You...proved your point." The man in my neck hold coughed.

  "Raise your hand at me again, and I'll make sure I teach you a lesson in being professionally trained," I whispered, my threatening voice making goosebumps appear on his tanned skin.

  "Yes, Ma'am." He coughed. I looked down at the guard on the floor, and he patted the cement like this was WWE Smackdown. With a sigh, I let them go, returning to my spot and standing there as if nothing had happened.

  A laugh broke out, and I looked to my right to see a tall man with brown hair. He stood at 6'7" with his short brown hair spiked up and his bright blue eyes twinkling with enjoyment. He was Japanese and had an extremely fit body, his biceps stretching out his black polo shirt that was semi-fitted. He wore black jeans with a white design of a dragon running down his left pant leg. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, or at least not much older than 27, but his overall fit appearance would make you think he was older without better judgment.

  He was clapping his hands while his glittering eyes were locked onto me. "Two seconds. If you gave her a third, you both would have been dead. I thought I had trained both of you to never leave yourself open."

  "Mr. Kobayashi!" The men both declared as they scrambled to look somewhat decent before they both bowed.

  "Who'd like to explain to me why Xander is waiting to be let in and a beautiful woman is standing at the entrance like she needs an invite to enter?" Mr. Kobayashi asked.

  Both men fidgeted in their spot and Xander spoke up. "They told her she needed an invite."

? There's only four of us here. We already have three other security measures in place. Did you write that on Google?"

  "Google isn't a good source, apparently." I lifted my arms up in a shrugging gesture and looked at the security guard who'd raised his hand at me. "He said it’s shit. I wouldn't know as I own a few stocks in Google and 7 billion people use it on the daily," I commented and lowered my arms.

  This made Mr. Kobayashi laugh harder. "Smart one. I have some stocks in Google myself. Guess if Google was shit, I'd be quite the idiot to invest a large sum of money into them." He shrugged, walking over to where I stood.

  Both security guards bowed in shame at Mr. Kobayashi, who gave them a searing look. "4 AM tomorrow. You'll be here dressed and ready to train until every muscle hurts. I can't have two security guards who use their lips more than their fists. Understood?"

  "Yes, Sir!" they both exclaimed.

  Mr. Kobayashi stood next to me and gave me a sweet smile. "Now, why don't we get our guest inside. It's rather chilly tonight, and we've been rude to let her stand out here in a beautiful dress."

  Xander grinned, walking over to where we stood while the security guards rushed to open the glass door instead of letting us go through the rotating ones.

  "Dante, this is Miss Su." Xander introduced me.

  I smiled and reached out my hand to shake Dante's. "Please, call me Xia. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kobayashi."

  "Please, call me Dante. It’s refreshing to meet a woman who knows martial arts at the assassin level." He winked, making sure his voice was low enough that the guards didn't hear him, which only made me smile wider.

  He was definitely attractive up close, and though he didn't have a strong "fuck me now" vibe like I was dealing with Xander, I wasn't going to deny the fact I was interested. Jeez, get a chance to enjoy a night and crush on every hot man I see, which has only been two so far. Not bad though...Xander and Dante.

  Dante and I shook hands and Xander offered his hand to me. "I'm a little sweaty, but why don't we go inside? Dante can give you a tour while I shower."


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